コード例 #1
ファイル: database.cs プロジェクト: BMihor/time_tracker
        // обновить что-то в базе
        public void update_datebase_user_session_finish_on_file(current_user user, user_time time)
            string sql = string.Format("UPDATE user_recording" + " " +
                                       "set data_finish_Day=" + time.Get_day() + ", data_finish_Month=" + time.Get_month() +
                                       ", data_finish_Year=" + time.Get_year() + ", data_finish_Sec=" + time.Get_sec() +
                                       ", data_finish_Min=" + time.Get_min() + ", data_finish_Hour=" + time.Get_hour() + " "
                                       + "where user_id='" + user.Get_user_id() + "'" + " and data_finish_Hour=0;");

            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.connect))
コード例 #2
ファイル: database.cs プロジェクト: BMihor/time_tracker
 // обновить запись сессии после нажатия кнопки стоп
 public void update_datebase_user_session_finish(current_user user, user_time time)
         string sql = string.Format("UPDATE user_session" + " " +
                                    "set data_finish_Day=" + time.Get_day() + ", data_finish_Month=" + time.Get_month() +
                                    ", data_finish_Year=" + time.Get_year() + ", data_finish_Sec=" + time.Get_sec() +
                                    ", data_finish_Min=" + time.Get_min() + ", data_finish_Hour=" + time.Get_hour() + ", finish_status='true'" + ", "
                                    + "start_status='false'" + " " + "where user_id='" + user.Get_user_id() + "'" + ";");
         using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.connect))
         update_datebase_user_session_finish_on_file(user, time);
     catch (SqlException ex)
     { }
コード例 #3
ファイル: database.cs プロジェクト: BMihor/time_tracker
        // вставить записи в табличку записей
        public void insert_datebase_session_on_file(current_user CurrentUser, user_time time, database Database)
            int    finish_time         = 0;
            int    count_hours_all     = 0;
            int    count_hours_for_day = 0;
            string type_created        = "button";

                string sql = string.Format("Insert Into user_recording " + "(user_id, data_start_Day, data_start_Month, data_start_Year, data_start_Hour, data_start_Min, data_start_Sec, data_finish_Day, data_finish_Month, data_finish_Year, data_finish_Sec, data_finish_Min, data_finish_Hour, type_created, count_hours_all, count_hours_for_day)Values('{0}', '{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}', '{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}', '{13}', '{14}', '{15}')",
                                           CurrentUser.Get_user_id(), time.Get_day(), time.Get_month(), time.Get_year(), time.Get_hour(), time.Get_min(), time.Get_sec(), finish_time, finish_time, finish_time, finish_time, finish_time, finish_time, type_created, count_hours_all, count_hours_for_day);
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, this.connect))
            catch (SqlException ex)
            { }
コード例 #4
    public static bool checkTimeDelete(string id, int day, int month, int year, int sec, int min, int hour)
        bool         boolean     = false;
        database     Database    = new database();
        current_user CurrentUser = new current_user(id);

        user_time     time_curent = new user_time(day, month, year, sec, min, hour);
        List <string> list;

        list = Database.get_from_datebase("data_start_Day, data_start_Month, data_start_Year, data_start_Hour, data_start_Min, data_start_Sec", "user_session", "where user_id='" + CurrentUser.Get_user_id() + "'");
        if (list != null)
            if (list.LongCount() != 0)
                user_time time_start = new user_time(int.Parse(list[0]), int.Parse(list[1]), int.Parse(list[2]), int.Parse(list[5]),
                                                     int.Parse(list[4]), int.Parse(list[3]));

                user_time different = new user_time();
                different = time_start;
                int count_day  = different.day_difference(time_curent);
                int count_hour = time_curent.Get_hour() - time_start.Get_hour();
                int count_min  = time_curent.Get_min() - time_start.Get_min();
                int count_sec  = time_curent.Get_sec() - time_start.Get_sec();
                count_sec = count_sec + (count_min + (count_hour + count_day * 24) * 60) * 60;

                if (count_sec < 60)
                    Database.delete_datebase("user_recording", "where user_id='" + id + "' and data_finish_Day='0'");
                    boolean = true;

コード例 #5
ファイル: current_user.cs プロジェクト: BMihor/time_tracker
        public string[] get_records_for_month(int month, int year)
            int[] month_days = new int[] { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
            //если текущий год високосный - устанавливаем в феврале 28 дней
            if (((year % 4 != 0) && (year % 100 == 0)) ||
                ((year % 100 != 0) && (year % 400 != 0)))
                month_days[1] = 28;
            database _database_ = new database();

            List <string> list_curent_month;

            list_curent_month = _database_.get_from_datebase("data_start_Day, data_start_Month, data_start_Year, data_start_Sec, data_start_Min, data_start_Hour, data_finish_Day, data_finish_Month, data_finish_Year, data_finish_Sec, data_finish_Min, data_finish_Hour", "user_recording", "where user_id='" + user_id + "' and data_finish_Month=" + month + " and data_finish_Year=" + year + "");
            string[] records_for_month = new string[month_days[month - 1] * 2];
            if (list_curent_month != null)
                if (list_curent_month.Count >= 0)
                    string[] day_of_month = new string[month_days[month - 1]];
                    for (int i = 0; i < month_days[month - 1]; i++)
                        day_of_month[i]      = i + 1 + ":" + month + ":" + year;
                        records_for_month[i] = day_of_month[i];
                    int count_work            = 0;
                    int count_all_day_work    = 0;
                    int count_recording_month = list_curent_month.Count() / 12;
                    int pos = month_days[month - 1];
                    for (int zt = pos; zt < records_for_month.Length; zt++)
                        records_for_month[zt] = count_all_day_work.ToString();
                    int count_sec  = 0;
                    int count_min  = 0;
                    int count_hour = 0;
                    int count_day  = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < month_days[month - 1]; i++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < count_recording_month; x++)
                            if (day_of_month[i] == list_curent_month[x] + ":" + list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month] + ":" + list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 2])
                                user_time time_finish = new user_time(int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 6]),
                                                                      int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 7]),
                                                                      int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 8]),
                                                                      int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 9]),
                                                                      int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 10]),
                                                                      int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 11]));
                                user_time time_start = new user_time(int.Parse(list_curent_month[x]),
                                                                     int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month]),
                                                                     int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 2]),
                                                                     int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 3]),
                                                                     int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 4]),
                                                                     int.Parse(list_curent_month[x + count_recording_month * 5]));
                                user_time different = new user_time();
                                different              = time_start;
                                count_day              = different.day_difference(time_finish);
                                count_hour             = time_finish.Get_hour() - time_start.Get_hour();
                                count_min              = time_finish.Get_min() - time_start.Get_min();
                                count_sec              = time_finish.Get_sec() - time_start.Get_sec();
                                count_sec              = count_sec + (count_min + (count_hour + count_day * 24) * 60) * 60;
                                count_work             = count_sec;
                                count_all_day_work     = count_work + int.Parse(records_for_month[pos]);
                                records_for_month[pos] = count_all_day_work.ToString();
                                if (day_of_month[i] != list_curent_month[x + 1] + ":" + list_curent_month[x + 1 + count_recording_month] + ":" + list_curent_month[x + 1 + count_recording_month * 2])
                                count_work             = 0;
                                records_for_month[pos] = count_work.ToString();
コード例 #6
ファイル: current_user.cs プロジェクト: BMihor/time_tracker
        public string[] get_information(string[] list_befor_month, string[] list_curent_month, string[] list_after_month, int month, int year_number)
            user_time UserTime   = new user_time();
            int       day_number = 0;
            int       count_week = 0;

            day_number = UserTime.number_day(1, month, year_number);

            int[] month_days = new int[] { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
            //если текущий год високосный - устанавливаем в феврале 28 дней
            if (((year_number % 4 != 0) && (year_number % 100 == 0)) ||
                ((year_number % 100 != 0) && (year_number % 400 != 0)))
                month_days[1] = 28;

            if ((month_days[month - 1] == 29 && (day_number == 6 || day_number == 7)) ||
                (month_days[month - 1] == 28 && (day_number == 6 || day_number == 7 || day_number == 1)) ||
                (day_number == 6 && month_days[month - 1] == 30))
                count_week = 4;
                count_week = 5;

            string[] finish_arr = new string[5 * count_week * 2];

            if (day_number == 1)
                int count_weeks_itr = 0;
                int i     = day_number - 1;
                int ipoch = 5 - (month_days[month - 1] - 28);
                int j     = 0;
                for (; j < finish_arr.Length / 2; j++)
                    if (i == month_days[month - 1])
                    finish_arr[j] = list_curent_month[i];
                    finish_arr[j + finish_arr.Length / 2] = list_curent_month[i + month_days[month - 1]];
                    if (i % 7 == 5)
                        i += 2;
                if (count_weeks_itr != count_week)
                    for (int x = 0; x < ipoch; x++)
                        finish_arr[j] = list_after_month[x];
                        finish_arr[j + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_after_month[x + month_days[month]];

            if (day_number >= 2 && day_number <= 5)
                int count_weeks_itr = 0;
                int count           = day_number - 1;
                int f = 5 - count;
                int k = 0, i = 0;
                for (; k < count; k++)
                    if (month == 1)
                        month = 13;
                    finish_arr[k] = list_befor_month[month_days[month - 2] - count + k];
                    finish_arr[k + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_befor_month[list_befor_month.Length - count + k];
                if (month == 13)
                    month = 12;
                int ipoch = 5 - UserTime.number_day(month_days[month - 1], month, year_number);

                for (; k < finish_arr.Length / 2; k++)
                    finish_arr[k] = list_curent_month[i];
                    finish_arr[k + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_curent_month[i + month_days[month - 1]];
                    if (i == month_days[month - 1] - 1)
                    if (i % 7 == f)
                        i += 2;
                if (count_weeks_itr != count_week)
                    for (int x = 0; x < ipoch; x++)
                        finish_arr[k] = list_after_month[x];
                        if (month == 12)
                            month = 0;
                        finish_arr[k + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_after_month[x + month_days[month]];

            if (day_number == 6 || day_number == 7)
                int count_weeks_itr = 0;
                int i = 1 + (7 - day_number);
                int z = 0;
                if (i == 2)
                    z = 0;
                    if (i == 1)
                        z = 6;
                int ipoch = 5 - UserTime.number_day(month_days[month - 1], month, year_number);
                int j     = 0;
                for (; j < finish_arr.Length / 2; j++)
                    finish_arr[j] = list_curent_month[i];
                    finish_arr[j + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_curent_month[i + month_days[month - 1]];
                    if (i == month_days[month - 1] - 1)
                    if (i % 7 == z)
                        i += 2;
                if (count_weeks_itr != count_week)
                    for (int k = 0; k < ipoch; k++)
                        finish_arr[j] = list_after_month[k];
                        finish_arr[j + (finish_arr.Length / 2)] = list_after_month[k + month_days[month - 1]];