static void DoCreateSpriteObject() { tk2dSpriteCollectionData sprColl = null; if (sprColl == null) { // try to inherit from other Sprites in scene tk2dSprite spr = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(tk2dSprite)) as tk2dSprite; if (spr) { sprColl = spr.collection; } } if (sprColl == null) { tk2dSpriteCollectionData[] spriteCollections = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteCollectionData(); foreach (var v in spriteCollections) { sprColl = v; } if (sprColl == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Sprite", "Unable to create sprite as no SpriteCollections have been found.", "Ok"); return; } } tk2dSpriteAnimation[] anims = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteAnimations(); tk2dSpriteAnimation anim = null; foreach (var a in anims) { if (a != null && a.clips.Length > 0) { anim = a; break; } } if (anim == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Animated Sprite", "Unable to create animated sprite as no SpriteAnimations have been found.", "Ok"); return; } GameObject go = tk2dEditorUtility.CreateGameObjectInScene("AnimatedSprite"); tk2dAnimatedSprite sprite = go.AddComponent <tk2dAnimatedSprite>(); sprite.collection = anim.clips[0].frames[0].spriteCollection; sprite.Build(); sprite.spriteId = anim.clips[0].frames[0].spriteId; sprite.anim = anim; }
public void Setup(SpriteAnimData data) { _data = data; _sprite = gameObject.AddComponent <tk2dAnimatedSprite>(); _sprite.SwitchCollectionAndSprite(, 0); _sprite.anim = _data.anim; _sprite.Build(); _dimensionsInit = new Vector3(data.regionWidth, data.regionHeight, 1f); dimensions = new Vector3(data.width, data.height, 1f); }
static void DoCreateSpriteObject() { tk2dSpriteCollectionData sprColl = null; if (sprColl == null) { // try to inherit from other Sprites in scene tk2dSprite spr = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(tk2dSprite)) as tk2dSprite; if (spr) { sprColl = spr.collection; } } if (sprColl == null) { tk2dSpriteCollectionIndex[] spriteCollections = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteCollectionIndex(); foreach (var v in spriteCollections) { GameObject scgo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(v.spriteCollectionDataGUID), typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; var sc = scgo.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteCollectionData>(); if (sc != null && sc.spriteDefinitions != null && sc.spriteDefinitions.Length > 0) { sprColl = sc; break; } } if (sprColl == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Sprite", "Unable to create sprite as no SpriteCollections have been found.", "Ok"); return; } } tk2dSpriteAnimation[] anims = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteAnimations(); tk2dSpriteAnimation anim = null; foreach (var a in anims) { if (a != null && a.clips != null && a.clips.Length > 0) { anim = a; break; } } if (anim == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Animated Sprite", "Unable to create animated sprite as no SpriteAnimations have been found.", "Ok"); return; } if (anim.clips[0].frames.Length == 0 || anim.clips[0].frames[0].spriteCollection == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Animated Sprite", "Invalid SpriteAnimation has been found.", "Ok"); return; } GameObject go = tk2dEditorUtility.CreateGameObjectInScene("AnimatedSprite"); tk2dAnimatedSprite sprite = go.AddComponent <tk2dAnimatedSprite>(); sprite.collection = anim.clips[0].frames[0].spriteCollection; sprite.Build(); sprite.spriteId = anim.clips[0].frames[0].spriteId; sprite.anim = anim; }
static void DoCreateSpriteObject() { tk2dSpriteCollectionData sprColl = null; if (sprColl == null) { // try to inherit from other Sprites in scene tk2dSprite spr = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(tk2dSprite)) as tk2dSprite; if (spr) { sprColl = spr.Collection; } } if (sprColl == null) { tk2dSpriteCollectionIndex[] spriteCollections = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteCollectionIndex(); foreach (var v in spriteCollections) { GameObject scgo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(v.spriteCollectionDataGUID), typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; var sc = scgo.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteCollectionData>(); if (sc != null && sc.spriteDefinitions != null && sc.spriteDefinitions.Length > 0) { sprColl = sc; break; } } if (sprColl == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Sprite", "Unable to create sprite as no SpriteCollections have been found.", "Ok"); return; } } tk2dGenericIndexItem[] animIndex = tk2dEditorUtility.GetOrCreateIndex().GetSpriteAnimations(); tk2dSpriteAnimation anim = null; int clipId = -1; foreach (var animIndexItem in animIndex) { tk2dSpriteAnimation a = animIndexItem.GetAsset <tk2dSpriteAnimation>(); if (a != null && a.clips != null && a.clips.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < a.clips.Length; ++i) { if (!a.clips[i].Empty && a.clips[i].frames[0].spriteCollection != null && a.clips[i].frames[0].spriteId >= 0) { clipId = i; break; } } if (clipId != -1) { anim = a; break; } } } if (anim == null || clipId == -1) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create Animated Sprite", "Unable to create animated sprite as no SpriteAnimations have been found.", "Ok"); return; } GameObject go = tk2dEditorUtility.CreateGameObjectInScene("AnimatedSprite"); tk2dAnimatedSprite sprite = go.AddComponent <tk2dAnimatedSprite>(); sprite.SwitchCollectionAndSprite(anim.clips[clipId].frames[0].spriteCollection, anim.clips[clipId].frames[0].spriteId); sprite.anim = anim; sprite.clipId = clipId; sprite.Build(); Selection.activeGameObject = go; Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create AnimatedSprite"); }