コード例 #1
 public abstract void CreateBackwardReferences(
     ushort *dictionary_hash,
     size_t num_bytes, size_t position,
     byte *ringbuffer, size_t ringbuffer_mask,
     BrotliEncoderParams *params_, HasherHandle hasher, int *dist_cache,
     size_t *last_insert_len, Command *commands, size_t *num_commands,
     size_t *num_literals);
コード例 #2
 public override unsafe void CreateBackwardReferences(ushort *dictionary_hash, size_t num_bytes,
                                                      size_t position, byte *ringbuffer, size_t ringbuffer_mask, BrotliEncoderParams *params_,
                                                      HasherHandle hasher, int *dist_cache, size_t *last_insert_len, Command *commands, size_t *num_commands,
                                                      size_t *num_literals)
     throw new InvalidOperationException();
コード例 #3
 /* This function writes bits into bytes in increasing addresses, and within
  * a byte least-significant-bit first.
  * The function can write up to 56 bits in one go with WriteBits
  * Example: let's assume that 3 bits (Rs below) have been written already:
  * BYTE-0     BYTE+1       BYTE+2
  * 0000 0RRR    0000 0000    0000 0000
  * Now, we could write 5 or less bits in MSB by just sifting by 3
  * and OR'ing to BYTE-0.
  * For n bits, we take the last 5 bits, OR that with high bits in BYTE-0,
  * and locate the rest in BYTE+1, BYTE+2, etc. */
 private static unsafe void BrotliWriteBits(size_t n_bits,
                                            ulong bits,
                                            size_t *pos,
                                            byte *array)
         byte *p = &array[*pos >> 3];
         ulong v = *p;
         v          |= bits << (int)(*pos & 7);
         *(ulong *)p = v; /* Set some bits. */
         *pos += n_bits;
         /* implicit & 0xff is assumed for uint8_t arithmetics */
         byte * array_pos = &array[*pos >> 3];
         size_t bits_reserved_in_first_byte = (*pos & 7);
         size_t bits_left_to_write;
         bits <<= (int)bits_reserved_in_first_byte;
         *array_pos++ |= (byte)bits;
         for (bits_left_to_write = n_bits + bits_reserved_in_first_byte;
              bits_left_to_write >= 9;
              bits_left_to_write -= 8)
             bits >>= 8;
             *array_pos++ = (byte)bits;
         *array_pos = 0;
         *pos      += n_bits;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Metablocks.cs プロジェクト: poeAddict/LibGGPK2
            public static unsafe void InitBlockSplitter(
                ref MemoryManager m, BlockSplitterDistance *self, size_t alphabet_size,
                size_t min_block_size, double split_threshold, size_t num_symbols,
                BlockSplit *split, HistogramDistance **histograms, size_t *histograms_size)
                size_t max_num_blocks = num_symbols / min_block_size + 1;

                /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block
                 * types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */
                size_t max_num_types =
                    Math.Min(max_num_blocks, BROTLI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_BLOCK_TYPES + 1);

                self->alphabet_size_     = alphabet_size;
                self->min_block_size_    = min_block_size;
                self->split_threshold_   = split_threshold;
                self->num_blocks_        = 0;
                self->split_             = split;
                self->histograms_size_   = histograms_size;
                self->target_block_size_ = min_block_size;
                self->block_size_        = 0;
                self->curr_histogram_ix_ = 0;
                self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(byte), (void **)&split->types, &split->types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
                BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(uint), (void **)&split->lengths, &split->lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
                self->split_->num_blocks = max_num_blocks;
                *histograms_size = max_num_types;
                *histograms      = (HistogramDistance *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, *histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramDistance));
                self->histograms_ = *histograms;
                /* Clear only current histogram. */
                self->last_histogram_ix_0 = self->last_histogram_ix_1 = 0;
コード例 #5
 private static unsafe extern void lbm_parse_config_line(
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string configLine,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder scope,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder option,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder value,
     size_t *matches,
     size_t *confLength);
コード例 #6
        private static unsafe size_t DecideMultiByteStatsLevel(size_t pos, size_t len, size_t mask,
                                                               byte *data)
            size_t *counts = stackalloc size_t[3];

            memset(counts, 0, 3 * sizeof(size_t));
            size_t max_utf8 = 1;  /* should be 2, but 1 compresses better. */
            size_t last_c   = 0;
            size_t i;

            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                size_t c = data[(pos + i) & mask];
                ++counts[UTF8Position(last_c, c, 2)];
                last_c = c;
            if (counts[2] < 500)
                max_utf8 = 1;
            if (counts[1] + counts[2] < 25)
                max_utf8 = 0;
コード例 #7
        private static unsafe void BrotliCreateBackwardReferences(
            size_t num_bytes,
            size_t position,
            byte *ringbuffer,
            size_t ringbuffer_mask,
            BrotliEncoderParams *params_,
            HasherHandle hasher,
            int *dist_cache,
            size_t *last_insert_len,
            Command *commands,
            size_t *num_commands,
            size_t *num_literals)
            switch (params_->hasher.type)
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
            case 6:
            case 40:
            case 41:
            case 42:
            case 54:
                fixed(ushort *ksdh = kStaticDictionaryHash)
                kHashers[params_->hasher.type].CreateBackwardReferences(ksdh, num_bytes,
                                                                        position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params_, hasher, dist_cache,
                                                                        last_insert_len, commands, num_commands, num_literals);

コード例 #8
        private static unsafe double ShannonEntropy(uint *population,
                                                    size_t size, size_t *total)
            size_t sum            = 0;
            double retval         = 0;
            uint * population_end = population + size;
            size_t p;

            if ((size & 1) != 0)
                p       = *population++;
                sum    += p;
                retval -= (double)p * FastLog2(p);
            while (population < population_end)
                p       = *population++;
                sum    += p;
                retval -= (double)p * FastLog2(p);
                p       = *population++;
                sum    += p;
                retval -= (double)p * FastLog2(p);
            if (sum != 0)
                retval += (double)sum * FastLog2(sum);
            *total = sum;
コード例 #9
 private static unsafe void StoreStaticCommandHuffmanTree(
     size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
         56, 0x92624416307003U, storage_ix, storage);
     BrotliWriteBits(3, 0x00000000U, storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #10
 private static unsafe void EmitUncompressedMetaBlock(byte *input, size_t input_size,
                                                      size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
     BrotliStoreMetaBlockHeader(input_size, true, storage_ix, storage);
     *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7u) & ~7u;
     memcpy(&storage[*storage_ix >> 3], input, input_size);
     *storage_ix += input_size << 3;
     storage[*storage_ix >> 3] = 0;
コード例 #11
 private static unsafe void BrotliCompressFragmentTwoPass(
     ref MemoryManager m, byte *input, size_t input_size,
     bool is_last, uint *command_buf, byte *literal_buf,
     int *table, size_t table_size, size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
     CompressFragmentTwoPass.BrotliCompressFragmentTwoPass(ref m,
                                                           input, input_size, is_last, command_buf, literal_buf,
                                                           table, table_size, storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #12
        public static void CPU_ZERO_S(size_t size, cpu_set_t *set)
            size_t *s = (size_t *)set;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < size / SizeOf.size_t; i++)
                s[i] = 0;
コード例 #13
            private static unsafe void RewindBitPosition(size_t new_storage_ix,
                                                         size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t bitpos = new_storage_ix & 7;
                size_t mask   = (1u << (int)bitpos) - 1;

                storage[new_storage_ix >> 3] &= (byte)mask;
                *storage_ix = new_storage_ix;
コード例 #14
        private static unsafe void BrotliEstimateBitCostsForLiterals(size_t pos, size_t len, size_t mask,
                                                                     byte *data, float *cost)
            if (BrotliIsMostlyUTF8(data, pos, mask, len, kMinUTF8Ratio))
                EstimateBitCostsForLiteralsUTF8(pos, len, mask, data, cost);
                size_t *histogram = stackalloc size_t[256];
                memset(histogram, 0, 256 * sizeof(size_t));
                size_t window_half = 2000;
                size_t in_window   = Math.Min(window_half, len);

                /* Bootstrap histogram. */
                size_t i;
                for (i = 0; i < in_window; ++i)
                    ++histogram[data[(pos + i) & mask]];

                /* Compute bit costs with sliding window. */
                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    size_t histo;
                    if (i >= window_half)
                        /* Remove a byte in the past. */
                        --histogram[data[(pos + i - window_half) & mask]];
                    if (i + window_half < len)
                        /* Add a byte in the future. */
                        ++histogram[data[(pos + i + window_half) & mask]];
                    histo = histogram[data[(pos + i) & mask]];
                    if (histo == 0)
                        histo = 1;
                        double lit_cost = FastLog2(in_window) - FastLog2(histo);
                        lit_cost += 0.029;
                        if (lit_cost < 1.0)
                            lit_cost *= 0.5;
                            lit_cost += 0.5;
                        cost[i] = (float)lit_cost;
コード例 #15
 private static unsafe void BrotliCompressFragmentFast(
     ref MemoryManager m, byte *input, size_t input_size,
     bool is_last, int *table, size_t table_size, byte *cmd_depth,
     ushort *cmd_bits, size_t *cmd_code_numbits, byte *cmd_code,
     size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
     CompressFragment.BrotliCompressFragmentFast(ref m, input, input_size,
                                                 is_last, table, table_size, cmd_depth, cmd_bits,
                                                 cmd_code_numbits, cmd_code, storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #16
            /* Builds a command and distance prefix code (each 64 symbols) into "depth" and
             * "bits" based on "histogram" and stores it into the bit stream. */
            private static unsafe void BuildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode(
                uint *histogram,
                byte *depth, ushort *bits,
                size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                /* Tree size for building a tree over 64 symbols is 2 * 64 + 1. */
                HuffmanTree *tree      = stackalloc HuffmanTree[129];
                byte *       cmd_depth = stackalloc byte[BROTLI_NUM_COMMAND_SYMBOLS];

                memset(cmd_depth, 0, BROTLI_NUM_COMMAND_SYMBOLS * sizeof(byte));
                ushort *cmd_bits = stackalloc ushort[64];

                BrotliCreateHuffmanTree(histogram, 64, 15, tree, depth);
                BrotliCreateHuffmanTree(&histogram[64], 64, 14, tree, &depth[64]);

                /* We have to jump through a few hoops here in order to compute
                 * the command bits because the symbols are in a different order than in
                 * the full alphabet. This looks complicated, but having the symbols
                 * in this order in the command bits saves a few branches in the Emit*
                 * functions. */
                memcpy(cmd_depth, depth + 24, 24);
                memcpy(cmd_depth + 24, depth, 8);
                memcpy(cmd_depth + 32, depth + 48, 8);
                memcpy(cmd_depth + 40, depth + 8, 8);
                memcpy(cmd_depth + 48, depth + 56, 8);
                memcpy(cmd_depth + 56, depth + 16, 8);
                BrotliConvertBitDepthsToSymbols(cmd_depth, 64, cmd_bits);
                memcpy(bits, cmd_bits + 24, 16);
                memcpy(bits + 8, cmd_bits + 40, 16);
                memcpy(bits + 16, cmd_bits + 56, 16);
                memcpy(bits + 24, cmd_bits, 48);
                memcpy(bits + 48, cmd_bits + 32, 16);
                memcpy(bits + 56, cmd_bits + 48, 16);
                BrotliConvertBitDepthsToSymbols(&depth[64], 64, &bits[64]);
                    /* Create the bit length array for the full command alphabet. */
                    size_t i;
                    memset(cmd_depth, 0, 64);  /* only 64 first values were used */
                    memcpy(cmd_depth, depth + 24, 8);
                    memcpy(cmd_depth + 64, depth + 32, 8);
                    memcpy(cmd_depth + 128, depth + 40, 8);
                    memcpy(cmd_depth + 192, depth + 48, 8);
                    memcpy(cmd_depth + 384, depth + 56, 8);
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                        cmd_depth[128 + 8 * i] = depth[i];
                        cmd_depth[256 + 8 * i] = depth[8 + i];
                        cmd_depth[448 + 8 * i] = depth[16 + i];
                        cmd_depth, BROTLI_NUM_COMMAND_SYMBOLS, tree, storage_ix, storage);
                BrotliStoreHuffmanTree(&depth[64], 64, tree, storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #17
        public static void CPU_XOR_S(size_t setsize, cpu_set_t *destset, cpu_set_t *srcset1, cpu_set_t *srcset2)
            size_t *dst  = (size_t *)destset;
            size_t *src1 = (size_t *)srcset1;
            size_t *src2 = (size_t *)srcset2;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < setsize / SizeOf.size_t; i++)
                dst[i] = src1[i] ^ src2[i];
コード例 #18
 private static unsafe void EmitCopyLenLastDistance(size_t copylen,
                                                    byte *depth,
                                                    ushort *bits,
                                                    uint *histo,
                                                    size_t *storage_ix,
                                                    byte *storage)
     if (copylen < 12)
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[copylen - 4], bits[copylen - 4], storage_ix, storage);
         ++histo[copylen - 4];
     else if (copylen < 72)
         size_t tail   = copylen - 8;
         uint   nbits  = Log2FloorNonZero(tail) - 1;
         size_t prefix = tail >> (int)nbits;
         size_t code   = (nbits << 1) + prefix + 4;
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[code], bits[code], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(nbits, tail - (prefix << (int)nbits), storage_ix, storage);
     else if (copylen < 136)
         size_t tail = copylen - 8;
         size_t code = (tail >> 5) + 30;
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[code], bits[code], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(5, tail & 31, storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[64], bits[64], storage_ix, storage);
     else if (copylen < 2120)
         size_t tail  = copylen - 72;
         uint   nbits = Log2FloorNonZero(tail);
         size_t code  = nbits + 28;
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[code], bits[code], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(nbits, tail - ((size_t)1 << (int)nbits), storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[64], bits[64], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[39], bits[39], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(24, copylen - 2120, storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[64], bits[64], storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #19
ファイル: EntropyEncode.cs プロジェクト: poeAddict/LibGGPK2
 private static unsafe void BrotliWriteHuffmanTreeRepetitions(
     byte previous_value,
     byte value,
     size_t repetitions,
     size_t *tree_size,
     byte *tree,
     byte *extra_bits_data)
     if (previous_value != value)
         tree[*tree_size]            = value;
         extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0;
     if (repetitions == 7)
         tree[*tree_size]            = value;
         extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0;
     if (repetitions < 3)
         size_t i;
         for (i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i)
             tree[*tree_size]            = value;
             extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0;
         size_t start = *tree_size;
         repetitions -= 3;
         while (true)
             tree[*tree_size]            = BROTLI_REPEAT_PREVIOUS_CODE_LENGTH;
             extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = (byte)(repetitions & 0x3);
             repetitions >>= 2;
             if (repetitions == 0)
         Reverse(tree, start, *tree_size);
         Reverse(extra_bits_data, start, *tree_size);
コード例 #20
            private static unsafe void EmitLiterals(byte *input, size_t len,
                                                    byte *depth,
                                                    ushort *bits,
                                                    size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t j;

                for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    byte lit = input[j];
                    BrotliWriteBits(depth[lit], bits[lit], storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #21
            private static unsafe void EmitUncompressedMetaBlock(byte *begin, byte *end,
                                                                 size_t storage_ix_start,
                                                                 size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t len = (size_t)(end - begin);

                RewindBitPosition(storage_ix_start, storage_ix, storage);
                BrotliStoreMetaBlockHeader(len, true, storage_ix, storage);
                *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7u) & ~7u;
                memcpy(&storage[*storage_ix >> 3], begin, len);
                *storage_ix += len << 3;
                storage[*storage_ix >> 3] = 0;
コード例 #22
        public static bool CPU_EQUAL_S(size_t size, cpu_set_t *set1, cpu_set_t *set2)
            size_t *s1 = (size_t *)set1;
            size_t *s2 = (size_t *)set2;

            for (int i = 0; i < size / SizeOf.size_t; i++)
                if (s1[i] != s2[i])
コード例 #23
        /* REQUIRES: nodes != NULL and len(nodes) >= num_bytes + 1 */
        private static unsafe void BrotliZopfliCreateCommands(size_t num_bytes,
                                                              size_t block_start,
                                                              size_t max_backward_limit,
                                                              ZopfliNode *nodes,
                                                              int *dist_cache,
                                                              size_t *last_insert_len,
                                                              Command *commands,
                                                              size_t *num_literals)
            size_t pos    = 0;
            uint   offset = nodes[0].u.next;
            size_t i;

            for (i = 0; offset != uint.MaxValue; i++)
                ZopfliNode *next          = &nodes[pos + offset];
                size_t      copy_length   = ZopfliNodeCopyLength(next);
                size_t      insert_length = next->insert_length;
                pos   += insert_length;
                offset = next->u.next;
                if (i == 0)
                    insert_length += *last_insert_len;
                    *last_insert_len = 0;
                    size_t distance     = ZopfliNodeCopyDistance(next);
                    size_t len_code     = ZopfliNodeLengthCode(next);
                    size_t max_distance =
                        Math.Min(block_start + pos, max_backward_limit);
                    bool   is_dictionary = (distance > max_distance);
                    size_t dist_code     = ZopfliNodeDistanceCode(next);

                        &commands[i], insert_length, copy_length, len_code, dist_code);

                    if (!is_dictionary && dist_code > 0)
                        dist_cache[3] = dist_cache[2];
                        dist_cache[2] = dist_cache[1];
                        dist_cache[1] = dist_cache[0];
                        dist_cache[0] = (int)distance;

                *num_literals += insert_length;
                pos += copy_length;
            *last_insert_len += num_bytes - pos;
コード例 #24
            private static unsafe void EmitDistance(size_t distance,
                                                    byte *depth,
                                                    ushort *bits,
                                                    uint *histo,
                                                    size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t d        = distance + 3;
                uint   nbits    = Log2FloorNonZero(d) - 1u;
                size_t prefix   = (d >> (int)nbits) & 1;
                size_t offset   = (2 + prefix) << (int)nbits;
                size_t distcode = 2 * (nbits - 1) + prefix + 80;

                BrotliWriteBits(depth[distcode], bits[distcode], storage_ix, storage);
                BrotliWriteBits(nbits, d - offset, storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #25
        public static int CPU_COUNT_S(size_t size, cpu_set_t *set)
            size_t *s     = (size_t *)set;
            size_t  count = 0;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < size / SizeOf.ssize_t; i++)
                size_t n = s[i];
                while (n != 0)
                    count += n & 1;
                    n    >>= 1;
コード例 #26
ファイル: EntropyEncode.cs プロジェクト: poeAddict/LibGGPK2
 private static unsafe void BrotliWriteHuffmanTreeRepetitionsZeros(
     size_t repetitions,
     size_t *tree_size,
     byte *tree,
     byte *extra_bits_data)
     if (repetitions == 11)
         tree[*tree_size]            = 0;
         extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0;
     if (repetitions < 3)
         size_t i;
         for (i = 0; i < repetitions; ++i)
             tree[*tree_size]            = 0;
             extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0;
         size_t start = *tree_size;
         repetitions -= 3;
         while (true)
             tree[*tree_size]            = BROTLI_REPEAT_ZERO_CODE_LENGTH;
             extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = (byte)(repetitions & 0x7);
             repetitions >>= 3;
             if (repetitions == 0)
         Reverse(tree, start, *tree_size);
         Reverse(extra_bits_data, start, *tree_size);
コード例 #27
ファイル: BlockEncoders.cs プロジェクト: poeAddict/LibGGPK2
            public static unsafe void BuildAndStoreEntropyCodes(ref MemoryManager m, BlockEncoder *self,
                                                                HistogramLiteral *histograms, size_t histograms_size,
                                                                HuffmanTree *tree, size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t alphabet_size = self->alphabet_size_;
                size_t table_size    = histograms_size * alphabet_size;

                self->depths_ = (byte *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, table_size * sizeof(byte));
                self->bits_   = (ushort *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, table_size * sizeof(ushort));
                    size_t i;
                    for (i = 0; i < histograms_size; ++i)
                        size_t ix = i * alphabet_size;
                        BuildAndStoreHuffmanTree(&histograms[i].data_[0], alphabet_size, tree,
                                                 &self->depths_[ix], &self->bits_[ix], storage_ix, storage);
コード例 #28
        private static unsafe void BrotliCreateZopfliBackwardReferences(
            ref MemoryManager m, size_t num_bytes,
            size_t position, byte *ringbuffer, size_t ringbuffer_mask,
            BrotliEncoderParams *params_, HasherHandle hasher, int *dist_cache,
            size_t *last_insert_len, Command *commands, size_t *num_commands,
            size_t *num_literals)
            size_t      max_backward_limit = BROTLI_MAX_BACKWARD_LIMIT(params_->lgwin);
            ZopfliNode *nodes;

            nodes = (ZopfliNode *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, (num_bytes + 1) * sizeof(ZopfliNode));
            BrotliInitZopfliNodes(nodes, num_bytes + 1);
            *num_commands += BrotliZopfliComputeShortestPath(ref m, num_bytes,
                                                             position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params_, max_backward_limit,
                                                             dist_cache, hasher, nodes);
            BrotliZopfliCreateCommands(num_bytes, position, max_backward_limit, nodes,
                                       dist_cache, last_insert_len, commands, num_literals);
            BrotliFree(ref m, nodes);
コード例 #29
            public static unsafe void BrotliCompressFragmentFast(
                ref MemoryManager m, byte *input, size_t input_size,
                bool is_last, int *table, size_t table_size, byte *cmd_depth,
                ushort *cmd_bits, size_t *cmd_code_numbits, byte *cmd_code,
                size_t *storage_ix, byte *storage)
                size_t initial_storage_ix = *storage_ix;
                size_t table_bits         = Log2FloorNonZero(table_size);

                if (input_size == 0)
                    BrotliWriteBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage); /* islast */
                    BrotliWriteBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage); /* isempty */
                    *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7u) & ~7u;

                switch ((int)table_bits)
                case 9:
                case 11:
                case 13:
                case 15:
                        ref m, input, input_size, is_last, table, table_bits,
                        cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_code_numbits, cmd_code, storage_ix, storage);

                /* If output is larger than single uncompressed block, rewrite it. */
                if (*storage_ix - initial_storage_ix > 31 + (input_size << 3))
                    EmitUncompressedMetaBlock(input, input + input_size, initial_storage_ix,
                                              storage_ix, storage);

                if (is_last)
                    BrotliWriteBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage); /* islast */
                    BrotliWriteBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage); /* isempty */
                    *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7u) & ~7u;
コード例 #30
 private static unsafe void EmitLongInsertLen(size_t insertlen,
                                              byte *depth,
                                              ushort *bits,
                                              uint *histo,
                                              size_t *storage_ix,
                                              byte *storage)
     if (insertlen < 22594)
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[62], bits[62], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(14, insertlen - 6210, storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(depth[63], bits[63], storage_ix, storage);
         BrotliWriteBits(24, insertlen - 22594, storage_ix, storage);