コード例 #1
    static void UpdateVertexCache(tk2dSpriteCollection gen, float scale, tk2dEditor.Atlas.Data[] packers, tk2dSpriteCollectionData coll, List<SpriteLut> spriteLuts)
        for (int i = 0; i < sourceTextures.Length; ++i)
            SpriteLut _lut = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < spriteLuts.Count; ++j)
                if (spriteLuts[j].source == i)
                    _lut = spriteLuts[j];

            int padAmount = GetPadAmount(gen, i);

            tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition thisTexParam = gen.textureParams[i];
            tk2dEditor.Atlas.Data packer = null;
            tk2dEditor.Atlas.Entry atlasEntry = null;
            int atlasIndex = 0;
            foreach (var p in packers)
                if ((atlasEntry = p.FindEntryWithIndex(_lut.atlasIndex)) != null)
                    packer = p;
            float fwidth = packer.width;
            float fheight = packer.height;

            int tx = atlasEntry.x + padAmount, ty = atlasEntry.y + padAmount, tw = atlasEntry.w - padAmount * 2, th = atlasEntry.h - padAmount * 2;
            int sd_y = packer.height - ty - th;

            float uvOffsetX = 0.001f / fwidth;
            float uvOffsetY = 0.001f / fheight;

            Vector2 v0 = new Vector2(tx / fwidth + uvOffsetX, 1.0f - (sd_y + th) / fheight + uvOffsetY);
            Vector2 v1 = new Vector2((tx + tw) / fwidth - uvOffsetX, 1.0f - sd_y / fheight - uvOffsetY);

            Mesh mesh = null;
            Transform meshTransform = null;
            GameObject instantiated = null;

            Vector3 colliderOrigin = new Vector3();

            if (thisTexParam.overrideMesh)
                // Disabled
                instantiated = GameObject.Instantiate(thisTexParam.overrideMesh) as GameObject;
                MeshFilter meshFilter = instantiated.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>();
                if (meshFilter == null)
                    Debug.LogError("Unable to find mesh");
                    mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                    meshTransform = meshFilter.gameObject.transform;

            Vector3 untrimmedPos0 = Vector3.zero, untrimmedPos1 = Vector3.one;

            if (mesh)
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions = new Vector3[mesh.vertices.Length];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].uvs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.vertices.Length; ++j)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions[j] = meshTransform.TransformPoint(mesh.vertices[j]);
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].uvs[j] = new Vector2(v0.x + (v1.x - v0.x) * mesh.uv[j].x, v0.y + (v1.y - v0.y) * mesh.uv[j].y);
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices = new int[mesh.triangles.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.triangles.Length; ++j)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j] = mesh.triangles[j];
                Texture2D thisTextureRef = sourceTextures[i];

                int texHeightI = thisTextureRef?thisTextureRef.height:2;
                int texWidthI = thisTextureRef?thisTextureRef.width:2;
                float texHeight = texHeightI;
           			float texWidth = texWidthI;

                float h = thisTextureRef?thisTextureRef.height:64;
                float w = thisTextureRef?thisTextureRef.width:64;
                h *= thisTexParam.scale.y;
                w *= thisTexParam.scale.x;

                float scaleX = w * scale;
                float scaleY = h * scale;

                // anchor coordinate system is (0, 0) = top left, to keep it the same as photoshop, etc.
                switch (thisTexParam.anchor)
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.LowerLeft: thisTexParam.anchorX = 0; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.LowerCenter: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI / 2; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.LowerRight: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI; break;

                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.MiddleLeft: thisTexParam.anchorX = 0; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI / 2; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.MiddleCenter: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI / 2; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI / 2; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.MiddleRight: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI; thisTexParam.anchorY = texHeightI / 2; break;

                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.UpperLeft: thisTexParam.anchorX = 0; thisTexParam.anchorY = 0; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.UpperCenter: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI / 2; thisTexParam.anchorY = 0; break;
                    case tk2dSpriteCollectionDefinition.Anchor.UpperRight: thisTexParam.anchorX = texWidthI; thisTexParam.anchorY = 0; break;
                Vector3 pos0 = new Vector3(-thisTexParam.anchorX * thisTexParam.scale.x * scale, 0, -(h - thisTexParam.anchorY * thisTexParam.scale.y) * scale);

                colliderOrigin = new Vector3(pos0.x, pos0.z, 0.0f);
                Vector3 pos1 = pos0 + new Vector3(scaleX, 0, scaleY);

                untrimmedPos0 = new Vector3(pos0.x, pos0.z);
                untrimmedPos1 = new Vector3(pos1.x, pos1.z);

                List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>();
                List<Vector2> uvs = new List<Vector2>();

                // build mesh
                if (_lut.isSplit)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].flipped = false; // each split could be rotated, but not consistently

                    for (int j = 0; j < spriteLuts.Count; ++j)
                        if (spriteLuts[j].source == i)
                            _lut = spriteLuts[j];

                            int thisAtlasIndex = 0;
                            foreach (var p in packers)
                                if ((atlasEntry = p.FindEntryWithIndex(_lut.atlasIndex)) != null)
                                    packer = p;

                            if (thisAtlasIndex != atlasIndex)
                                // This is a serious problem, dicing is not supported when multi atlas output is selected

                            fwidth = packer.width;
                            fheight = packer.height;

                            tx = atlasEntry.x + padAmount;
                            ty = atlasEntry.y + padAmount;
                            tw = atlasEntry.w - padAmount * 2;
                            th = atlasEntry.h - padAmount * 2;

                            sd_y = packer.height - ty - th;
                            v0 = new Vector2(tx / fwidth + uvOffsetX, 1.0f - (sd_y + th) / fheight + uvOffsetY);
                            v1 = new Vector2((tx + tw) / fwidth - uvOffsetX, 1.0f - sd_y / fheight - uvOffsetY);

                            float x0 = _lut.rx / texWidth;
                            float y0 = _lut.ry / texHeight;
                            float x1 = (_lut.rx + _lut.rw) / texWidth;
                            float y1 = (_lut.ry + _lut.rh) / texHeight;

                            Vector3 dpos0 = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(pos0.x, pos1.x, x0), 0.0f, Mathf.Lerp(pos0.z, pos1.z, y0));
                            Vector3 dpos1 = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(pos0.x, pos1.x, x1), 0.0f, Mathf.Lerp(pos0.z, pos1.z, y1));

                            positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos0.x, dpos0.z, 0));
                            positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos1.x, dpos0.z, 0));
                            positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos0.x, dpos1.z, 0));
                            positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos1.x, dpos1.z, 0));

                            if (atlasEntry.flipped)
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v0.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v1.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v0.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v1.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v0.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v0.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v1.y));
                                uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v1.y));
                else if (thisTexParam.customSpriteGeometry)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].flipped = atlasEntry.flipped;

                    List<int> indices = new List<int>();
                    foreach (var island in thisTexParam.geometryIslands)
                        int baseIndex = positions.Count;
                        for (int x = 0; x < island.points.Length; ++x)
                            var v = island.points[x];
                            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(pos0.x, pos0.z);
                            positions.Add(new Vector2(v.x * thisTexParam.scale.x, (texHeight - v.y) * thisTexParam.scale.y) * scale + new Vector2(origin.x, origin.y));

                            tx = atlasEntry.x + padAmount;
                            ty = atlasEntry.y + padAmount;
                            tw = atlasEntry.w - padAmount * 2;
                            th = atlasEntry.h - padAmount * 2;

                            //v0 = new Vector2(tx / fwidth + uvOffsetX, 1.0f - (sd_y + th) / fheight + uvOffsetY);
                            //v1 = new Vector2((tx + tw) / fwidth - uvOffsetX, 1.0f - sd_y / fheight - uvOffsetY);

                            Vector2 uv = new Vector2();
                            if (atlasEntry.flipped)
                                uv.x = (tx - _lut.ry + texHeight - v.y) / fwidth + uvOffsetX;
                                uv.y = (ty - _lut.rx + v.x) / fheight + uvOffsetY;
                                uv.x = (tx - _lut.rx + v.x) / fwidth + uvOffsetX;
                                uv.y = (ty - _lut.ry + texHeight - v.y) / fheight + uvOffsetY ;


                        tk2dEditor.Triangulator triangulator = new tk2dEditor.Triangulator(island.points);
                        int[] localIndices = triangulator.Triangulate();
                        //for (int x = localIndices.Length - 1; x >= 0; --x)
                        for (int x = 0; x < localIndices.Length; x += 3)
                            indices.Add(baseIndex + localIndices[x + 2]);
                            indices.Add(baseIndex + localIndices[x + 1]);
                            indices.Add(baseIndex + localIndices[x + 0]);

                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices = indices.ToArray();
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].flipped = atlasEntry.flipped;

                    float x0 = _lut.rx / texWidth;
                    float y0 = _lut.ry / texHeight;
                    float x1 = (_lut.rx + _lut.rw) / texWidth;
                    float y1 = (_lut.ry + _lut.rh) / texHeight;

                    Vector3 dpos0 = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(pos0.x, pos1.x, x0), 0.0f, Mathf.Lerp(pos0.z, pos1.z, y0));
                    Vector3 dpos1 = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(pos0.x, pos1.x, x1), 0.0f, Mathf.Lerp(pos0.z, pos1.z, y1));

                    positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos0.x, dpos0.z, 0));
                    positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos1.x, dpos0.z, 0));
                    positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos0.x, dpos1.z, 0));
                    positions.Add(new Vector3(dpos1.x, dpos1.z, 0));

                    if (atlasEntry.flipped)
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v0.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v1.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v0.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v1.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v0.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v0.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v0.x,v1.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(v1.x,v1.y));

                // build sprite definition
                if (!thisTexParam.customSpriteGeometry)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices = new int[ 6 * (positions.Count / 4) ];
                    for (int j = 0; j < positions.Count / 4; ++j)
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 0] = j * 4 + 0;
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 1] = j * 4 + 3;
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 2] = j * 4 + 1;
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 3] = j * 4 + 2;
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 4] = j * 4 + 3;
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices[j * 6 + 5] = j * 4 + 0;
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].complexGeometry = false;
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].complexGeometry = true;

                // This doesn't seem to be necessary in UNITY_3_5_3
        #if (UNITY_3_0 || UNITY_3_1 || UNITY_3_2 || UNITY_3_3 || UNITY_3_4 || UNITY_3_5_0 || UNITY_3_5_1 || UNITY_3_5_2)
                if (positions.Count > 0)
                    // http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/98781-Compute-mesh-inertia-tensor-failed-for-one-of-the-actor-Behaves-differently-in-3.4
                    Vector3 p = positions[positions.Count - 1];
                    p.z -= 0.001f;
                    positions[positions.Count - 1] = p;

                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions = new Vector3[positions.Count];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].uvs = new Vector2[uvs.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < positions.Count; ++j)
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions[j] = positions[j];
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].uvs[j] = uvs[j];

                // empty out to a sensible default, which corresponds to what Unity does by default
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].normals = new Vector3[0];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].tangents = new Vector4[0];

                // fill out tangents and normals
                if (gen.normalGenerationMode != tk2dSpriteCollection.NormalGenerationMode.None)
                    Mesh tmpMesh = new Mesh();
                    tmpMesh.vertices = coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions;
                    tmpMesh.uv = coll.spriteDefinitions[i].uvs;
                    tmpMesh.triangles = coll.spriteDefinitions[i].indices;


                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].normals = tmpMesh.normals;

                    if (gen.normalGenerationMode != tk2dSpriteCollection.NormalGenerationMode.NormalsOnly)
                        coll.spriteDefinitions[i].tangents = tmpMesh.tangents;

            // fixup in case something went wrong
            if (coll.allowMultipleAtlases)
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].material = gen.atlasMaterials[atlasIndex];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].material = gen.altMaterials[thisTexParam.materialId];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].materialId = thisTexParam.materialId;

                if (coll.spriteDefinitions[i].material == null) // fall back gracefully in case something went wrong
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].material = gen.atlasMaterials[atlasIndex];
                    coll.spriteDefinitions[i].materialId = 0;

            Vector3 boundsMin = new Vector3(1.0e32f, 1.0e32f, 1.0e32f);
            Vector3 boundsMax = new Vector3(-1.0e32f, -1.0e32f, -1.0e32f);
            foreach (Vector3 v in coll.spriteDefinitions[i].positions)
                boundsMin = Vector3.Min(boundsMin, v);
                boundsMax = Vector3.Max(boundsMax, v);

            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].boundsData = new Vector3[2];
            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].boundsData[0] = (boundsMax + boundsMin) / 2.0f;
            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].boundsData[1] = (boundsMax - boundsMin);

            // this is the dimension of exactly one pixel, scaled to match sprite dimensions and scale
            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].texelSize = new Vector3(scale * thisTexParam.scale.x, scale * thisTexParam.scale.y, 0.0f);

            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].untrimmedBoundsData = new Vector3[2];
            if (mesh)
                // custom meshes aren't trimmed, the untrimmed bounds are exactly the same as the regular ones
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].untrimmedBoundsData[0] = coll.spriteDefinitions[i].boundsData[0];
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].untrimmedBoundsData[1] = coll.spriteDefinitions[i].boundsData[1];
                boundsMin = Vector3.Min(untrimmedPos0, untrimmedPos1);
                boundsMax = Vector3.Max(untrimmedPos0, untrimmedPos1);
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].untrimmedBoundsData[0] = (boundsMax + boundsMin) / 2.0f;
                coll.spriteDefinitions[i].untrimmedBoundsData[1] = (boundsMax - boundsMin);

            coll.spriteDefinitions[i].name = gen.textureParams[i].name;

            // Generate collider data here
            UpdateColliderData(gen, scale, coll, i, colliderOrigin);
コード例 #2
    static void UpdateFontData(tk2dSpriteCollection gen, float scale, tk2dEditor.Atlas.Data[] packers, List<SpriteLut> spriteLuts, tk2dSpriteCollectionFont font, tk2dEditor.Font.Info fontInfo)
        Dictionary<int, SpriteLut> glyphLut = new Dictionary<int, SpriteLut>();
        List<SpriteLut> values = new List<SpriteLut>();
        foreach (var k in glyphLut.Keys) values.Add(glyphLut[k]);

        foreach (var v in spriteLuts)
            glyphLut[v.charId] = v;
        int padAmount = GetPadAmount(gen, -1);
        foreach (var c in fontInfo.chars)
            if (glyphLut.ContainsKey(c.id))
                var glyphSprite = glyphLut[c.id];
                var atlasEntry = packers[0].FindEntryWithIndex(glyphSprite.atlasIndex);

                c.texOffsetX = glyphSprite.rx;
                c.texOffsetY = glyphSprite.ry;

                c.texX = atlasEntry.x + padAmount;
                c.texY = atlasEntry.y + padAmount;
                c.texW = atlasEntry.w - padAmount * 2;
                c.texH = atlasEntry.h - padAmount * 2;
                c.texFlipped = atlasEntry.flipped;
                var glyphSprite = glyphLut[-1];
                var atlasEntry = packers[0].FindEntryWithIndex(glyphSprite.atlasIndex);

                c.texOffsetX = 0;
                c.texOffsetY = 0;

                c.texX = atlasEntry.x + 1;
                c.texY = atlasEntry.y + 1;
                c.texW = 0;
                c.texH = 0;
                c.texFlipped = false;
            c.texOverride = true;

        tk2dEditor.Font.Builder.BuildFont(fontInfo, font.data, scale, font.charPadX, font.dupeCaps, false, null, 0);
コード例 #3
    static void UpdateFontData(tk2dSpriteCollection gen, float scale, tk2dEditor.Atlas.Data[] packers, List<SpriteLut> spriteLuts, tk2dSpriteCollectionFont font, tk2dEditor.Font.Info fontInfo)
        Dictionary<int, SpriteLut> glyphLut = new Dictionary<int, SpriteLut>();
        List<SpriteLut> values = new List<SpriteLut>();
        foreach (var k in glyphLut.Keys) values.Add(glyphLut[k]);

        foreach (var v in spriteLuts)
            glyphLut[v.charId] = v;
        int padAmount = GetPadAmount(gen, -1);
        foreach (var c in fontInfo.chars)
            if (glyphLut.ContainsKey(c.id))
                var glyphSprite = glyphLut[c.id];
                var atlasEntry = packers[0].FindEntryWithIndex(glyphSprite.atlasIndex);

                c.texOffsetX = glyphSprite.rx;

                if (font.flipTextureY)
                    // This is the offset from the bottom of the font
                    c.texOffsetY = glyphSprite.ry;
                    // ry is offset from top, we want offset from bottom
                    // height is the original glyph height before cropping, the remainder of which is
                    // the offset from bottom
                    c.texOffsetY = c.height - glyphSprite.rh - glyphSprite.ry;

                c.texX = atlasEntry.x + padAmount;
                c.texY = atlasEntry.y + padAmount;
                c.texW = atlasEntry.w - padAmount * 2;
                c.texH = atlasEntry.h - padAmount * 2;
                c.texFlipped = atlasEntry.flipped;
                var glyphSprite = glyphLut[-1];
                var atlasEntry = packers[0].FindEntryWithIndex(glyphSprite.atlasIndex);

                c.texOffsetX = 0;
                c.texOffsetY = 0;

                c.texX = atlasEntry.x + 1;
                c.texY = atlasEntry.y + 1;
                c.texW = 0;
                c.texH = 0;
                c.texFlipped = false;
            c.texOverride = true;

        tk2dEditor.Font.Builder.BuildFont(fontInfo, font.data, scale, font.charPadX, font.dupeCaps, font.flipTextureY, font.gradientTexture, font.gradientCount);
コード例 #4
	public tk2dScratchpadGUI(tk2dTileMapSceneGUI _parent, tk2dEditor.BrushRenderer _brushRenderer, tk2dTileMapEditorBrush _workingBrush) {
		parent = _parent;
		brushRenderer = _brushRenderer;
		workingBrush = _workingBrush;