public void LoadDb(string dbLocation) { using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(dbLocation)) { connection.Open(); #region PlotEvents var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT id, tickets FROM plot_events"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _events = new Dictionary <uint, PlotEvent>(); while (reader.Read()) { PlotEvent plotEvent = new PlotEvent(); plotEvent.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); plotEvent.Tickets = reader.GetInt32(1); _events.Add(plotEvent.Id, plotEvent); } } #endregion #region PlotConditions command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"SELECT plot_event_conditions.event_id as event_id, plot_event_conditions.position as position, as condition_id, plot_conditions.not_condition as not_condition, plot_conditions.kind_id as kind_id, plot_conditions.param1, plot_conditions.param2, plot_conditions.param3 FROM plot_event_conditions LEFT JOIN plot_conditions ON plot_event_conditions.condition_id ="; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _conditions = new Dictionary <uint, PlotCondition>(); while (reader.Read()) { PlotCondition condition = new PlotCondition(); condition.EventId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); condition.Position = reader.GetInt32(1); condition.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(2); condition.Not_condition = reader.GetString(3)[0] == 't'; //condition.Not_condition = reader.GetInt32(3) == 1; condition.Kind_id = (PlotConditionType)reader.GetInt32(4); condition.Param1 = reader.GetInt32(5); condition.Param2 = reader.GetInt32(6); condition.Param3 = reader.GetInt32(7); _conditions.Add(condition.Id, condition); } } #endregion #region PlotNextEvents command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT id, event_id, position, next_event_id, delay, speed, fail FROM plot_next_events"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _nextEvents = new Dictionary <uint, PlotNextEvent>(); while (reader.Read()) { PlotNextEvent nextEvent = new PlotNextEvent(); nextEvent.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); nextEvent.EventId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(1); nextEvent.Position = reader.GetInt32(2); nextEvent.NextEventId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(3); nextEvent.Delay = reader.GetInt32(4); nextEvent.Speed = reader.GetInt32(5); nextEvent.Fail = reader.GetString(6)[0] == 't'; //nextEvent.Fail = reader.GetInt32(6) == 1; _nextEvents.Add(nextEvent.Id, nextEvent); } } #endregion #region Plots command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"SELECT plot_id, id FROM plot_events WHERE position = 1"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _plots = new Dictionary <uint, Plot>(); while (reader.Read()) { Plot plot = new Plot(); plot.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); plot.StartEventId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(1); _plots.Add(plot.Id, plot); } } #endregion #region Effects command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @"SELECT id, event_id, position, actual_id, actual_type FROM plot_effects"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _effects = new Dictionary <uint, PlotEffect>(); while (reader.Read()) { PlotEffect effect = new PlotEffect(); effect.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); effect.EventId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(1); effect.Position = reader.GetInt32(2); effect.ActualId = (uint)reader.GetInt32(3); effect.ActualType = reader.GetString(4); _effects.Add(effect.Id, effect); } } #endregion #region Translations command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT idx, en_us FROM localized_texts " + "WHERE " + "tbl_name = 'tags' " + "AND tbl_column_name = 'name'"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _tags = new Dictionary <uint, Tag>(); while (reader.Read()) { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); tag.Name = reader.GetString(1); _tags.Add(tag.Id, tag); } } command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = @" SELECT, localized_texts.en_us FROM buff_effects LEFT JOIN localized_texts ON buff_effects.buff_id = localized_texts.idx WHERE localized_texts.tbl_name = 'buffs' AND localized_texts.tbl_column_name = 'name'"; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { _buffEffects = new Dictionary <uint, BuffEffect>(); while (reader.Read()) { BuffEffect buffEffect = new BuffEffect(); buffEffect.Id = (uint)reader.GetInt32(0); buffEffect.Name = reader.GetString(1); _buffEffects.Add(buffEffect.Id, buffEffect); } } #endregion } }
private void AnalyzeEvent(uint eventId, int depth, PlotNextEvent parent) { //Depth gets fked by loops, this fixes it. if (depthFixNeeded) { depth--; } depthFixNeeded = false; //This is only solution I could find to properly print delay/speed. Big yikes if (parent != null) { PrintWithScope($"Delay:{parent?.Delay} Speed:{parent?.Speed} Failed:{parent?.Fail}", _previousDepth); } //Print out conditions/effects of current event Console.WriteLine(); PrintWithScope($"EventId: {eventId}", depth); AnalyzeConditions(eventId, depth); AnalyzeEffects(eventId, depth); _previousDepth = depth; //Add scope depth if the event is conditional if (IsConditioned(eventId) && _previousEvent != eventId) { depth++; } //Increment Event Ticket if (_tickets.ContainsKey(eventId)) { _tickets[eventId]++; } else { _tickets.Add(eventId, 1); } //Check if we hit max recursion/tickets if (_tickets[eventId] > _events[eventId].Tickets) { if (_events[eventId].Tickets > 1) { if (_previousEvent == eventId) { depthFixNeeded = true; } PrintWithScope($"Event {eventId}: Looped {_tickets[eventId] - 1} times.\n", depth); //I think we only break scope if tickets > 1.. Might be wrong though.. return; } } _previousEvent = eventId; List <PlotNextEvent> nextEvents = new List <PlotNextEvent>(); //Gather all event steps into a list foreach (var plotEvent in _nextEvents.Values) { if (plotEvent.EventId == eventId) { nextEvents.Add(plotEvent); } } //Very important we sort by position order!! nextEvents = nextEvents.OrderBy(o => o.Position).ToList(); //This handles event steps. Some recursion magic //Leaves scope when no steps left with nextIds foreach (var nextEvent in nextEvents) { AnalyzeEvent(nextEvent.NextEventId, depth, nextEvent); } }