コード例 #1
        }//END AddToLIbrary

        // Returns a list of items from a particular dictionary (library subset) in the library as is. Used primarily for display in the GUI.
        // Since working with a dictionary the order is never certain and must be handled at a later time to ensure consistent output.
        public List <DispListObject> GetLibrarySubset(whichLibrary subsetToRetrieve)
            List <DispListObject>     tempList = new List <DispListObject>();
            Dictionary <string, Book> tempDictionaryRef;                                // Make an internal reference variable to capture the dictionary to avoid code duplication later
            DispListObject            bookFromDictionary;                               // An internal instance of the abbreviated book details used for list display in the GUI

            if (subsetToRetrieve == whichLibrary.Owned)                                 // Choose the proper library subset to access
                tempDictionaryRef = ownedLib;
            else if (subsetToRetrieve == whichLibrary.Wishlist)
                tempDictionaryRef = wishlistLib;
                tempDictionaryRef = null;
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error in assigning the dictionary in the library. An invalid or empty library name was used!");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Book> entry in tempDictionaryRef)            // for each book in the subset get the details needed for a list display
            {                                                                           // then add it to the current list
                tempList.Add(bookFromDictionary = new DispListObject(entry.Value));

        }//END GetLibrarySubset
コード例 #2
        }//END Library CONSTRUCTOR

        public void AddToLibrary(Book newBook, whichLibrary libraryToUse)
            if (libraryToUse == whichLibrary.Wishlist)
                wishlistLib.Add(newBook.getISBN(), newBook);
            else if (libraryToUse == whichLibrary.Owned)
                ownedLib.Add(newBook.getISBN(), newBook);
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error with determining which library to add the book to!");
                // Add series option as additonal step here once feature is added
                // The console output will need to be updated to display a popup window to notify user after testing
        }//END AddToLIbrary
コード例 #3
        }//END OwnedTotal

        public Book GetBookFromLib(whichLibrary currLibView, string currBookKey)
            Book foundBook;

            /* This will need to be modified to do a "TryGet" check later to handle cases where the ID does not exist */

            if (currLibView == whichLibrary.Owned)
                foundBook = ownedLib[currBookKey];
            else if (currLibView == whichLibrary.Wishlist)
                foundBook = wishlistLib[currBookKey];
                foundBook = null;
                Console.WriteLine("There was an error getting the book specified... Sure would be nice to have that try get check!");

        }//END GetBookFromLib