public List <Card> setupTestStage(List <Card> hand) { strategyUtil strat = new strategyUtil(); List <Card> tests = new List <Card>(); for (int i = 0; i < hand.Count; i++) { if (hand[i].type == "Test Card") { tests.Add(hand[i]); } } tests = strat.sortTetstsbyAscendingOrder(tests); List <Card> test = new List <Card>(); test.Add(tests[0]); return(test); // get the test card with the highest bid test card in the hand }
public List <Card> setupTestStage(List <Card> hand) { strategyUtil strat = new strategyUtil(); List <Card> tests = new List <Card>(); // gather all of the tests in the CPU hand for (int i = 0; i < hand.Count; i++) { if (hand[i].type == "Test Card") { tests.Add(hand[i]); } } // sort them in ascending order and return the first tests = strat.sortTetstsbyAscendingOrder(tests); List <Card> test = new List <Card>(); test.Add(tests[0]); return(test); }