コード例 #1
        public bool Authenticate(string Username, string Password)
            //Create an authentication object
            user_auth user = new user_auth();

            //Set the credentials
            user.user_name = Username;
            user.password  = this.computeMD5String(Password);

            //Try to authenticate
            set_entry_result authentication_result = this.sugarClient.login(user, "");

            //Check for errors
            if (Convert.ToInt32(authentication_result.error.number) != 0)
                //An error occured
                this.error = String.Concat(authentication_result.error.name, ": ",

                //Clear the existing sessionId
                this.sessionId = String.Empty;
                //Set the sessionId
                this.sessionId = authentication_result.id;

                //Clear the existing error
                this.error = String.Empty;

            //Return the boolean
            return(this.sessionId != String.Empty);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CandyWrapper.cs プロジェクト: samkuehn/candywrapper
    public string SetEntry(SugarEntry entry)
        var valueArray = new name_value[entry.Count];
        int i          = 0;

        foreach (var sugarEntry in entry)
            valueArray[i]       = new name_value();
            valueArray[i].name  = sugarEntry.Key;
            valueArray[i].value = sugarEntry.Value;
        set_entry_result result = _sugarsoap.set_entry(_session, entry.Module, valueArray);

コード例 #3
ファイル: soap.asmx.cs プロジェクト: NALSS/splendidcrm-99885
        public set_entry_result set_note_attachment(string session, note_attachment note)
            Guid   gUSER_ID        = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid   gNOTE_ID        = Sql.ToGuid(note.id);
            string sFILENAME       = Path.GetFileName (note.filename);
            string sFILE_EXT       = Path.GetExtension(sFILENAME);
            string sFILE_MIME_TYPE = "application/octet-stream";

            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess("Notes", "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            set_entry_result result = new set_entry_result();
            byte[] byData = Convert.FromBase64String(note.file);
            // 02/20/2006 Paul.  Try and reduce the memory requirements by releasing the original data as soon as possible.
            note.file = null;
            using ( MemoryStream stm = new System.IO.MemoryStream(byData) )
                DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
                using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                    Guid gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Guid.Empty;

                    // 09/01/2006 Paul.  Notes do not have an ASSIGNED_USER_ID.
                    string sSQL = String.Empty;
                    sSQL = "select *           " + ControlChars.CrLf
                         + "  from vwNOTES_Edit" + ControlChars.CrLf
                         + " where ID = @ID    " + ControlChars.CrLf;
                    using ( IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand() )
                        cmd.CommandText = sSQL;
                        Sql.AddParameter(cmd, "@ID", gNOTE_ID);
                        using ( IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader() )
                            if ( rdr.Read() )
                                gASSIGNED_USER_ID = Sql.ToGuid(rdr["ASSIGNED_USER_ID"]);
                        using ( IDbTransaction trn = con.BeginTransaction() )
                                Guid gAttachmentID = Guid.Empty;
                                SqlProcs.spNOTE_ATTACHMENTS_Insert(ref gAttachmentID, gNOTE_ID, note.filename, sFILENAME, sFILE_EXT, sFILE_MIME_TYPE, trn);
                                SplendidCRM.Notes.EditView.LoadFile(gAttachmentID, stm, trn);
                            catch(Exception ex)
                                SplendidError.SystemError(new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(0), ex);
                                throw ( new Exception(ex.Message) );
            byData = null;
            return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: soap.asmx.cs プロジェクト: NALSS/splendidcrm-99885
        public set_entry_result set_entry(string session, string module_name, name_value[] name_value_list)
            Guid gUSER_ID  = GetSessionUserID(session);
            Guid gTIMEZONE = Sql.ToGuid(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.user.timezone." + gUSER_ID.ToString()));
            TimeZone T10n = TimeZone.CreateTimeZone(gTIMEZONE);

            string sTABLE_NAME = VerifyModuleName(module_name);
            int nACLACCESS = Security.GetUserAccess(module_name, "edit");
            if ( nACLACCESS < 0 )
                L10N L10n = new L10N("en-US");
                throw(new Exception(L10n.Term("ACL.LBL_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS")));

            set_entry_result results = new set_entry_result();

            DbProviderFactory dbf = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory();
            using ( IDbConnection con = dbf.CreateConnection() )
                // 02/21/2006 Paul.  Delete operations come in as set_entry with deleted = 1.
                if ( DeleteEntry(name_value_list) )
                    IDbCommand cmdDelete = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Delete");
                    // 10/10/2006 Paul.  Use IDbDataParameter to be consistent.
                    foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdDelete.Parameters)
                        par.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    Sql.SetParameter(cmdDelete, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", gUSER_ID.ToString());
                    Guid gID = FindID(name_value_list);
                    if ( gID != Guid.Empty )
                        Sql.SetParameter(cmdDelete, "@ID", gID.ToString());
                    IDbCommand cmdUpdate = SqlProcs.Factory(con, "sp" + sTABLE_NAME + "_Update");
                    IDbDataParameter parID = Sql.FindParameter(cmdUpdate, "@ID");
                    // 10/10/2006 Paul.  Use IDbDataParameter to be consistent.
                    foreach(IDbDataParameter par in cmdUpdate.Parameters)
                        par.Value = DBNull.Value;
                    // 08/31/2006 Paul.  We need to initialize the values of any fields not provided.
                    // The stored procedure always updates all fields, so we need to make sure not to clear fields that are not provided.
                    // This problem was first noticed when the Outlook Plug-in kept clearing the ASSIGNED_USER_ID field.
                    Guid gID = FindID(name_value_list);
                    if ( gID != Guid.Empty )
                        // 08/31/2006 Paul.  If the ID is not found, then this must be a new
                        InitializeParameters(con, sTABLE_NAME, gID, cmdUpdate);
                    Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@MODIFIED_USER_ID", gUSER_ID.ToString());

                    for ( int j = 0; j < name_value_list.Length; j++ )
                        // 04/04/2006 Paul.  DATE_START & TIME_START need to be combined into DATE_TIME.
                        if ( name_value_list[j].name.ToUpper() == "TIME_START" )
                            // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Modules that have a TIME_START field are MEETINGS, CALLS, TASKS, EMAILS, EMAIL_MARKETING, PROJECT_TASK
                            string sDateTime = EntryDateTime(name_value_list, "DATE_START", "TIME_START");
                            if ( sTABLE_NAME == "TASKS" || sTABLE_NAME == "PROJECT_TASK" )
                                Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME_START", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                                Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                        // 04/04/2006 Paul.  DATE_DUE & TIME_DUE need to be combined into DATE_TIME_DUE.
                        else if ( name_value_list[j].name.ToUpper() == "TIME_DUE" )
                            // 04/04/2006 Paul.  Modules that have a TIME_DUE field are TASKS, PROJECT_TASK
                            string sDateTime = EntryDateTime(name_value_list, "DATE_DUE", "TIME_DUE");
                            Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@DATE_TIME_DUE", T10n.ToServerTimeFromUniversalTime(sDateTime));
                            Sql.SetParameter(cmdUpdate, "@" + name_value_list[j].name, name_value_list[j].value);

                    if ( parID != null )
                        results.id = Sql.ToString(parID.Value);
            return results;
コード例 #5
ファイル: soap.asmx.cs プロジェクト: NALSS/splendidcrm-99885
 public set_entry_result login(user_auth user_auth, string application_name)
     // 03/12/2007 Paul.  If we are using NTLM, then the user_name will be blank.
     // This could be one of the reasons why some sessions were dying.
     if ( Security.IsWindowsAuthentication() )
         string[] arrUserName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split('\\');
         string sUSER_DOMAIN = arrUserName[0];
         user_auth.user_name = arrUserName[1];
     // 12/29/2005 Paul.  create_session returns "Suceess".  We need a separate operation to get the SessionID.
     set_entry_result result = new set_entry_result();
     // 06/04/2007 Paul.  Use new function that returns the Session ID.
     result.id = CreateSession(user_auth.user_name, user_auth.password).ToString();
     //result.id = Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.username.session." + user_auth.user_name.ToLower()));
     return result;
コード例 #6
ファイル: soap.asmx.cs プロジェクト: NALSS/splendidcrm-99885
 public set_entry_result login(user_auth user_auth, string application_name)
     create_session(user_auth.user_name, user_auth.password);
     // 12/29/2005 Paul.  create_session returns "Suceess".  We need a separate operation to get the SessionID.
     set_entry_result result = new set_entry_result();
     result.id = Sql.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("soap.username.session." + user_auth.user_name.ToLower()));
     return result;