コード例 #1
        //Interpolate data in space-time and return all 3D climatogical variables
        public wx_atm getAmbientWx3D(double vheight)
            double epoch_time = Util.getLocalTime_Wx();          //Get local time (i.e. UT time)
            Dictionary <string, int> idx = get_dim_idx(vheight); //Get index of coordinates closest to vessel location
            int    t = idx["t"]; int z = idx["z"];
            double uu; double vv; double ww; double tt; double pp; double rh; double vis; double cldfrac;

            ww      = bilinear_interp(0, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve vertical wind component
            uu      = bilinear_interp(1, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve zonal wind component
            vv      = bilinear_interp(2, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve meridional wind component
            tt      = bilinear_interp(3, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve ambient temperature
            pp      = bilinear_interp(4, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve ambient pressure
            rh      = bilinear_interp(5, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve relative humidity
            vis     = bilinear_interp(6, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve visibility
            cldfrac = bilinear_interp(7, t, z, epoch_time, vheight); //Retrieve cloud fraction

            //Perform validity checks

            /*if (cldfrac < 0)
             * {
             *  cldfrac = 0.0;
             * }*/
            if (vis < 0)
                vis = 0.0;
            if (rh < 0)
                rh = 0.0;
            else if (rh > 100)
                rh = 100.0;

            //Compute air density
            double rho = (pp / (Util.Rd * tt));
            //Util.Log("Pressure: " + pp + ", zidx: " + z);
            //Return all fields as struct
            wx_atm wx_data = new wx_atm();

            wx_data.wind_x      = uu;
            wx_data.wind_y      = vv;
            wx_data.wind_z      = ww;
            wx_data.temperature = tt;
            wx_data.pressure    = pp;
            wx_data.density     = rho;
            wx_data.humidity    = rh;
            wx_data.visibility  = vis;
            wx_data.cloudcover  = cldfrac;
コード例 #2
        //Interpolate data in space-time and return all 3D climatogical variables
        public wx_atm getAmbientWx3D(double vlat, double vlng, double vheight)
            double epoch_time = Util.getLocalTime();                         //Get local time (i.e. UT time)
            Dictionary <string, int> idx = get_dim_idx(vlat, vlng, vheight); //Get index of coordinates closest to vessel location
            int    t = idx["t"]; int z = idx["z"]; int x = idx["x"]; int y = idx["y"];
            double uu; double vv; double ww; double tt; double pp; double rh; double vis; double cldfrac;

            ww      = interp_var3d(0, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve vertical wind component
            uu      = interp_var3d(1, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve zonal wind component
            vv      = interp_var3d(2, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve meridional wind component
            tt      = interp_var3d(3, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve ambient temperature
            pp      = interp_var3d(4, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve ambient pressure
            rh      = interp_var3d(5, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve relative humidity
            vis     = interp_var3d(6, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve visibility
            cldfrac = interp_var3d(7, t, z, y, x, epoch_time, vheight, vlat, vlng); //Retrieve cloud fraction
            //Compute air density
            double rho = (pp / (Util.Rd * tt));

            //Perform validity checks
            if (vis < 0)
                vis = 0.0;
            if (rh < 0)
                rh = 0.0;
            else if (rh > 100)
                rh = 100.0;
            //Return all fields as struct
            wx_atm wx_data = new wx_atm();

            wx_data.wind_x      = uu;
            wx_data.wind_y      = vv;
            wx_data.wind_z      = ww;
            wx_data.temperature = tt;
            wx_data.pressure    = pp;
            wx_data.density     = rho;
            wx_data.humidity    = rh;
            wx_data.visibility  = vis;
            wx_data.cloudcover  = cldfrac;