void CheckHealth() { if (currentHealth <= 0 && !isDead) { transform.root.SendMessage("DropRightWeapon", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); transform.root.SendMessage("DropLeftWeapon", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); tpCamera.ClearTargetLockOn(); isDead = true; if (hud != null) { hud.FadeText("You are Dead!", 2f, 0.5f); } if (vGameController.instance != null && vGameController.instance.playerPrefab != null) { vGameController.instance.Invoke("Spawn", vGameController.instance.respawnTimer); } else if (vGameController.instance != null) { //if (vSpawnEnemies.instance != null) // vSpawnEnemies.instance.Invoke("ShowLoseWindow", vGameController.instance.respawnTimer); //else vGameController.instance.Invoke("ResetScene", vGameController.instance.respawnTimer); } } }
void OnGUI() { switch (inputDevice) { case InputDevice.MouseKeyboard: if (isJoystickInput()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.Joystick; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = true; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Controller", 2f, 0.5f); } } else if (isMobileInput()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.Mobile; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = true; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Mobile", 2f, 0.5f); } } break; case InputDevice.Joystick: if (isMouseKeyboard()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.MouseKeyboard; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = false; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Keyboard/Mouse", 2f, 0.5f); } } else if (isMobileInput()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.Mobile; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = true; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Mobile", 2f, 0.5f); } } break; case InputDevice.Mobile: if (isMouseKeyboard()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.MouseKeyboard; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = false; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Keyboard/Mouse", 2f, 0.5f); } } else if (isJoystickInput()) { inputDevice = InputDevice.Joystick; if (hud != null) { hud.controllerInput = true; hud.FadeText("Control scheme changed to Controller", 2f, 0.5f); } } break; } }