public TesterForm() { InitializeComponent(); joystick = new vGen(); position = new vGen.JoystickState(); ///// General driver data short iVer = joystick.GetvJoyVersion(); bool enabled = joystick.vJoyEnabled(); string Prd = joystick.GetvJoyProductString(); string Mnf = joystick.GetvJoyManufacturerString(); string Srl = joystick.GetvJoySerialNumberString(); string prt = String.Format("Product: {0}; Version {1:X}; Manuf: {2}; Serial:{3}", Prd, iVer, Mnf, Srl); label1.Text = prt; Enbld.Checked = enabled; ///// vGen Device properties (vJoy Devices) int nBtn = joystick.GetVJDButtonNumber(id); int nDPov = joystick.GetVJDDiscPovNumber(id); int nCPov = joystick.GetVJDContPovNumber(id); bool X_Exist = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X); bool Y_Exist = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Y); bool Z_Exist = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_Z); bool RX_Exist = joystick.GetVJDAxisExist(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_RX); prt = String.Format("Device[{0}]: Buttons={1}; DiscPOVs:{2}; ContPOVs:{3}", id, nBtn, nDPov, nCPov); label2.Text = prt; UInt32 DllVer = 0, DrvVer = 0; bool match = joystick.DriverMatch(ref DllVer, ref DrvVer); if (match) { prt = String.Format("Version of Driver Matches DLL Version {0:X}", DllVer); } else { prt = String.Format("Version of Driver ({0:X}) does NOT match DLL Version ({1:X})", DrvVer, DllVer); } label7.Text = prt; // vXbox devices UInt32 UserIndex = 0; bool Exist = false; uint stat = joystick.isVBusExist(); if (stat == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox bus installed"); Byte nSlots = 0; stat = joystick.GetNumEmptyBusSlots(ref nSlots); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== Number of empty slots: " + nSlots.ToString()); UserIndex = 2; stat = joystick.PlugIn(UserIndex); if (stat == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device 2 was plugged in"); } joystick.isControllerPluggedIn(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is plugged in: " + Exist.ToString()); joystick.isControllerOwned(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is owned: " + Exist.ToString()); UserIndex = 1; joystick.isControllerPluggedIn(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is plugged in: " + Exist.ToString()); joystick.isControllerOwned(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is owned: " + Exist.ToString()); joystick.PlugInNext(ref UserIndex); joystick.isControllerPluggedIn(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is plugged in: " + Exist.ToString()); joystick.isControllerOwned(UserIndex, ref Exist); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + " is owned: " + Exist.ToString()); joystick.SetButton(UserIndex, 1, true); joystick.SetButton(UserIndex, 3, true); joystick.ResetAllControllers(); joystick.SetButton(UserIndex, 1, false); joystick.SetButton(UserIndex, 3, false); joystick.SetTriggerL(UserIndex, 255); joystick.SetTriggerR(UserIndex, 128); joystick.SetAxisLx(UserIndex, -32768); joystick.SetAxisLy(UserIndex, 32767); joystick.SetAxisRx(UserIndex, -32000); joystick.SetAxisRy(UserIndex, 32000); joystick.SetDpad(UserIndex, vGen.XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP); joystick.SetDpad(UserIndex, 0); byte Led = 0xFF; vGen.XINPUT_VIBRATION Vib; Vib.wRightMotorSpeed = Vib.wLeftMotorSpeed = 0; joystick.GetLedNumber(UserIndex, ref Led); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + ": Led=" + Led.ToString()); int x = 0, L = 0, R = 0; while (x < 1000) { x++; stat = joystick.GetVibration(UserIndex, ref Vib); if ((Vib.wLeftMotorSpeed != L) || (Vib.wRightMotorSpeed != R)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("======== vXbox device " + UserIndex.ToString() + ": Vibration (L/R)=" + Vib.wLeftMotorSpeed.ToString() + "/" + Vib.wRightMotorSpeed.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } //joystick.UnPlug(2); } // Testing long max = 10, min = 10; bool ok; ok = joystick.GetVJDAxisMax(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X, ref max); ok = joystick.GetVJDAxisMin(id, HID_USAGES.HID_USAGE_X, ref min); ///// Write access to vGen Device - Basic VjdStat status; status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id); bool acq = joystick.AcquireVJD(id); status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id); position.AxisX = 1000; position.AxisY = 5000; position.AxisZ = 10000; position.AxisXRot = 20000; position.Buttons = 0xA5A5A5A5; position.ButtonsEx1 = 0; bool upd = joystick.UpdateVJD(id, ref position); status = joystick.GetVJDStatus(id); //// Reset functions joystick.ResetButtons(id); // Register callback function // Function to register: Removal() // User data to pass: label2 joystick.RegisterRemovalCB(Removal, label2); }