protected void btnSEARCH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { utility utlObj = new utility(); UInt64 chknum; txtSTD_FIRSTNAME.Text = ""; txtSTD_SURNAME.Text = ""; txt_STD_FACULTY.Text = ""; txtSTD_DEPARTMENT.Text = ""; txtSTD_MAJOR.Text = ""; txtSTD_SPEC_FIELD.Text = ""; btnSAVE.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = false; Session.Remove("save_student_data"); if (txtSTUDENT_ID.Text.Length != 13) { divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("กรุณาระบุ รหัสนักศึกษาด้วยตัวเลข 13 หลัก"); } else if (!UInt64.TryParse(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, out chknum)) { MsgValidate("กรุณาระบุ รหัสนักศึกษาด้วยตัวเลขเท่านั้น"); } else { divFail.Visible = false; string degree_admission = utlObj.getFactorFromStudentID(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, utlObj.stdID_Factor_DegreeAdmission); if (degree_admission == "1" || degree_admission == "2" || degree_admission == "3") { degree_char = "U"; } else if (degree_admission == "4" || degree_admission == "5" || degree_admission == "6") { degree_char = "B"; } else if (degree_admission == "7") { degree_char = "P"; } else if (degree_admission == "8") { degree_char = "M"; } else if (degree_admission == "9") { degree_char = "D"; } studentData = new Student().getStudent(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, degree_char); if (studentData.Student_ID != null) { //วิชาการคณะ if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty)) { bool check = false; List <string> faculty_authorized = autro_obj.getFaculty_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_faculty); foreach (string fac in faculty_authorized) { if (fac == studentData.Faculty_Code) { check = true; break; } } if (check == true) { divShow.Visible = true; txtSTD_FIRSTNAME.Text = studentData.First_ThaiName; txtSTD_SURNAME.Text = studentData.Family_ThaiName; txt_STD_FACULTY.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(studentData.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; txtSTD_DEPARTMENT.Text = new Department().getDepartment(studentData.Department_Code).Department_Thai; txtSTD_MAJOR.Text = new Major().getMajor(studentData.Major_Code).Major_Thai; txtSTD_SPEC_FIELD.Text = new SpecialField().getSpecialField(studentData.Spec_Field_Code).SpecialField_Thai; Session["save_student_data"] = studentData; GradAdvisorData advisor_data = new Student().getAdvisorCoAdvisor(studentData.Student_ID); lecturerData = new Lecturer().getGradLecturer(); if ((advisor_data.Advisor_ID != null) && (advisor_data.Advisor_ID != "") && (advisor_data.Advisor_ID != "0")) { // Advisor ddlADVISOR.Items.Clear(); ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlADVISOR.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.Advisor_ID).Selected = true; } catch { ddlADVISOR.SelectedIndex = 0; } btnSAVE.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = true; } else { // Advisor ddlADVISOR.Items.Clear(); ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } btnSAVE.Enabled = true; btnEdit.Enabled = false; } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor1 ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor1 ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor2 ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor2 ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor3 ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor3 ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor4 ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor4 ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor5 ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor5 ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } } else { divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงนักศึกษาคณะอื่นได้"); } } //วิชาการภาค else if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.officer_department)) { bool check = false; List <string> department_authorized = autro_obj.getDepartment_Authorized(login_data, group_var.officer_department); foreach (string dep in department_authorized) { if (dep == studentData.Department_Code) { check = true; break; } } if (check == true) { divShow.Visible = true; txtSTD_FIRSTNAME.Text = studentData.First_ThaiName; txtSTD_SURNAME.Text = studentData.Family_ThaiName; txt_STD_FACULTY.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(studentData.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; txtSTD_DEPARTMENT.Text = new Department().getDepartment(studentData.Department_Code).Department_Thai; txtSTD_MAJOR.Text = new Major().getMajor(studentData.Major_Code).Major_Thai; txtSTD_SPEC_FIELD.Text = new SpecialField().getSpecialField(studentData.Spec_Field_Code).SpecialField_Thai; Session["save_student_data"] = studentData; GradAdvisorData advisor_data = new Student().getAdvisorCoAdvisor(studentData.Student_ID); lecturerData = new Lecturer().getGradLecturer(); if ((advisor_data.Advisor_ID != null) && (advisor_data.Advisor_ID != "") && (advisor_data.Advisor_ID != "0")) { // Advisor ddlADVISOR.Items.Clear(); ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlADVISOR.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.Advisor_ID).Selected = true; } catch { ddlADVISOR.SelectedIndex = 0; } btnSAVE.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = true; } else { // Advisor ddlADVISOR.Items.Clear(); ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlADVISOR.Items.Insert(ddlADVISOR.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } btnSAVE.Enabled = true; btnEdit.Enabled = false; } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor1 ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID1).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor1 ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_1.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor2 ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID2).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor2 ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_2.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor3 ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID3).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor3 ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_3.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor4 ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID4).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor4 ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_4.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } if ((advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != null) && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != "") && (advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5 != "0")) { //Co-Advisor5 ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } try { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.FindByValue(advisor_data.CoAdvisor_ID5).Selected = true; } catch { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.SelectedIndex = 0; } } else { //Co-Advisor5 ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Clear(); ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem("--- เลือกอาจารย์ ---", "0")); foreach (LectuereInformationData data in lecturerData) { ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Insert(ddlCO_ADVISOR_5.Items.Count, new ListItem(data.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + data.First_ThaiName + " " + data.Family_ThaiName, data.Lecturer_ID)); } } } else { divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงนักศึกษาภาควิชาอื่นได้"); } } } else { divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("ตรวจสอบไม่พบ นักศึกษาที่ค้นหา"); } } }
protected void btnSEARCH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { utility utlObj = new utility(); UInt64 chknum; txtSTD_FIRSTNAME.Text = ""; txtSTD_SURNAME.Text = ""; txt_STD_FACULTY.Text = ""; txtSTD_DEPARTMENT.Text = ""; txtSTD_MAJOR.Text = ""; txtSTD_SPEC_FIELD.Text = ""; btnSAVE.Enabled = false; btnEdit.Enabled = false; divFail.Visible = false; divDupRegis.Visible = false; divDupExtend.Visible = false; Session.Remove("save_student_data"); if (txtSTUDENT_ID.Text.Length != 13) { //divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("กรุณาระบุ รหัสนักศึกษาด้วยตัวเลข 13 หลัก"); } else if (!UInt64.TryParse(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, out chknum)) { MsgValidate("กรุณาระบุ รหัสนักศึกษาด้วยตัวเลขเท่านั้น"); } else { divFail.Visible = false; extend_data = (LecturerTableData)Session["Extend_Data"]; course_degree_char = extend_data.Course_Degree_Char; string degree_admission = utlObj.getFactorFromStudentID(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, utlObj.stdID_Factor_DegreeAdmission); if (degree_admission == "1" || degree_admission == "2" || degree_admission == "3") { degree_char = "U"; } else if (degree_admission == "4" || degree_admission == "5" || degree_admission == "6") { degree_char = "B"; } else if (degree_admission == "7") { degree_char = "P"; } else if (degree_admission == "8") { degree_char = "M"; } else if (degree_admission == "9") { degree_char = "D"; } studentData = new Student().getStudent(txtSTUDENT_ID.Text, degree_char); if (studentData.Student_ID != null) { RegistrationData regisData = new RegistrationData(); regisData = new Student_Registration().getDupRegistration(extend_data.AcademicYear, extend_data.Semester, extend_data.Course_Code, studentData.Student_ID, degree_char); List <ExtendAvailableStudentData> dupextendData = new List <ExtendAvailableStudentData>(); dupextendData = new ExtendAvailableStudent().getExtendStudent(extend_data.AcademicYear, extend_data.Semester, extend_data.Course_Code, extend_data.Course_Type, studentData.Student_ID); //divShow.Visible = true; CourseData course_data = new CourseData(); course_data = new Course().getCourse(extend_data.Course_Code); string course_type = ""; string course_sec = ""; if (extend_data.Course_Type == "1") { course_type = "S."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "2") { course_type = "L."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "4") { course_type = "T."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "5") { course_type = "M."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "6") { course_type = "SP."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "7") { course_type = "D."; } if (extend_data.SubSec_No != 0) { course_sec = extend_data.SubSec_No.ToString(); } else { course_sec = extend_data.Sec_No.ToString(); } lblHead.Text = course_type + course_sec + " " + extend_data.Course_Code + " " + course_data.Course_Thainame + "( " + course_data.Course_Engname + " )"; txtSTD_FIRSTNAME.Text = studentData.First_ThaiName; txtSTD_SURNAME.Text = studentData.Family_ThaiName; txt_STD_FACULTY.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(studentData.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; txtSTD_DEPARTMENT.Text = new Department().getDepartment(studentData.Department_Code).Department_Thai; txtSTD_MAJOR.Text = new Major().getMajor(studentData.Major_Code).Major_Thai; txtSTD_SPEC_FIELD.Text = new SpecialField().getSpecialField(studentData.Spec_Field_Code).SpecialField_Thai; if (regisData.Course_Code != null) { divDupRegis.Visible = true; string course_type1 = ""; course_data = new Course().getCourse(regisData.Course_Code); List <TeachingTableData> teachingData = new List <TeachingTableData>(); teachingData = new TeachingTable().getSubTeachingTable(regisData.Academic_Year, regisData.Semester, regisData.Course_Code, regisData.Sec_No, regisData.SubSec_No, degree_char); if (extend_data.Course_Type == "1") { course_type1 = "S."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "2") { course_type1 = "L."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "4") { course_type1 = "T."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "5") { course_type1 = "M."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "6") { course_type1 = "SP."; } else if (extend_data.Course_Type == "7") { course_type1 = "D."; } lblErr2.Text = ""; lblErr2.Text += "<div class='row'>"; lblErr2.Text += "<article class='col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'>"; lblErr2.Text += "<div class='jarviswidget jarviswidget-color-primary' id='" + regisData.Course_Code + "' data-widget-editbutton='false' data-widget-deletebutton='false' data-widget-fullscreenbutton='false' data-widget-sortable='false'>"; lblErr2.Text += "<header><span class='widget-icon'><i class='fa fa-table'></i></span><h2>ข้อมูลการลงทะเบียน</h2></header>"; lblErr2.Text += "<div><div class='widget-body no-padding'><div class='widget-body-toolbar'></div>"; lblErr2.Text += "<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-hover smart-form'>"; lblErr2.Text += "<thead><tr><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ตอนที่</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>วิชา</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ห้องเรียน</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>เวลาเรียน</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ผู้สอน</th></tr></thead>"; lblErr2.Text += "<tbody>"; lblErr2.Text += "<tr>"; if (regisData.SubSec_No != 0) { lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type1 + regisData.SubSec_No + "</td>"; } else { lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type1 + regisData.Sec_No + "</td>"; } lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-left'>" + regisData.Course_Code + " " + course_data.Course_Thainame + "</td>"; string room = ""; foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { room += teach.Building_Code + "-" + teach.Room_Code; if (teach.Campus_Code == "2") { room += "*"; } else if (teach.Campus_Code == "3") { room += "**"; } room += "<br/>"; } lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + room + "</td>"; string teachtime = ""; foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { string day = ""; if (teach.Teaching_Day == "1") { day = "Mon"; } else if (teach.Teaching_Day == "2") { day = "Tue"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "3") { day = "Wed"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "4") { day = "Thu"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "5") { day = "Fri"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "6") { day = "Sat"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "7") { day = "Sun"; } teachtime += day + " " + teach.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + teach.Teaching_End_Time + "<br>"; } lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + teachtime + "</td>"; string lec_name = ""; List <LecturerTableData> lecturerData = new List <LecturerTableData>(); foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { lecturerData = new LecturerTable().getLecturerTable(teach, degree_char); foreach (LecturerTableData lec in lecturerData) { lec_name += new Lecturer().getLecturer(lec.Lecturer).Lecturer_ShortName + ","; } lec_name = lec_name.Substring(0, lec_name.Length - 1); lec_name += "<br>"; } lblErr2.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + lec_name + "</td>"; lblErr2.Text += "</tr>"; lblErr2.Text += "</tbody>"; lblErr2.Text += "</table></div></div></div></article></div>"; } else if (dupextendData.Count != 0) { divDupExtend.Visible = true; lblErr3.Text = ""; lblErr3.Text += "<div class='row'>"; lblErr3.Text += "<article class='col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'>"; lblErr3.Text += "<div class='jarviswidget jarviswidget-color-primary' id='" + regisData.Course_Code + "' data-widget-editbutton='false' data-widget-deletebutton='false' data-widget-fullscreenbutton='false' data-widget-sortable='false'>"; lblErr3.Text += "<header><span class='widget-icon'><i class='fa fa-table'></i></span><h2>ข้อมูลการลงทะเบียน</h2></header>"; lblErr3.Text += "<div><div class='widget-body no-padding'><div class='widget-body-toolbar'></div>"; lblErr3.Text += "<table class='table table-bordered table-striped table-hover smart-form'>"; lblErr3.Text += "<thead><tr><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ตอนที่</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>วิชา</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ห้องเรียน</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>เวลาเรียน</th><th class='text-center' style='width:50px'>ผู้สอน</th></tr></thead>"; foreach (ExtendAvailableStudentData data in dupextendData) { string course_type1 = ""; course_data = new Course().getCourse(data.Course_Code); List <TeachingTableData> teachingData = new List <TeachingTableData>(); teachingData = new TeachingTable().getSubTeachingTable(data.AcademicYear, data.Semester, data.Course_Code, data.Sec_No, data.SubSec_No, course_degree_char); if (data.Course_Type == "1") { course_type1 = "S."; } else if (data.Course_Type == "2") { course_type1 = "L."; } else if (data.Course_Type == "4") { course_type1 = "T."; } else if (data.Course_Type == "5") { course_type1 = "M."; } else if (data.Course_Type == "6") { course_type1 = "SP."; } else if (data.Course_Type == "7") { course_type1 = "D."; } lblErr3.Text += "<tbody>"; lblErr3.Text += "<tr>"; if (data.SubSec_No != 0) { lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type1 + data.SubSec_No + "</td>"; } else { lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + course_type1 + data.Sec_No + "</td>"; } lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-left'>" + data.Course_Code + " " + course_data.Course_Thainame + "</td>"; string room = ""; foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { room += teach.Building_Code + "-" + teach.Room_Code; if (teach.Campus_Code == "2") { room += "*"; } else if (teach.Campus_Code == "3") { room += "**"; } room += "<br/>"; } lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + room + "</td>"; string teachtime = ""; foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { string day = ""; if (teach.Teaching_Day == "1") { day = "Mon"; } else if (teach.Teaching_Day == "2") { day = "Tue"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "3") { day = "Wed"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "4") { day = "Thu"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "5") { day = "Fri"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "6") { day = "Sat"; } if (teach.Teaching_Day == "7") { day = "Sun"; } teachtime += day + " " + teach.Teaching_Start_Time + " - " + teach.Teaching_End_Time + "<br>"; } lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + teachtime + "</td>"; string lec_name = ""; List <LecturerTableData> lecturerData = new List <LecturerTableData>(); foreach (TeachingTableData teach in teachingData) { lecturerData = new LecturerTable().getLecturerTable(teach, course_degree_char); foreach (LecturerTableData lec in lecturerData) { lec_name += new Lecturer().getLecturer(lec.Lecturer).Lecturer_ShortName + ","; } lec_name = lec_name.Substring(0, lec_name.Length - 1); lec_name += "<br>"; } lblErr3.Text += "<td class='text-center'>" + lec_name + "</td>"; lblErr3.Text += "</tr>"; lblErr3.Text += "</tbody>"; } lblErr3.Text += "</table></div></div></div></article></div>"; } else { divFail.Visible = false; divDupRegis.Visible = false; btnSAVE.Enabled = true; Session["save_student_data"] = studentData; } } else { // divShow.Visible = false; MsgValidate("ตรวจสอบไม่พบ นักศึกษาที่ค้นหา"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["login_data"] == null) { Response.Redirect("../index.aspx"); } else { //ตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ login_data = (UserLoginData)Session["login_data"]; if (autro_obj.CheckGroupUser(login_data, group_var.lecturer)) { // ======== Process =========== config_data = new SystemConfig().getConfig(); academic_year = config_data.AcademicYear; semester = config_data.Semester; row1 = Request.QueryString["show_row"]; if (Session["showCourse" + row1] == null) { Response.Redirect("List_Course_Lecturer.aspx"); } else { LecturerTableData lectuere_data = new LecturerTableData(); lnkADD.NavigateUrl = "Extend_Student.aspx?show_row=" + row1; lectuere_data = (LecturerTableData)Session["showCourse" + row1]; Session["Extend_Data"] = lectuere_data; lec_info = new Lecturer().getLecturer(lectuere_data.Lecturer); course_info = new Course().getCourse(lectuere_data.Course_Code); string course_type = ""; string course_sec = ""; if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "1") { course_type = "S."; } else if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "2") { course_type = "L."; } else if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "4") { course_type = "T."; } else if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "5") { course_type = "M."; } else if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "6") { course_type = "SP."; } else if (lectuere_data.Course_Type == "7") { course_type = "D."; } if (lectuere_data.SubSec_No != 0) { course_sec = lectuere_data.SubSec_No.ToString(); } else { course_sec = lectuere_data.Sec_No.ToString(); } lblLec.Text = lec_info.Lecturer_ShortName + " " + lec_info.First_ThaiName + " " + lec_info.Family_ThaiName; lblHeader.Text = course_type + course_sec + " " + course_info.Course_Code + " " + course_info.Course_Thainame + " " + course_info.Course_Engname; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // Session.Remove("ApproveRegis"); } try { List <RegistrationData> temp1 = new Student_Registration().getStudentRegistration(academic_year, semester, lectuere_data.Course_Code, lectuere_data.Sec_No, lectuere_data.SubSec_No); // List<RegistrationData> temp2 = new Student_Registration().getStudentRegistration(academic_year, semester, lectuere_data.Course_Code, lectuere_data.Sec_No, lectuere_data.SubSec_No, "M"); foreach (RegistrationData reg in temp1) { studentRegisData.Add(reg); } //foreach (RegistrationData reg in temp2) //{ // studentRegisData.Add(reg); //} studentExtendData = new ExtendAvailableStudent().getExtendStudent(academic_year, semester, lectuere_data.Course_Code, lectuere_data.Sec_No, lectuere_data.SubSec_No); int numrow = 1; int numrow2 = 1; string[] ar = { "ลำดับที่", "รหัสนักศึกษา", "ชื่อ-นามสกุล", "คณะ", "หลักสูตร", "ประเภท", "รอบ", "ห้อง", "อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา อนุมัติ" }; string[] ar2 = { "ลำดับที่", "รหัสนักศึกษา", "ชื่อ-นามสกุล", "คณะ", "หลักสูตร", "ประเภท", "รอบ", "ห้อง", "อาจารย์ผู้ดำเนินการ", "ยกเลิก" }; Table tb1 = new Table(); Table tb2 = new Table(); tb1.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-hover table-striped"); tb1.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); tb2.Attributes.Add("class", "table table-bordered table-hover table-striped"); tb2.Attributes.Add("id", "dt_basic"); TableHeaderRow tRowHead = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; TableHeaderRow tRowHead2 = new TableHeaderRow(); tRowHead2.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader; for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar[cellCtr - 1]; cellHead.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowHead.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tb1.Rows.Add(tRowHead); for (int cellCtr = 1; cellCtr <= ar2.Length; cellCtr++) { // Create a new cell and add it to the row. TableHeaderCell cellHead = new TableHeaderCell(); cellHead.Text = ar2[cellCtr - 1]; cellHead.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowHead2.Cells.Add(cellHead); } tb2.Rows.Add(tRowHead2); foreach (RegistrationData data in studentRegisData) { TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellNum = new TableCell(); cellNum.Text = numrow.ToString(); cellNum.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNum); TableCell cellStudent_ID = new TableCell(); cellStudent_ID.Text = data.Student_ID; cellStudent_ID.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudent_ID); TableCell cellStudent_Name = new TableCell(); cellStudent_Name.Text = data.First_Thainame + " " + data.Family_Thainame; cellStudent_Name.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudent_Name); TableCell cellFaculty = new TableCell(); cellFaculty.Text = new Faculty().getFaculty(data.Faculty_Code).Faculty_Thai; cellFaculty.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFaculty); TableCell cellCurri = new TableCell(); cellCurri.Text = data.Curr_Code.Substring(4) + " " + new Curriculum().getCurriculum(data.Curr_Code).Curr_ThaiName; //cellCurri.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCurri); Student student_data = new Student(); student_data = new Student().getStudent(data.Student_ID, new Curriculum().getCurriculum(data.Curr_Code).Degree_Char); TableCell cellCategory = new TableCell(); cellCategory.Text = student_data.StdCategoryThai; cellCategory.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCategory); TableCell cellSection = new TableCell(); cellSection.Text = student_data.SectionThai; cellSection.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellSection); TableCell cellGroup = new TableCell(); cellGroup.Text = student_data.StdGroupName; cellGroup.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellGroup); TableCell cellApprove = new TableCell(); if (data.Approve_Status == "y") { cellApprove.Text = "อนุมัติ"; cellApprove.Attributes.Add("class", "txt-green-bold text-align-center"); } else { cellApprove.Text = "รออนุมัติ"; cellApprove.Attributes.Add("class", "txt-red text-align-center"); } tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellApprove); tb1.Rows.Add(tRowBody); numrow++; } TableRow row = new TableRow(); TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.Controls.Add(tb1); row.Cells.Add(cell); tblStudentAdvisor.Rows.Add(row); foreach (ExtendAvailableStudentData data in studentExtendData) { Student student_data = new Student(); student_data = new Student().getStudent(data.Student_ID, new DegreeAdmission().getDegreeAdmissionChar(utlObj.getFactorFromStudentID(data.Student_ID, utlObj.stdID_Factor_DegreeAdmission))); TableRow tRowBody = new TableRow(); tRowBody.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody; TableCell cellNum = new TableCell(); cellNum.Text = numrow2.ToString(); cellNum.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellNum); TableCell cellStudent_ID = new TableCell(); cellStudent_ID.Text = data.Student_ID; cellStudent_ID.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudent_ID); TableCell cellStudent_Name = new TableCell(); cellStudent_Name.Text = student_data.First_ThaiName + " " + student_data.Family_ThaiName; cellStudent_Name.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellStudent_Name); TableCell cellFaculty = new TableCell(); cellFaculty.Text = student_data.FacultyThai; cellFaculty.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellFaculty); TableCell cellCurri = new TableCell(); cellCurri.Text = student_data.Curri_Code.Substring(4) + " " + student_data.CurrThai; //cellCurri.Text = "-"; tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCurri); TableCell cellCategory = new TableCell(); cellCategory.Text = student_data.StdCategoryThai; cellCategory.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellCategory); TableCell cellSection = new TableCell(); cellSection.Text = student_data.SectionThai; cellSection.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellSection); TableCell cellGroup = new TableCell(); cellGroup.Text = student_data.StdGroupName; cellGroup.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellGroup); TableCell cellLecturerAdd = new TableCell(); cellLecturerAdd.Text = new Lecturer().getLecturer(data.LECTURER_ADD).Lecturer_ShortName; cellLecturerAdd.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellLecturerAdd); TableCell cellApprove = new TableCell(); cellApprove.Text = "<a href='Cancel_Extend_Student.aspx?student_id=" + data.Student_ID + "&academic_year=" + data.AcademicYear + "&semester=" + data.Semester + "&course_code=" + data.Course_Code + "&sec=" + data.Sec_No + "&subsec=" + data.SubSec_No + "&lecturer_code=" + lectuere_data.Lecturer + "&show_row=" + row1 + "' title='Cancel' data-target='#deleteModal' data-toggle='modal'><h4><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></h4></a>"; cellApprove.Attributes.Add("class", "text-align-center"); tRowBody.Cells.Add(cellApprove); tb2.Rows.Add(tRowBody); numrow2++; } TableRow row2 = new TableRow(); TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); cell2.Controls.Add(tb2); row2.Cells.Add(cell2); tblExtendStudentAdvisor.Rows.Add(row2); } catch (Exception err) { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ไม่สามารถดำเนินการได้"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } } //============================= } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["response"] = "ตรวจสอบไม่พบสิทธิ์การเข้าใช้งาน"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("err_response.aspx"); } } }