public static String GenerateNo(BusinessObject obj) { if (obj.GetID() == Guid.Empty) { obj.SetNoValue(String.Empty); return(String.Empty); } String strNoValue = String.Empty; Numbering numbering = GetNumberingConfig(obj); if (numbering != null) { if (!numbering.IsUsePattern) { #region Not UsePattern if (numbering.MiddleConfigs.Count > 0) { #region Have Parts List <String> lstParts = new List <string>(); foreach (NumberingType numberType in numbering.MiddleConfigs) { #region Others if (numberType.IsByUser) { } if (numberType.IsByUserGroup) { } if (numberType.IsByEmployee) { } if (numberType.IsByCompanyUnit) { } #endregion if ((numberType.IsYYMMCount || numberType.IsYYMMDDCount || numberType.IsMMDDCount)) { String strDateCol = String.Empty; if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime; } if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strDateCol)) { object objValue = ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, strDateCol); if (objValue != null && (objValue is DateTime || (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> && (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).HasValue))) { #region With DateTime DateTime createTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> ) { createTime = (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).Value; } else { createTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objValue); } if (numberType.IsYYMMCount) { String strQuery = QueryGenerator.GenSelect(obj.AATableName, "COUNT(*)", false, false); strQuery = QueryGenerator.AddCondition(strQuery, String.Format(@" YEAR({0}) = {1} AND MONTH({0}) = {2} AND {0} < {3}", strDateCol, createTime.Year, createTime.Month, TimeProvider.GenDateTimeString(createTime))); int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BusinessObjectController.GetData(strQuery)); if (iCount <= 0) { iCount = 0; } iCount++; int iCountSpace = numberType.CountingSpace; if (iCountSpace < iCount.ToString().Length) { iCountSpace = iCount.ToString().Length + 2; } String strTemp = createTime.ToString("yyMM") + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iCount); lstParts.Add(strTemp); } if (numberType.IsYYMMDDCount) { String strQuery = QueryGenerator.GenSelect(obj.AATableName, "COUNT(*)", false, false); strQuery = QueryGenerator.AddCondition(strQuery, String.Format(@" YEAR({0}) = {1} AND MONTH({0}) = {2} AND DAY({0}) = {3} AND {0} < {4}", strDateCol, createTime.Year, createTime.Month, createTime.Day, TimeProvider.GenDateTimeString(createTime))); int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BusinessObjectController.GetData(strQuery)); if (iCount <= 0) { iCount = 0; } iCount++; int iCountSpace = numberType.CountingSpace; if (iCountSpace < iCount.ToString().Length) { iCountSpace = iCount.ToString().Length + 2; } String strTemp = createTime.ToString("yyMMdd") + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iCount); lstParts.Add(strTemp); } if (numberType.IsMMDDCount) { String strQuery = QueryGenerator.GenSelect(obj.AATableName, "COUNT(*)", false, false); strQuery = QueryGenerator.AddCondition(strQuery, String.Format(@" YEAR({0}) = {1} AND MONTH({0}) = {2} AND DAY({0}) = {3} AND {0} < {4}", strDateCol, createTime.Year, createTime.Month, createTime.Day, TimeProvider.GenDateTimeString(createTime))); int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BusinessObjectController.GetData(strQuery)); if (iCount <= 0) { iCount = 0; } iCount++; int iCountSpace = numberType.CountingSpace; if (iCountSpace < iCount.ToString().Length) { iCountSpace = iCount.ToString().Length + 2; } String strTemp = createTime.ToString("MMdd") + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iCount); lstParts.Add(strTemp); } #endregion } } } #region By Field if (numberType.IsByField && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(numberType.FieldName)) { if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, numberType.FieldName)) { object objValue = ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, numberType.FieldName); if (objValue != null) { if (DataStructureProvider.IsForeignKey(obj.AATableName, numberType.FieldName)) { String strFieldName = numberType.FieldName + ":" + DataStructureProvider.GetDisplayColumn(obj.AATableName); objValue = DataCachingProvider.GetCachingObjectAccrossTable(obj, ABCHelper.DataConverter.ConvertToGuid(objValue), strFieldName); } lstParts.Add(objValue.ToString()); } } } #endregion } strNoValue = numbering.Prefix + String.Join(numbering.SeperateChar, lstParts) + numbering.Suffix; #endregion } else { String strDateCol = String.Empty; if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime; } if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strDateCol)) { object objValue = ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, strDateCol); if (objValue != null && (objValue is DateTime || (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> && (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).HasValue))) { #region With DateTime DateTime createTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> ) { createTime = (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).Value; } else { createTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objValue); } String strQuery = QueryGenerator.GenSelect(obj.AATableName, "COUNT(*)", false, false); strQuery = QueryGenerator.AddCondition(strQuery, String.Format(@" YEAR({0}) = {1} AND MONTH({0}) = {2} AND {0} < {3}", strDateCol, createTime.Year, createTime.Month, TimeProvider.GenDateTimeString(createTime))); int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BusinessObjectController.GetData(strQuery)); if (iCount <= 0) { iCount = 0; } iCount++; int iCountSpace = 3; if (iCountSpace < iCount.ToString().Length) { iCountSpace = iCount.ToString().Length + 2; } strNoValue = numbering.Prefix + createTime.ToString("yyMM") + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iCount) + numbering.Suffix; #endregion } } else if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colNoIndex)) { int iNoIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colNoIndex)); int iCountSpace = 4; if (iNoIndex >= 10000) { iCountSpace = iNoIndex.ToString().Length + 2; } strNoValue = numbering.Prefix + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iNoIndex) + numbering.Suffix; } } #endregion } else { #region UsePattern #endregion } } else { #region Have No Config if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DataConfigProvider.TableConfigList[obj.AATableName].PrefixNo)) { strNoValue = DataConfigProvider.TableConfigList[obj.AATableName].PrefixNo; } else { strNoValue = new Regex("[^A-Z]+").Replace(DataConfigProvider.GetTableCaption(obj.AATableName), ""); } String strDateCol = String.Empty; if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colCreateTime; } if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate)) { strDateCol = ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colDocumentDate; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strDateCol)) { object objValue = ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, strDateCol); if (objValue != null && (objValue is DateTime || (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> && (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).HasValue))) { #region With DateTime DateTime createTime = DateTime.MinValue; if (objValue is Nullable <DateTime> ) { createTime = (objValue as Nullable <DateTime>).Value; } else { createTime = Convert.ToDateTime(objValue); } String strQuery = QueryGenerator.GenSelect(obj.AATableName, "COUNT(*)", false, false); strQuery = QueryGenerator.AddCondition(strQuery, String.Format(@" YEAR({0}) = {1} AND MONTH({0}) = {2} AND {0} < {3}", strDateCol, createTime.Year, createTime.Month, TimeProvider.GenDateTimeString(createTime))); int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BusinessObjectController.GetData(strQuery)); if (iCount <= 0) { iCount = 0; } iCount++; int iCountSpace = 3; if (iCountSpace < iCount.ToString().Length) { iCountSpace = iCount.ToString().Length + 2; } strNoValue += createTime.ToString("yyMM") + String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iCount); #endregion } } else if (DataStructureProvider.IsTableColumn(obj.AATableName, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colNoIndex)) { int iNoIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ABCDynamicInvoker.GetValue(obj, ABCCommon.ABCConstString.colNoIndex)); int iCountSpace = 4; if (iNoIndex >= 10000) { iCountSpace = iNoIndex.ToString().Length + 2; } strNoValue += String.Format("{0:D" + iCountSpace + "}", iNoIndex); } #endregion } obj.SetNoValue(strNoValue); return(strNoValue); }