void printData() { //The csv file will be named YEAR-MONTH-DAY_HOUR-MINUTE string curDateTime = "practice_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm") + ".csv"; TextWriter write = new StreamWriter(curDateTime); write.WriteLine("trial number,time,method,background,skipped?"); string isSkip; for (int i = 0; i < totalTrials + skipCount; i++) { record r = times.getItem(i); if (r.getSkip()) { isSkip = "skipped"; } else { isSkip = " "; } string mName = r.getMethodName().Replace("(clone)", ""); string bName = r.getBackgroundName().Replace("(clone)", ""); write.WriteLine(r.getNumber() + "," + r.getTime() + "," + mName + "," + bName + ", " + isSkip); } write.Close(); }
void printData() { //The csv file will be named YEAR-MONTH-DAY_HOUR-MINUTE string curDateTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm") + ".csv"; TextWriter write = new StreamWriter(curDateTime); write.WriteLine("trial number,time,method,background,skipped?,average,standard deviation"); record r = null; string mName = ""; string bName = ""; string isSkip = ""; float curTime = 0.0f; float curTotal = 0.0f; int numTrials = 0; float[] methodTrials = new float[subTrialCount * numBackgrounds]; for (int i = 0; i < totalTrials + skipCount; i++) { r = times.getItem(i); curTime = r.getTime(); mName = r.getMethodName().Replace("(Clone)", ""); bName = r.getBackgroundName().Replace("(Clone)", ""); if (r.getSkip()) { isSkip = "skipped"; } else { isSkip = " "; } // If this trial wasn't skipped, add the time to the total and count it as a trial if (!r.getSkip()) { methodTrials[numTrials] = curTime; curTotal += curTime; numTrials++; } // Write the trial to the file (last two spots are the avg and std dev vals that get printed at the end of each method) write.WriteLine(r.getNumber() + "," + r.getTime() + "," + mName + "," + bName + ", " + isSkip, " , , "); // If that was the last trial for that method, print out the avg and std. dev and reset counters if (numTrials == subTrialCount * numBackgrounds) { float stdDev = 0.0f; float sumDiffSquared = 0.0f; float mean = curTotal / numTrials; for (int j = 0; j < subTrialCount * numBackgrounds; j++) { // Get the difference of the current time and the mean and square it. sumDiffSquared += Mathf.Pow((methodTrials[j] - mean), 2); } //Complete the std dev. calculation with the sum of the squared differences stdDev = Mathf.Sqrt(sumDiffSquared / (subTrialCount * numBackgrounds)); write.WriteLine(" , , , , ," + mean + "," + stdDev); // Reset the counters curTotal = 0.0f; numTrials = 0; } } write.Close(); }