コード例 #1
        public static void GetFollowerIDs(string name, string AccessToken, twitterButton caller)
            Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

            WWW web = new WWW("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/ids.json?screen_name=" + name, null, headers);

            while (!web.isDone)
                Debug.Log("Retrieving follower IDs...");


            List<string> dummy = extractData(web.text, "[", "]");
            List<string> IDs = extractData(dummy[0], ",");
            caller.IDs = IDs;
コード例 #2
        public static void GetProfile(string userID, bool isID, string AccessToken, twitterButton caller, bool zombie)
            Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

            string url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json";
            if (isID)
                url += "?user_id=";
                url += "?screen_name=";
            WWW web = new WWW(url + userID, null, headers);
            while (!web.isDone)
                Debug.Log("Grabbing profile info...");
            Debug.Log("web: " + "\n" + web.text);
            Debug.Log("Extracting profile data...");
            List<string> avatarURL = extractData(web.text, ",\"profile_image_url\":\"", "\",\"profile_image_url_https\":");
            avatarURL[0] = avatarURL[0].Remove(avatarURL[0].IndexOf("_normal"), 7);

            List<string> text = extractData(web.text, ",\"text\":\"", ",\"source\":");
            int a = web.text.IndexOf("\"status\"", 0);
            int b = web.text.IndexOf("\"contributors_enabled\"", 0);
            int length = b - a;
            string newText = web.text;
            if (a != -1 && b != -1)
                newText = web.text.Remove(a, length);
            int c = web.text.IndexOf(",\"profile_location\":", 0);
            int d = web.text.IndexOf(",\"description\":", 0);
            int lengthROUNDTWO = d - c;
            if (c != -1 && d != -1)
                Debug.Log(c + " " + d);
                newText = newText.Remove(c + 22, lengthROUNDTWO - 22);

            List<string> anID = extractData(newText, "{\"id\":", ",\"id_str\":");
            List<string> displayName = extractData(newText, ",\"name\":\"", "\",\"screen_name\":");
            List<string> username = extractData(newText, ",\"screen_name\":\"", "\",\"location\":");
            List<string> location = extractData(newText, ",\"location\":\"", "\",\"profile_location\":");
            List<string> bio = extractData(newText, ",\"description\":\"", "\",\"url\":");
            List<string> website = extractData(newText, ",\"display_url\":\"", "\",\"indices\":");
            List<string> joinDate = extractData(newText, ",\"created_at\":\"", "\",\"favourites_count\":");
            List<string> verified = extractData(newText, ",\"verified\":", ",\"statuses_count\":");
            List<string> totalTweets = extractData(newText, ",\"statuses_count\":", ",\"lang\":");
            List<string> followers = extractData(newText, ",\"followers_count\":", ",\"friends_count\":");

            TwitterUser user = new TwitterUser();

            user.ID = anID[0];
            user.displayName = displayName[0];
            user.avatarURL = avatarURL[0];
            user.username = username[0];
            if (text.Count > 0)
                user.mostRecentTweet = text[0];
            user.location = location[0];
            user.bio = bio[0];

            if (website.Count > 0)
                user.websiteURL = website[0];
                user.websiteURL = null;

            user.joinDate = joinDate[0];
            user.verified = Convert.ToBoolean(verified[0]);
            user.followers = int.Parse(followers[0]);
            user.totalTweets = int.Parse(totalTweets[0]);
            if (!zombie)

コード例 #3
        public static void GetUserTimeline(string name, string AccessToken, int count, twitterButton caller)
            Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

            WWW web = new WWW("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=" + name + "&count=" + count + "&trim_user=1" + "&include_rts=0&exclude_replies=true&contributor_details=false", null, headers);

            while (!web.isDone)
                Debug.Log("Grabbing timeline...");

            //find user mentions
            List<string> mentions = extractData(web.text, ",\"user_mentions\":", ",\"urls\":");
            //remove if true
            string extractMe;
            if (ammendOutputText == null)
                extractMe = web.text;
                extractMe = ammendOutputText;

            Debug.Log("Extracting profile data...");
            List<string> dateTime = extractData(extractMe, "{\"created_at\":\"", "\",\"id\":");
            List<string> text = extractData(extractMe, ",\"text\":\"", ",\"truncated\":");
            List<string> favs = extractData(extractMe, "\"favorite_count\":", ",\"entities\":");
            List<string> RTs = extractData(extractMe, "\"retweet_count\":", ",\"favorite_count\":");
            List<string> userID = extractData(extractMe, "\"user\":{\"id\":", "\"},\"geo\":");
            List<string> tweetID = extractData(extractMe, ",\"id\":", "\",\"text\":");
            List<Tweet> tweets = new List<Tweet>();

            //format datetime
            //For each time a space is detected, 
            //do things with boop[2]

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
                Tweet thisTweet = new Tweet();

                #region dateTime formating
                string temp = "";
                List<string> boop = new List<string>();
                for (int k = 0; k < dateTime[i].Length; k++)
                    if (dateTime[i][k] != ' ')
                        temp += dateTime[i][k];
                        temp = "";

                    if (k == dateTime[i].Length - 1)
                temp = "";
                List<string> doop = new List<string>();
                for (int k = 0; k < boop[3].Length; k++)
                    if (boop[3][k] != ':')
                        temp += boop[3][k];
                        temp = "";

                    if (k == boop[3].Length - 1)

                tw_DateTime time = new tw_DateTime();
                time.Weekday = boop[0];
                time.Month = boop[1];
                time.Day = boop[2];
                time.Hour = doop[0];
                time.Minute = doop[1];
                time.Second = doop[2];
                time.Year = boop[3];
                time.Offset = boop[4];

                thisTweet.dateTime = time;
                thisTweet.Text = text[i];
                thisTweet.UserID = userID[i].Substring(0, userID[i].IndexOf(",\"id_str"));
                thisTweet.RTs = int.Parse(RTs[i]);
                thisTweet.Favs = int.Parse(favs[i]);
                thisTweet.ID = tweetID[i].Substring(0, tweetID[i].IndexOf(",\"id_str"));

            caller.tweets = tweets;
            ammendOutputText = null;
コード例 #4
    void Awake()
        gullNames = Regex.Split(gullNamesFile.text, "\n");

        m_instance = this;
コード例 #5
        //Grab a selection of tweets from a user
        public static void GetUserTimeline(string name, string AccessToken, int count, twitterButton caller)
            //Set-up API call
            Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

            //DO AN API CALL
            //For this program, the parameters used below will likely need to be changed bar username and # of tweets to pull
            WWW web = new WWW("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/" + "user" + "_timeline.json?screen_name=" + name + "&count=" + count + "&trim_user=1" + "&include_rts=0&exclude_replies=true&contributor_details=false", null, headers);

            while (!web.isDone)
                Debug.Log("Processing request...");

            //We have an error x(
            if (web.error != null)
                //Output error to UI
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().enabled = true;
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = web.error;
                //We good
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = "";

                //Remove this bit 'cause it's more trouble than it's worth.
                List<string> mentions = extractData(web.text, ",\"entities\":", ",\"source\":");
                //If detected, remove.
                string extractMe;
                if (ammendOutputText == null)
                    extractMe = web.text;
                    extractMe = ammendOutputText;

                string[] delim = { "},{" };
                string[] pls = extractMe.Split(delim, StringSplitOptions.None);

                foreach (string s in pls)
                    string temp = s;

                    if (temp.StartsWith("["))
                        temp=temp.Remove(0, 1);

                    if (temp.EndsWith("]") || temp.EndsWith("}}"))
                        temp = temp.Remove(temp.Length - 1, 1);

                    if (!temp.EndsWith("}"))
                        temp += "}";

                    if (!temp.StartsWith("{"))
                        temp = "{" + temp;

                    Tweet newTweet = JsonUtility.FromJson<Tweet>(temp);
                    newTweet.FormattedDateTime = formatDateTime(newTweet.created_at);
                    newTweet.screen_name = currentDisplayName;

                #region old method of data extraction
                                List<string> dateTime = extractData(extractMe, "{\"created_at\":\"", "\",\"id\":");
                                List<string> text = extractData(extractMe, ",\"text\":\"", "\",\"truncated\":");
                                List<string> favs = extractData(extractMe, "\"favorite_count\":", ",\"favorited\":");
                                List<string> RTs = extractData(extractMe, "\"retweet_count\":", ",\"favorite_count\":");
                                List<string> userID = extractData(extractMe, "\"user\":{\"id\":", "\"},\"geo\":");
                                List<string> tweetID = extractData(extractMe, ",\"id\":", "\",\"text\":");

                                //This is what will be used to create islands
                                List<Tweet> tweets = new List<Tweet>();

                                //For each detected tweet
                                for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
                                    //Create a new tweet
                                    Tweet thisTweet = new Tweet();

                                    #region dateTime formatting
                                    string temp = "";
                                    List<string> date = new List<string>();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < dateTime[i].Length; k++)
                                        if (dateTime[i][k] != ' ')
                                            temp += dateTime[i][k];
                                            temp = "";

                                        if (k == dateTime[i].Length - 1)
                                    temp = "";
                                    List<string> timeOfDay = new List<string>();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < date[3].Length; k++)
                                        if (date[3][k] != ':')
                                            temp += date[3][k];
                                            temp = "";

                                        if (k == date[3].Length - 1)

                                    tw_DateTime time = new tw_DateTime();
                                    time.Weekday = date[0];
                                    time.Month = date[1];
                                    time.Day = int.Parse(date[2]);
                                    time.Hour = int.Parse(timeOfDay[0]);
                                    time.Minute = int.Parse(timeOfDay[1]);
                                    time.Second = int.Parse(timeOfDay[2]);
                                    time.Year = int.Parse(date[5]);
                                    time.Offset = date[4];

                                    //Add data to tweet
                                    thisTweet.dateTime = time;
                                    thisTweet.Text = text[i];
                                    thisTweet.UserID = userID[i].Substring(0, userID[i].IndexOf(",\"id_str"));
                                    thisTweet.RTs = int.Parse(RTs[i]);
                                    thisTweet.Favs = int.Parse(favs[i]);
                                    thisTweet.ID = tweetID[i].Substring(0, tweetID[i].IndexOf(",\"id_str"));
                                    thisTweet.DisplayName = currentDisplayName;

                                    //Add tweet
                                //Send the tweet data back to the button used to call this function
                                caller.tweets = tweets;
                                ammendOutputText = null;*/
コード例 #6
        public static IEnumerator GetRequestToken(string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, twitterButton caller)
            WWW web = WWWRequestToken(consumerKey, consumerSecret);

            yield return web;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(web.error))
                Debug.Log(string.Format("GetRequestToken - failed. error : {0}", web.error));
                RequestTokenResponse response = new RequestTokenResponse
                    Token = Regex.Match(web.text, @"oauth_token=([^&]+)").Groups[1].Value,
                    TokenSecret = Regex.Match(web.text, @"oauth_token_secret=([^&]+)").Groups[1].Value,

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Token) &&
                    caller.m_RequestTokenResponse = response;
                    Debug.Log(string.Format("GetRequestToken - failed. response : {0}", web.text));
コード例 #7
        //Retrieve user profile information
        public static void GetProfile(string name, string AccessToken, twitterButton caller)
            //Set-up API call
            Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + AccessToken;

            //DO AN API CALL
            //For this program, the parameters used below will likely need to be changed bar username and # of tweets to pull
            WWW web = new WWW("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/users/show.json?screen_name=" + name + "&include_entities=false", null, headers);

            while (!web.isDone)
                Debug.Log("Processing request...");

            //We have an error x(
            if (web.error != null)
                //Output error to UI
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().enabled = true;
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = web.error;
                TwitterUserInfo test = JsonUtility.FromJson<TwitterUserInfo>(web.text);
                caller.testObject = test;

                if (test.screen_name == " ")
                    test.screen_name = "Somebody with a non-ascii name";

                caller.verified = test.verified;
                test.profile_image_url = test.profile_image_url.Remove(test.profile_image_url.IndexOf("_normal"), 7);
                currentDisplayName = test.screen_name;
                //We good
                GameObject.Find("Error Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = "";