コード例 #1
        public static void InitPermission()
                #region 初始
                for (int i = 0; i < permission.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    permission[i] = new sModel();
                DataTable tb;
                string    s_SQL;
                DBHelper  DB = new DBHelper(0);
                //   string s_temp1, s_temp2, s_temp3, s_temp4;

                #region 说明
                // 窗口主体的AccessibleName   为模块ID
                // 主体中的控件AccessibleName 为功能英文名称

                #region 获取

                #region SQL语法
                //s_SQL = @"
                //select *
                //  from (
                //        select '用户'             as Category,
                //               tf1.UP_MODULE_ID   as UP_ID,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ID      as ID,
                //               t1.sort            as sort,
                //               ''                 as UP_ENGLISH,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
                //               tf1.MODULE_NAME    as [NAME],
                //               tf1.MODULE_DESC    as [DESC],
                //               t1.PERMISSION      as PERMISSION
                //          from FOUNDERPCB_USER t with (nolock)
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_USER_PERMISSION t1  with (nolock) on t.rkey   = t1.PRO_RKEY
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01      tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = t1.SRCE_PTR
                //         where t1.SORT = 1
                //           and t.LOGIN_ID = '" + GlobalVal.UserInfo.LoginName.Trim() + @"'
                //        union all
                //        select '用户'                as Category,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID,
                //               t1.sort               as sort,
                //               ''                    as UP_ENGLISH,
                //               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
                //               tf2.OPERATION_NAME    as [NAME],
                //               tf2.OPERATION_DESC    as [DESC],
                //               t1.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION
                //          from FOUNDERPCB_USER t with (nolock)
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_USER_PERMISSION t1  with (nolock) on t.rkey   = t1.PRO_RKEY
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2      with (nolock) on tf2.rkey = t1.SRCE_PTR
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1      with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = tf2.PRO_RKEY
                //         where t1.SORT = 2
                //           and t.LOGIN_ID = '" + GlobalVal.UserInfo.LoginName.Trim() + @"'
                //        union all
                //        select '用户'                as Category,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
                //               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID,
                //               t1.sort               as sort,
                //               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as UP_ENGLISH,
                //               tf3.FIELD_ENGLISH     as ENGLISH,
                //               tf3.FIELD_NAME        as [NAME],
                //               tf3.FIELD_DESC        as [DESC],
                //               t1.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION
                //          from FOUNDERPCB_USER t with (nolock)
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_USER_PERMISSION t1  with (nolock) on t.rkey = t1.PRO_RKEY
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_03 tf3 with (nolock) on tf3.rkey    = t1.SRCE_PTR
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2 with (nolock) on tf2.rkey    = tf3.PRO2_RKEY
                //                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey    = tf2.PRO_RKEY
                //         where t1.SORT = 3
                //           and t.LOGIN_ID = '" + GlobalVal.UserInfo.LoginName.Trim() + @"'
                //       ) mx
                //order by UP_ID, ID, sort
                s_SQL = @"with tb_role as (
select max(aa.sort) sort,
                                   MAX(aa.srce_ptr) srce_ptr,
                            from (
				                            isNull(a.rkey,0) as rkey,
				                            isNull(a.pro_rkey,0) as pro_rkey,
				                            isNull(a.sort,0) as sort,
				                            isNull(a.srce_ptr,'') as srce_ptr,
				                            isNull(a.permission,'') as permission
		                            from FOUNDERPCB_USER_PERMISSION a with(nolock)
		                            where a.PERMISSION!='00' and  PRO_RKEY={0}
                            union all
                                            isNull(a.rkey,0) as rkey,
				                            isNull(a.pro_rkey,0) as pro_rkey,
				                            isNull(a.sort,0) as sort,
				                            isNull(a.srce_ptr,'') as srce_ptr,
				                            isNull(a.permission,'') as permission
                                    from FOUNDERPCB_GROUP_D a with(nolock)
		                            left join FOUNDERPCB_GROUP_M with(nolock) on a.PRO_RKEY=FOUNDERPCB_GROUP_M.RKEY
		                            left join FOUNDERPCB_USER with(nolock) on FOUNDERPCB_USER.PRO_RKEY=FOUNDERPCB_GROUP_M.RKEY
		                            where a.PERMISSION!='00' and  FOUNDERPCB_USER.RKEY={0}
                            ) aa
                            group by aa.sort,aa.srce_ptr,aa.permission ) 

select '用户'             as Category,
               tf1.UP_MODULE_ID   as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID      as ID, 
               t.sort            as sort,
               ''                 as UP_ENGLISH,
               tf1.MODULE_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
               tf1.MODULE_NAME    as [NAME],
               tf1.MODULE_DESC    as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION      as PERMISSION 
          from tb_role t                            
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01  tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = t.SRCE_PTR  and t.sort=1              
  union all 

        select '用户'                as Category,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID, 
               t.sort               as sort,
               ''                    as UP_ENGLISH,
               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
               tf2.OPERATION_NAME    as [NAME],
               tf2.OPERATION_DESC    as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION 
          from tb_role t
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2      with (nolock) on tf2.rkey = t.SRCE_PTR and t.SORT = 2
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1      with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = tf2.PRO_RKEY
        union all

        select '用户'                as Category,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID, 
               t.sort               as sort,
               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as UP_ENGLISH, 
               tf3.FIELD_ENGLISH     as ENGLISH,
               tf3.FIELD_NAME        as [NAME],
               tf3.FIELD_DESC        as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION
          from tb_role t
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_03 tf3 with (nolock) on tf3.rkey    = t.SRCE_PTR and t.SORT = 3
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2 with (nolock) on tf2.rkey    = tf3.PRO2_RKEY
                inner join FOUNDERPCB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey    = tf2.PRO_RKEY

                tb = DB.GetDataSet(string.Format(s_SQL, GlobalVal.UserInfo.UserRkey));
                //s_temp1 = ""; s_temp2 = ""; s_temp3 = ""; s_temp4 = "";
                //for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                //    if (s_temp1 != tb.Rows[i]["Category"].ToString().Trim() && s_temp2 == tb.Rows[i]["UP_ID"].ToString().Trim() && s_temp3 == tb.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString().Trim() && s_temp4 == tb.Rows[i]["UP_ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim())
                //    {
                //        if (tb.Rows[i]["Category"].ToString().Trim() == "组")
                //        {
                //            tb.Rows.RemoveAt(i);
                //            i--;
                //        }
                //        if (s_temp1 == "组")
                //        {
                //            tb.Rows.RemoveAt(i - 1);
                //            i--;
                //        }
                //    }

                //    s_temp1 = tb.Rows[i]["Category"].ToString().Trim();
                //    s_temp2 = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ID"].ToString().Trim();
                //    s_temp3 = tb.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString().Trim();
                //    s_temp4 = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim();
                for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                    permission[i].UP_ID      = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ID"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].ID         = tb.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].NAME       = tb.Rows[i]["NAME"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].UP_ENGLISH = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].ENGLISH    = tb.Rows[i]["ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].DESC       = tb.Rows[i]["DESC"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].PERMISSION = tb.Rows[i]["PERMISSION"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].SORT       = int.Parse(tb.Rows[i]["SORT"].ToString().Trim());

            catch (Exception e1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: GlobalVal.cs プロジェクト: Zhuhai-KB-ET/KB
        public static void InitPermission()
                #region 初始
                for (int i = 0; i < permission.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    permission[i] = new sModel();
                DataTable tb;
                string    s_SQL;
                DBHelper  DB = new DBHelper(0);
                //   string s_temp1, s_temp2, s_temp3, s_temp4;

                #region 说明
                // 窗口主体的AccessibleName   为模块ID
                // 主体中的控件AccessibleName 为功能英文名称

                #region 获取

                #region SQL语法

                s_SQL = @"with tb_role as (
select max(aa.sort) sort,
                                   MAX(aa.srce_ptr) srce_ptr,
                            from (
				                            isNull(a.rkey,0) as rkey,
				                            isNull(a.pro_rkey,0) as pro_rkey,
				                            isNull(a.sort,0) as sort,
				                            isNull(a.srce_ptr,'') as srce_ptr,
				                            isNull(a.permission,'') as permission
		                            from GREEKB_USER_PERMISSION a with(nolock)
		                            where a.PERMISSION!='00' and  PRO_RKEY={0}
                            union all
                                            isNull(a.rkey,0) as rkey,
				                            isNull(a.pro_rkey,0) as pro_rkey,
				                            isNull(a.sort,0) as sort,
				                            isNull(a.srce_ptr,'') as srce_ptr,
				                            isNull(a.permission,'') as permission
                                    from GREEKB_GROUP_D a with(nolock)
		                            left join GREEKB_GROUP_M with(nolock) on a.PRO_RKEY=GREEKB_GROUP_M.RKEY
		                            left join GREEKB_USER with(nolock) on GREEKB_USER.PRO_RKEY=GREEKB_GROUP_M.RKEY
		                            where a.PERMISSION!='00' and  GREEKB_USER.RKEY={0}
                            ) aa
                            group by aa.sort,aa.srce_ptr,aa.permission ) 

select '用户'             as Category,
               tf1.UP_MODULE_ID   as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID      as ID, 
               t.sort            as sort,
               ''                 as UP_ENGLISH,
               tf1.MODULE_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
               tf1.MODULE_NAME    as [NAME],
               tf1.MODULE_DESC    as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION      as PERMISSION 
          from tb_role t                            
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_01  tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = t.SRCE_PTR  and t.sort=1              
  union all 

        select '用户'                as Category,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID, 
               t.sort               as sort,
               ''                    as UP_ENGLISH,
               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as ENGLISH,
               tf2.OPERATION_NAME    as [NAME],
               tf2.OPERATION_DESC    as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION 
          from tb_role t
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2      with (nolock) on tf2.rkey = t.SRCE_PTR and t.SORT = 2
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1      with (nolock) on tf1.rkey = tf2.PRO_RKEY
        union all

        select '用户'                as Category,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as UP_ID,
               tf1.MODULE_ID         as ID, 
               t.sort               as sort,
               tf2.OPERATION_ENGLISH as UP_ENGLISH, 
               tf3.FIELD_ENGLISH     as ENGLISH,
               tf3.FIELD_NAME        as [NAME],
               tf3.FIELD_DESC        as [DESC],
               t.PERMISSION         as PERMISSION
          from tb_role t
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_03 tf3 with (nolock) on tf3.rkey    = t.SRCE_PTR and t.SORT = 3
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_02 tf2 with (nolock) on tf2.rkey    = tf3.PRO2_RKEY
                inner join GREEKB_FRIGHTE_01 tf1 with (nolock) on tf1.rkey    = tf2.PRO_RKEY

                tb = DB.GetDataSet(string.Format(s_SQL, GlobalVal.UserInfo.UserRkey));

                for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++)
                    permission[i].UP_ID      = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ID"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].ID         = tb.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].NAME       = tb.Rows[i]["NAME"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].UP_ENGLISH = tb.Rows[i]["UP_ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].ENGLISH    = tb.Rows[i]["ENGLISH"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].DESC       = tb.Rows[i]["DESC"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].PERMISSION = tb.Rows[i]["PERMISSION"].ToString().Trim();
                    permission[i].SORT       = int.Parse(tb.Rows[i]["SORT"].ToString().Trim());

            catch (Exception e1)