コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 个人会员登录 密码登录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="username">用户名</param>
        /// <param name="password">密码</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Price_LineByVillageid(int villageid)
            timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

            // string sqlnn = "select MaxPrice,AddDate from(select top 6 ID,MaxPrice,AddDate from NewHouse_Price_Line where NHID=" + houseid.ToString() + " order by ID desc)as a order by id";

            using (var dbshvillage = new shvillageEntities())
                //  var Price_Line = dbshvillage.NewHouse_Price_Line.Where(p=>p.NHID==villageid&&p.City=="无锡").Select(s => new { AddDate =s.AddDate.Value, MaxPrice = s.MaxPrice }).OrderByDescending(p => p.AddDate).Take(6);

                var Price_Line = (from p in dbshvillage.NewHouse_Price_Line where (p.NHID == villageid && p.City == "无锡")
                                  select new  { ID = p.ID, AddDate = DbFunctions.TruncateTime(p.AddDate), MaxPrice = p.MaxPrice }).OrderByDescending(S => S.ID).Take(6);

                DateTime bdt = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);
                DateTime sdt = bdt.AddMonths(-1);

                Double byMaxPrice = 0;
                var    myNewHouse_Price_Lineby = dbshvillage.NewHouse_Price_Line.Where(x => x.NHID == villageid && x.AddDate >= bdt).FirstOrDefault();
                if (myNewHouse_Price_Lineby != null)
                    byMaxPrice = Convert.ToDouble(myNewHouse_Price_Lineby.MaxPrice.ToString());

                Double sybyMaxPrice            = 0;
                var    myNewHouse_Price_Linesy = dbshvillage.NewHouse_Price_Line.Where(x => x.NHID == villageid && x.AddDate < bdt && x.AddDate >= sdt).FirstOrDefault();
                if (myNewHouse_Price_Linesy != null)
                    sybyMaxPrice = Convert.ToDouble(myNewHouse_Price_Linesy.MaxPrice.ToString());

                Double hb = 0;
                if (byMaxPrice != 0 && sybyMaxPrice != 0)
                    hb = (byMaxPrice - sybyMaxPrice) / sybyMaxPrice;

                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg {
                    state = 1, msg = "小区价格走势", data = new { Price_Line, byMaxPrice, sybyMaxPrice, hb }
                }, timeFormat));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GR_UserController.cs プロジェクト: gcenss/JJR2018
        /// <summary>
        /// 用户基础信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string UserData()
            timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
                using (shhouseEntities db = new shhouseEntities())
                    //var houseclick = db.Database.DynamicSqlQuery(@"select isnull(SUM(clicknum),0)num from statist_house where houseid in (select saleid from house_sale_search_wuxi where userid=@userid)", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid) });
                    //var housetopclick = db.Database.DynamicSqlQuery(@"select isnull(SUM(clicknum),0)num from statist_house where houseid in (select saleid from house_sale_search_wuxi where istop =1 and userid=@userid)", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid) });
                    //var todaytophouse = db.Database.DynamicSqlQuery(@"select isnull(count(0),0)num  from house_sale_search_wuxi where DateDiff(dd,updatetime,getdate())=0 and istop =1 and userid=@userid", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid) });
                    int totaluser_noteinfo = db.Database.SqlQuery <int>(@"select isnull(count(0),0)num  from user_noteinfo where  userid=@userid", new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userid", User.userid) }).First();

                    // 二手房
                    int Favourite_house_sale_count = (from a in db.favourite_house_village
                                                      join b in db.house_sale_list_wuxi on a.houseid equals b.saleid into ab
                                                      from abi in ab
                                                      join c in db.house_sale_search_wuxi on abi.saleid equals c.saleid into abc
                                                      from abci in abc
                                                      where a.userid == User.userid && a.housetype == 1
                                                      select new { a.id }).Count();
                    int Favourite_NewHouse_count = 0;
                    using (var dbefwnewhouse = new efwnewhouseEntities())
                        int[] NewHouseID = db.favourite_house_village.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.housetype == 6).Select(x => x.houseid.Value).ToArray();
                        Favourite_NewHouse_count = (from a in dbefwnewhouse.NewHouse where NewHouseID.Any(x => x == a.ID) select new { a.ID }).Count();

                    int Favourite_house_rent_count = (from a in db.favourite_house_village
                                                      join b in db.house_rent_list_wuxi on a.houseid equals b.rentid into ab
                                                      from abi in ab
                                                      join c in db.house_rent_search_wuxi on abi.rentid equals c.rentid into abc
                                                      from abci in abc
                                                      where a.userid == User.userid && a.housetype == 2
                                                      select new { a.id }).Count();
                    int Favourite_Community_count = 0;
                    using (var dbshvillage = new shvillageEntities())
                        int[] NewHouseID = db.favourite_house_village.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.housetype == 3).Select(x => x.houseid.Value).ToArray();
                        Favourite_Community_count = (from a in dbshvillage.NewHouse where NewHouseID.Any(x => x == a.ID) select new { a.ID }).Count();

                    //转介绍 1 二手房 2租房 3买客 4租客
                    // 出售房
                    int EFW_Guest_house_sale_count = db.EFW_Guest.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.guesttype == 1).Count();
                    int EFW_Guest_house_rent_count = db.EFW_Guest.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.guesttype == 2).Count();
                    int EFW_Guest_sellcustom_count = db.EFW_Guest.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.guesttype == 3).Count();
                    int EFW_Guest_rentcustom_count = db.EFW_Guest.Where(p => p.userid == User.userid && p.guesttype == 4).Count();

                    DateTime dtdy = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);
                    int      totaluser_signIn_dy = db.SignIn.Where(x => x.UserID == User.userid && x.exe_date >= dtdy).Count();

                               new repmsg
                        state = 1,
                        msg = "用户信息",
                        data =
                            username = User.user_member.username,                              //用户名
                            userid = User.user_member.userid,                                  //用户id
                            mobile = User.user_details.mobile,                                 //手机号
                            //mobile_zs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.user_details.BindNum) ? User.user_details.mobile_zs : User.user_details.BindNum,//有隐号用隐号 没隐号显示展示号
                            mobile_zs = User.user_details.mobile_zs,
                            ////yjrate = User.user_member.yjrate,//佣金比例
                            ////servicetype = User.user_member.servicetype,//服务类型
                            photoname = User.user_details.photoname,                              //头像
                            gradeid = User.user_details.gradeid,                                  //等级
                            //shangquanval = User.user_details.shangquanval, //商圈
                            ////origin = User.user_details.origin, //上级门店或总店
                            ebtotalnum = User.user_member.ebtotalnum,                        //总e币数量
                            allscore = User.user_details.scoretotal,                         //j积分
                            realname = User.user_details.realname,                           //真实姓名
                            searchtitle = User.searchtitle,                                  //搜索字段
                            //viliditystart = Convert.ToDateTime(User.user_member.viliditystart).ToShortDateString(),//用户开始有效期
                            //vilidityend = Convert.ToDateTime(User.user_member.vilidityend).ToShortDateString(),//用户结束有效期
                            remark = User.user_details.remark,                                  //简介
                            remarkxuanyan = User.user_details.remark_xuanyan,                   //简介——宣言
                            //knowarea = User.user_details.know_area,//熟悉区域
                            //knowvillage = User.user_details.know_village,//熟悉等级
                            //refusenum = User.user_member.refusenum,//刷新使用数量
                            //reftotalnum = User.user_member.reftotalnum,//刷新总数量
                            ////houseclick = houseclick,//房源点击率
                            ////housetopclick = housetopclick,////房源点击率
                            //housetotalnum = User.user_member.housetotalnum,//房源总数量
                            //houseusenum = User.user_member.houseusenum,//房源已使用数量
                            //syhousenum = User.user_member.housetotalnum - User.user_member.houseusenum,
                            //Days = (Convert.ToDateTime(User.user_member.vilidityend) - Convert.ToDateTime(User.user_member.viliditystart)).TotalDays,//服务期
                            //syDays = (Convert.ToDateTime(User.user_member.vilidityend) - DateTime.Now).TotalDays,//还有多少天到期
                            //iszhongshan = string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.user_member.deptpath) ? -1 : User.user_member.deptpath.IndexOf("0,439"),//关联部门ID
                            silvertotal = User.user_details.silvertotal,               //元宝
                            issignIn = User.IsSignIn,                                  //签到
                            //todaytophouse = todaytophouse,
                            roleid = User.user_member.roleid,                          //用户类型
                            idnumber = User.user_details.idnumber,                     //身份证号码
                            cardtype = User.user_details.CardType,                     //证件类型
                            sexuality = User.user_details.sexuality,                   //性别
                            birthday = User.user_details.birthday,                     //性别
                            totaluser_note = totaluser_noteinfo,                       //站内信息数
                            RCToken = User.RCToken,
                            totaluser_signIn_dy = totaluser_signIn_dy,                 //本月签到数量
                            Favourite_house_sale_count,                                //关注出售数量
                            Favourite_NewHouse_count,                                  //关注新房数量
                            Favourite_house_rent_count,                                //关注出租数量
                            Favourite_Community_count,                                 //关注小区数量
                            EFW_Guest_house_sale_count,                                //转介绍出售数量
                            EFW_Guest_house_rent_count,                                //转介绍出租数量
                            EFW_Guest_sellcustom_count,                                //转介绍求购数量
                            EFW_Guest_rentcustom_count,                                //转介绍求租数量
                            NickName = User.user_member.NickName
                    }, timeFormat));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg {
                    state = 2, msg = "暂无数据,请稍后再试!", data = null
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 经纪人查看客户需求列表通用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AgentID">经纪人ID 类型 int</param>
        /// <param name="IsLink">是否联系 类型 int</param>
        /// <param name="IsFollow">是否跟进 类型 int</param>
        /// <param name="IsDel">是否委托 类型 int</param>
        /// <param name="housetype">housetype 说明:1求购2求租  类型:int</param>
        /// <param name="SortName">排序字段名</param>
        /// <param name="IsDesc">升序降序</param>
        /// <param name="IsAgentize">待分配已分配状态</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ListByWhere(int?AgentID = null, int?IsLink = null, int?IsFollow = null, int?IsDel = null, int?housetype = null, string SortName = "exe_date", bool IsDesc = true, bool?IsAgentize = null)
                timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
                using (var db = new shhouseEntities())
                    IQueryable <house_agentize_wuxi> result = db.house_agentize_wuxi;
                    if (AgentID != null)
                        result = result.Where(p => p.Agentid == AgentID);
                    if (IsLink != null)
                        DataTable dt   = Utils.Query(shhouseconn, "SELECT ID FROM house_agentize_wuxi  a LEFT JOIN house_customize_wuxi b ON A.Cusid=B.cusid WHERE a.isLink=0 and a.isdel = 0 and a.IsFollow = 0 and  b.isdel = 0 and b.iscustomize = 1");
                        int[]     IDss = new int[dt.Rows.Count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                            IDss[j] = int.Parse(dt.Rows[j][0].ToString());
                        result = result.Where(p => IDss.Contains(p.ID));
                    if (IsFollow != null)
                        DataTable dt   = Utils.Query(shhouseconn, "SELECT ID FROM house_agentize_wuxi  a LEFT JOIN house_customize_wuxi b ON A.Cusid=B.cusid WHERE a.isfollow = 1 and a.isdel = 0 and b.isdel = 0 and iscustomize = 1");
                        int[]     IDss = new int[dt.Rows.Count];
                        for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                            IDss[j] = int.Parse(dt.Rows[j][0].ToString());
                        result = result.Where(p => IDss.Contains(p.ID));
                    if (IsDel != null)
                        if (IsDel == 1)
                            DataTable dt   = Utils.Query(shhouseconn, "select ID from house_agentize_wuxi where (IsDel=1 or Cusid in(select cusid from house_customize_wuxi where isdel=1 or iscustomize=0))");
                            int[]     IDss = new int[dt.Rows.Count];
                            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                                IDss[j] = int.Parse(dt.Rows[j][0].ToString());
                            result = result.Where(p => IDss.Contains(p.ID));
                            result = result.Where(p => p.IsDel == IsDel);

                    if (IsAgentize != null)
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(IsAgentize))
                            result = result.Where(p => db.house_agentize_wuxi.Where(a => a.IsDel != 1).GroupBy(a => a.Cusid).Select(a => new { Cusid = a.Key, Count = a.Count() }).Where(a => a.Count >= 3).Select(a => a.Cusid).Contains(p.Cusid));
                            result = result.Where(p => !db.house_agentize_wuxi.Where(a => a.IsDel != 1).GroupBy(a => a.Cusid).Select(a => new { Cusid = a.Key, Count = a.Count() }).Where(a => a.Count >= 3).Select(a => a.Cusid).Contains(p.Cusid));
                    if (housetype != null)
                        result = result.Where(p => db.house_customize_wuxi.Where(a => a.housetype == housetype).Select(a => a.cusid).Contains(p.Cusid));
                    int count = result.Count();
                    var house_agentize_wuxi_List_temp = result.OrderBy(string.Format("{0} {1}", SortName, IsDesc ? "desc" : "asc"));

                    Dictionary <string, object>[] house_agentize_wuxi_List = new Dictionary <string, object> [house_agentize_wuxi_List_temp.Count()];
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var temp in house_agentize_wuxi_List_temp)
                        house_customize_wuxi cus = db.house_customize_wuxi.Where(p => p.cusid == temp.Cusid).FirstOrDefault();
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i] = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("ID", temp.ID);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("AgentID", temp.Agentid);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("IsLink", temp.IsLink);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("IsFollow", temp.IsFollow);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("IsDel", temp.IsDel);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("exe_date", temp.exe_date);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("cusid", cus.cusid);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("userid", cus.userid);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("areaID", cus.areaID);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("tradingareaID", cus.tradingareaID);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("countyIdList", cus.countyIdList);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("jiageId", cus.jiageId);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("room", cus.room);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("housetype", cus.housetype);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("rentype", cus.rentype);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("linkman", cus.linkman);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("tel", cus.tel);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("iscustomize", cus.iscustomize);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("cusisdel", cus.isdel);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("city", cus.city);
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("addtime", cus.addtime);

                        string areaname = "";
                        if (cus.areaID != null && cus.areaID != 0)
                            var areaIDtemp = db.base_area.Where(p => p.areaid == cus.areaID).OrderBy(p => p.areaid).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (areaIDtemp != null)
                                areaname = areaIDtemp.areaname;
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("areaname", areaname);

                        string tradingareaname = "";
                        if (cus.tradingareaID != null && cus.tradingareaID != 0)
                            var tradingareaIDtemp = db.base_area.Where(p => p.areaid == cus.tradingareaID).OrderBy(p => p.areaid).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (tradingareaIDtemp != null)
                                tradingareaname = tradingareaIDtemp.areaname;
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("tradingareaname", tradingareaname);

                        using (shvillageEntities dbshvillage = new shvillageEntities())
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cus.countyIdList))
                                string[] str_countyIdList = cus.countyIdList.Split(',').ToArray();
                                int[]    int_countyIdList = Array.ConvertAll(str_countyIdList, new Converter <string, int>(Utils.StrToInt));
                                var      countyList       = dbshvillage.NewHouse.Where(p => int_countyIdList.Contains(p.ID)).Select(a => new { ID = a.ID, title = a.Name }).OrderBy(p => p.ID).ToList();
                                house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("countyList", countyList);
                                house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("countyList", null);

                        string jiagename = null;
                        if (cus.jiageId != null && cus.jiageId != 0)
                            var jiagetemp = db.base_samtype.Where(p => p.typeid == cus.jiageId).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (jiagetemp != null)
                                jiagename = jiagetemp.typename;
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("jiagename", jiagename);

                        string rentypename = null;
                        if (cus.rentype != null && cus.rentype != 0)
                            var rentypetemp = db.base_samtype.Where(p => p.typeid == cus.rentype).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (rentypetemp != null)
                                rentypename = rentypetemp.typename;
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("rentypename", rentypename);

                        int AgentizeNumber = db.house_agentize_wuxi.Where(p => p.Cusid == cus.cusid && p.IsDel != 1).Count();
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("AgentizeNumber", AgentizeNumber);

                        string photoname = null;
                        if (cus.userid != null && cus.userid != 0)
                            var user_detailstemp = db.user_details.Where(p => p.userid == cus.userid).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (user_detailstemp != null)
                                photoname = user_detailstemp.photoname;
                        house_agentize_wuxi_List[i].Add("photoname", photoname);


                    return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg {
                        state = 1, msg = "", data = new { house_agentize_wuxi_List, count }
                    }, timeFormat));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new repmsg {
                    state = 2, msg = "网络异常,请稍后再试!", data = e