public static position getDistance (position pos1, position pos2){ position dist = new position(); dist.x = Mathf.Abs (pos1.x - pos2.x); dist.y = Mathf.Abs (pos1.y - pos2.y); return dist; }
//public blackPawnBehavior(); public bool canMove(position from, position to) { if (to.y - from.y > 2) //if moving more than 2 spots { return false; } else if (to.y - from.y == 2) { if (from.y > 1) //if moving two spots in the middle of the board return false; else if (from.x - to.x != 0) //if moving 2 spots and some x return false; else //if moving 2 spots return true; } else if (to.y - from.y <= 0)//if moving backwards return false; else if (to.y > 7)//if moving past end return false; else { if (from.x - to.x == 0) //if moving 1 return true; else if ((from.x - to.x > 1) || (from.x - to.x < -1)) return false; else if ((to.x < 0) || (to.x > 7)) //if killing out of board return false; else //if killing return true; } }
public static int isInOneLine(position pos1, position pos2, position pos3){ if (pos1.y == pos2.y && pos1.y == pos3.y) // if on the same row return 1; if (pos1.x == pos2.x && pos1.x == pos3.x) // if on the same column return 2; return 0; }
public static bool isImmediateDiagonal(position pos1, position pos2){ position dist; dist = getDistance (pos1, pos2); if (dist.x == 1 && dist.y == 1) return true; return false; }
public static bool isInRange(position pos1, position pos2, int range){ position dist; dist = getDistance (pos1, pos2); if (dist.x + dist.y == range && (dist.x == 0 || dist.y == 0)) return true; return false; }
/* * Returns true if the two passed in * possitions are next to each other. */ public static bool isNextTo(position pos1, position pos2){ position dist; dist = getDistance (pos1, pos2); if (dist.x + dist.y == 1) return true; return false; }
public void changeState(position newPos, bool switchColor) { pos = newPos; if(switchColor) { current = (current== myWhite?myBlack:myWhite); this.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color",current); } }
public playerStateNode(playerStateNode original){ //index = original.index; //name =; //type = original.type; health =; damage = original.damage; //range = original.range; pos = new position(original.pos.x, original.pos.y); }
//public playerStateNode(string _name, string _type, int _health, // int _damage, int _range, position _pos, int _index = 0){ public playerStateNode(int _health, int _damage, position _pos){ //index = _index; //name = _name; //type = _type; health = _health; damage = _damage; //range = _range; pos = new position(_pos.x, _pos.y); }
public static int distCategorizer(position pos1, position pos2, int range){ position dist; dist = getDistance (pos1, pos2); if (dist.x + dist.y == range && (dist.x == 0 || dist.y == 0)) //inRange return 1; if (dist.x == 1 && dist.y == 1) //diagonal return 2; return 0; }
public playerStateNode(GameObject obj){ characters attr = obj.GetComponent<characters> (); //index = 0; //name =; health =; damage = attr.damage; //type = attr.entityType; //range = attr.range; pos = new position (attr.pos.x, attr.pos.y); }
public static void Load_BaiduHuiZhou() { /** 一个装载数据的容器List<position> **/ List<position> postion_data = new List<position>(); position tem = null; for (int j = count; j > 1; j--) { string html = Rule.RuleBaiduHuiZhou.GetHtmlString(j - 1); //string html = Rule.RuleBaiduHuiZhou.GetHtmlString(0); /** 将数据匹配出来 **/ Regex re = new Regex("class=title><a name=job_title(?:\\s|\\S)*?href=\"(?<pos_positionurl>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)\" target=_blank>(?<pos_position>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</a><br><span class=job_attr>学历:(?<pos_degree>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</span><span class=job_attr>经验:(?<pos_workexperience>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</span><span class=job_attr>薪酬:(?<pos_salary>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</span></td><td>(?<pos_company>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</td><td>(?<pos_address>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</td><td>(?<pos_time>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</td><td><a href=\"(?<pos_fromurl>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)\" target=_blank class=jobsite>(?<pos_from>(?:\\s|\\S)*?)</a></td></tr>", RegexOptions.None); MatchCollection mc = re.Matches(html); foreach (Match ma in mc) { tem = new position(); tem.pos_position = ma.Groups["pos_position"].Value.Trim().Replace("<em>", String.Empty).Replace("</em>", String.Empty); tem.pos_positionurl = ma.Groups["pos_positionurl"].Value.Trim(); tem.pos_companyurl = ma.Groups["pos_companyurl"].Value.Trim(); tem.pos_company = ma.Groups["pos_company"].Value.Trim().Replace("<em>", String.Empty).Replace("</em>", String.Empty); tem.pos_address = ma.Groups["pos_address"].Value.Trim().Replace("<em>", String.Empty).Replace("</em>", String.Empty); tem.pos_salary = ma.Groups["pos_salary"].Value.Trim(); tem.pos_degree = ma.Groups["pos_degree"].Value.Trim(); tem.pos_workexperience = ma.Groups["pos_workexperience"].Value.Trim(); tem.pos_time = Convert.ToDateTime(ma.Groups["pos_time"].Value.Trim()); tem.pos_fromurl = ma.Groups["pos_fromurl"].Value; tem.pos_from = ma.Groups["pos_from"].Value.Trim(); postion_data.Add(tem); } } /** 插入数据库 **/ foreach (position obj in postion_data) { using (BLLPosition a = new BLLPosition()) { if (a.Select_Position(obj.pos_positionurl)) continue; else { if (!a.Insert_Position(obj)) Util.MessageBox.ShowMessage(a.error); } } } return; }
public List<position> diagnoller(position defender){ List<position> p = new List<position>(); position newP = new position(); for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) { if(i == 0) continue; for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) { if(j == 0) continue; newP.x = defender.x + i; newP.y = defender.y + j; if(isValid (newP)) p.Add (new position(newP)); } } return p; }
public static bool isInbetween(position pos1, position pos2, position pos3){ int axis; if ((axis = isInOneLine(pos1, pos2, pos3)) != 0){ if (axis == 1){ if((pos2.x > pos1.x && pos2.x < pos3.x) || (pos2.x > pos3.x && pos2.x < pos1.x)){ return true; } } else if (axis == 2){ if((pos2.y > pos1.y && pos2.y < pos3.y) || (pos2.y > pos3.y && pos2.y < pos1.y)){ return true; } } } return false; }
public void FindPath(position startPos, position targetPos) { path = null; Node startNode = grid[startPos.x, startPos.y]; Node targetNode = grid[targetPos.x, targetPos.y]; List<Node> openSet = new List<Node>(); HashSet<Node> closedSet = new HashSet<Node>(); openSet.Add(startNode); while (openSet.Count > 0) { Node currentNode = openSet[0]; for (int i = 1; i < openSet.Count; i ++) { if (openSet[i].fCost < currentNode.fCost || openSet[i].fCost == currentNode.fCost && openSet[i].hCost < currentNode.hCost) { currentNode = openSet[i]; } } openSet.Remove(currentNode); closedSet.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode == targetNode) { RetracePath(startNode,targetNode); return; } foreach (Node neighbour in GetNeighbours(currentNode)) { if (!neighbour.walkable || closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode.gCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour); if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour.gCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { neighbour.gCost = newMovementCostToNeighbour; neighbour.hCost = GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode); neighbour.parent = currentNode; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) openSet.Add(neighbour); } } } }
public List<position> possibleMoves(position cur) { List<position> retList = new List<position>(); position to = cur; to.y = to.y + 1; if (canMove(cur, to)) retList.Add(to); to.x = to.x + 1; if (canMove(cur, to)) retList.Add(to); to.x = to.x - 2; if (canMove(cur, to)) retList.Add(to); to.x = to.x + 1; to.y = to.y + 1; if (canMove(cur, to)) retList.Add(to); return retList; }
private Single[,] Xk, Xke; // state #endregion Fields #region Constructors public class_EKFL5(Single x, Single y, Single theta,int anchor_num) { tag.X = x; tag.Y = y; tag.Theta = theta; tag_old = tag; dim = anchor_num; Anchor = new class_Anchors[dim]; R = new Single[dim, dim]; Q = new Single[2, 2]{{3f,0f},{0f,3f}}; for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) { for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) { if (i == j) R[i,j] = 20f; else R[i,j] = 0f; } } Po = new Single[2, 2] { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } }; ResetVariables(); }
private bool isValidMove(){ position pos; if((this.transform.localPosition.x > (40*6) || this.transform.localPosition.x < 0) || (this.transform.localPosition.y > (40*9) || this.transform.localPosition.y < 0)){ return false; } if(GM.collisionCheck(this.gameObject)){ return false; } pos = new position (Mathf.RoundToInt(this.gameObject.transform.localPosition.x / 40), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.gameObject.transform.localPosition.y / 40)); GM.g.FindPath (this.GetComponent<characters> ().pos, pos); //GM.g.printPath (); if(GM.g.path == null) return false; return true; }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { objpos = position.Down; carpanel.Invalidate(); }
: base(1, 1, font) => Initialize(position, layer, isWalkable, isTransparent);
public Worker(position position) { tasks = new List <ITask>(); this.position = position; }
AddPose(position, rotation);
public override void draw(object hdc, int x, int y, int z, position clip) { base.draw(hdc, x, y, z, clip); _edit.Update(); }
var(west, _, _) = GetNeighborTile(position, WangDirection.West);
public void draw_text(object hdc, string text, object hFont, web_color color, position pos) { var root = (GameObject)hdc; var font = ((UnityFont)hFont).Font; var obj = new GameObject("Text"); obj.transform.SetParent(root.transform); obj.transform.localPosition = ToUnityVector(new Vector3(pos.left,, pos.depth)); //obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 0); var textMesh = obj.AddComponent <TextMesh>(); textMesh.font = font; textMesh.text = text; textMesh.color = new Color(,,; var mat = obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material; mat.mainTexture = font.material.mainTexture; mat.shader = Shader.Find("GUI/3D Text Shader"); }
: super(codeErrorManager, text, position, length, line, column) { }
base.OnGUI(position, property, label, fieldInfo);
set => SetBit(position, value);
public bool Exist(position param) { return(db.position.Any(x => x.position_name == param.position_name)); }
//------------------- METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //This method has to start the generator thread public static void StartEngine(Configuration configuration) { int i = 0; double x, y, minX, minY, maxX, maxY; double probability; string mac, SSID = "ci piace lo stub", conf_id = configuration.ConfigurationID; Random rand = new Random(); generate_condition = true; //Here I generate all the macs to be used by the thread while (i < counter) { mac = MAC_generator(); if (!MACs.Contains(mac)) { MACs.Add(mac); i++; } } minX = configuration.Boards.Select(b => b.X).Min(); minY = configuration.Boards.Select(b => b.Y).Min(); maxX = configuration.Boards.Select(b => b.X).Max(); maxY = configuration.Boards.Select(b => b.Y).Max(); //Here I instanciate and start the thread dataGenerator = new Thread(() => { while (generate_condition) { //Entering in te atomic block Monitor.Enter(_lock); using (var db = new DBmodel()) { for (int j = 0; j < counter; j++) { //Generating the data to use probability = rand.NextDouble(); if (probability < 0.9) { int index = rand.Next(0, counter); mac = MACs[index]; } else { mac = MACs[j]; while (MACs.Contains(mac)) { mac = MAC_generator(); } } x = rand.NextDouble() * (maxX - minX) + minX; y = rand.NextDouble() * (maxY - minY) + minY; //inserting the data on the DB position pos = new position { configuration_id = conf_id, MACaddress = mac, SSID = SSID, timestamp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 0, rand.Next(0, 60))), x = x, y = y }; db.position.AddOrUpdate(pos); } db.SaveChanges(); } //Setting the wait for 1 minute Monitor.Wait(_lock, new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)); } }); dataGenerator.Start(); }
public List<position> attacker(int range, position defender){ List<position> p = new List<position>(); position newP = new position(); for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) { if (Mathf.Abs(i) == Mathf.Abs(j)) continue; newP.x = defender.x + i*range; newP.y = defender.y + j*range; if(isValid (newP)) p.Add (new position(newP)); } } return p; }
void draw_bmp(GameObject hdc, Texture tex, position pos) => hdc_DrawImage(hdc, tex, pos.left,, pos.depth);
public bool isValid(position pos){ if ((pos.x > -1 && pos.x < 7) && (pos.y > -1 && pos.y < 10)) { return true; } else return false; }
public void draw_borders(object hdc, borders borders, position draw_pos, bool root = false) { }
private static extern void sendWallMessage(IntPtr port, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String sayit, position pos, mode style, colour col, specialStyle special, bool dumppkt);
public void draw_image(object hdc, string src, string baseurl, Dictionary <string, string> attrs, position pos) { var gdi = (Graphics)hdc; apply_clip(gdi); make_url(src, baseurl, out var url); if (_images.TryGetValue(url, out var img) && img is Bitmap bmp) { draw_bmp(gdi, bmp, pos); } release_clip(gdi); }
public void Move(IInteractive target, in Point position, InputModifiers modifiers = default) => Move(target, target, position, modifiers);
void draw_bmp(Graphics hdc, Bitmap bmp, position pos) { hdc.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; hdc.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; hdc.DrawImage(bmp, pos.x, pos.y, pos.width, pos.height); }
dust2 = Main.dust[Dust.NewDust(position, projectile.width, projectile.height, ModContent.DustType <Dusts.ShroomDust>(), 0, 0, 0, default, 1f)];
public TestClass ReturnValue(position p) { lock (_syncRoot) {
public CUIInput(Vector2i position, Vector2i size) => new CUIText(position, size, string.Empty);
void Start() { disToGround = collider.bounds.extents.y; current = myBlack; pos = position.hor_normal; }
: base(foreground, background, glyph) => Initialize(position, layer, isWalkable, isTransparent);
public static Position ToBusiness(this position item) //for read { return(AutoMapper.Mapper.Instance.Map <position, Position>(item).CompleteCreate(item)); }
: base(animation) => Initialize(position, layer, isWalkable, isTransparent);
// Functions public Cube(position, color); // Constructor
: super(position, type) { this.method = method; this.annotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationValue>(); }
get => new LocalCoordinates(position, GridID, MapID);
/*public List<position> attacker(int range, position defender){ List<position> p = new List<position>(); position newP = new position(); for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) { if(i == 0) continue; newP.x = defender.x + i*range; newP.y = defender.y; if(isValid (newP)) p.Add (new position(newP)); newP.y = defender.y + i*range; newP.x = defender.x; if(isValid (newP)) p.Add (new position(newP)); } return p; }*/ private bool CanGoTo(position pos, ref ListState states){ for (int i = 0; i < states.players.Count; ++i) { if(pos.Equals(states.players[i].pos)) return false; } for (int i = 0; i < states.enemies.Count; ++i) { if(pos.Equals(states.enemies[i].pos)) return false; } return true; }
public PositionBlock(position first, position last) { MyFirstPos = first; MyLastPos = last; }
public void set_clip(position pos, border_radiuses bdr_radius, bool valid_x, bool valid_y) { }
// Reload eye-tracker input at regular interval from timer private void t_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { data = comm.GetData(); if (!eyeSelected) timeOffset += Process.clock; this.iSaw = this.iSee; this.whereIsEye(); if (!eyeSelected) { if (this.iSee != position.NONE) { if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) { this.Visible = true; this.timeOffset = 0; this.Invalidate(); } else if (timeOffset >= Process.timeToSelect) { eyeSelected = true; this.Region = new Region(menuRect); if (this.m[(int)iSee] == null) m[(int)iSee] = new Menu(this.iSee, scrpthndl, items[(int)iSee, 0], items[(int)iSee, 1], items[(int)iSee, 2]); this.Visible = true; timeOffset = 0; this.Controls.Add(m[(int)iSee]); m[(int)iSee].Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Invalidate(); } if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } else if (this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; timeOffset = 0; this.Visible = false; this.Invalidate(); } } else if (resetMode) { eyeSelected = false; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; this.Controls.Remove(this.m[(int)this.iSee]); this.Visible = false; this.Region = new Region(emptyRect); resetMode = false; this.Invalidate(); } }
private void friendlySendWallMessage(String sayit, position pos, mode useMode, colour col, specialStyle useStyle) { IntPtr portHwd = IntPtr.Zero; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.port)) throw new NullReferenceException("No Port set for wallboard"); try { portHwd = connectWallboard(_options.port); sendWallMessage(portHwd, sayit, pos, useMode, col, useStyle, false); } catch(wallboardException ex) { errorHandler(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { _options.state = wallboardErrorState.Unknown; //attempt to get additional info about the error if the handle was successfully opened if (portHwd != IntPtr.Zero) _options.state = checkWallboardErrorState(portHwd); errorHandler(new wallboardException("An exception occurred while sending " + sayit + " to the wallboard", _options.state, ex)); } finally { friendlyClosePort(ref portHwd); } }
// Getting the position of where the user loooks private void whereIsEye() { if (data.x != null) this.miraX = (float)data.x * screenW; if (data.y != null) this.miraY = (float)data.y * screenH; if (eyeSelected) { // Is inside the circle? if ((miraY >= screenH / 2 - rectH / 2) && (miraY <= screenH / 2 + rectH / 2)) { if (miraX <= rectW) m[(int)this.iSee].selected(sel.LEFT); else if (miraX <= screenW / 2 + rectW / 2) m[(int)this.iSee].selected(sel.CENTER); else m[(int)this.iSee].selected(sel.RIGHT); timeOffset = 0; } else { timeOffset += Process.clock; m[(int)this.iSee].selected(sel.NONE); if (timeOffset >= timeToSelect) { eyeSelected = false; this.Region = new Region(emptyRect); this.Controls.Remove(this.m[(int)this.iSee]); this.iSee = position.NONE; timeOffset = 0; } } } else if (data != null) { if ((miraY <= Process.rectH) && (miraX >= (screenW / 2) - (rectW / 2)) && (miraX <= (screenW / 2) + (rectW / 2))) { this.iSee = (int)position.UP; if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) this.Region = new Region(Process.rectU); } else if ((miraY >= (screenH / 2) - (rectW / 2)) && (miraY <= (screenH / 2) + (rectW / 2)) && (miraX <= rectH)) { this.iSee = position.LEFT; if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) this.Region = new Region(Process.rectL); } else if ((miraY >= (screenH / 2) - (rectW / 2)) && (miraY <= (screenH / 2) + (rectW / 2)) && (miraX >= (screenW - rectH))) { this.iSee = position.RIGHT; if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) this.Region = new Region(Process.rectR); } else if ((miraY >= screenH - rectH) && (miraX >= (screenW / 2) - (rectW / 2)) && (miraX <= (screenW / 2) + (rectW / 2))) { this.iSee = position.DOWN; if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) this.Region = new Region(Process.rectB); } else { this.iSee = position.NONE; if (this.iSee != this.iSaw) this.Region = new Region(Process.emptyRect); } } }
public static wallboardErrorState testWallboardConnectivity(string port, position testPos, mode testMode, colour testCol, specialStyle testSpecial) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) throw new Exception("No port set for wallboard"); IntPtr portHwd = IntPtr.Zero; wallboardErrorState state; try { portHwd = connectWallboard(port); if (portHwd == IntPtr.Zero) return wallboardErrorState.Unknown; state = checkWallboardErrorState(portHwd); if (state == wallboardErrorState.None) { sendWallMessage(portHwd, "Hello World", testPos, testMode, testCol, testSpecial, false); } } finally { friendlyClosePort(ref portHwd); } return state; }
DrawChar(position, value, mode);
public virtual void get_client_rect(out position client) => throw new NotImplementedException();
private void LeaveAMark(position p) { ListPosition.Add(p); }
private static position createPosition(int x, int y, direction direction) { position newPosition = new position(); newPosition.x = x; newPosition.y = y; newPosition.direction = direction; return newPosition; }
public void draw_text(object hdc, string text, object hFont, web_color color, position pos) { // var gdi = (Graphics)hdc; apply_clip(gdi); //var rcText = new Rectangle(pos.left,, pos.right, pos.bottom); TextRenderer.DrawText(gdi, text, (Font)hFont, new Point(pos.left,, Color.FromArgb(,,; //var rcText = new RectangleF(pos.left,, pos.right, pos.bottom); //var format = new StringFormat(); //using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(,, // gdi.DrawString(text, (Font)hFont, brush, rcText, format); release_clip(gdi); }