コード例 #1
    public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData CreateLinkExport(IntensityClass it)
        sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData o = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                string sPath = "#";
                switch (it.nOperationType)
                case 4:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_1.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_1 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 11:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_2.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_2 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 13:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_3.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_3 = GetLoadData(it);

                case 14:
                    sPath = "export_epi_input_intensity_4.aspx";
                    ssTRetunrLoadData_4 = GetLoadData(it);
                if (sPath != "#")
                    sPath = sPath + "?str1=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nFacility + "")) + "&&str2=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.sYear + ""));
                o.sPath = sPath;
                //var lst = GetLoadData(it);

                o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                o.sMsg    = "";
                o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
                o.sMsg    = "Session Expired !!";
        catch (Exception ex)
            o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            o.sMsg    = ex.ToString();
 public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData SaveData(sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData lst, string sFacility, string sYear)
     sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData    o  = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
     Intensity_Function.IntensityClass ic = new Intensity_Function.IntensityClass();
     ic.rt                = lst;
     ic.nIndicator        = nIndicator;
     ic.nOperationType    = nOperationType;
     ic.nFacility         = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacility);
     ic.sYear             = sYear;
     ic.sFolderInPathSave = sFolderInPathSave;
     ic.lstMonth          = lst.lstMonth;
     o = Intensity_Function.SaveData(ic);
 public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData CreateLinkExport(string sFacility, string sYear)
     sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData    o  = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
     Intensity_Function.IntensityClass ic = new Intensity_Function.IntensityClass();
     ic.rt                = o;
     ic.nIndicator        = nIndicator;
     ic.nOperationType    = nOperationType;
     ic.nFacility         = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sFacility);
     ic.sYear             = sYear;
     ic.sFolderInPathSave = sFolderInPathSave;
     ic.lstMonth          = new List <int>();
     o = Intensity_Function.CreateLinkExport(ic);
コード例 #4
 public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData GetLoadData(IntensityClass it)
     sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData o = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
         if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
             PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();
             bool IsNew           = false;
             int  nFormID         = 0;
             var  qEPIFomr        = db.TEPI_Forms.Where(w => w.IDIndicator == it.nIndicator && w.sYear == it.sYear && w.OperationTypeID == it.nOperationType && w.FacilityID == it.nFacility).FirstOrDefault();
             if (qEPIFomr == null)
                 IsNew = true;
                 string sYearDel = (SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(it.sYear) - 1) + "";
                 qEPIFomr = db.TEPI_Forms.Where(w => w.IDIndicator == it.nIndicator && w.sYear == sYearDel && w.OperationTypeID == it.nOperationType && w.FacilityID == it.nFacility).FirstOrDefault();
             if (qEPIFomr != null)
                 nFormID = qEPIFomr.FormID;
             var lstOther = db.TIntensity_Other.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).AsEnumerable().Select(s => new sysGlobalClass.T_TIntensity_Other
                 UnderProductID = s.UnderProductID, // Header
                 nProductID     = s.ProductID,
                 sIndicator     = s.ProductName,
                 cTotal         = "N",
                 cTotalAll      = "N",
                 FormID         = s.FormID,
                 M1             = s.M1 != null && !IsNew ? s.M1 : "",
                 M2             = s.M2 != null && !IsNew ? s.M2 : "",
                 M3             = s.M3 != null && !IsNew ? s.M3 : "",
                 M4             = s.M4 != null && !IsNew ? s.M4 : "",
                 M5             = s.M5 != null && !IsNew ? s.M5 : "",
                 M6             = s.M6 != null && !IsNew ? s.M6 : "",
                 M7             = s.M7 != null && !IsNew ? s.M7 : "",
                 M8             = s.M8 != null && !IsNew ? s.M8 : "",
                 M9             = s.M9 != null && !IsNew ? s.M9 : "",
                 M10            = s.M10 != null && !IsNew ? s.M10 : "",
                 M11            = s.M11 != null && !IsNew ? s.M11 : "",
                 M12            = s.M12 != null && !IsNew ? s.M12 : "",
                 IsActive       = true,
                 sTarget        = !IsNew ? s.Target : "",
                 nFactor        = s.Factor,
             var efi_wf = db.TEPI_Workflow.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Select(s => new sysGlobalClass.T_TEPI_Workflow
                 nReportID = s.nReportID,
                 FormID    = s.FormID,
                 nMonth    = s.nMonth,
                 nStatusID = IsNew ? 0 : s.nStatusID.HasValue ? s.nStatusID : 0,
                 nActionBy = s.nActionBy,
                 dAction   = s.dAction
             if (IsNew)
                 efi_wf = new List <sysGlobalClass.T_TEPI_Workflow>();
             o.lstwf = efi_wf;
             o.lstIn = (from i in db.mTProductIndicator.Where(w => w.IDIndicator.Value == it.nIndicator).AsEnumerable()
                        from u in db.TIntensityUseProduct.Where(w => w.OperationTypeID == it.nOperationType && w.ProductID == i.ProductID).AsEnumerable()
                        from d in db.TIntensityDominator.Where(w => w.ProductID == i.ProductID && w.FormID == nFormID).AsEnumerable().DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from s in db.mTProductIndicatorUnit.Where(w => w.ProductID == u.ProductID && w.IDIndicator == i.IDIndicator).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from un in db.mTUnit.Where(w => w.UnitID == s.UnitID).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        select new sysGlobalClass.TData_Intensity
                 ProductID = i.ProductID,
                 ProductName = i.ProductName,
                 cTotal = i.cTotal,
                 cTotalAll = i.cTotalAll,
                 nGroupCalc = i.nGroupCalc ?? 0,
                 nOrder = u.nOrder ?? 0,
                 sUnit = s != null && un != null ? un.UnitName : i.sUnit,
                 UnitID = s != null && un != null ? s.UnitID : 0,
                 sType = i.sType,
                 M1 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M1 != null ? d.M1 : "" : "",
                 M2 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M2 != null ? d.M2 : "" : "",
                 M3 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M3 != null ? d.M3 : "" : "",
                 M4 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M4 != null ? d.M4 : "" : "",
                 M5 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M5 != null ? d.M5 : "" : "",
                 M6 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M6 != null ? d.M6 : "" : "",
                 M7 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M7 != null ? d.M7 : "" : "",
                 M8 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M8 != null ? d.M8 : "" : "",
                 M9 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M9 != null ? d.M9 : "" : "",
                 M10 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M10 != null ? d.M10 : "" : "",
                 M11 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M11 != null ? d.M11 : "" : "",
                 M12 = d != null && !IsNew ? d.M12 != null ? d.M12 : "" : "",
                 nTotal = d != null && !IsNew ? d.nTotal != null ? d.nTotal : "" : "",
                 Target = d != null && !IsNew ? d.Target : "",
                 lstarrDetail = lstOther.Where(w => w.UnderProductID == i.ProductID).ToList(),
                 sRemark = !IsNew ? db.TIntensity_Remark.Any(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == i.ProductID) ? db.TIntensity_Remark.AsEnumerable().LastOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == i.ProductID).sRemark : "" : "",
             }).OrderBy(k => k.nOrder).ToList();
             o.lstDataFile = db.TEPI_Forms_File.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Select(s => new sysGlobalClass.FuncFileUpload.ItemData
                 ID             = s.nFileID,
                 FileName       = s.sFileName,
                 SaveToFileName = s.sSysFileName,
                 url            = s.sPath + s.sSysFileName,
                 SaveToPath     = s.sPath,
                 IsNewFile      = false,
                 sDelete        = "N",
                 sDescription   = s.sDescription,
             if (IsNew)
                 o.lstDataFile = new List <sysGlobalClass.FuncFileUpload.ItemData>();
             o.hdfPRMS = SystemFunction.GetPermission_EPI_FROMS(it.nIndicator, it.nFacility);
             o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
             o.sMsg    = "";
             o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
             o.sMsg    = "Session Expired !!";
     catch (Exception ex)
         o.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
         o.sMsg    = ex.ToString();
コード例 #5
    public static sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData SaveData(IntensityClass it)
        sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData result = new sysGlobalClass.TRetunrLoadData();
        string sStatus     = it.rt.nStatusWF + "";
        string sStatusTemp = sStatus;
        int    nFormID     = 0;

            if (!UserAcc.UserExpired())
                if (it.rt.lstIn != null)
                    PTTGC_EPIEntities db = new PTTGC_EPIEntities();

                    var ef = db.TEPI_Forms.FirstOrDefault(w => w.IDIndicator == it.nIndicator && w.sYear == it.sYear && w.OperationTypeID == it.nOperationType && w.FacilityID == it.nFacility);

                    if (ef == null)
                        nFormID            = (db.TEPI_Forms.Any() ? db.TEPI_Forms.Max(m => m.FormID) : 0) + 1;
                        ef                 = new TEPI_Forms();
                        ef.FormID          = nFormID;
                        ef.sAddBy          = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.dAddDate        = DateTime.Now;
                        ef.sYear           = it.sYear;
                        ef.IDIndicator     = it.nIndicator;
                        ef.OperationTypeID = it.nOperationType;
                        ef.FacilityID      = it.nFacility;
                        nFormID = ef.FormID;

                    if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                        ef.ResponsiblePerson = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.sUpdateBy         = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                        ef.dUpdateDate       = DateTime.Now;

                    var ot        = db.TIntensity_Other.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).ToList();
                    int nReportID = (db.TEPI_Workflow.Any() ? db.TEPI_Workflow.Max(m => m.nReportID) : 0) + 1;

                    if (sStatus == "24")
                        sStatus = "0";
                    List <string> lstMonthAdd = new List <string>();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                        lstMonthAdd.Add(i + "");
                    foreach (string i in lstMonthAdd)
                        int nM        = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(i);
                        var ef_wf     = db.TEPI_Workflow.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.nMonth == nM);
                        int?nStatus   = 0;
                        int nStatusID = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sStatus);
                        if (ef_wf == null)
                            ef_wf           = new TEPI_Workflow();
                            ef_wf.nReportID = nReportID;
                            ef_wf.FormID    = nFormID;
                            ef_wf.nMonth    = nM;

                            if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                ef_wf.nStatusID = nStatus;
                                ef_wf.nActionBy = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                                ef_wf.dAction   = DateTime.Now;
                    if (sStatusTemp != "24" && sStatusTemp != "2")
                        it.rt.lstIn.ForEach(f =>
                            var td       = db.TIntensityDominator.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID);
                            int nVersion = (db.TIntensity_Remark.Any(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID) ? db.TIntensity_Remark.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f.ProductID).Max(m => m.nVersion) : 0) + 1;
                            if (td == null)
                                td           = new TIntensityDominator();
                                td.ProductID = f.ProductID;
                                td.FormID    = nFormID;
                            td.UnitID = 0;
                            td.M1     = f.M1;
                            td.M2     = f.M2;
                            td.M3     = f.M3;
                            td.M4     = f.M4;
                            td.M5     = f.M5;
                            td.M6     = f.M6;
                            td.M7     = f.M7;
                            td.M8     = f.M8;
                            td.M9     = f.M9;
                            td.M10    = f.M10;
                            td.M11    = f.M11;
                            td.M12    = f.M12;
                            td.UnitID = f.UnitID;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(f.nTotal))
                                td.nTotal = f.nTotal;
                            td.Target = f.Target;

                            var rm       = new TIntensity_Remark();
                            rm.FormID    = nFormID;
                            rm.ProductID = f.ProductID;
                            rm.nVersion  = nVersion;
                            rm.sRemark   = f.sRemark;
                            if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                rm.dAddDate = DateTime.Now;
                                rm.sAddBy   = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;
                            int nUnit = f.UnitID;

                            f.lstarrDetail.Where(w => w.IsActive == true).ToList().ForEach(f2 =>
                                var to = db.TIntensity_Other.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.ProductID == f2.nProductID && w.UnderProductID == f2.UnderProductID).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (to == null)
                                    to                = new TIntensity_Other();
                                    to.ProductID      = f2.nProductID;
                                    to.FormID         = nFormID;
                                    to.UnderProductID = f2.UnderProductID;
                                to.UnitID      = nUnit;
                                to.UnitID      = 0;
                                to.M1          = f2.M1;
                                to.M2          = f2.M2;
                                to.M3          = f2.M3;
                                to.M4          = f2.M4;
                                to.M5          = f2.M5;
                                to.M6          = f2.M6;
                                to.M7          = f2.M7;
                                to.M8          = f2.M8;
                                to.M9          = f2.M9;
                                to.M10         = f2.M10;
                                to.M11         = f2.M11;
                                to.M12         = f2.M12;
                                to.Target      = f2.sTarget;
                                to.ProductName = f2.sIndicator;

                        #region SAVE FILE
                        if (it.rt.lstDataFile.Count > 0)
                            string sPathSave = string.Format(it.sFolderInPathSave, nFormID);

                            var qDelFile = it.rt.lstDataFile.Where(w => w.IsNewFile == false && w.sDelete == "Y").ToList();
                            if (qDelFile.Any())
                                foreach (var qf in qDelFile)
                                    var query = db.TEPI_Forms_File.FirstOrDefault(w => w.FormID == nFormID && w.sSysFileName == qf.SaveToFileName);
                                    if (query != null)
                                        new SystemFunction().DeleteFileInServer(query.sPath, query.sSysFileName);
                                        // new SystemFunction2().DeleteFileInServer(query.sSysPath, query.sSysFileName);

                            //Save New File Only
                            var lstSave = it.rt.lstDataFile.Where(w => w.sDelete == "N").ToList();

                            if (lstSave.Any())
                                int nFileID = db.TEPI_Forms_File.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Any() ? db.TEPI_Forms_File.Where(w => w.FormID == nFormID).Max(m => m.nFileID) + 1 : 1;
                                lstSave.ForEach(f =>
                                    string sSystemFileName = "";
                                    if (f.IsNewFile == true)
                                        sSystemFileName = nFormID + "_" + nFileID + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmmss") + "." + SystemFunction.GetFileNameFromFileupload(f.SaveToFileName, "");
                                        SystemFunction.UpFile2Server(f.SaveToPath, sPathSave, f.SaveToFileName, sSystemFileName);
                                        f.ID = nFileID;
                                    var t = db.TEPI_Forms_File.FirstOrDefault(w => w.nFileID == f.ID && w.FormID == nFormID);
                                    if (t == null)
                                        t              = new TEPI_Forms_File();
                                        t.FormID       = nFormID;
                                        t.nFileID      = nFileID;
                                        t.sSysFileName = sSystemFileName;
                                        t.sFileName    = f.FileName;
                                        t.sPath        = sPathSave;
                                    t.sDescription = f.sDescription;
                                    if (!SystemFunction.IsSuperAdmin())
                                        t.dAdd   = DateTime.Now;
                                        t.nAddBy = UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID;



                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateMaterial(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);
                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateWaste(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);
                    new EPIFunc().RecalculateWater(it.nOperationType, it.nFacility, it.sYear);

                if (sStatusTemp != "27")
                    new Workflow().UpdateHistoryStatus(nFormID);

                int nStatusTemp = SystemFunction.GetIntNullToZero(sStatusTemp);
                if (nStatusTemp != 0)
                    string sMode = "";
                    switch (nStatusTemp)
                    case 1:
                        sMode = "SM";

                    case 2:
                        sMode = "RQ";

                    case 24:
                        sMode = "RC";

                    case 27:
                        sMode = "APC";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sMode))
                        var wf = new Workflow().WorkFlowAction(nFormID, it.lstMonth, sMode, UserAcc.GetObjUser().nUserID, UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID, it.rt.sComment);
                        result.sStatus = wf.Status;
                        result.sMsg    = wf.Msg;
                        if (UserAcc.GetObjUser().nRoleID == 4)//ENVI Corporate (L2) >> Req.09.04.2019 Send email to L0 on L2 Modified data.
                            new Workflow().SendEmailToL0onL2EditData(it.sYear, it.nIndicator, it.nFacility, it.nOperationType);

                        result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                        result.sMsg    = "";
                    result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Success;
                    result.sMsg    = "";
                result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_SessionExpired;
                result.sMsg    = "Session Expired !!";
        catch (Exception ex)
            result.sStatus = SystemFunction.process_Failed;
            result.sMsg    = ex.ToString();
        string sPath = "#";
        switch (it.nOperationType)
        case 4:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_1.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_1 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 11:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_2.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_2 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 13:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_3.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_3 = GetLoadData(it);

        case 14:
            sPath = "epi_input_intensity_4.aspx";
            ssTRetunrLoadData_4 = GetLoadData(it);
        if (sPath != "#")
            sPath = sPath + "?in=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nIndicator + "")) + "&&ot=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(STCrypt.Encrypt(it.nOperationType + ""));
        result.sPath = sPath;
