コード例 #1
    private GameObject characterGo; //Stores the most recent character to have activated the dress selection dialog

    void Awake()
        foreach (Transform child in container.transform)
            DressObject d = child.GetComponent <DressObject>();
            if (d)
                pickupObject po = child.gameObject.GetComponent <pickupObject>();

                //Try to pull the inventory item's name from a pickupObject script. If none is found, use the GameObject's name.
                bool useGOName = true;
                if (po)
                    if (po.name != "")
                        useGOName = false;
                if (useGOName)


コード例 #2
 public void Start()
     if (restrictGo)
     po = gameObject.GetComponent <pickupObject>();
コード例 #3
    void thresholdExceeded()
        GameObject p = null;

        if (particles)
            p = Instantiate(particles, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        if (p)
            var main = p.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().main;
            main.startColor = particleColor;

        pickupObject po      = GetComponent <pickupObject>();
        GameObject   thrower = null;

        if (po)
            thrower = po.getRecentlyThrownBy();

        if (other != null && sendMessageToOther != "")
            if (tellOtherAboutThrower && thrower != null)
                other.SendMessage("I" + sendMessageToOther, thrower, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
                other.SendMessage(sendMessageToOther, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        if (!global)
            global = GameObject.FindWithTag("global").GetComponent <Global>();
        if (playOnExceed.Count > 0)
            global.audio.PlayIfOnScreen(playOnExceed, (Vector2)transform.position, 0.8f, 1.2f);

        if (destroyOnBreak)
コード例 #4
ファイル: RC_Controller.cs プロジェクト: jabackf/Blubber2
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     po = gameObject.GetComponent <pickupObject>() as pickupObject;
コード例 #5
    public void Move(float move, bool crouch, bool jump, bool pickup = false, float climb = 0, bool dropDown = false, bool dialog = false)
        if (isDead || controlTaken || pause)

        bool justPickedUp = false;

        //Handle drop down platforms
        if (dropDown && onDropPlatformScript != null && canUseDropDownPlatforms)

        // If crouching, check to see if the character can stand up
        if (!crouch && canCrouch)
            // If the character has a ceiling preventing them from standing up, keep them crouching
            Collider2D col = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(m_CeilingCheck.position, k_CeilingRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
            if (col)
                GameObject holdingGo = null;
                if (holdingSomething())
                    holdingGo = holding.gameObject;

                if (!col.isTrigger && col.gameObject != holdingGo)
                    crouch = true;

        //Climbing Code
        m_Rigidbody2D.gravityScale = initialGravityScale;
        if (charAnim != null)
            charAnim.climb = 0f;
        if ((climb != 0 || isClimbing) && canClimb && (!isHolding || canCarryWhileClimbing)) //We meet some conditions for climbing, so let's check for something to climb
            //check for climbing up and down the climb surface
            Collider2D collider = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(m_GroundCheck.position, k_GroundedRadius, m_WhatIsClimb);
            if (collider == null)
                isClimbing = false;
                isClimbing = true;
                m_Grounded = true;
                m_Rigidbody2D.gravityScale = 0;
                m_Rigidbody2D.velocity     = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                numJumps = 0;
                if (charAnim != null)
                    charAnim.climb = climb;
                    charAnim.jump  = false; //Sometimes the jump animation sticks. This fixes that.
                // Move the character by finding the target velocity
                //Vector3 climbVelocity = new Vector2(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.x, m_ClimbSpeed);
                // And then smoothing it out and applying it to the character
                //m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity, climbVelocity, ref m_Velocity, m_MovementSmoothing);
                if (climb != 0)
                    m_Rigidbody2D.MovePosition((Vector2)gameObject.transform.position + new Vector2(0, climb));
        if (charAnim != null)
            charAnim.isClimbing = isClimbing;

        //only control the player if grounded or airControl is turned on
        if (m_Grounded || m_AirControl)
            // If crouching
            if (crouch && canCrouch && (!isClimbing || !canClimb))
                if (!m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = true;

                // Reduce the speed by the crouchSpeed multiplier
                move *= m_CrouchSpeed;

                if (charAnim != null)
                    charAnim.crouch = true;

                // Disable one of the colliders when crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = false;
                // Enable the collider when not crouching
                if (m_CrouchDisableCollider != null)
                    m_CrouchDisableCollider.enabled = true;

                if (m_wasCrouching)
                    m_wasCrouching = false;
                    if (charAnim != null)
                        charAnim.crouch = false;

            if (charAnim != null)
                charAnim.pushing = false;
            //Start pushing logic
            if (move == 0)
                pushTimer     = -1;
                isPushing     = false;
                timerComplete = false;
            if (m_Grounded && (move > 0 || move < 0) && canPush && (!isClimbing || !canClimb)) //If we're in a situation where we can potentially push
                bool pushingLeft  = false;
                bool pushingRight = false;

                Collider2D[] leftColAll = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_SideCheckL.position, k_SideRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
                Collider2D[] rightColAll = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_SideCheckR.position, k_SideRadius, m_WhatIsGround);
                Collider2D   leftCol = null, rightCol = null;

                GameObject holdingGo = null;
                if (holdingSomething())
                    holdingGo = holding.gameObject;

                foreach (var l in leftColAll)
                    if (l != null && l.gameObject != holdingGo && !l.isTrigger && move < 0)
                        pushingLeft = true;
                        leftCol     = l;
                foreach (var r in rightColAll)
                    if (r != null && r.gameObject != holdingGo && !r.isTrigger && move > 0)
                        rightCol     = r;
                        pushingRight = true;

                if (pushingLeft || pushingRight)
                    if (pushTimer == -1 && !timerComplete)
                        pushTimer = m_PushWait;
                    pushTimer -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                    if (pushTimer <= 0 && !timerComplete)
                        timerComplete = true;
                    if (timerComplete)
                        if (charAnim != null)
                            charAnim.pushing = true;
                        isPushing = true;
                        if (pushingLeft)
                            if (leftCol.attachedRigidbody != null)
                                leftCol.attachedRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector2(-m_PushForce, 0f), new Vector2(m_SideCheckL.position.x, m_SideCheckL.position.y));
                        if (pushingRight)
                            if (rightCol.attachedRigidbody != null)
                                rightCol.attachedRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector2(m_PushForce, 0f), new Vector2(m_SideCheckR.position.x, m_SideCheckR.position.y));
                    pushTimer     = -1;
                    isPushing     = false;
                    timerComplete = false;

            // Move the character by finding the target velocity
            Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector2(move * 10f, m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.y);

            // And then smoothing it out and applying it to the character
            m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector3.SmoothDamp(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity, targetVelocity, ref m_Velocity, m_MovementSmoothing);

            if (inWater)
                m_Rigidbody2D.velocity *= new Vector3(waterMultiplier, 1, 1);

            if (charAnim != null)
                charAnim.speed = Mathf.Abs(move);

            //We're about to flip the character. If we're aiming with the mouse then we don't want to flip the character while walking. Let's check for that first.
            var dontFlip = false;
            if (isHolding)
                if (mouseAim && currentlyMouseAiming && holding.flipCharacterWithMouseAim)
                    dontFlip = true;

            // If the input is moving the player right and the player is facing left...
            if (move > 0 && !m_FacingRight && !dontFlip)
                // ... flip the player.
            // Otherwise if the input is moving the player left and the player is facing right...
            else if (move < 0 && m_FacingRight && !dontFlip)
                // ... flip the player.

            //Start pickup item code
            if (canPickup && !isHolding && m_Grounded && actionObjectInRange != null && pickup && (!isClimbing || !canClimb)) //We're in range of something, can pick it up, and trying to pick it up
                holding = actionObjectInRange.GetComponent <pickupObject>() as pickupObject;
                if (holding != null)
                    currentlyMouseAiming = false;

                    holding.pickMeUp(gameObject, m_pickupTop, m_FacingRight ? m_pickupR : m_pickupL);
                    isHolding = true;
                    justPickedUp = true;
                    if (charAnim != null)
                        charAnim.pickingUp = true;
                    holding.SendMessage("flipSpriteX", !m_FacingRight); //Update the held object's facing direction

            //Start dialog initiation code
            if (dialog && !isHolding && m_Grounded && actionObjectInRange != null && (!isClimbing || !canClimb)) //We're in range of something that we can talk to, and are pressing the dialog button
                if (sayDialogBox == null)
                    DialogRange d = actionObjectInRange.GetComponent <DialogRange>() as DialogRange;
                    if (d != null)
                        m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                        d.Initiate(CharacterName, gameObject, m_DialogTop, m_DialogBottom);
                        isTalking = true;
                        pause     = true;

            //Code for other range triggers (RangeTriggerEvent)
            if (pickup && !isHolding && m_Grounded && actionObjectInRange != null && (!isClimbing || !canClimb)) //We're in range of something, so we'll check to see if it has a RangeTriggerEvent. Pickup is used to check if the action key (pickup key) was pressed
                RangeTriggerEvent d = actionObjectInRange.GetComponent <RangeTriggerEvent>() as RangeTriggerEvent;
                if (d != null)
                    m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    d.Activate(CharacterName, gameObject);
        } //END if Grounded || Air Control

        charAnim.carryTop   = false;
        charAnim.carryFront = false;

        if (isHolding && charAnim != null)
            if (holding.mCarryType == pickupObject.carryType.Top)
                charAnim.carryTop = true;
            if (holding.mCarryType == pickupObject.carryType.Front)
                charAnim.carryFront = true;

        // If the player should jump...
        if (jump && (!justPickedUp || !pickupWithJump || !canPickup) && (!isClimbing || !climbWithJump || !canClimb))
            if (infiniteJump || (canDoubleJump && numJumps < 2) || m_Grounded || (inWater && infiniteWaterJump) || temporaryExtraJump)
                // Add a vertical force to the player.
                m_Grounded = false;

                //With the temporary extra jump things tend to work more consistently when we cancel out any current y velocities and start at zero. This gives us better control over the jump.
                //Also fixes a glitch that makes conveyor belts "sticky" when trying to jump on them.
                if (temporaryExtraJump || isOnConveyor)
                    m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector3(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.x, 0f, 0f);

                temporaryExtraJump = false;
                if (charAnim != null)
                    charAnim.jump = true;
                    if (numJumps > 1)
                        charAnim.doubleJump = true;

                //m_Rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, m_JumpForce));
                m_Rigidbody2D.velocity += (new Vector2(0f, m_JumpVelocity * (inWater ? m_WaterJumpMultiplier : 1)));

                //Sometimes infinite jump or water jump can be exploited to lead to high speeds. This clamps the velocity down.
                if (m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.y > m_MaxJumpVelocity)
                    m_Rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(m_Rigidbody2D.velocity.x, m_MaxJumpVelocity);

                if (jumpSound)
        inWater = false;