コード例 #1
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine calculates the value of the trilinear(or tricubic;possible
        will be later) spline  at the given point X(and its derivatives; possible
        will be later).

            C       -   spline interpolant.
            X, Y, Z -   point

            F   -   S(x,y,z)
            FX  -   dS(x,y,z)/dX
            FY  -   dS(x,y,z)/dY
            FXY -   d2S(x,y,z)/dXdY

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void spline3ddiff(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double x,
            double y,
            double z,
            ref double f,
            ref double fx,
            ref double fy,
            ref double fxy)
            double xd = 0;
            double yd = 0;
            double zd = 0;
            double c0 = 0;
            double c1 = 0;
            double c2 = 0;
            double c3 = 0;
            int ix = 0;
            int iy = 0;
            int iz = 0;
            int l = 0;
            int r = 0;
            int h = 0;

            f = 0;
            fx = 0;
            fy = 0;
            fxy = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-1 || c.stype==-3, "Spline3DDiff: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            alglib.ap.assert(math.isfinite(x) && math.isfinite(y), "Spline3DDiff: X or Y contains NaN or Infinite value");
            // Prepare F, dF/dX, dF/dY, d2F/dXdY
            f = 0;
            fx = 0;
            fy = 0;
            fxy = 0;
            if( c.d!=1 )
            // Binary search in the [ x[0], ..., x[n-2] ] (x[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.n-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.x[h])>=(double)(x) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            ix = l;
            // Binary search in the [ y[0], ..., y[n-2] ] (y[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.m-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.y[h])>=(double)(y) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            iy = l;
            // Binary search in the [ z[0], ..., z[n-2] ] (z[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.l-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.z[h])>=(double)(z) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            iz = l;
            xd = (x-c.x[ix])/(c.x[ix+1]-c.x[ix]);
            yd = (y-c.y[iy])/(c.y[iy+1]-c.y[iy]);
            zd = (z-c.z[iz])/(c.z[iz+1]-c.z[iz]);
            // Trilinear interpolation
            if( c.stype==-1 )
                c0 = c.f[c.n*(c.m*iz+iy)+ix]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.n*(c.m*iz+iy)+(ix+1)]*xd;
                c1 = c.f[c.n*(c.m*iz+(iy+1))+ix]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.n*(c.m*iz+(iy+1))+(ix+1)]*xd;
                c2 = c.f[c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+iy)+ix]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+iy)+(ix+1)]*xd;
                c3 = c.f[c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+(iy+1))+ix]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+(iy+1))+(ix+1)]*xd;
                c0 = c0*(1-yd)+c1*yd;
                c1 = c2*(1-yd)+c3*yd;
                f = c0*(1-zd)+c1*zd;
コード例 #2
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine calculates trilinear or tricubic vector-valued spline at the
        given point (X,Y,Z).

            C   -   spline interpolant.
            X, Y,
            Z   -   point

            F   -   array[D] which stores function values.  F is out-parameter and
                    it  is  reallocated  after  call to this function. In case you
                    want  to    reuse  previously  allocated  F,   you   may   use
                    Spline2DCalcVBuf(),  which  reallocates  F only when it is too

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dcalcv(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double x,
            double y,
            double z,
            ref double[] f)
            f = new double[0];

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-1 || c.stype==-3, "Spline3DCalcV: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            alglib.ap.assert((math.isfinite(x) && math.isfinite(y)) && math.isfinite(z), "Spline3DCalcV: X=NaN/Infinite, Y=NaN/Infinite or Z=NaN/Infinite");
            f = new double[c.d];
            spline3dcalcvbuf(c, x, y, z, ref f);
コード例 #3
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine unpacks tri-dimensional spline into the coefficients table

            C   -   spline interpolant.

            N   -   grid size (X)
            M   -   grid size (Y)
            L   -   grid size (Z)
            D   -   number of components
            SType-  spline type. Currently, only one spline type is supported:
                    trilinear spline, as indicated by SType=1.
            Tbl -   spline coefficients: [0..(N-1)*(M-1)*(L-1)*D-1, 0..13].
                    For T=0..D-1 (component index), I = 0...N-2 (x index),
                    J=0..M-2 (y index), K=0..L-2 (z index):
                        Q := T + I*D + J*D*(N-1) + K*D*(N-1)*(M-1),
                        Q-th row stores decomposition for T-th component of the
                        vector-valued function
                        Tbl[Q,0] = X[i]
                        Tbl[Q,1] = X[i+1]
                        Tbl[Q,2] = Y[j]
                        Tbl[Q,3] = Y[j+1]
                        Tbl[Q,4] = Z[k]
                        Tbl[Q,5] = Z[k+1]
                        Tbl[Q,6] = C000
                        Tbl[Q,7] = C100
                        Tbl[Q,8] = C010
                        Tbl[Q,9] = C110
                        Tbl[Q,10]= C001
                        Tbl[Q,11]= C101
                        Tbl[Q,12]= C011
                        Tbl[Q,13]= C111
                    On each grid square spline is equals to:
                        S(x) = SUM(c[i,j,k]*(x^i)*(y^j)*(z^k), i=0..1, j=0..1, k=0..1)
                        t = x-x[j]
                        u = y-y[i]
                        v = z-z[k]
                    NOTE: format of Tbl is given for SType=1. Future versions of
                          ALGLIB can use different formats for different values of

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dunpackv(spline3dinterpolant c,
            ref int n,
            ref int m,
            ref int l,
            ref int d,
            ref int stype,
            ref double[,] tbl)
            int p = 0;
            int ci = 0;
            int cj = 0;
            int ck = 0;
            double du = 0;
            double dv = 0;
            double dw = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int di = 0;
            int i0 = 0;

            n = 0;
            m = 0;
            l = 0;
            d = 0;
            stype = 0;
            tbl = new double[0,0];

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-1, "Spline3DUnpackV: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            n = c.n;
            m = c.m;
            l = c.l;
            d = c.d;
            stype = Math.Abs(c.stype);
            tbl = new double[(n-1)*(m-1)*(l-1)*d, 14];
            // Fill
            for(i=0; i<=n-2; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=m-2; j++)
                    for(k=0; k<=l-2; k++)
                        for(di=0; di<=d-1; di++)
                            p = d*((n-1)*((m-1)*k+j)+i)+di;
                            tbl[p,0] = c.x[i];
                            tbl[p,1] = c.x[i+1];
                            tbl[p,2] = c.y[j];
                            tbl[p,3] = c.y[j+1];
                            tbl[p,4] = c.z[k];
                            tbl[p,5] = c.z[k+1];
                            du = 1/(tbl[p,1]-tbl[p,0]);
                            dv = 1/(tbl[p,3]-tbl[p,2]);
                            dw = 1/(tbl[p,5]-tbl[p,4]);
                            // Trilinear interpolation
                            if( c.stype==-1 )
                                for(i0=6; i0<=13; i0++)
                                    tbl[p,i0] = 0;
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*0+0)+0] = c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*0+0)+1] = c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+(i+1))+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*0+1)+0] = c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*0+1)+1] = c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+(i+1))+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+(i+1))+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*1+0)+0] = c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*1+0)+1] = c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+(i+1))+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+(i+1))+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*1+1)+0] = c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+(j+1))+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+i)+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                                tbl[p,6+2*(2*1+1)+1] = c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+(j+1))+(i+1))+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+(j+1))+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+(i+1))+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*(k+1)+j)+i)+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+(i+1))+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*k+(j+1))+i)+di]+c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+(i+1))+di]-c.f[d*(n*(m*k+j)+i)+di];
                            // Rescale Cij
                            for(ci=0; ci<=1; ci++)
                                for(cj=0; cj<=1; cj++)
                                    for(ck=0; ck<=1; ck++)
                                        tbl[p,6+2*(2*ck+cj)+ci] = tbl[p,6+2*(2*ck+cj)+ci]*Math.Pow(du, ci)*Math.Pow(dv, cj)*Math.Pow(dw, ck);
コード例 #4
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine builds trilinear vector-valued spline.

            X   -   spline abscissas,  array[0..N-1]
            Y   -   spline ordinates,  array[0..M-1]
            Z   -   spline applicates, array[0..L-1] 
            F   -   function values, array[0..M*N*L*D-1]:
                    * first D elements store D values at (X[0],Y[0],Z[0])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[1],Y[0],Z[0])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[2],Y[0],Z[0])
                    * ...
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[0],Y[1],Z[0])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[1],Y[1],Z[0])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[2],Y[1],Z[0])
                    * ...
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[0],Y[0],Z[1])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[1],Y[0],Z[1])
                    * next D elements store D values at (X[2],Y[0],Z[1])
                    * ...
                    * general form - D function values at (X[i],Y[j]) are stored
                      at F[D*(N*(M*K+J)+I)...D*(N*(M*K+J)+I)+D-1].
            L   -   grid size, M>=2, N>=2, L>=2
            D   -   vector dimension, D>=1

            C   -   spline interpolant

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dbuildtrilinearv(double[] x,
            int n,
            double[] y,
            int m,
            double[] z,
            int l,
            double[] f,
            int d,
            spline3dinterpolant c)
            double t = 0;
            int tblsize = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int i0 = 0;
            int j0 = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(m>=2, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: M<2");
            alglib.ap.assert(n>=2, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: N<2");
            alglib.ap.assert(l>=2, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: L<2");
            alglib.ap.assert(d>=1, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: D<1");
            alglib.ap.assert((alglib.ap.len(x)>=n && alglib.ap.len(y)>=m) && alglib.ap.len(z)>=l, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: length of X, Y or Z is too short (Length(X/Y/Z)<N/M/L)");
            alglib.ap.assert((apserv.isfinitevector(x, n) && apserv.isfinitevector(y, m)) && apserv.isfinitevector(z, l), "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: X, Y or Z contains NaN or Infinite value");
            tblsize = n*m*l*d;
            alglib.ap.assert(alglib.ap.len(f)>=tblsize, "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: length of F is too short (Length(F)<N*M*L*D)");
            alglib.ap.assert(apserv.isfinitevector(f, tblsize), "Spline3DBuildTrilinearV: F contains NaN or Infinite value");
            // Fill interpolant
            c.k = 1;
            c.n = n;
            c.m = m;
            c.l = l;
            c.d = d;
            c.stype = -1;
            c.x = new double[c.n];
            c.y = new double[c.m];
            c.z = new double[c.l];
            c.f = new double[tblsize];
            for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                c.x[i] = x[i];
            for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                c.y[i] = y[i];
            for(i=0; i<=c.l-1; i++)
                c.z[i] = z[i];
            for(i=0; i<=tblsize-1; i++)
                c.f[i] = f[i];
            // Sort points:
            //  * sort x;
            //  * sort y;
            //  * sort z.
            for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                k = j;
                for(i=j+1; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                    if( (double)(c.x[i])<(double)(c.x[k]) )
                        k = i;
                if( k!=j )
                    for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                        for(j0=0; j0<=c.l-1; j0++)
                            for(i0=0; i0<=c.d-1; i0++)
                                t = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+j)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+j)+i0] = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+k)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+k)+i0] = t;
                    t = c.x[j];
                    c.x[j] = c.x[k];
                    c.x[k] = t;
            for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                k = i;
                for(j=i+1; j<=c.m-1; j++)
                    if( (double)(c.y[j])<(double)(c.y[k]) )
                        k = j;
                if( k!=i )
                    for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                        for(j0=0; j0<=c.l-1; j0++)
                            for(i0=0; i0<=c.d-1; i0++)
                                t = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+j)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+i)+j)+i0] = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+k)+j)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j0+k)+j)+i0] = t;
                    t = c.y[i];
                    c.y[i] = c.y[k];
                    c.y[k] = t;
            for(k=0; k<=c.l-1; k++)
                i = k;
                for(j=i+1; j<=c.l-1; j++)
                    if( (double)(c.z[j])<(double)(c.z[i]) )
                        i = j;
                if( i!=k )
                    for(j=0; j<=c.m-1; j++)
                        for(j0=0; j0<=c.n-1; j0++)
                            for(i0=0; i0<=c.d-1; i0++)
                                t = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+j)+j0)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+j)+j0)+i0] = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*i+j)+j0)+i0];
                                c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*i+j)+j0)+i0] = t;
                    t = c.z[k];
                    c.z[k] = c.z[i];
                    c.z[i] = t;
コード例 #5
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine calculates bilinear or bicubic vector-valued spline at the
        given point (X,Y,Z).

            C   -   spline interpolant.
            X, Y,
            Z   -   point
            F   -   output buffer, possibly preallocated array. In case array size
                    is large enough to store result, it is not reallocated.  Array
                    which is too short will be reallocated

            F   -   array[D] (or larger) which stores function values

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dcalcvbuf(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double x,
            double y,
            double z,
            ref double[] f)
            double xd = 0;
            double yd = 0;
            double zd = 0;
            double c0 = 0;
            double c1 = 0;
            double c2 = 0;
            double c3 = 0;
            int ix = 0;
            int iy = 0;
            int iz = 0;
            int l = 0;
            int r = 0;
            int h = 0;
            int i = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-1 || c.stype==-3, "Spline3DCalcVBuf: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            alglib.ap.assert((math.isfinite(x) && math.isfinite(y)) && math.isfinite(z), "Spline3DCalcVBuf: X, Y or Z contains NaN/Infinite");
            apserv.rvectorsetlengthatleast(ref f, c.d);
            // Binary search in the [ x[0], ..., x[n-2] ] (x[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.n-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.x[h])>=(double)(x) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            ix = l;
            // Binary search in the [ y[0], ..., y[n-2] ] (y[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.m-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.y[h])>=(double)(y) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            iy = l;
            // Binary search in the [ z[0], ..., z[n-2] ] (z[n-1] is not included)
            l = 0;
            r = c.l-1;
            while( l!=r-1 )
                h = (l+r)/2;
                if( (double)(c.z[h])>=(double)(z) )
                    r = h;
                    l = h;
            iz = l;
            xd = (x-c.x[ix])/(c.x[ix+1]-c.x[ix]);
            yd = (y-c.y[iy])/(c.y[iy+1]-c.y[iy]);
            zd = (z-c.z[iz])/(c.z[iz+1]-c.z[iz]);
            for(i=0; i<=c.d-1; i++)
                // Trilinear interpolation
                if( c.stype==-1 )
                    c0 = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*iz+iy)+ix)+i]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*iz+iy)+(ix+1))+i]*xd;
                    c1 = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*iz+(iy+1))+ix)+i]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*iz+(iy+1))+(ix+1))+i]*xd;
                    c2 = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+iy)+ix)+i]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+iy)+(ix+1))+i]*xd;
                    c3 = c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+(iy+1))+ix)+i]*(1-xd)+c.f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*(iz+1)+(iy+1))+(ix+1))+i]*xd;
                    c0 = c0*(1-yd)+c1*yd;
                    c1 = c2*(1-yd)+c3*yd;
                    f[i] = c0*(1-zd)+c1*zd;
コード例 #6
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine makes the copy of the spline model.

            C   -   spline interpolant

            CC  -   spline copy

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dcopy(spline3dinterpolant c,
            spline3dinterpolant cc)
            int tblsize = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.k==1 || c.k==3, "Spline3DCopy: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.K)");
            cc.k = c.k;
            cc.n = c.n;
            cc.m = c.m;
            cc.l = c.l;
            cc.d = c.d;
            tblsize = c.n*c.m*c.l*c.d;
            cc.stype = c.stype;
            cc.x = new double[cc.n];
            cc.y = new double[cc.m];
            cc.z = new double[cc.l];
            cc.f = new double[tblsize];
            for(i_=0; i_<=cc.n-1;i_++)
                cc.x[i_] = c.x[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=cc.m-1;i_++)
                cc.y[i_] = c.y[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=cc.l-1;i_++)
                cc.z[i_] = c.z[i_];
            for(i_=0; i_<=tblsize-1;i_++)
                cc.f[i_] = c.f[i_];
コード例 #7
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline.

            C   -   spline interpolant.
            A, B-   transformation coefficients: S2(x,y) = A*S(x,y,z) + B
            C   -   transformed spline

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dlintransf(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double a,
            double b)
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] z = new double[0];
            double[] f = new double[0];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-3 || c.stype==-1, "Spline3DLinTransF: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            x = new double[c.n];
            y = new double[c.m];
            z = new double[c.l];
            f = new double[c.m*c.n*c.l*c.d];
            for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                x[j] = c.x[j];
            for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                y[i] = c.y[i];
            for(i=0; i<=c.l-1; i++)
                z[i] = c.z[i];
            for(i=0; i<=c.m*c.n*c.l*c.d-1; i++)
                f[i] = a*c.f[i]+b;
            if( c.stype==-1 )
                spline3dbuildtrilinearv(x, c.n, y, c.m, z, c.l, f, c.d, c);
コード例 #8
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline argument.

            C       -   spline interpolant
            AX, BX  -   transformation coefficients: x = A*u + B
            AY, BY  -   transformation coefficients: y = A*v + B
            AZ, BZ  -   transformation coefficients: z = A*w + B
            C   -   transformed spline

          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void spline3dlintransxyz(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double ax,
            double bx,
            double ay,
            double by,
            double az,
            double bz)
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] z = new double[0];
            double[] f = new double[0];
            double[] v = new double[0];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int di = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-3 || c.stype==-1, "Spline3DLinTransXYZ: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            x = new double[c.n];
            y = new double[c.m];
            z = new double[c.l];
            f = new double[c.m*c.n*c.l*c.d];
            for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                x[j] = c.x[j];
            for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                y[i] = c.y[i];
            for(i=0; i<=c.l-1; i++)
                z[i] = c.z[i];
            // Handle different combinations of zero/nonzero AX/AY/AZ
            if( ((double)(ax)!=(double)(0) && (double)(ay)!=(double)(0)) && (double)(az)!=(double)(0) )
                for(i_=0; i_<=c.m*c.n*c.l*c.d-1;i_++)
                    f[i_] = c.f[i_];
            if( ((double)(ax)==(double)(0) && (double)(ay)!=(double)(0)) && (double)(az)!=(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=c.l-1; j++)
                        spline3dcalcv(c, bx, y[i], z[j], ref v);
                        for(k=0; k<=c.n-1; k++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j+i)+k)+di] = v[di];
                ax = 1;
                bx = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)!=(double)(0) && (double)(ay)==(double)(0)) && (double)(az)!=(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=c.l-1; j++)
                        spline3dcalcv(c, x[i], by, z[j], ref v);
                        for(k=0; k<=c.m-1; k++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*j+k)+i)+di] = v[di];
                ay = 1;
                by = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)!=(double)(0) && (double)(ay)!=(double)(0)) && (double)(az)==(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                    for(j=0; j<=c.m-1; j++)
                        spline3dcalcv(c, x[i], y[j], bz, ref v);
                        for(k=0; k<=c.l-1; k++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+j)+i)+di] = v[di];
                az = 1;
                bz = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)==(double)(0) && (double)(ay)==(double)(0)) && (double)(az)!=(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.l-1; i++)
                    spline3dcalcv(c, bx, by, z[i], ref v);
                    for(k=0; k<=c.m-1; k++)
                        for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*i+k)+j)+di] = v[di];
                ax = 1;
                bx = 0;
                ay = 1;
                by = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)==(double)(0) && (double)(ay)!=(double)(0)) && (double)(az)==(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                    spline3dcalcv(c, bx, y[i], bz, ref v);
                    for(k=0; k<=c.l-1; k++)
                        for(j=0; j<=c.n-1; j++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+i)+j)+di] = v[di];
                ax = 1;
                bx = 0;
                az = 1;
                bz = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)!=(double)(0) && (double)(ay)==(double)(0)) && (double)(az)==(double)(0) )
                for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                    spline3dcalcv(c, x[i], by, bz, ref v);
                    for(k=0; k<=c.l-1; k++)
                        for(j=0; j<=c.m-1; j++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+j)+i)+di] = v[di];
                ay = 1;
                by = 0;
                az = 1;
                bz = 0;
            if( ((double)(ax)==(double)(0) && (double)(ay)==(double)(0)) && (double)(az)==(double)(0) )
                spline3dcalcv(c, bx, by, bz, ref v);
                for(k=0; k<=c.l-1; k++)
                    for(j=0; j<=c.m-1; j++)
                        for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                            for(di=0; di<=c.d-1; di++)
                                f[c.d*(c.n*(c.m*k+j)+i)+di] = v[di];
                ax = 1;
                bx = 0;
                ay = 1;
                by = 0;
                az = 1;
                bz = 0;
            // General case: AX<>0, AY<>0, AZ<>0
            // Unpack, scale and pack again.
            for(i=0; i<=c.n-1; i++)
                x[i] = (x[i]-bx)/ax;
            for(i=0; i<=c.m-1; i++)
                y[i] = (y[i]-by)/ay;
            for(i=0; i<=c.l-1; i++)
                z[i] = (z[i]-bz)/az;
            if( c.stype==-1 )
                spline3dbuildtrilinearv(x, c.n, y, c.m, z, c.l, f, c.d, c);
コード例 #9
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
        This subroutine calculates the value of the trilinear or tricubic spline at
        the given point (X,Y,Z).

            C   -   coefficients table.
                    Built by BuildBilinearSpline or BuildBicubicSpline.
            X, Y,
            Z   -   point


          -- ALGLIB PROJECT --
             Copyright 26.04.2012 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static double spline3dcalc(spline3dinterpolant c,
            double x,
            double y,
            double z)
            double result = 0;
            double v = 0;
            double vx = 0;
            double vy = 0;
            double vxy = 0;

            alglib.ap.assert(c.stype==-1 || c.stype==-3, "Spline3DCalc: incorrect C (incorrect parameter C.SType)");
            alglib.ap.assert((math.isfinite(x) && math.isfinite(y)) && math.isfinite(z), "Spline3DCalc: X=NaN/Infinite, Y=NaN/Infinite or Z=NaN/Infinite");
            if( c.d!=1 )
                result = 0;
                return result;
            spline3ddiff(c, x, y, z, ref v, ref vx, ref vy, ref vxy);
            result = v;
            return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: interpolation.cs プロジェクト: KBrus/nton-rbm
 public override alglib.apobject make_copy()
     spline3dinterpolant _result = new spline3dinterpolant();
     _result.k = k;
     _result.stype = stype;
     _result.n = n;
     _result.m = m;
     _result.l = l;
     _result.d = d;
     _result.x = (double[])x.Clone();
     _result.y = (double[])y.Clone();
     _result.z = (double[])z.Clone();
     _result.f = (double[])f.Clone();
     return _result;