コード例 #1
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);

            // Load the UI created in Main.axml
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

            // Get a reference to the button
            var showSecond = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.showSecond);
            var showThird = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.showThird);
            var showForuth = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.showForuth);

            // You can use either this short form of StartActivity, which will create
            // an intent internally, or the long form shown below.
            //            showSecond.Click += (sender, e) => {
            //                StartActivity (typeof(SecondActivity));
            //            };

            // Long form of StartActivity with the intent created in code so that
            // data can be added to the message payload using the PutExtra call.
            showSecond.Click += (sender, e) => {
                var secondIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(SecondActivity));
                string result = "";
                var ws = new webService.WebService1();
                ws.Proxy = System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
                result = ws.GetNod(1);

                secondIntent.PutExtra("FirstData", result);
                StartActivity (secondIntent);
            showThird.Click += (sender, e) =>
                var thirdIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(SecondActivity));
                thirdIntent.PutExtra("FirstData", "LABEL^Nodul 0@LABEL^Ana@LABEL^are@LABEL^mere@LIST^Lunile anului#Ianuarie#Februarie#Martie#Aprilie#Mai#Iunie#Iulie#August#Septembrie#Octombrie#Noiembrie#Decembrie3@LABEL^Ce@LABEL^are@LABEL^Ana ?@LABEL^pere@BUTTON^WsNod 1#1@BUTTON^WsNod 2#2");

            //"LABEL^Nodul 1@LABEL^Ana@LABEL^are@LABEL^mere@LIST^Lunile anului#Ianuarie#Februarie#Martie#Aprilie#Mai#Iunie#Iulie#August#Septembrie#Octombrie#Noiembrie#Decembrie3@LABEL^Ce@LABEL^are@LABEL^Ana ?@LABEL^pere@BUTTON^WsNod 1#1@BUTTON^WsNod 2#2"
            //"LIST^listName#itemA#itemB@BUTTON^ok#7@BUTTON^cancel#3@LABEL^Zilele saptamanii@SPINNER^Luni#Marti#Miercuri#Joi#Vineri#Sambata#Duminica"

            //"LABEL^Nodul 1@LIST^listaTest#itemA#itemB@LABEL^Zilele saptamanii@SPINNER^Luni#Marti#Miercuri#Joi#Vineri#Sambata#Duminica@BUTTON^Ws Nod 3#3@BUTTON^Ws Nod 4#4"

            //"LABEL^Nodul 2@LABEL^Acesta@LABEL^este@LABEL^nodul 2@LABEL^Zilele saptamanii@SPINNER^Luni#Marti#Miercuri#Joi#Vineri#Sambata#Duminica@LIST^listaTest#itemA#itemB@BUTTON^Ws Nod 4#4"

            //"LABEL^Nodul 3@LABEL^Ati@LABEL^ajuns@LABEL^la nodul 3@LABEL^Culori@SPINNER^rosu#verde#albastru@LIST^Lista 20 elemente #item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10@LABEL^De aici nu se poate merge la alt nod@LABEL^EOF"

            //"LABEL^Nodul 4@LABEL^Bine@LABEL^ati@LABEL^ajuns@LABEL^la nodul 4@LABEL^Ce are ana?@SPINNER^Mere#Pere@LIST^Lista 100 elemente#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10@LABEL^De aici nu se poate merge doar la nodul 5@BUTTON^Ws Nod 5#5"

            //"LABEL^Nodul 5@LABEL^Saluti@LABEL^acesta@LABEL^este@LABEL^ultimul@LABEL^nod din ramura@LABEL^Spinner 100 elemente@SPINNER^item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10@LIST^Lista 40 elemente #item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10#item 1#item 2#item 3#item 4#item 5#item 6#item 7#item 8#item 9#item 10@LABEL^Gata"

            showForuth.Click += (sender, e) =>
                string result = "";
                var ws = new webService.WebService1();
                ws.Proxy = System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();

                result = ws.HelloAndi();

                Toast.MakeText(this, result, ToastLength.Long).Show();

                /*var wsIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(SecondActivity));
                wsIntent.PutExtra("FirstData", result);
                //third.AddFlags(ActivityFlags.NoHistory);  //finish activity on screen (activity) change;
コード例 #2
        public void GenerateComponent(string componentType, string parameters, LinearLayout layout)
            string paramString = parameters;

            if (componentType=="BUTTON")

                const string sSeparatori2 = "#";

                string[] sAtomi1 = paramString.Split(sSeparatori2.ToCharArray());
                string caption = sAtomi1[0];
                string idNod = sAtomi1[1];

                var aButton = new Button(_secondActivity);
                aButton.Text = caption;
                aButton.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                         string result = "";
                                         var ws = new webService.WebService1();
                                         ws.Proxy = System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.GetEmptyWebProxy();
                                         //ws.Proxy = System.Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy =
                                         int paramID = Convert.ToInt32(idNod);

                                         var wsIntent = new Intent(layout.Context, typeof(SecondActivity));
                                         //wsIntent.PutExtra("FirstData", "LABEL^Nodul test@LABEL^Maria@LABEL^are@LABEL^mere@LIST^Lunile anului#Ianuarie#Februarie#Martie#Aprilie#Mai#Iunie#Iulie#August#Septembrie#Octombrie#Noiembrie#Decembrie3@LABEL^Ce@LABEL^are@LABEL^Ana ?@LABEL^pere@BUTTON^WsNod 1#1@BUTTON^WsNod 2#2");
                                         result = ws.GetNod(paramID);

                                         wsIntent.PutExtra("FirstData", result);

            else if (componentType == "LABEL")

                string caption = paramString;

                var label = new TextView(_secondActivity);
                label.Text = caption;
                label.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                       Toast.MakeText(layout.Context, caption, ToastLength.Short).Show();
            else if (componentType == "SPINNER")
                Spinner spinner = new Spinner(_secondActivity);
                const string sSeparatori2 = "#";
                string[] sAtomi1 = paramString.Split(sSeparatori2.ToCharArray());
                String []spinnerArray=new string[sAtomi1.Length];

                int index1;
                for (index1 = 0; index1 < sAtomi1.Length; index1 = index1 + 1)
                    if (sAtomi1[index1].Length <= 0) continue;
                    spinnerArray[index1] = sAtomi1[index1];
                ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(_linearLayout.Context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, spinnerArray);
                spinner.Adapter = adapter;

            else if (componentType == "LIST")
                IList<String> stringList = new List<string>();
                const string sSeparatori2 = "#";
                string[] sAtomi1 = paramString.Split(sSeparatori2.ToCharArray());
                String[] stringArray = new string[sAtomi1.Length];

                int index1;
                for (index1 = 0; index1 < sAtomi1.Length; index1 = index1 + 1)
                    if (sAtomi1[index1].Length <= 0) continue;
                    stringArray[index1] = sAtomi1[index1];

                var label = new TextView(_secondActivity);
                label.Text = stringArray[0];
                label.Typeface = Typeface.DefaultBold;
                label.TextSize = 20;

                label.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    var intent = new Intent(layout.Context, typeof(SimpleListItem1));
                    intent.PutStringArrayListExtra("FirstData", stringList);