private void ShowNodeCommandGUI(Paths _target, int i) { if (_target.nodeCommands.Count > i) { if (_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.InScene) { _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene, + "_OnReachNode_" + i.ToString(), "", "The Cutscene to run when the node is reached"); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } else { _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset, + "_OnReachNode_" + i.ToString(), "", "The ActionList asset to run when the node is reached"); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } if ((_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.InScene && _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene != null) || (_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.AssetFile && _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset != null)) { _target.nodeCommands[i].pausesCharacter = CustomGUILayout.Toggle("Character waits during?", _target.nodeCommands[i].pausesCharacter, string.Empty, "If True, then the character moving along the path will stop moving while the cutscene is run"); } } }
private void ArrowGUI(Arrow arrow, ActionListSource source, string label) { if (arrow != null) { ArrowPrompt _target = (ArrowPrompt)target; arrow.isPresent = CustomGUILayout.Toggle("Provide?", arrow.isPresent, "", "If True, the Arrow is defined and used in the ArrowPrompt"); if (arrow.isPresent) { arrow.texture = (Texture2D)CustomGUILayout.ObjectField <Texture2D> ("Icon texture:", arrow.texture, true, "", "The texture to draw on-screen"); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (source == ActionListSource.InScene) { arrow.linkedCutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Linked Cutscene", arrow.linkedCutscene, + ": " + label, "The Cutscene to run when the Arrow is triggered"); } else if (source == ActionListSource.AssetFile) { arrow.linkedActionList = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("Linked ActionList:", arrow.linkedActionList, + "_" + label, "", "The ActionList asset to run when the Arrow is triggered"); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } }
override public void SkipActionGUI(List <Action> actions, bool showGUI) { if (numSockets < 0) { numSockets = 0; } if (numSockets < endings.Count) { endings.RemoveRange(numSockets, endings.Count - numSockets); } else if (numSockets > endings.Count) { if (numSockets > endings.Capacity) { endings.Capacity = numSockets; } for (int i = endings.Count; i < numSockets; i++) { ActionEnd newEnd = new ActionEnd(); newEnd.resultAction = ResultAction.Stop; endings.Add(newEnd); } } foreach (ActionEnd ending in endings) { if (showGUI) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); int i = endings.IndexOf(ending) + 1; ending.resultAction = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(GetSocketLabel(i), (ResultAction)ending.resultAction); } if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { ending.linkedAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", ending.linkedAsset); } else { ending.linkedCutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", ending.linkedCutscene); } } else if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionGUI(ending, actions, showGUI); } /*else * { * EditorGUILayout.Space (); * EditorGUILayout.Space (); * EditorGUILayout.Space (); * }*/ } }
protected void AfterRunningOption() { EditorGUILayout.Space(); endAction = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("After running:", (ResultAction)endAction); if (endAction == ResultAction.RunCutscene) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAsset); } else { linkedCutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutscene); } } }
override public void SkipActionGUI(List <Action> actions, bool showGUI) { if (showGUI) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); resultActionTrue = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is met:", (ResultAction)resultActionTrue); } if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetTrue); } else { linkedCutsceneTrue = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneTrue); } } else if (resultActionTrue == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionTrueGUI(actions, showGUI); } if (showGUI) { resultActionFail = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("If condition is not met:", (ResultAction)resultActionFail); } if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { linkedAssetFail = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", linkedAssetFail); } else { linkedCutsceneFail = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", linkedCutsceneFail); } } else if (resultActionFail == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionFailGUI(actions, showGUI); } }
private void ShowNodeCommandGUI(Paths _target, int i) { if (_target.nodeCommands.Count > i) { if (_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.InScene) { _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } else { _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } } }
private void ShowNodeCommandGUI(Paths _target, int i) { if (_target.nodeCommands.Count > i) { if (_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.InScene) { _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene, + "_OnReachNode_" + i.ToString(), "", "The Cutscene to run when the node is reached"); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } else { _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset, + "_OnReachNode_" + i.ToString(), "", "The ActionList asset to run when the node is reached"); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } } }
override public void SkipActionGUI(List <Action> actions, bool showGUI) { if (numSockets < 0) { numSockets = 0; } if (numSockets < endings.Count) { endings.RemoveRange(numSockets, endings.Count - numSockets); } else if (numSockets > endings.Count) { if (numSockets > endings.Capacity) { endings.Capacity = numSockets; } for (int i = endings.Count; i < numSockets; i++) { ActionEnd newEnd = new ActionEnd(); endings.Add(newEnd); } } foreach (ActionEnd ending in endings) { if (showGUI) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); int i = endings.IndexOf(ending) + 1; ending.resultAction = (ResultAction)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Output " + i.ToString() + ":", (ResultAction)ending.resultAction); } if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.RunCutscene && showGUI) { if (isAssetFile) { ending.linkedAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList to run:", ending.linkedAsset); } else { ending.linkedCutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene to run:", ending.linkedCutscene); } } else if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.Skip) { SkipActionGUI(ending, actions, showGUI); } } bool shownError = false; List <int> outputIndices = new List <int>(); foreach (ActionEnd ending in endings) { if (ending.resultAction == ResultAction.Skip) { if (outputIndices.Contains(ending.skipAction)) { if (!shownError) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Two or more output sockets connect to the same subsequent Action - this may cause unexpected behaviour and should be changed.", MessageType.Warning); } shownError = true; } else { outputIndices.Add(ending.skipAction); } } } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Paths _target = (Paths)target; if (_target.GetComponent <AC.Char>()) { return; } int numNodes = _target.nodes.Count; if (numNodes < 1) { numNodes = 1; _target.nodes = ResizeList(_target.nodes, numNodes); } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Path properties", EditorStyles.boldLabel); _target.nodePause = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Wait time (s):", _target.nodePause); _target.pathSpeed = (PathSpeed)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Walk or run:", (PathSpeed)_target.pathSpeed); _target.pathType = (AC_PathType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Path type:", (AC_PathType)_target.pathType); if (_target.pathType == AC_PathType.Loop) { _target.teleportToStart = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Teleports when looping?", _target.teleportToStart); } _target.affectY = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Override gravity?", _target.affectY); _target.commandSource = (ActionListSource)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Node commands source:", _target.commandSource); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); // List nodes ResetCommandList(_target); for (int i = 1; i < _target.nodes.Count; i++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); _target.nodes[i] = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Node " + i + ": ", _target.nodes[i]); if (GUILayout.Button(insertContent, EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft, buttonWidth)) { Undo.RecordObject(_target, "Add path node"); Vector3 newNodePosition; newNodePosition = _target.nodes[i] + new Vector3(1.0f, 0f, 0f); _target.nodes.Insert(i + 1, newNodePosition); _target.nodeCommands.Insert(i + 1, new NodeCommand()); numNodes += 1; ResetCommandList(_target); } if (GUILayout.Button(deleteContent, EditorStyles.miniButtonRight, buttonWidth)) { Undo.RecordObject(_target, "Delete path node"); _target.nodes.RemoveAt(i); _target.nodeCommands.RemoveAt(i); numNodes -= 1; ResetCommandList(_target); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (_target.nodeCommands.Count > i) { if (_target.commandSource == ActionListSource.InScene) { _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene = ActionListAssetMenu.CutsceneGUI("Cutscene on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].cutscene.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } else { _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset = ActionListAssetMenu.AssetGUI("ActionList on reach:", _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset); if (_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset != null && _target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.useParameters) { _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID = SetParametersGUI(_target.nodeCommands[i].actionListAsset.parameters, _target.nodeCommands[i].parameterID); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (numNodes == 1 && GUILayout.Button("Add node")) { Undo.RecordObject(_target, "Add path node"); numNodes += 1; } _target.nodes[0] = _target.transform.position; _target.nodes = ResizeList(_target.nodes, numNodes); UnityVersionHandler.CustomSetDirty(_target); }