public ActionResult invitejob(Guid userid) { Int32 jobid = Convert.ToInt32(TempData.Peek("JobID")); tbl_JobEmployees jobemp = new tbl_JobEmployees(); jobemp.Fk_JobId = jobid; jobemp.fromUserId = clsSession.UserID; jobemp.fromUserName = clsSession.UserName; jobemp.toUserId = userid; jobemp.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "invitation sent"; jobemp.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; jobemp.IsActive = true; _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Add(jobemp); _dataContext.SaveChanges(); //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!! //Get send user details...!!! tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == userid).FirstOrDefault(); //Get Job Detail...!!! tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == jobid).FirstOrDefault(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage( "*****@*****.**", // From field touserdetail.EmailId, // Recipient field "Job Request Sent by Client", // Subject of the email message PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription) // Email message body ); _sendemail.SendEmail(message); return(PartialView("_invitationsentsuccess")); }
public ActionResult createJob(tbl_Jobs job) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var companyfee = _dataContext.tbl_Setting.SingleOrDefault(); job.CompanyFee = companyfee.CompanyFee; job.ClientUserId = clsSession.UserID; job.IsActive = true; job.UniqueJobId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Split('-')[0]; job.ClientFeePaymentStatus = "Pending"; job.JobStatus = "Pending"; job.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Add(job); _dataContext.SaveChanges(); } List <SelectListItem> list = new List <SelectListItem>(); list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "IT", Value = "IT" }); list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Hardware", Value = "Hardware" }); list.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Painting", Value = "Painting" }); ViewBag.JobCategoryList = list; return(View(job)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Posttbl_Jobs(tbl_Jobs tbl_Jobs) { LogApi.Log(User.Identity.GetUserId(), "PostJob " + User.Identity.GetUserName()); var id = User.Identity.GetUserId(); tbl_Jobs.col_PostedBy = id; tbl_Jobs.col_Expired = false; tbl_Jobs.col_PostDateTime = DateTime.Now; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.tbl_Jobs.Add(tbl_Jobs); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); try { var tokens = db.tbl_DeviceIds; foreach (var d in tokens) { Notifications.NotifyAsync(d.col_DeviceToken, "Job", "New job: " + tbl_Jobs.col_JobTitle + "#" + tbl_Jobs.col_JobDescription); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(Ok("Posted")); }
public ActionResult approvejob(Int32 id, Guid fromId) { tbl_JobEmployees jobstatus = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.fromUserId == fromId).FirstOrDefault(); jobstatus.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "Approved"; _dataContext.SaveChanges(); //For Change Job Status...!!! tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == id).FirstOrDefault(); List <tbl_JobEmployees> jobemployeedata = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus == "Approved").ToList(); if (jobemployeedata.Count >= job.NoOfEmployeeNeeded) { job.JobStatus = "Approved"; _dataContext.SaveChanges(); } //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!! //Get send user details...!!! tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == jobstatus.fromUserId).FirstOrDefault(); string userid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(clsSession.UserID.ToString(), true); string jobid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(job.Pk_JobId.ToString(), true); string paymenturl = "" + clsSession.UserID.ToString() + "&jobid=" + job.Pk_JobId.ToString(); //Get Job Detail...!!! MailMessage message = new MailMessage( "*****@*****.**", // From field touserdetail.EmailId, // Recipient field "Job Approved by Client", // Subject of the email message PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, true, paymenturl, false, false) // Email message body ); return(RedirectToAction("clientjobproposal")); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Puttbl_Jobs(int id, tbl_Jobs tbl_Jobs) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != tbl_Jobs.col_JobID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(tbl_Jobs).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!tbl_JobsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public ActionResult applyjob(Int32 id) { tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (job != null) { tbl_JobEmployees employeedata = new tbl_JobEmployees(); employeedata.Fk_JobId = id; employeedata.fromUserId = clsSession.UserID; employeedata.fromUserName = clsSession.UserName; employeedata.toUserId = job.ClientUserId; employeedata.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "employee requested"; employeedata.IsActive = true; employeedata.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Add(employeedata); _dataContext.SaveChanges(); //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!! //Get send user details...!!! tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == job.ClientUserId).FirstOrDefault(); //Get Job Detail...!!! MailMessage message = new MailMessage( "*****@*****.**", // From field touserdetail.EmailId, // Recipient field "Job Request Sent by Employee", // Subject of the email message PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, false, "", false, false) // Email message body ); _sendemail.SendEmail(message); } return(RedirectToAction("jobrequested")); }
public ActionResult approve(Int32 id) { tbl_JobEmployees jobstatus = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.toUserId == clsSession.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); jobstatus.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus = "Approved"; _dataContext.SaveChanges(); //For Change Job Status...!!! tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(s => s.Pk_JobId == id).FirstOrDefault(); //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!! //Get send user details...!!! tbl_Users touserdetail = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == clsSession.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); //Get Job Detail...!!! string userid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(clsSession.UserID.ToString(), true); string jobid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(id.ToString(), true); string paymenturl = "" + clsSession.UserID.ToString() + "&jobid=" + id.ToString(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage( "*****@*****.**", // From field touserdetail.EmailId, // Recipient field "Pending For Payment Approval", // Subject of the email message PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, false, paymenturl, true, false) // Email message body ); _sendemail.SendEmail(message); List <tbl_JobEmployees> jobemployeedata = _dataContext.tbl_JobEmployees.Where(s => s.Fk_JobId == id && s.EmplyeeFeePaymentStatus == "Approved").ToList(); bool updateFlag = false; if (jobemployeedata.Count >= job.NoOfEmployeeNeeded) { updateFlag = true; //Sent Email to employee to introduce about job detail...!!! //Get send user details...!!! tbl_Users touserdetailClient = _dataContext.tbl_Users.Where(s => s.Pk_UserId == jobstatus.fromUserId).FirstOrDefault(); //Get Job Detail...!!! string touserid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(touserdetailClient.Pk_UserId.ToString(), true); string tojobid = EncrytDecrypt.passwordEncrypt(job.Pk_JobId.ToString(), true); string paymenturlClient = "" + touserdetailClient.Pk_UserId.ToString() + "&jobid=" + job.Pk_JobId.ToString(); MailMessage messageClient = new MailMessage( "*****@*****.**", // From field touserdetail.EmailId, // Recipient field "Pending For Payment Approval", // Subject of the email message PopulateBody(clsSession.UserName, job.JobTitle, job.JobCategory, job.JobLocation, "$" + job.Amount.ToString(), job.JobDescription, false, paymenturlClient, false, true) // Email message body ); _sendemail.SendEmail(messageClient); } if (updateFlag) { tbl_Jobs jobupdate = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Find(id); if (TryValidateModel(jobupdate)) { jobupdate.JobStatus = "Approved"; _dataContext.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("jobproposals")); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Gettbl_Jobs(int id) { tbl_Jobs tbl_Jobs = await db.tbl_Jobs.FindAsync(id); if (tbl_Jobs == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(tbl_Jobs)); }
public ActionResult Index() { vm_Jobs vm_Jobs = new vm_Jobs(); List <tbl_Jobs> jobList = new List <tbl_Jobs>(); string mainconn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["allpaxServiceRecordEntities"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection sqlconn = new SqlConnection(mainconn); sqlconn.Open(); string sqlquery1 = "SELECT tbl_Jobs.jobID, tbl_Jobs.description, tbl_Jobs.customerCode, tbl_Jobs.customerContact,, tbl_Jobs.location, tbl_Jobs.nrmlHoursStart, " + "tbl_Jobs.nrmlHoursEnd, tbl_Jobs.nrmlHoursDaily, tbl_Jobs.dblTimeHours, " + "FROM tbl_Jobs"; SqlCommand sqlcomm1 = new SqlCommand(sqlquery1, sqlconn); SqlDataAdapter sda1 = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlcomm1); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); sda1.Fill(dt1); foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt1.Rows) { tbl_Jobs job = new tbl_Jobs(); job.jobID = dr1[0].ToString(); job.description = dr1[1].ToString(); job.customerCode = dr1[2].ToString(); job.customerContact = dr1[3].ToString(); = (Boolean)dr1[4]; job.location = dr1[5].ToString(); job.nrmlHoursStart = dr1[6].ToString(); job.nrmlHoursEnd = dr1[7].ToString(); job.nrmlHoursDaily = (int)dr1[8]; job.dblTimeHours = (Boolean)dr1[9]; = (int)dr1[10]; jobList.Add(job); } = jobList; vm_Jobs.customers = customerList(); vm_Jobs.subJobTypes = subJobTypesByJobID("%"); vm_Jobs.resourceTypes = resourceTypesByJobID("%"); sqlconn.Close(); return(View(vm_Jobs)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Deletetbl_Jobs(int id) { LogApi.Log(User.Identity.GetUserId(), "DeleteJob " + User.Identity.GetUserName()); tbl_Jobs tbl_Jobs = await db.tbl_Jobs.FindAsync(id); if (tbl_Jobs == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.tbl_Jobs.Remove(tbl_Jobs); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok("Deleted")); }
public void GetJobInfoByJobID(string jobID) { string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["allpaxServiceRecordEntities"].ConnectionString; List <tbl_Jobs> jobs = new List <tbl_Jobs>(); using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetJobInfoByJobID", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jobID", jobID); con.Open(); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (rdr.Read()) { tbl_Jobs job = new tbl_Jobs(); job.jobID = rdr["jobID"].ToString(); job.description = rdr["description"].ToString(); job.customerCode = rdr["customerCode"].ToString(); job.customerContact = rdr["customerContact"].ToString(); = (bool)rdr["active"]; job.location = rdr["location"].ToString(); job.nrmlHoursStart = rdr["nrmlHoursStart"].ToString(); job.nrmlHoursEnd = rdr["nrmlHoursEnd"].ToString(); job.dblTimeHours = (bool)rdr["dblTimeHours"]; job.nrmlHoursDaily = (int)rdr["nrmlHoursDaily"]; = (int)rdr["id"]; jobs.Add(job); } } JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Context.Response.Write(js.Serialize(jobs)); }
public ActionResult View(int id) { tbl_Jobs job = _dataContext.tbl_Jobs.Where(x => x.Pk_JobId == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(View("~/Areas/user/Views/Job/ViewJob.cshtml", job)); }