コード例 #1
        void executeAction(tileEdgeAction act, bool left)
            if (act == tileEdgeAction.turn || act == tileEdgeAction.dodge)
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((90 * ((left) ? 1 : -1)), Vector3.forward); //positive is left

                bool snapX = true;
                bool snapY = true;

                if (act == tileEdgeAction.turn)
                    bool notSprinting = (speedLevel != speedMaxLevel) ? true : false;
                    bool sprinting    = (speedLevel == speedMaxLevel) ? true : false;
                    if (notSprinting || (sprinting && allowTurningWhenSprinting))
                        gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z + rotation.eulerAngles.z, Vector3.forward); //rotate our object so the camera rotates with us
                        runDirection = vect_2_byteArr(rotation * arr_2_vect(runDirection));

                        //from rundirection determine which axis we should snap to
                        if (alwaysSnapBoth == false)
                            bool runningUpOrDown = (Mathf.Approximately(runDirection[0], 0)) ? true : false;
                            snapX = (runningUpOrDown) ? true : false;
                            snapY = (runningUpOrDown) ? false : true;

                        if (turningChangesRulingtile)
                            newRulingTile(vect_2_arr(arr_2_vect(rulingTile) + arr_2_vect(runDirection)), snapX, snapY);
                            newRulingTile(rulingTile, snapX, snapY); //we are rotating on the same square... there is no need to switch ruling tile manually
                    //from rundirection determine which axis we should snap to
                    if (alwaysSnapBoth == false)
                        bool runningUpOrDown = (Mathf.Approximately(runDirection[0], 0)) ? true : false;
                        snapX = (runningUpOrDown) ? true : false;
                        snapY = (runningUpOrDown) ? false : true;

                    newRulingTile(vect_2_arr(arr_2_vect(rulingTile) + (Vector2)(rotation * arr_2_vect(runDirection))), snapX, snapY); //set new ruling tile
コード例 #2
        void drawTileInstructs(int[] center, Color tileColor)
            //basic outline for each tile
            Vector2[] tileCorners = getTileCorners(center);
            drawSquare(tileCorners, tileColor);
            drawX(tileCorners, tileColor);

            Dictionary <ushort, tileEdgeAction> thisEdgeDir_2_edgeAction = tileToMapping(center);

            //instruction based renderings
            for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                sbyte[]        thisDir            = Camera.main.GetComponent <GameManager>().map.GetComponent <EnvironManager>().dirID_2_dir[i];
                tileEdgeAction thisDirAction      = thisEdgeDir_2_edgeAction[_2tuple.combine(thisDir[0], thisDir[1])];
                Color          thisDirActionColor = Camera.main.GetComponent <GameManager>().map.GetComponent <EnvironManager>().tileEdgeAction_2_Color[thisDirAction];
                float[]        starCenter         = new float[] { (float)(center[0] + (thisDir[0] / 4.0)), (float)(center[1] + (thisDir[1] / 4.0)) };
                drawStar(starCenter, .1f, thisDirActionColor);