private void _tv_ItemClick(object sender, TVItemEventArgs e) { if (e.ModifierKeys != 0 || e.ClickCount != 1) { return; } var t = e.Item as RunningTask; var f = t.f; switch (e.MouseButton) { case MouseButton.Left: App.Model.SetCurrentFile(f); break; case MouseButton.Right: _tv.Select(t); var name = f.DisplayName; var m = new popupMenu { RawText = true }; m["End task '" + name + "'"] = _ => App.Tasks.EndTask(t); m["End all '" + name + "'"] = _ => App.Tasks.EndTasksOf(f); m.Separator(); m["Close\tM-click", disable : null == Panels.Editor.ZGetOpenDocOf(f)] = _ => App.Model.CloseFile(f, selectOther : true); //m.Separator(); //m["Recent tasks and triggers..."] = _ => RecentTT.Show(); //rejected. It is in menu Run. Or would also need to show context menu when rclicked in empty space. m.Show(); break; case MouseButton.Middle: App.Model.CloseFile(f, selectOther: true); break; } }
public static void Commit(SciCode doc, CiComplItem item, int codeLenDiff) { var snippet = item as _CiComplItemSnippet; string s, usingDir; var ci =; int pos = ci.Span.Start, endPos = pos + ci.Span.Length + codeLenDiff; //list of snippets? var x = snippet.x; if (x.HasElements) { var a = snippet.x.Elements("list").ToArray(); var m = new popupMenu(); foreach (var v in a) { m.Add(v.Attr("item")); } m.FocusedItem = m.Items.First(); int g = m.Show(MSFlags.ByCaret | MSFlags.Underline); if (g == 0) { return; } x = a[g - 1]; } s = x.Value; //##directive -> #directive if (s.Starts('#') && doc.zText.Eq(pos - 1, '#')) { s = s[1..];
public static void End_task() { var f = App.Model.CurrentFile; if (f != null) { if (f.FindProject(out _, out var fMain)) { f = fMain; } if (App.Tasks.EndTasksOf(f)) { return; } } var a = App.Tasks.Items; if (a.Count > 0) { var m = new popupMenu { RawText = true }; m.Submenu("End task", m => { foreach (var t in a) { m[t.f.DisplayName] = o => App.Tasks.EndTask(t); } }); m.Show(); } }
void MouseTriggers() { //Add mouse triggers here. //To add triggers can be used triggerSnippet or menu TT -> New trigger. More info in Cookbook. //Click the Run button to apply changes after editing. if (!true) //examples. To enable and test it, replace (!true) with (true) and run this script. { Triggers.Mouse[TMClick.Right, "Ctrl+Shift", TMFlags.ButtonModUp] = o =>"mouse trigger example", o.Trigger); //Ctrl+Shift+RightClick Triggers.Mouse[TMEdge.RightInCenter50] = o => { //the right edge of the primary screen, center 50% var m = new popupMenu("example"); m["A (mouse trigger example)"] = o => { }; m["B"] = o => { }; m.Submenu("C", m => { m["D"] = o => { }; m["E"] = o => { }; }); m.Show(); //To create menus can be used snippets. Start typing "menu" and you will see snippets in the completion list. }; Triggers.Mouse[TMMove.LeftRightInCenter50, screen : TMScreen.Any] = o => wnd.switchActiveWindow(); //move the mouse quickly to the left and back in center 50% of any screen Triggers.Mouse[TMMove.RightLeftInCenter50, screen : TMScreen.Any] = o => keys.send("Ctrl+Tab"); //to the right and back. Ctrl+Tab should switch the active document. Triggers.FuncOf.NextTrigger = o => keys.isScrollLock; //example of a custom scope (aka context, condition) Triggers.Mouse[TMWheel.Forward] = o =>$"mouse trigger example: {o.Trigger} while ScrollLock is on"); } }
private void _bRect_Click(WBButtonClickArgs e) { if (_wnd.Is0) { return; } var m = new popupMenu(); m["Rectangle of the captured image"] = o => _SetRect(_rect); m["Select rectangle..."] = o => { if (_CaptureImageOrRect(true, out var r)) { _SetRect(r.rect); } }; m.Show(); void _SetRect(RECT k) => rectC.Set(true, k.ToStringFormat("({0}, {1}, {4}, {5})")); }
//unfinished, rejected, maybe in the future. Can't use just _pos. Need to get and update full spans. // Maybe better add "manual sync" button instead of "auto sync" option. //void _Sync() { // Debug.Assert(this.IsVisible && _oldTree != null); // //"sync"); // int pos = Panels.Editor.ZActiveDoc.zCurrentPos16; //todo: return if didn't change (use the position changed notification). // _Item found = null; // if (0 == (3 & App.Settings.outline_flags)) { //not sorted // found = _Find(_oldTree); // _Item _Find(_Item parent) { // for (var v = parent.FirstChild; v != null; v = v.Next) { // if (v._pos >= pos) return v; // if (v.HasChildren) { // var r = _Find(v); // if (r != null) return r; // } // } // return null; // } // } // if (found != null) { //; // } //} void _ContextMenu() { var m = new popupMenu(); int flags = App.Settings.outline_flags, sort = flags & 3; m.AddRadio("Don't sort", sort == 0).Id = 1; m.AddRadio("Sort by name", sort == 1).Id = 2; m.AddRadio("Sort by kind and name", sort == 2).Id = 3; //m.AddRadio("Sort by kind and name", sort == 3).Id = 4; //sorting by kind+position probably not useful. Always sort by kind+name. //m.Separator(); //m.AddCheck("Sync", 0 != (flags & 4), _ => App.Settings.outline_flags ^= 4); int i = m.Show(owner: this); if (i is >= 1 and <= 3) { App.Settings.outline_flags = (byte)((App.Settings.outline_flags & ~3) | (i - 1)); if (_oldTree != null) { _oldTree = null; Update(); } } }
public DProperties(FileNode f) { _f = f; _isClass = f.IsClass; Owner = App.Wmain; Title = "Properties of " + _f.Name; var b = new wpfBuilder(this).WinSize(600).Columns(-1, 0); b.WinProperties(WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner, showInTaskbar: false); b.R.Add(out info).Height(80).Margin("B8").Span(-1); b.R.StartStack(vertical: true); //left column b.StartGrid().Columns(0, -1, 20, 0, -1.15) .R.Add("role", out role).Skip() .Add("testScript", out testScript).Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "testScript", FNFind.CodeFile)); b.End(); b.StartStack(out gRun, "Run", vertical: true); b.StartGrid().Columns(0, 120, -1, 0, 80) .Add("ifRunning", out ifRunning).Skip() .Add("uac", out uac); b.End(); b.End().Brush(Brushes.OldLace); b.StartGrid(out gCompile, "Compile").Columns(0, 50, 20, 0, -1); b.R.Add(out optimize, "optimize").Skip(2) .Add("define", out define); b.R.Add("warningLevel", out warningLevel).Editable().Skip() .Add("noWarnings", out noWarnings); b.R.Add("testInternal", out testInternal); b.R.StartGrid().Columns(0, -1, 20, 0, -1) .Add("preBuild", out preBuild).Skip().Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "preBuild", FNFind.CodeFile)) .Add("postBuild", out postBuild).Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "postBuild", FNFind.CodeFile)); b.End(); b.End().Brush(Brushes.OldLace); b.StartStack(out gAssembly, "Assembly", vertical: true); b.StartGrid().Columns(0, -1, 30) .Add("outputPath", out outputPath) .AddButton(out outputPathB, "...", _ButtonClick_outputPath) .End(); b.StartGrid().Columns(0, -1, 20, 0, -1); b.R.Add("icon", out icon).Skip().Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "icon", FNFind.Any)) .Add("manifest", out manifest).Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "manifest", FNFind.File)); b.R.Add("sign", out sign).Skip().Validation(o => _ValidateFile(o, "sign", FNFind.File)); b.StartStack() .Add(out console, "console") .Add(out bit32, "bit32").Margin(15) .Add(out xmlDoc, "xmlDoc").Margin(15) .End(); b.End(); b.End().Brush(Brushes.OldLace); b.End(); b.StartStack(vertical: true).Margin("L20"); //right column b.StartGrid <GroupBox>("Add reference"); b.R.AddButton(out addLibrary, "Library...", _ButtonClick_addLibrary); b.R.AddButton(out addNuget, "NuGet ▾", _ButtonClick_addNuget); b.R.AddButton(out addComRegistry, "COM ▾", _bAddComRegistry_Click).AddButton(out addComBrowse, "...", _bAddComBrowse_Click).Width(30); b.AddButton(out addProject, "Project ▾", _ButtonClick_addProject); b.End(); b.StartStack <GroupBox>("Add file", vertical: true); b.AddButton(out addClassFile, "Class file ▾", _ButtonClick_addClass); b.AddButton(out addResource, "Resource ▾", _ButtonClick_addResource); b.End(); b.StartStack(vertical: true).Add("Find in lists", out findInLists).Tooltip("In button drop-down lists show only items containing this text").End(); //b.AddButton("Change icon", _ => DIcons.ZShow(true, _f.CustomIconName)).Margin("T8B8"); //rejected b.End(); b.R.AddOkCancel(); b.End(); _meta = new MetaCommentsParser(_f); _role = _meta.role switch { "miniProgram" => Au.Compiler.ERole.miniProgram, "exeProgram" => Au.Compiler.ERole.exeProgram, "editorExtension" => Au.Compiler.ERole.editorExtension, "classLibrary" when _isClass => Au.Compiler.ERole.classLibrary, "classFile" when _isClass => Au.Compiler.ERole.classFile, _ => _isClass ? Au.Compiler.ERole.classFile : Au.Compiler.ERole.miniProgram, }; _InitCombo(role, _isClass ? "miniProgram|exeProgram|editorExtension|classLibrary|classFile" : "miniProgram|exeProgram|editorExtension", null, (int)_role); testScript.Text = _f.TestScript?.ItemPath; //Run _InitCombo(ifRunning, "warn_restart|warn|cancel_restart|cancel|wait_restart|wait|run_restart|run|restart", _meta.ifRunning); _InitCombo(uac, "inherit|user|admin", _meta.uac); //Assembly outputPath.Text = _meta.outputPath; void _ButtonClick_outputPath(WBButtonClickArgs e) { var m = new popupMenu(); m[_GetOutputPath(getDefault: true)] = o => outputPath.Text = o.ToString(); bool isLibrary = _role == Au.Compiler.ERole.classLibrary; if (isLibrary) { m[@"%folders.ThisApp%\Libraries"] = o => outputPath.Text = o.ToString(); } m["Browse..."] = o => { var initf = _GetOutputPath(getDefault: false, expandEnvVar: true); filesystem.createDirectory(initf); var d = new FileOpenSaveDialog(isLibrary ? "{4D1F3AFB-DA1A-45AC-8C12-41DDA5C51CDD}" : "{4D1F3AFB-DA1A-45AC-8C12-51DDA5C51CDD}") { InitFolderFirstTime = initf, }; if (d.ShowOpen(out string s, this, selectFolder: true)) { outputPath.Text = folders.unexpandPath(s); } }; m.Show(); } icon.Text = _meta.icon; manifest.Text = _meta.manifest; sign.Text = _meta.sign; if (_meta.console == "true") { console.IsChecked = true; } if (_meta.bit32 == "true") { bit32.IsChecked = true; } if (_meta.xmlDoc == "true") { xmlDoc.IsChecked = true; } //Compile if (_meta.optimize == "true") { optimize.IsChecked = true; } define.Text = _meta.define; _InitCombo(warningLevel, "5|4|3|2|1|0", _meta.warningLevel); noWarnings.Text = _meta.noWarnings; testInternal.Text = _meta.testInternal; preBuild.Text = _meta.preBuild; postBuild.Text = _meta.postBuild;
void _CaptionContextMenu(_Node thisOrParentTab) { if (_IsDocument && !_leaf.addedLater) { return; } var m = new popupMenu(); bool canClose = _leaf?.canClose ?? false; if (canClose) { m["Close\tM-click"] = _ => _UserClosing(); } _DockStateItem(_DockState.Hide, canClose ? "Hide" : "Hide\tM-click"); if (_state.Has(_DockState.Float)) { _DockStateItem(0, "Dock\tD-click"); } else { _DockStateItem(_DockState.Float, "Float\tD-click, drag"); } m.Submenu("Caption at", m => { _CaptionAtItem(Dock.Left); _CaptionAtItem(Dock.Top); _CaptionAtItem(Dock.Right); _CaptionAtItem(Dock.Bottom); void _CaptionAtItem(Dock ca) { m.AddRadio(ca.ToString(), ca == thisOrParentTab._captionAt, o => thisOrParentTab._SetCaptionAt(ca)); } }); _ContextMenu_Move(m); _ShowSubmenus(); //ContextMenuOpening?.Invoke(this, m); m.Show(); void _DockStateItem(_DockState state, string text) { m[text] = o => _SetDockState(state); } void _ShowSubmenus() { var a = new List <_Node>(); foreach (var v in RootAncestor.Descendants()) { if (v._IsStack || !v._state.Has(_DockState.Hide)) { continue; } if (v._IsTab && v.Children().All(o => o._state.Has(_DockState.Hide))) { continue; } a.Add(v); } if (a.Count == 0) { return; } m.Separator(); a.Sort((x, y) => { if (x._IsToolbar && !y._IsToolbar) { return(-1); } if (y._IsToolbar && !x._IsToolbar) { return(1); } return(string.Compare(x.ToString(), y.ToString(), true)); }); m.Submenu("Show", m => { int i = 0; foreach (var v in a) { if (i > 0 && a[i - 1]._IsToolbar != a[i]._IsToolbar) { m.Separator(); } i++; m[v.ToString()] = _ => v._Unhide(); } #if DEBUG if (a.Count > 1) { m.Separator(); m["Show all (debug)"] = _ => { foreach (var v in a) { v._Unhide(); } }; } #endif }); } #if DEBUG m.Separator(); m.Submenu("Debug", m => { m["Invalidate window"] = _ => _Invalidate(_pm._ContainerWindow); m["Invalidate floats"] = _ => { foreach (var v in RootAncestor.Descendants()) { if (v._floatWindow != null) { _Invalidate(v._floatWindow); } } }; m.Add(0, "info: toggle ScrollLock if does not work", disable: true); }); void _Invalidate(Window w) { //if (keys.isScrollLock) Api.InvalidateRect(w.Hwnd(), IntPtr.Zero, true); //works ////else w.UpdateLayout(); //no //else w.InvalidateVisual(); //no Api.InvalidateRect(w.Hwnd(), keys.isScrollLock); } #endif }