コード例 #1
        /** ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy() :
         *  Builds entropy for the super-block.
         *  @return : 0 on success or error code */
        private static nuint ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy(seqStore_t *seqStorePtr, ZSTD_entropyCTables_t *prevEntropy, ZSTD_entropyCTables_t *nextEntropy, ZSTD_CCtx_params_s *cctxParams, ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t *entropyMetadata, void *workspace, nuint wkspSize)
            nuint litSize = (nuint)(seqStorePtr->lit - seqStorePtr->litStart);

            entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hufDesSize = ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_literal((void *)seqStorePtr->litStart, litSize, &prevEntropy->huf, &nextEntropy->huf, &entropyMetadata->hufMetadata, ZSTD_disableLiteralsCompression(cctxParams), workspace, wkspSize);

                nuint err_code = (entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hufDesSize);

                if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

            entropyMetadata->fseMetadata.fseTablesSize = ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences(seqStorePtr, &prevEntropy->fse, &nextEntropy->fse, cctxParams, &entropyMetadata->fseMetadata, workspace, wkspSize);

                nuint err_code = (entropyMetadata->fseMetadata.fseTablesSize);

                if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

コード例 #2
        private static nuint ZSTD_seqDecompressedSize(seqStore_t *seqStore, seqDef_s *sequences, nuint nbSeq, nuint litSize, int lastSequence)
            seqDef_s *sstart         = sequences;
            seqDef_s *send           = sequences + nbSeq;
            seqDef_s *sp             = sstart;
            nuint     matchLengthSum = 0;
            nuint     litLengthSum   = 0;

            while (send - sp > 0)
                ZSTD_sequenceLength seqLen = ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStore, sp);

                litLengthSum   += seqLen.litLength;
                matchLengthSum += seqLen.matchLength;

            assert(litLengthSum <= litSize);
            if (lastSequence == 0)
                assert(litLengthSum == litSize);

            return(matchLengthSum + litSize);
コード例 #3
        public static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize)
            uint mls = ms->cParams.minMatch;

            switch (mls)
            case 4:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 4, ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict));

            case 5:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 5, ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict));

            case 6:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 6, ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict));

            case 7:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 7, ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict));
コード例 #4
ファイル: ZstdFast.cs プロジェクト: oleg-st/ZstdSharp
        public static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize)
            uint mls = ms->cParams.minMatch;

            switch (mls)
            case 4:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 4));

            case 5:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 5));

            case 6:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 6));

            case 7:
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, 7));
コード例 #5
        private static void ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore_t *seqStorePtr, nuint litLength, byte *literals, byte *litLimit, uint offCode, nuint mlBase)
            byte *litLimit_w = litLimit - 32;
            byte *litEnd     = literals + litLength;

            assert((nuint)(seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart) < seqStorePtr->maxNbSeq);
            assert(seqStorePtr->maxNbLit <= (uint)(128 * (1 << 10)));
            assert(seqStorePtr->lit + litLength <= seqStorePtr->litStart + seqStorePtr->maxNbLit);
            assert(literals + litLength <= litLimit);
            if (litEnd <= litLimit_w)
                assert(32 >= 16);
                ZSTD_copy16((void *)seqStorePtr->lit, (void *)literals);
                if (litLength > 16)
                    ZSTD_wildcopy((void *)(seqStorePtr->lit + 16), (void *)(literals + 16), (nint)(litLength) - 16, ZSTD_overlap_e.ZSTD_no_overlap);
                ZSTD_safecopyLiterals(seqStorePtr->lit, literals, litEnd, litLimit_w);

            seqStorePtr->lit += litLength;
            if (litLength > 0xFFFF)
                assert(seqStorePtr->longLengthID == 0);
                seqStorePtr->longLengthID  = 1;
                seqStorePtr->longLengthPos = (uint)(seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart);

            seqStorePtr->sequences[0].litLength = (ushort)(litLength);
            seqStorePtr->sequences[0].offset    = offCode + 1;
            if (mlBase > 0xFFFF)
                assert(seqStorePtr->longLengthID == 0);
                seqStorePtr->longLengthID  = 2;
                seqStorePtr->longLengthPos = (uint)(seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart);

            seqStorePtr->sequences[0].matchLength = (ushort)(mlBase);
コード例 #6
        private static ZSTD_sequenceLength ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStore_t *seqStore, seqDef_s *seq)
            ZSTD_sequenceLength seqLen;

            seqLen.litLength   = seq->litLength;
            seqLen.matchLength = (uint)(seq->matchLength + 3);
            if (seqStore->longLengthPos == (uint)(seq - seqStore->sequencesStart))
                if (seqStore->longLengthID == 1)
                    seqLen.litLength += 0xFFFF;

                if (seqStore->longLengthID == 2)
                    seqLen.matchLength += 0xFFFF;

コード例 #7
ファイル: ZstdLdm.cs プロジェクト: oleg-st/ZstdSharp
         * ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress():
         * Compresses a block using the predefined sequences, along with a secondary
         * block compressor. The literals section of every sequence is passed to the
         * secondary block compressor, and those sequences are interspersed with the
         * predefined sequences. Returns the length of the last literals.
         * Updates `rawSeqStore.pos` to indicate how many sequences have been consumed.
         * `rawSeqStore.seq` may also be updated to split the last sequence between two
         * blocks.
         * @return The length of the last literals.
         * NOTE: The source must be at most the maximum block size, but the predefined
         * sequences can be any size, and may be longer than the block. In the case that
         * they are longer than the block, the last sequences may need to be split into
         * two. We handle that case correctly, and update `rawSeqStore` appropriately.
         * NOTE: This function does not return any errors.
        public static nuint ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress(rawSeqStore_t *rawSeqStore, ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint minMatch = cParams->minMatch;
            ZSTD_blockCompressor blockCompressor = ZSTD_selectBlockCompressor(cParams->strategy, ZSTD_matchState_dictMode(ms));
            byte *istart = (byte *)(src);
            byte *iend   = istart + srcSize;
            byte *ip     = istart;

            if (cParams->strategy >= ZSTD_strategy.ZSTD_btopt)
                nuint lastLLSize;

                ms->ldmSeqStore = rawSeqStore;
                lastLLSize      = blockCompressor(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize);
                ZSTD_ldm_skipRawSeqStoreBytes(rawSeqStore, srcSize);

            assert(rawSeqStore->pos <= rawSeqStore->size);
            assert(rawSeqStore->size <= rawSeqStore->capacity);
            while (rawSeqStore->pos < rawSeqStore->size && ip < iend)
                rawSeq sequence = maybeSplitSequence(rawSeqStore, (uint)(iend - ip), minMatch);
                int    i;

                if (sequence.offset == 0)

                assert(ip + sequence.litLength + sequence.matchLength <= iend);
                ZSTD_ldm_limitTableUpdate(ms, ip);
                ZSTD_ldm_fillFastTables(ms, (void *)ip);

                    nuint newLitLength = blockCompressor(ms, seqStore, rep, (void *)ip, sequence.litLength);

                    ip += sequence.litLength;
                    for (i = 3 - 1; i > 0; i--)
                        rep[i] = rep[i - 1];

                    rep[0] = sequence.offset;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, newLitLength, ip - newLitLength, iend, sequence.offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), sequence.matchLength - 3);
                    ip += sequence.matchLength;

            ZSTD_ldm_limitTableUpdate(ms, ip);
            ZSTD_ldm_fillFastTables(ms, (void *)ip);
            return(blockCompressor(ms, seqStore, rep, (void *)ip, (nuint)(iend - ip)));
コード例 #8
        /** ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi() :
         *  Breaks super-block into multiple sub-blocks and compresses them.
         *  Entropy will be written to the first block.
         *  The following blocks will use repeat mode to compress.
         *  All sub-blocks are compressed blocks (no raw or rle blocks).
         *  @return : compressed size of the super block (which is multiple ZSTD blocks)
         *            Or 0 if it failed to compress. */
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressSubBlock_multi(seqStore_t *seqStorePtr, ZSTD_compressedBlockState_t *prevCBlock, ZSTD_compressedBlockState_t *nextCBlock, ZSTD_entropyCTablesMetadata_t *entropyMetadata, ZSTD_CCtx_params_s *cctxParams, void *dst, nuint dstCapacity, void *src, nuint srcSize, int bmi2, uint lastBlock, void *workspace, nuint wkspSize)
            seqDef_s *sstart = seqStorePtr->sequencesStart;
            seqDef_s *send = seqStorePtr->sequences;
            seqDef_s *sp = sstart;
            byte *    lstart = seqStorePtr->litStart;
            byte *    lend = seqStorePtr->lit;
            byte *    lp = lstart;
            byte *    ip = (byte *)(src);
            byte *    iend = ip + srcSize;
            byte *    ostart = (byte *)(dst);
            byte *    oend = ostart + dstCapacity;
            byte *    op = ostart;
            byte *    llCodePtr = seqStorePtr->llCode;
            byte *    mlCodePtr = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
            byte *    ofCodePtr = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
            nuint     targetCBlockSize = cctxParams->targetCBlockSize;
            nuint     litSize, seqCount;
            int       writeLitEntropy = ((entropyMetadata->hufMetadata.hType == symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed) ? 1 : 0);
            int       writeSeqEntropy = 1;
            int       lastSequence    = 0;

            litSize  = 0;
            seqCount = 0;
                nuint cBlockSizeEstimate = 0;

                if (sstart == send)
                    lastSequence = 1;
                    seqDef_s *sequence = sp + seqCount;

                    lastSequence = ((sequence == send - 1) ? 1 : 0);
                    litSize     += ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStorePtr, sequence).litLength;

                if (lastSequence != 0)
                    assert(lp <= lend);
                    assert(litSize <= (nuint)(lend - lp));
                    litSize = (nuint)(lend - lp);

                cBlockSizeEstimate = ZSTD_estimateSubBlockSize(lp, litSize, ofCodePtr, llCodePtr, mlCodePtr, seqCount, &nextCBlock->entropy, entropyMetadata, workspace, wkspSize, writeLitEntropy, writeSeqEntropy);
                if (cBlockSizeEstimate > targetCBlockSize || lastSequence != 0)
                    int   litEntropyWritten = 0;
                    int   seqEntropyWritten = 0;
                    nuint decompressedSize  = ZSTD_seqDecompressedSize(seqStorePtr, sp, seqCount, litSize, lastSequence);
                    nuint cSize             = ZSTD_compressSubBlock(&nextCBlock->entropy, entropyMetadata, sp, seqCount, lp, litSize, llCodePtr, mlCodePtr, ofCodePtr, cctxParams, (void *)op, (nuint)(oend - op), bmi2, writeLitEntropy, writeSeqEntropy, &litEntropyWritten, &seqEntropyWritten, ((lastBlock != 0 && lastSequence != 0) ? 1U : 0U));

                        nuint err_code = (cSize);

                        if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

                    if (cSize > 0 && cSize < decompressedSize)
                        assert(ip + decompressedSize <= iend);
                        ip        += decompressedSize;
                        sp        += seqCount;
                        lp        += litSize;
                        op        += cSize;
                        llCodePtr += seqCount;
                        mlCodePtr += seqCount;
                        ofCodePtr += seqCount;
                        litSize    = 0;
                        seqCount   = 0;
                        if (litEntropyWritten != 0)
                            writeLitEntropy = 0;

                        if (seqEntropyWritten != 0)
                            writeSeqEntropy = 0;
            }while (lastSequence == 0);

            if (writeLitEntropy != 0)
                memcpy((void *)(&nextCBlock->entropy.huf), (void *)(&prevCBlock->entropy.huf), ((nuint)(sizeof(ZSTD_hufCTables_t))));

            if (writeSeqEntropy != 0 && (ZSTD_needSequenceEntropyTables(&entropyMetadata->fseMetadata)) != 0)

            if (ip < iend)
                nuint cSize = ZSTD_noCompressBlock((void *)op, (nuint)(oend - op), (void *)ip, (nuint)(iend - ip), lastBlock);

                    nuint err_code = (cSize);

                    if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

                assert(cSize != 0);
                op += cSize;
                if (sp < send)
                    seqDef_s * seq;
                    repcodes_s rep;

                    memcpy((void *)(&rep), (void *)(prevCBlock->rep), ((nuint)(sizeof(repcodes_s))));
                    for (seq = sstart; seq < sp; ++seq)
                        rep = ZSTD_updateRep(rep.rep, seq->offset - 1, ((ZSTD_getSequenceLength(seqStorePtr, seq).litLength == 0) ? 1U : 0U));

                    memcpy((void *)(nextCBlock->rep), (void *)(&rep), ((nuint)(sizeof(repcodes_s))));

            return((nuint)(op - ostart));
コード例 #9
        /** ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences() :
         *  Builds entropy for the super-block sequences.
         *  Stores symbol compression modes and fse table to fseMetadata.
         *  @return : size of fse tables or error code */
        private static nuint ZSTD_buildSuperBlockEntropy_sequences(seqStore_t *seqStorePtr, ZSTD_fseCTables_t *prevEntropy, ZSTD_fseCTables_t *nextEntropy, ZSTD_CCtx_params_s *cctxParams, ZSTD_fseCTablesMetadata_t *fseMetadata, void *workspace, nuint wkspSize)
            byte *        wkspStart          = (byte *)(workspace);
            byte *        wkspEnd            = wkspStart + wkspSize;
            byte *        countWkspStart     = wkspStart;
            uint *        countWksp          = (uint *)(workspace);
            nuint         countWkspSize      = (uint)((((35) > (52) ? (35) : (52)) + 1)) * (nuint)(4);
            byte *        cTableWksp         = countWkspStart + countWkspSize;
            nuint         cTableWkspSize     = (nuint)(wkspEnd - cTableWksp);
            ZSTD_strategy strategy           = cctxParams->cParams.strategy;
            uint *        CTable_LitLength   = (uint *)nextEntropy->litlengthCTable;
            uint *        CTable_OffsetBits  = (uint *)nextEntropy->offcodeCTable;
            uint *        CTable_MatchLength = (uint *)nextEntropy->matchlengthCTable;
            byte *        ofCodeTable        = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
            byte *        llCodeTable        = seqStorePtr->llCode;
            byte *        mlCodeTable        = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
            nuint         nbSeq  = (nuint)(seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart);
            byte *        ostart = (byte *)fseMetadata->fseTablesBuffer;
            byte *        oend   = ostart + (nuint)(133);
            byte *        op     = ostart;

            assert(cTableWkspSize >= (uint)((1 << ((((9) > (9) ? (9) : (9))) > (8) ? (((9) > (9) ? (9) : (9))) : (8)))) * (nuint)(sizeof(byte)));
            memset((workspace), (0), (wkspSize));
            fseMetadata->lastCountSize = 0;

                uint  LLtype;
                uint  max          = 35;
                nuint mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, (void *)llCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);

                nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode = prevEntropy->litlength_repeatMode;
                LLtype = (uint)(ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode, countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq, 9, (uint *)prevEntropy->litlengthCTable, (short *)LL_defaultNorm, LL_defaultNormLog, ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e.ZSTD_defaultAllowed, strategy));
                assert(symbolEncodingType_e.set_basic < symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed && symbolEncodingType_e.set_rle < symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed);
                assert(!(LLtype < (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed && nextEntropy->litlength_repeatMode != FSE_repeat.FSE_repeat_none));

                    nuint countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable((void *)op, (nuint)(oend - op), CTable_LitLength, 9, (symbolEncodingType_e)(LLtype), countWksp, max, llCodeTable, nbSeq, (short *)LL_defaultNorm, LL_defaultNormLog, 35, (uint *)prevEntropy->litlengthCTable, (nuint)(1316), (void *)cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);

                        nuint err_code = (countSize);

                        if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

                    if (LLtype == (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed)
                        fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;

                    op += countSize;
                    fseMetadata->llType = (symbolEncodingType_e)(LLtype);

                uint  Offtype;
                uint  max          = 31;
                nuint mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, (void *)ofCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);
                ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e defaultPolicy = (max <= 28) ? ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e.ZSTD_defaultAllowed : ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e.ZSTD_defaultDisallowed;

                nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode = prevEntropy->offcode_repeatMode;
                Offtype = (uint)(ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode, countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq, 8, (uint *)prevEntropy->offcodeCTable, (short *)OF_defaultNorm, OF_defaultNormLog, defaultPolicy, strategy));
                assert(!(Offtype < (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed && nextEntropy->offcode_repeatMode != FSE_repeat.FSE_repeat_none));

                    nuint countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable((void *)op, (nuint)(oend - op), CTable_OffsetBits, 8, (symbolEncodingType_e)(Offtype), countWksp, max, ofCodeTable, nbSeq, (short *)OF_defaultNorm, OF_defaultNormLog, 28, (uint *)prevEntropy->offcodeCTable, (nuint)(772), (void *)cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);

                        nuint err_code = (countSize);

                        if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

                    if (Offtype == (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed)
                        fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;

                    op += countSize;
                    fseMetadata->ofType = (symbolEncodingType_e)(Offtype);

                uint  MLtype;
                uint  max          = 52;
                nuint mostFrequent = HIST_countFast_wksp(countWksp, &max, (void *)mlCodeTable, nbSeq, workspace, wkspSize);

                nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode = prevEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode;
                MLtype = (uint)(ZSTD_selectEncodingType(&nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode, countWksp, max, mostFrequent, nbSeq, 9, (uint *)prevEntropy->matchlengthCTable, (short *)ML_defaultNorm, ML_defaultNormLog, ZSTD_defaultPolicy_e.ZSTD_defaultAllowed, strategy));
                assert(!(MLtype < (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed && nextEntropy->matchlength_repeatMode != FSE_repeat.FSE_repeat_none));

                    nuint countSize = ZSTD_buildCTable((void *)op, (nuint)(oend - op), CTable_MatchLength, 9, (symbolEncodingType_e)(MLtype), countWksp, max, mlCodeTable, nbSeq, (short *)ML_defaultNorm, ML_defaultNormLog, 52, (uint *)prevEntropy->matchlengthCTable, (nuint)(1452), (void *)cTableWksp, cTableWkspSize);

                        nuint err_code = (countSize);

                        if ((ERR_isError(err_code)) != 0)

                    if (MLtype == (uint)symbolEncodingType_e.set_compressed)
                        fseMetadata->lastCountSize = countSize;

                    op += countSize;
                    fseMetadata->mlType = (symbolEncodingType_e)(MLtype);

            assert((nuint)(op - ostart) <= (nuint)(sizeof(byte) * 133));
            return((nuint)(op - ostart));
コード例 #10
        private static void ZDICT_countEStats(EStats_ress_t esr, ZSTD_parameters * @params, uint *countLit, uint *offsetcodeCount, uint *matchlengthCount, uint *litlengthCount, uint *repOffsets, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint notificationLevel)
            nuint blockSizeMax = (nuint)((((1 << 17)) < (1 << (int)@params->cParams.windowLog) ? ((1 << 17)) : (1 << (int)@params->cParams.windowLog)));
            nuint cSize;

            if (srcSize > blockSizeMax)
                srcSize = blockSizeMax;

                nuint errorCode = ZSTD_compressBegin_usingCDict(esr.zc, esr.dict);

                if ((ERR_isError(errorCode)) != 0)

            cSize = ZSTD_compressBlock(esr.zc, esr.workPlace, (nuint)((1 << 17)), src, srcSize);
            if ((ERR_isError(cSize)) != 0)

            if (cSize != 0)
                seqStore_t *seqStorePtr = ZSTD_getSeqStore(esr.zc);

                    byte *bytePtr;

                    for (bytePtr = seqStorePtr->litStart; bytePtr < seqStorePtr->lit; bytePtr++)

                    uint nbSeq = (uint)(seqStorePtr->sequences - seqStorePtr->sequencesStart);


                        byte *codePtr = seqStorePtr->ofCode;
                        uint  u;

                        for (u = 0; u < nbSeq; u++)

                        byte *codePtr = seqStorePtr->mlCode;
                        uint  u;

                        for (u = 0; u < nbSeq; u++)

                        byte *codePtr = seqStorePtr->llCode;
                        uint  u;

                        for (u = 0; u < nbSeq; u++)

                    if (nbSeq >= 2)
                        seqDef_s *seq     = seqStorePtr->sequencesStart;
                        uint      offset1 = seq[0].offset - 3;
                        uint      offset2 = seq[1].offset - 3;

                        if (offset1 >= 1024)
                            offset1 = 0;

                        if (offset2 >= 1024)
                            offset2 = 0;

                        repOffsets[offset1] += 3;
                        repOffsets[offset2] += 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ZstdFast.cs プロジェクト: oleg-st/ZstdSharp
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_generic(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint mls)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint * hashTable = ms->hashTable;
            uint   hlog      = cParams->hashLog;
            nuint  stepSize  = cParams->targetLength + (uint)((cParams->targetLength) == 0 ? 1 : 0) + 1;
            byte * @base     = ms->window.@base;
            byte * istart    = (byte *)(src);
            byte * ip0       = istart;
            byte * ip1;
            byte * anchor = istart;
            uint   endIndex = (uint)((nuint)(istart - @base) + srcSize);
            uint   prefixStartIndex = ZSTD_getLowestPrefixIndex(ms, endIndex, cParams->windowLog);
            byte * prefixStart = @base + prefixStartIndex;
            byte * iend = istart + srcSize;
            byte * ilimit = iend - 8;
            uint   offset_1 = rep[0], offset_2 = rep[1];
            uint   offsetSaved = 0;

            ip0 += ((ip0 == prefixStart) ? 1 : 0);
            ip1  = ip0 + 1;

                uint curr      = (uint)(ip0 - @base);
                uint windowLow = ZSTD_getLowestPrefixIndex(ms, curr, cParams->windowLog);
                uint maxRep    = curr - windowLow;

                if (offset_2 > maxRep)
                    offsetSaved = offset_2; offset_2 = 0;

                if (offset_1 > maxRep)
                    offsetSaved = offset_1; offset_1 = 0;

            while (ip1 < ilimit)
                byte *match0;
                byte *match1;
                uint  current0;
                    nuint h0 = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip0, hlog, mls);
                    nuint h1 = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip1, hlog, mls);
                    match0        = @base + hashTable[h0];
                    match1        = @base + hashTable[h1];
                    current0      = (uint)(ip0 - @base);
                    hashTable[h0] = current0;
                    hashTable[h1] = (uint)(ip1 - @base);

                uint  offcode;
                nuint mLength;

                assert(ip0 + 1 == ip1);
                    byte *ip2      = ip0 + 2;
                    byte *repMatch = ip2 - offset_1;
                    if (((offset_1 > 0) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch) == MEM_read32((void *)ip2))))
                        mLength  = (nuint)((ip2[-1] == repMatch[-1]) ? 1 : 0);
                        ip0      = ip2 - mLength;
                        match0   = repMatch - mLength;
                        mLength += 4;
                        offcode  = 0;
                        goto _match;

                if ((match0 > prefixStart) && MEM_read32((void *)match0) == MEM_read32((void *)ip0))
                    goto _offset;

                if ((match1 > prefixStart) && MEM_read32((void *)match1) == MEM_read32((void *)ip1))
                    ip0    = ip1;
                    match0 = match1;
                    goto _offset;

                    nuint step = ((nuint)(ip0 - anchor) >> (8 - 1)) + stepSize;

                    assert(step >= 2);
                    ip0 += step;
                    ip1 += step;

                offset_2 = offset_1;
                offset_1 = (uint)(ip0 - match0);
                offcode  = offset_1 + (uint)((3 - 1));
                mLength  = 4;
                while ((((ip0 > anchor) && (match0 > prefixStart))) && (ip0[-1] == match0[-1]))

                mLength += ZSTD_count(ip0 + mLength, match0 + mLength, iend);
                ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip0 - anchor), anchor, iend, offcode, mLength - 3);
                ip0   += mLength;
                anchor = ip0;
                if (ip0 <= ilimit)
                    assert(@base + current0 + 2 > istart);
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + current0 + 2), hlog, mls)] = current0 + 2;
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip0 - 2), hlog, mls)] = (uint)(ip0 - 2 - @base);
                    if (offset_2 > 0)
                        while ((ip0 <= ilimit) && (MEM_read32((void *)ip0) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip0 - offset_2))))
                            nuint rLength = ZSTD_count(ip0 + 4, ip0 + 4 - offset_2, iend) + 4;

                                uint tmpOff = offset_2;

                                offset_2 = offset_1;
                                offset_1 = tmpOff;

                            hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip0, hlog, mls)] = (uint)(ip0 - @base);
                            ip0 += rLength;
                            ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, rLength - 3);
                            anchor = ip0;

                ip1 = ip0 + 1;

            rep[0] = offset_1 != 0 ? offset_1 : offsetSaved;
            rep[1] = offset_2 != 0 ? offset_2 : offsetSaved;
            return((nuint)(iend - anchor));
コード例 #12
ファイル: ZstdFast.cs プロジェクト: oleg-st/ZstdSharp
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict_generic(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint mls)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint * hashTable = ms->hashTable;
            uint   hlog = cParams->hashLog;
            uint   stepSize = cParams->targetLength + (uint)((cParams->targetLength) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
            byte * @base = ms->window.@base;
            byte * dictBase = ms->window.dictBase;
            byte * istart = (byte *)(src);
            byte * ip = istart;
            byte * anchor = istart;
            uint   endIndex = (uint)((nuint)(istart - @base) + srcSize);
            uint   lowLimit = ZSTD_getLowestMatchIndex(ms, endIndex, cParams->windowLog);
            uint   dictStartIndex = lowLimit;
            byte * dictStart = dictBase + dictStartIndex;
            uint   dictLimit = ms->window.dictLimit;
            uint   prefixStartIndex = dictLimit < lowLimit ? lowLimit : dictLimit;
            byte * prefixStart = @base + prefixStartIndex;
            byte * dictEnd = dictBase + prefixStartIndex;
            byte * iend = istart + srcSize;
            byte * ilimit = iend - 8;
            uint   offset_1 = rep[0], offset_2 = rep[1];

            if (prefixStartIndex == dictStartIndex)
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, mls));

            while (ip < ilimit)
                nuint h          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hlog, mls);
                uint  matchIndex = hashTable[h];
                byte *matchBase  = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                byte *match      = matchBase + matchIndex;
                uint  curr       = (uint)(ip - @base);
                uint  repIndex   = curr + 1 - offset_1;
                byte *repBase    = repIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                byte *repMatch   = repBase + repIndex;

                hashTable[h] = curr;
                assert(offset_1 <= curr + 1);
                if (((((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - repIndex) >= 3) && (repIndex > dictStartIndex))) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1))))
                    byte *repMatchEnd = repIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                    nuint rLength     = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 1 + 4, repMatch + 4, iend, repMatchEnd, prefixStart) + 4;

                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, 0, rLength - 3);
                    ip    += rLength;
                    anchor = ip;
                    if ((matchIndex < dictStartIndex) || (MEM_read32((void *)match) != MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                        assert(stepSize >= 1);
                        ip += (ulong)((ip - anchor) >> 8) + stepSize;

                        byte *matchEnd    = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                        byte *lowMatchPtr = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictStart : prefixStart;
                        uint  offset      = curr - matchIndex;
                        nuint mLength     = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, match + 4, iend, matchEnd, prefixStart) + 4;

                        while ((((ip > anchor) && (match > lowMatchPtr))) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))

                        offset_2 = offset_1;
                        offset_1 = offset;
                        ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);
                        ip    += mLength;
                        anchor = ip;

                if (ip <= ilimit)
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + curr + 2), hlog, mls)] = curr + 2;
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 2), hlog, mls)]           = (uint)(ip - 2 - @base);
                    while (ip <= ilimit)
                        uint  current2  = (uint)(ip - @base);
                        uint  repIndex2 = current2 - offset_2;
                        byte *repMatch2 = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase + repIndex2 : @base + repIndex2;

                        if (((((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - repIndex2) >= 3) && (repIndex2 > dictStartIndex))) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch2) == MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                            byte *repEnd2    = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                            nuint repLength2 = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, repMatch2 + 4, iend, repEnd2, prefixStart) + 4;

                                uint tmpOffset = offset_2;

                                offset_2 = offset_1;
                                offset_1 = tmpOffset;

                            ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, repLength2 - 3);
                            hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hlog, mls)] = current2;
                            ip    += repLength2;
                            anchor = ip;


            rep[0] = offset_1;
            rep[1] = offset_2;
            return((nuint)(iend - anchor));
コード例 #13
ファイル: ZstdFast.cs プロジェクト: oleg-st/ZstdSharp
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_dictMatchState_generic(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint mls)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint *                      hashTable = ms->hashTable;
            uint                        hlog = cParams->hashLog;
            uint                        stepSize = cParams->targetLength + (uint)((cParams->targetLength) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
            byte *                      @base = ms->window.@base;
            byte *                      istart = (byte *)(src);
            byte *                      ip = istart;
            byte *                      anchor = istart;
            uint                        prefixStartIndex = ms->window.dictLimit;
            byte *                      prefixStart = @base + prefixStartIndex;
            byte *                      iend = istart + srcSize;
            byte *                      ilimit = iend - 8;
            uint                        offset_1 = rep[0], offset_2 = rep[1];
            uint                        offsetSaved         = 0;
            ZSTD_matchState_t *         dms                 = ms->dictMatchState;
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *dictCParams         = &dms->cParams;
            uint *                      dictHashTable       = dms->hashTable;
            uint                        dictStartIndex      = dms->window.dictLimit;
            byte *                      dictBase            = dms->window.@base;
            byte *                      dictStart           = dictBase + dictStartIndex;
            byte *                      dictEnd             = dms->window.nextSrc;
            uint                        dictIndexDelta      = prefixStartIndex - (uint)(dictEnd - dictBase);
            uint                        dictAndPrefixLength = (uint)(ip - prefixStart + dictEnd - dictStart);
            uint                        dictHLog            = dictCParams->hashLog;
            uint                        maxDistance         = 1U << (int)cParams->windowLog;
            uint                        endIndex            = (uint)((nuint)(ip - @base) + srcSize);

            assert(endIndex - prefixStartIndex <= maxDistance);
            assert(prefixStartIndex >= (uint)(dictEnd - dictBase));
            ip += ((dictAndPrefixLength == 0) ? 1 : 0);
            assert(offset_1 <= dictAndPrefixLength);
            assert(offset_2 <= dictAndPrefixLength);
            while (ip < ilimit)
                nuint mLength;
                nuint h          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hlog, mls);
                uint  curr       = (uint)(ip - @base);
                uint  matchIndex = hashTable[h];
                byte *match      = @base + matchIndex;
                uint  repIndex   = curr + 1 - offset_1;
                byte *repMatch   = (repIndex < prefixStartIndex) ? dictBase + (repIndex - dictIndexDelta) : @base + repIndex;

                hashTable[h] = curr;
                if (((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - repIndex) >= 3) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1))))
                    byte *repMatchEnd = repIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;

                    mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 1 + 4, repMatch + 4, iend, repMatchEnd, prefixStart) + 4;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, 0, mLength - 3);
                else if ((matchIndex <= prefixStartIndex))
                    nuint dictHash       = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, dictHLog, mls);
                    uint  dictMatchIndex = dictHashTable[dictHash];
                    byte *dictMatch      = dictBase + dictMatchIndex;

                    if (dictMatchIndex <= dictStartIndex || MEM_read32((void *)dictMatch) != MEM_read32((void *)ip))
                        assert(stepSize >= 1);
                        ip += (ulong)((ip - anchor) >> 8) + stepSize;
                        uint offset = (uint)(curr - dictMatchIndex - dictIndexDelta);

                        mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, dictMatch + 4, iend, dictEnd, prefixStart) + 4;
                        while ((((ip > anchor) && (dictMatch > dictStart))) && (ip[-1] == dictMatch[-1]))

                        offset_2 = offset_1;
                        offset_1 = offset;
                        ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);
                else if (MEM_read32((void *)match) != MEM_read32((void *)ip))
                    assert(stepSize >= 1);
                    ip += (ulong)((ip - anchor) >> 8) + stepSize;
                    uint offset = (uint)(ip - match);

                    mLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 4, match + 4, iend) + 4;
                    while ((((ip > anchor) && (match > prefixStart))) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))

                    offset_2 = offset_1;
                    offset_1 = offset;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);

                ip    += mLength;
                anchor = ip;
                if (ip <= ilimit)
                    assert(@base + curr + 2 > istart);
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + curr + 2), hlog, mls)] = curr + 2;
                    hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 2), hlog, mls)]           = (uint)(ip - 2 - @base);
                    while (ip <= ilimit)
                        uint  current2  = (uint)(ip - @base);
                        uint  repIndex2 = current2 - offset_2;
                        byte *repMatch2 = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase - dictIndexDelta + repIndex2 : @base + repIndex2;

                        if (((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - (uint)(repIndex2)) >= 3) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch2) == MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                            byte *repEnd2    = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                            nuint repLength2 = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, repMatch2 + 4, iend, repEnd2, prefixStart) + 4;
                            uint  tmpOffset  = offset_2;

                            offset_2 = offset_1;
                            offset_1 = tmpOffset;
                            ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, repLength2 - 3);
                            hashTable[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hlog, mls)] = current2;
                            ip    += repLength2;
                            anchor = ip;


            rep[0] = offset_1 != 0 ? offset_1 : offsetSaved;
            rep[1] = offset_2 != 0 ? offset_2 : offsetSaved;
            return((nuint)(iend - anchor));
コード例 #14
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint mls, ZSTD_dictMode_e dictMode)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint *                      hashLong = ms->hashTable;
            uint                        hBitsL = cParams->hashLog;
            uint *                      hashSmall = ms->chainTable;
            uint                        hBitsS = cParams->chainLog;
            byte *                      @base = ms->window.@base;
            byte *                      istart = (byte *)(src);
            byte *                      ip = istart;
            byte *                      anchor = istart;
            uint                        endIndex = (uint)((nuint)(istart - @base) + srcSize);
            uint                        prefixLowestIndex = ZSTD_getLowestPrefixIndex(ms, endIndex, cParams->windowLog);
            byte *                      prefixLowest = @base + prefixLowestIndex;
            byte *                      iend = istart + srcSize;
            byte *                      ilimit = iend - 8;
            uint                        offset_1 = rep[0], offset_2 = rep[1];
            uint                        offsetSaved         = 0;
            ZSTD_matchState_t *         dms                 = ms->dictMatchState;
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *dictCParams         = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? &dms->cParams : null;
            uint *                      dictHashLong        = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dms->hashTable : null;
            uint *                      dictHashSmall       = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dms->chainTable : null;
            uint                        dictStartIndex      = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dms->window.dictLimit : 0;
            byte *                      dictBase            = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dms->window.@base : null;
            byte *                      dictStart           = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dictBase + dictStartIndex : null;
            byte *                      dictEnd             = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dms->window.nextSrc : null;
            uint                        dictIndexDelta      = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? prefixLowestIndex - (uint)(dictEnd - dictBase) : 0;
            uint                        dictHBitsL          = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dictCParams->hashLog : hBitsL;
            uint                        dictHBitsS          = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState ? dictCParams->chainLog : hBitsS;
            uint                        dictAndPrefixLength = (uint)((ip - prefixLowest) + (dictEnd - dictStart));

            assert(dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict || dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState);
            if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                assert(ms->window.dictLimit + (1U << (int)cParams->windowLog) >= endIndex);

            ip += ((dictAndPrefixLength == 0) ? 1 : 0);
            if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict)
                uint curr      = (uint)(ip - @base);
                uint windowLow = ZSTD_getLowestPrefixIndex(ms, curr, cParams->windowLog);
                uint maxRep    = curr - windowLow;

                if (offset_2 > maxRep)
                    offsetSaved = offset_2; offset_2 = 0;

                if (offset_1 > maxRep)
                    offsetSaved = offset_1; offset_1 = 0;

            if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                assert(offset_1 <= dictAndPrefixLength);
                assert(offset_2 <= dictAndPrefixLength);

            while (ip < ilimit)
                nuint mLength;
                uint  offset;
                nuint h2          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsL, 8);
                nuint h           = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsS, mls);
                nuint dictHL      = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, dictHBitsL, 8);
                nuint dictHS      = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, dictHBitsS, mls);
                uint  curr        = (uint)(ip - @base);
                uint  matchIndexL = hashLong[h2];
                uint  matchIndexS = hashSmall[h];
                byte *matchLong   = @base + matchIndexL;
                byte *match       = @base + matchIndexS;
                uint  repIndex    = curr + 1 - offset_1;
                byte *repMatch    = (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState && repIndex < prefixLowestIndex) ? dictBase + (repIndex - dictIndexDelta) : @base + repIndex;

                hashLong[h2] = hashSmall[h] = curr;
                if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState && ((uint)((prefixLowestIndex - 1) - repIndex) >= 3) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1))))
                    byte *repMatchEnd = repIndex < prefixLowestIndex ? dictEnd : iend;

                    mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 1 + 4, repMatch + 4, iend, repMatchEnd, prefixLowest) + 4;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, 0, mLength - 3);
                    goto _match_stored;

                if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict && (((offset_1 > 0) && (MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1 - offset_1)) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1))))))
                    mLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 1 + 4, ip + 1 + 4 - offset_1, iend) + 4;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, 0, mLength - 3);
                    goto _match_stored;

                if (matchIndexL > prefixLowestIndex)
                    if (MEM_read64((void *)matchLong) == MEM_read64((void *)ip))
                        mLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 8, matchLong + 8, iend) + 8;
                        offset  = (uint)(ip - matchLong);
                        while ((((ip > anchor) && (matchLong > prefixLowest))) && (ip[-1] == matchLong[-1]))

                        goto _match_found;
                else if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                    uint  dictMatchIndexL = dictHashLong[dictHL];
                    byte *dictMatchL      = dictBase + dictMatchIndexL;

                    assert(dictMatchL < dictEnd);
                    if (dictMatchL > dictStart && MEM_read64((void *)dictMatchL) == MEM_read64((void *)ip))
                        mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 8, dictMatchL + 8, iend, dictEnd, prefixLowest) + 8;
                        offset  = (uint)(curr - dictMatchIndexL - dictIndexDelta);
                        while ((((ip > anchor) && (dictMatchL > dictStart))) && (ip[-1] == dictMatchL[-1]))

                        goto _match_found;

                if (matchIndexS > prefixLowestIndex)
                    if (MEM_read32((void *)match) == MEM_read32((void *)ip))
                        goto _search_next_long;
                else if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                    uint dictMatchIndexS = dictHashSmall[dictHS];

                    match       = dictBase + dictMatchIndexS;
                    matchIndexS = dictMatchIndexS + dictIndexDelta;
                    if (match > dictStart && MEM_read32((void *)match) == MEM_read32((void *)ip))
                        goto _search_next_long;

                ip += ((ip - anchor) >> 8) + 1;
                    nuint hl3          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip + 1), hBitsL, 8);
                    nuint dictHLNext   = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip + 1), dictHBitsL, 8);
                    uint  matchIndexL3 = hashLong[hl3];
                    byte *matchL3      = @base + matchIndexL3;

                    hashLong[hl3] = curr + 1;
                    if (matchIndexL3 > prefixLowestIndex)
                        if (MEM_read64((void *)matchL3) == MEM_read64((void *)(ip + 1)))
                            mLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 9, matchL3 + 8, iend) + 8;
                            offset = (uint)(ip - matchL3);
                            while ((((ip > anchor) && (matchL3 > prefixLowest))) && (ip[-1] == matchL3[-1]))

                            goto _match_found;
                    else if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                        uint  dictMatchIndexL3 = dictHashLong[dictHLNext];
                        byte *dictMatchL3      = dictBase + dictMatchIndexL3;

                        assert(dictMatchL3 < dictEnd);
                        if (dictMatchL3 > dictStart && MEM_read64((void *)dictMatchL3) == MEM_read64((void *)(ip + 1)))
                            mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 1 + 8, dictMatchL3 + 8, iend, dictEnd, prefixLowest) + 8;
                            offset = (uint)(curr + 1 - dictMatchIndexL3 - dictIndexDelta);
                            while ((((ip > anchor) && (dictMatchL3 > dictStart))) && (ip[-1] == dictMatchL3[-1]))

                            goto _match_found;

                if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState && matchIndexS < prefixLowestIndex)
                    mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, match + 4, iend, dictEnd, prefixLowest) + 4;
                    offset  = (uint)(curr - matchIndexS);
                    while ((((ip > anchor) && (match > dictStart))) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))
                    mLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 4, match + 4, iend) + 4;
                    offset  = (uint)(ip - match);
                    while ((((ip > anchor) && (match > prefixLowest))) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))

                offset_2 = offset_1;
                offset_1 = offset;
                ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);
                ip    += mLength;
                anchor = ip;
                if (ip <= ilimit)
                        uint indexToInsert = curr + 2;

                        hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + indexToInsert), hBitsL, 8)] = indexToInsert;
                        hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 2), hBitsL, 8)] = (uint)(ip - 2 - @base);
                        hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + indexToInsert), hBitsS, mls)] = indexToInsert;
                        hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 1), hBitsS, mls)] = (uint)(ip - 1 - @base);

                    if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState)
                        while (ip <= ilimit)
                            uint  current2  = (uint)(ip - @base);
                            uint  repIndex2 = current2 - offset_2;
                            byte *repMatch2 = dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_dictMatchState && repIndex2 < prefixLowestIndex ? dictBase + repIndex2 - dictIndexDelta : @base + repIndex2;

                            if (((uint)((prefixLowestIndex - 1) - (uint)(repIndex2)) >= 3) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch2) == MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                                byte *repEnd2    = repIndex2 < prefixLowestIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                                nuint repLength2 = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, repMatch2 + 4, iend, repEnd2, prefixLowest) + 4;
                                uint  tmpOffset  = offset_2;

                                offset_2 = offset_1;
                                offset_1 = tmpOffset;
                                ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, repLength2 - 3);
                                hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsS, mls)] = current2;
                                hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsL, 8)]    = current2;
                                ip    += repLength2;
                                anchor = ip;


                    if (dictMode == ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict)
                        while ((ip <= ilimit) && (((offset_2 > 0) && (MEM_read32((void *)ip) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip - offset_2))))))
                            nuint rLength = ZSTD_count(ip + 4, ip + 4 - offset_2, iend) + 4;
                            uint  tmpOff  = offset_2;

                            offset_2 = offset_1;
                            offset_1 = tmpOff;
                            hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsS, mls)] = (uint)(ip - @base);
                            hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsL, 8)]    = (uint)(ip - @base);
                            ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, rLength - 3);
                            ip    += rLength;
                            anchor = ip;

            rep[0] = offset_1 != 0 ? offset_1 : offsetSaved;
            rep[1] = offset_2 != 0 ? offset_2 : offsetSaved;
            return((nuint)(iend - anchor));
コード例 #15
        private static nuint ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_extDict_generic(ZSTD_matchState_t *ms, seqStore_t *seqStore, uint *rep, void *src, nuint srcSize, uint mls)
            ZSTD_compressionParameters *cParams = &ms->cParams;
            uint * hashLong = ms->hashTable;
            uint   hBitsL = cParams->hashLog;
            uint * hashSmall = ms->chainTable;
            uint   hBitsS = cParams->chainLog;
            byte * istart = (byte *)(src);
            byte * ip = istart;
            byte * anchor = istart;
            byte * iend = istart + srcSize;
            byte * ilimit = iend - 8;
            byte * @base = ms->window.@base;
            uint   endIndex = (uint)((nuint)(istart - @base) + srcSize);
            uint   lowLimit = ZSTD_getLowestMatchIndex(ms, endIndex, cParams->windowLog);
            uint   dictStartIndex = lowLimit;
            uint   dictLimit = ms->window.dictLimit;
            uint   prefixStartIndex = (dictLimit > lowLimit) ? dictLimit : lowLimit;
            byte * prefixStart = @base + prefixStartIndex;
            byte * dictBase = ms->window.dictBase;
            byte * dictStart = dictBase + dictStartIndex;
            byte * dictEnd = dictBase + prefixStartIndex;
            uint   offset_1 = rep[0], offset_2 = rep[1];

            if (prefixStartIndex == dictStartIndex)
                return(ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_generic(ms, seqStore, rep, src, srcSize, mls, ZSTD_dictMode_e.ZSTD_noDict));

            while (ip < ilimit)
                nuint hSmall         = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsS, mls);
                uint  matchIndex     = hashSmall[hSmall];
                byte *matchBase      = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                byte *match          = matchBase + matchIndex;
                nuint hLong          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsL, 8);
                uint  matchLongIndex = hashLong[hLong];
                byte *matchLongBase  = matchLongIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                byte *matchLong      = matchLongBase + matchLongIndex;
                uint  curr           = (uint)(ip - @base);
                uint  repIndex       = curr + 1 - offset_1;
                byte *repBase        = repIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                byte *repMatch       = repBase + repIndex;
                nuint mLength;

                hashSmall[hSmall] = hashLong[hLong] = curr;
                if (((((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - repIndex) >= 3) && (repIndex > dictStartIndex))) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch) == MEM_read32((void *)(ip + 1))))
                    byte *repMatchEnd = repIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;

                    mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 1 + 4, repMatch + 4, iend, repMatchEnd, prefixStart) + 4;
                    ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, 0, mLength - 3);
                    if ((matchLongIndex > dictStartIndex) && (MEM_read64((void *)matchLong) == MEM_read64((void *)ip)))
                        byte *matchEnd    = matchLongIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                        byte *lowMatchPtr = matchLongIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictStart : prefixStart;
                        uint  offset;

                        mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 8, matchLong + 8, iend, matchEnd, prefixStart) + 8;
                        offset  = curr - matchLongIndex;
                        while ((((ip > anchor) && (matchLong > lowMatchPtr))) && (ip[-1] == matchLong[-1]))

                        offset_2 = offset_1;
                        offset_1 = offset;
                        ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);
                    else if ((matchIndex > dictStartIndex) && (MEM_read32((void *)match) == MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                        nuint h3          = ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip + 1), hBitsL, 8);
                        uint  matchIndex3 = hashLong[h3];
                        byte *match3Base  = matchIndex3 < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase : @base;
                        byte *match3      = match3Base + matchIndex3;
                        uint  offset;

                        hashLong[h3] = curr + 1;
                        if ((matchIndex3 > dictStartIndex) && (MEM_read64((void *)match3) == MEM_read64((void *)(ip + 1))))
                            byte *matchEnd    = matchIndex3 < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                            byte *lowMatchPtr = matchIndex3 < prefixStartIndex ? dictStart : prefixStart;

                            mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 9, match3 + 8, iend, matchEnd, prefixStart) + 8;
                            offset = curr + 1 - matchIndex3;
                            while ((((ip > anchor) && (match3 > lowMatchPtr))) && (ip[-1] == match3[-1]))
                            byte *matchEnd    = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                            byte *lowMatchPtr = matchIndex < prefixStartIndex ? dictStart : prefixStart;

                            mLength = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, match + 4, iend, matchEnd, prefixStart) + 4;
                            offset  = curr - matchIndex;
                            while ((((ip > anchor) && (match > lowMatchPtr))) && (ip[-1] == match[-1]))

                        offset_2 = offset_1;
                        offset_1 = offset;
                        ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, (nuint)(ip - anchor), anchor, iend, offset + (uint)((3 - 1)), mLength - 3);
                        ip += ((ip - anchor) >> 8) + 1;

                ip    += mLength;
                anchor = ip;
                if (ip <= ilimit)
                        uint indexToInsert = curr + 2;

                        hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + indexToInsert), hBitsL, 8)] = indexToInsert;
                        hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 2), hBitsL, 8)] = (uint)(ip - 2 - @base);
                        hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(@base + indexToInsert), hBitsS, mls)] = indexToInsert;
                        hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)(ip - 1), hBitsS, mls)] = (uint)(ip - 1 - @base);

                    while (ip <= ilimit)
                        uint  current2  = (uint)(ip - @base);
                        uint  repIndex2 = current2 - offset_2;
                        byte *repMatch2 = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictBase + repIndex2 : @base + repIndex2;

                        if (((((uint)((prefixStartIndex - 1) - repIndex2) >= 3) && (repIndex2 > dictStartIndex))) && (MEM_read32((void *)repMatch2) == MEM_read32((void *)ip)))
                            byte *repEnd2    = repIndex2 < prefixStartIndex ? dictEnd : iend;
                            nuint repLength2 = ZSTD_count_2segments(ip + 4, repMatch2 + 4, iend, repEnd2, prefixStart) + 4;
                            uint  tmpOffset  = offset_2;

                            offset_2 = offset_1;
                            offset_1 = tmpOffset;
                            ZSTD_storeSeq(seqStore, 0, anchor, iend, 0, repLength2 - 3);
                            hashSmall[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsS, mls)] = current2;
                            hashLong[ZSTD_hashPtr((void *)ip, hBitsL, 8)]    = current2;
                            ip    += repLength2;
                            anchor = ip;


            rep[0] = offset_1;
            rep[1] = offset_2;
            return((nuint)(iend - anchor));