コード例 #1
ファイル: nguoidung.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    private void loadNguoiDungT(string noidung, string danhmuc)
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        nguoidungBLL        bs = new nguoidungBLL();
        List <nguoidungDAL> ds = bs.getNguoiDungT(row, hide, noidung, danhmuc);

        rpNguoiDung.DataSource = ds;

        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            Label lbSTT = rpNguoiDung.Items[i].FindControl("lbSTT") as Label;
            lbSTT.Text += (i + 1 + hide).ToString();
        string pa = "&tval=" + noidung + "&tkey=" + danhmuc;

        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();

        lbPage.Text = pt.paging(bs.countT(noidung, danhmuc), row, pa, current);
コード例 #2
    private void LoadNews(int pagecurrent, int pagesize, string field, string where, string order)
        phantrang      pt = new phantrang();
        ContentControl ct = new ContentControl();

        pagecurrent = pagecurrent < 1 ? 1 : pagecurrent;
        DataTable         dt   = ct.dt_Contentsearch(pagecurrent, pagesize, field, where, order);
        DataRowCollection rows = dt.Rows;
        StringBuilder     str  = new StringBuilder();

        if (rows.Count > 0)
            int tongso = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[0]["tongso"].ToString());
            int tem    = (tongso >= pagesize) ? pagesize : tongso;
            tem = tongso >= pagesize * pagecurrent ? pagesize : tongso - pagesize * (pagecurrent - 1);
            //str.Append("<div class=\"box-main-left\">");
            for (int i = 0; i < tem; i++)
                int    p     = Convert.ToInt32(rows[i]["Mod_ID"]);
                string n     = rows[i]["Content_Name"].ToString();
                string img   = rows[i]["Content_Img"].ToString();
                string intro = rows[i]["Content_intro"].ToString();
                string url   = ResolveUrl("~/" + ModControl.GetModCode(p) + "/" + rows[i]["Content_Url"] + ".htm");
                str.Append(CMSfunc.LoadNewsItem(url, img, n, intro));
            ltrListNews.Text = str.ToString();
            if ((((tongso - 1) / pagesize) + 1) > 1)
                ltrPhantrang.Text = pt.pagelinkNews(((tongso - 1) / pagesize) + 1, pagecurrent, Request.RawUrl);
コード例 #3
    private void loadSanPham(int hide)
        int row = 10;

        sanphamBLL        bs = new sanphamBLL();
        List <sanphamDAL> ds = bs.getSanPhambyIdP(id, row, hide);

        rpsanpham.DataSource = ds;

        khuyenmaiBLL km = new khuyenmaiBLL();

        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            Label lbgia = rpsanpham.Items[i].FindControl("lbGia") as Label;
            if (ds[i].khuyenmai == true)
                decimal khm = ds[i].gia - (ds[i].gia * km.getKhuyenMaibyId(1) / 100);
                lbgia.Text = "<span class='price'><span style='color:Red;'><del>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", ds[i].gia) + "</del>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", khm) + "</span>";
                lbgia.Text = "<span class='price'>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", ds[i].gia) + "</span>";

        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();
        int       cou     = bs.countP(-1, "", Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]));

        lbPhanTrang.Text = pt.pagingpublic(cou, row, "&id=" + Request.QueryString["id"], current);
コード例 #4
ファイル: nguoidung.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    private void loadNguoiDungV(string role)
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        nguoidungBLL        bs = new nguoidungBLL();
        List <nguoidungDAL> ds = bs.getNguoiDungV(row, hide, role);

        rpNguoiDung.DataSource = ds;

        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            Label lbSTT = rpNguoiDung.Items[i].FindControl("lbSTT") as Label;
            lbSTT.Text += (i + 1 + hide).ToString();
        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();

        lbPage.Text = pt.paging(bs.countV(ddlRole.Text), row, "", current);
コード例 #5
    public string LoadDocs(int pageSize = 10)
        StringBuilder     str  = new StringBuilder();
        string            sql  = "select Doc_ID,Doc_Avatar, Doc_Code, Doc_Staff, Doc_ViewCount, Doc_Name, Doc_Title, Doc_Content, Doc_File, Doc_CreatedDate, DocsType_ID, Doc_CreatedBy, Doc_Hot, Doc_Pos from tbl_Documents Order By Doc_CreatedDate DESC";
        DataTable         ds   = UpdateData.UpdateBySql(sql).Tables[0];
        DataRowCollection rows = ds.Rows;

        if (rows.Count > 0)
            int currentPage = Request["page"] != null?int.Parse(Request["page"]) : 1;

            int totalpage = (int)rows.Count / pageSize;
            int startrow  = totalpage < 1? 0 : (currentPage * pageSize);
            int endrow    = totalpage < 1 ? rows.Count : startrow + pageSize;
            for (int i = startrow; i < endrow; i++)
                str.Append("    <td align=center>" + i + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td>" + rows[i]["Doc_Code"] + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td class=\"text-center\"><a id=\"link-docname\" href=?d=" + rows[i]["Doc_ID"] + ">" + rows[i]["Doc_Name"] + "</a></td>");
                str.Append("    <td class=\"doc-content\">" + rows[i]["Doc_Content"] + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td>" + DateTime.Parse(rows[i]["Doc_CreatedDate"].ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "</td>");
                str.Append("<td><a class=\"text-center\" href=\"" + rows[i]["Doc_File"] + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i>Tải về</a></td>");
            phantrang pages = new phantrang();
            if (rows.Count > pageSize)
                str.Append(pages.pagelink((int)rows.Count / 1, currentPage, "?"));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Enterprise.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Milkyway94/vexe
    protected string LoadEnterprise(int p)
        int    parent = ModControl.GetParent(p) != 0 ? ModControl.GetParent(p) : p;
        string sql    = "select * from tbl_Content where lang=" + Session["vlang"];

        sql += " and Mod_ID=" + p;
        if (ModControl.GetParent(p) == 0)
            sql += " OR Mod_ID in (SELECT Mod_ID FROM tbl_Mod WHERE Mod_Parent=" + p + ")";
        sql += " Order By Content_Date DESC";
        DataSet           ds   = UpdateData.UpdateBySql(sql);
        DataRowCollection rows = ds.Tables[0].Rows;
        StringBuilder     str  = new StringBuilder();

        if (rows.Count > 0)
            int currentPage = Request["page"] != null?int.Parse(Request["page"]) : 1;

            int totalpage = (int)rows.Count / 5 + 1;
            int startrow  = totalpage < 1 ? 0 : ((currentPage - 1) * 5);
            int endrow    = 0;
            if (currentPage == totalpage)
                endrow = rows.Count;
                endrow = totalpage < 1 ? rows.Count : startrow + 5;
            for (int i = startrow; i < endrow; i++)
                str.Append("    <div class=\"w100 item fl\">");
                str.Append("        <div class=\"row\">");
                str.Append("            <div class=\"image content-left-dst tin-tucnews\">");
                str.Append("                <a href=\"/" + ModControl.GetModCode(p) + "/" + ContentControl.GetContentField("Code", int.Parse(rows[i]["Content_ID"].ToString())) + ".htm\"><img  class=\"img-responsive\" src=" + rows[i]["Content_img"] + "></a>");
                str.Append("            </div>");
                str.Append("        <div class=\"content-right-dst\">");
                str.Append("            <div class=\"date-author w100 fl\">");
                string name = rows[i]["Content_Name"].ToString().Length > 70 ? rows[i]["Content_Name"].ToString().Substring(0, 70) + "..." : rows[i]["Content_Name"].ToString();
                str.Append("        <div class=\"title\">");
                str.Append("        <h2><a href=\"/" + ModControl.GetModCode(p) + "/" + ContentControl.GetContentField("Code", int.Parse(rows[i]["Content_ID"].ToString())) + ".htm\">" + name + "</a></h2>");
                str.Append("            <span><i class=\"fa fa-calendar\"></i>&nbsp;Ngày đăng:" + rows[i]["Content_Date"] + "</span></div>");
                str.Append("        <div>");
                string quote = rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString().Length > 200 ? rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString().Substring(0, 200) : rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString();
                str.Append("        <div class=\"description\">" + quote + "...</div>");
                str.Append("            <div>");
                str.Append("        </div>");
            phantrang pages = new phantrang();
            if (rows.Count > 5)
                str.Append("<span class=\"pull-right\">" + pages.pagelink((int)rows.Count / 5 + 1, currentPage, "?") + "</span>");
コード例 #7
ファイル: News.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Milkyway94/vexe
    protected string LoadContentNews(int p)
        string            sql  = "select * from tbl_Content where lang=" + Session["vlang"] + "and Mod_ID=" + p + "Order By Content_Date DESC";
        DataSet           ds   = UpdateData.UpdateBySql(sql);
        DataRowCollection rows = ds.Tables[0].Rows;
        StringBuilder     str  = new StringBuilder();

        if (rows.Count > 0)
            int currentPage = Request["page"] != null?int.Parse(Request["page"]) : 1;

            int totalpage = (int)rows.Count / pageSize + 1;
            int startrow  = totalpage < 1 ? 0 : ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize);
            int endrow    = 0;
            if (currentPage == totalpage)
                endrow = rows.Count;
                endrow = totalpage < 1 ? rows.Count : startrow + pageSize;
            for (int i = startrow; i < endrow; i++)
                string quote    = rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString().Length > 200 ? rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString().Substring(0, 200) : rows[i]["Content_Intro"].ToString();
                string title    = rows[i]["Content_name"].ToString();
                string datetime = rows[i]["Content_Date"].ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datetime))
                    datetime = DateTime.Parse(datetime).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                str.Append("<div class=\"item_article\">");
                str.Append("<div class=\"article_content\">");
                str.Append("<div class=\"article_image\">");
                str.Append("<a href=\"" + quote + "\">");
                str.Append("<img class=\"img-responsive\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + rows[i]["Content_img"] + "\" alt=\"" + title + "\"></a></div>");
                str.Append("<div class=\"article_info\">");
                str.Append("<h3 class=\"title\"><a href = \"" + ModControl.GetModCode(p) + "/" + ContentControl.GetContentField("Code", int.Parse(rows[i]["Content_ID"].ToString())) + ".htm\">" + title + "</a></h3>");
                str.Append("<span><p>" + quote + "</p></span>");
                str.Append("<span class=\"datenewsl\"><i class=\"fa fa-calendar\"></i>&nbsp;" + datetime + "</span>");
            phantrang pages = new phantrang();
            if (rows.Count > pageSize)
                str.Append("<span class=\"pull-right\">" + pages.pagelink((int)rows.Count / 5 + 1, currentPage, "?") + "</span>");
            display = "displaynone";
            return("<b class='text-danger'>Không có tin nào được đăng trong mục này.</b>");
コード例 #8
ファイル: sanpham.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    private void loadsp(int danhmuc, string noidung, int view)
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);

        sanphamBLL        bs = new sanphamBLL();
        List <sanphamDAL> ds = bs.getSanPhamP(row, hide, danhmuc, noidung, view);

        rpSanpham.DataSource = ds;
        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            Label        lbSTT      = rpSanpham.Items[i].FindControl("lbSTT") as Label;
            DropDownList ddKuyenMai = rpSanpham.Items[i].FindControl("ddKuyenMai") as DropDownList;
            lbSTT.Text += (i + 1 + hide).ToString();
            if (ds[i].khuyenmai == true)
                ddKuyenMai.SelectedValue = "1";
                ddKuyenMai.SelectedValue = "0";
        string pa = "";

        if (view != -1)
            pa = "&v=" + view + "&val=" + Request.QueryString["val"].ToString();
        else if (danhmuc != -1 && noidung != "")
            pa = "&t=" + danhmuc + "&n=" + noidung + "&val=" + Request.QueryString["val"].ToString();
        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();

        lbPage.Text = pt.paging(bs.countP(danhmuc, noidung, view), row, pa, current);
コード例 #9
    private void loadLienHe()
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);

        lienheBLL        bs   = new lienheBLL();
        List <lienheDAL> list = bs.getLienHeP(row, hide);

        rpLienHe.DataSource = list;

        List <userpublicDAL> us  = (List <userpublicDAL>)Session["adminuser"];
        int              id_user = us[0].id_user;
        lienheviewBLL    b       = new lienheviewBLL();
        List <lienheDAL> ds      = b.lienhe_view(id_user);

        for (int i = 0; i <= list.Count - 1; i++)
            Label lbSTT = rpLienHe.Items[i].FindControl("lbSTT") as Label;
            lbSTT.Text = (hide + i + 1).ToString();
            Label lbView = rpLienHe.Items[i].FindControl("lbview") as Label;
            if (check(list[i].id_lienhe) == true)
                //  lbView.Visible = false;
                lbView.Text = "[Đã xem]";
                lbView.Visible = true;

        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();

        lbPage.Text = pt.paging(bs.countP(), row, "", current);
コード例 #10
ファイル: xemnhieuhon.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    // load san pham ban chay:

    private void spbanchay(int id_khm)
        lbtitle.Text   = "Sản phẩm bán chạy";
        lbDanhMuc.Text = "Sản phẩm bán chạy";
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang            pt   = new phantrang();
        khuyenmaiBLL         km   = new khuyenmaiBLL();
        sanphamBLL           spbs = new sanphamBLL();
        dathangdetailBLL     bs   = new dathangdetailBLL();
        List <dathangdetail> ds   = bs.getdathangDetailMuaNhieuP(row, hide);

        rpbanchay.DataSource = ds;
        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count() - 1; i++)
            Label             lbA    = rpbanchay.Items[i].FindControl("lbA") as Label;
            Label             lbHinh = rpbanchay.Items[i].FindControl("lbHinh") as Label;
            Label             lbTen  = rpbanchay.Items[i].FindControl("lbTen") as Label;
            Label             lbGia  = rpbanchay.Items[i].FindControl("lbGia") as Label;
            List <sanphamDAL> sptt   = spbs.getSPbyId(ds[i].id_sanpham);
            lbA.Text    = "<a href='chitietsanpham.aspx?id=" + sptt[0].id_sanpham + "&gr=" + sptt[0].id_danhmuc + "' title='" + sptt[0].ten_sanpham + "'>";
            lbHinh.Text = "<img class='hinhsp' height='350' width='275' alt='" + sptt[0].ten_sanpham + "' src='/uploads/" + sptt[0].hinhanh + "' style='display: block;' />";
            lbTen.Text  = "<span class='productName'>" + sptt[0].ten_sanpham + "</span>";
            if (sptt[0].khuyenmai == true)
                decimal khm = sptt[0].gia - (sptt[0].gia * km.getKhuyenMaibyId(id_khm) / 100);
                lbGia.Text = "<span class='price'><span style='color:Red;'><del>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", sptt[0].gia) + "</del>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", khm) + "</span>";
                lbGia.Text = "<span class='price'>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", sptt[0].gia) + "</span>";
        int r = bs.countMuaNhieuP();

        lbPhanTrang.Text = pt.pagingpublic(r, row, "&v=bc", hide);
コード例 #11
    public string SearchDoc(int pageSize = 10)
        string code  = Request["txtCode"] != null? Request["txtCode"]:"";
        string name  = Request["txtName"] != ""?Request["txtName"] : "";
        string sdate = Request["txtSDate"] != ""?Request["txtSDate"] : DateTime.MinValue.ToShortDateString();
        string edate = Request["txtEDate"] != "" ? Request["txtEDate"] : DateTime.MaxValue.ToShortDateString();
        string sql   = "";

        sql = "select * from tbl_Documents where Doc_Code like '%" + code + "%' and Doc_Name like N'%" + name + "%' and Doc_CreatedDate >'" + sdate + "' and Doc_CreatedDate <'" + edate + "'";
        DataTable         ds   = UpdateData.UpdateBySql(sql).Tables[0];
        DataRowCollection rows = ds.Rows;
        StringBuilder     str  = new StringBuilder();

        if (rows.Count > 0)
            int currentPage = Request["page"] != null?int.Parse(Request["page"]) : 1;

            int totalpage = (int)rows.Count / pageSize;
            int startrow  = totalpage < 1 ? 0 : ((currentPage - 1) * pageSize);
            int endrow    = totalpage < 1 ? rows.Count : startrow + pageSize;
            for (int i = startrow; i < endrow; i++)
                str.Append("    <td align=center>" + i + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td>" + rows[i]["Doc_Code"] + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td class=\"text-center\"><a id=\"link-docname\" href=?dt=" + rows[i]["Doc_ID"] + ">" + rows[i]["Doc_Name"] + "</a></td>");
                str.Append("    <td class=\"doc-content\">" + rows[i]["Doc_Content"] + "</td>");
                str.Append("    <td>" + DateTime.Parse(rows[i]["Doc_CreatedDate"].ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "</td>");
                str.Append("<td><a class=\"text-center\" href=\"" + rows[i]["Doc_File"] + "\"><i class=\"fa fa-download\"></i>Tải về</a></td>");
            phantrang pages = new phantrang();
            if (rows.Count > pageSize)
                str.Append(pages.pagelink((int)rows.Count / 1, currentPage, "?"));
コード例 #12
ファイル: xemnhieuhon.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    // load san pham khuyen mai:
    private void loadspKM()
        lbtitle.Text   = "Sản phẩm khuyến mãi";
        lbDanhMuc.Text = "Sản phẩm khuyến mãi";
        int hide = 0;

        int row = 10;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang         pt = new phantrang();
        khuyenmaiBLL      km = new khuyenmaiBLL();
        sanphamBLL        bs = new sanphamBLL();
        List <sanphamDAL> ds = bs.getSanPhamKMP(hide, row);

        rpsanpham.DataSource = ds;
        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            Label lbGia = rpsanpham.Items[i].FindControl("lbGia") as Label;
            if (ds[i].khuyenmai == true)
                decimal khm = ds[i].gia - (ds[i].gia * km.getKhuyenMaibyId(1) / 100);
                lbGia.Text = "<span class='price'><span style='color:Red;'><del>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", ds[i].gia) + "</del>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", khm) + "</span>";
                lbGia.Text = "<span class='price'>" + String.Format("{0:0,0 vnđ}", ds[i].gia) + "</span>";
        int r = bs.countKMP();

        lbPhanTrang.Text = pt.pagingpublic(r, row, "&v=km", hide);
コード例 #13
ファイル: dathang.aspx.cs プロジェクト: dtvthethe/fmstyle
    // load dat hang
    private void loadDatHang(string v)
        int row  = 10;
        int hide = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["p"] != null)
            hide = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        dathangBLL             bs      = new dathangBLL();
        phuongthucthanhtoanBLL pt_bs   = new phuongthucthanhtoanBLL();
        dathangdetailBLL       dhdt_bs = new dathangdetailBLL();
        nguoidungBLL           nd_bs   = new nguoidungBLL();
        khuyenmaiBLL           km      = new khuyenmaiBLL();
        List <dathangDAL>      ds      = bs.getDathangP(row, hide, v);

        rpDatHang.DataSource = ds;
        for (int i = 0; i <= ds.Count - 1; i++)
            List <nguoidungDAL>           nd_ds   = nd_bs.getNguoiDungbyId(ds[i].id_user);
            List <phuongthucthanhtoanDAL> pt_ds   = pt_bs.getPhuongThucById(ds[i].id_pt);
            List <dathangdetail>          dhdt_ds = dhdt_bs.getdathangDetail(ds[i].id_dathang);
            Label lbNguoiDung = rpDatHang.Items[i].FindControl("lbNguoiDung") as Label;
            lbNguoiDung.Text = nd_ds[0].hoten;
            Label lbThanhToan = rpDatHang.Items[i].FindControl("lbThanhToan") as Label;
            lbThanhToan.Text = pt_ds[0].ten_phuongthuc;
            Label   lbTongTien = rpDatHang.Items[i].FindControl("lbTongTien") as Label;
            decimal tongTien   = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j <= dhdt_ds.Count - 1; j++)
                if (dhdt_ds[j].khuyenmai == true)
                    tongTien += (dhdt_ds[j].gia - (dhdt_ds[j].gia * km.getKhuyenMaibyId(1) / 100)) * dhdt_ds[j].soluong;
                    tongTien += (dhdt_ds[j].gia * dhdt_ds[j].soluong);
            lbTongTien.Text = String.Format("{0:0,0 VNĐ}", tongTien);
            Label lbHinh = rpDatHang.Items[i].FindControl("lbHinh") as Label;
            if (ds[i].trangthai == true)
                lbHinh.Text = "<img src=\"../images/admin/dathutien.jpg\" alt=\"Đã thu tiền\">";

            Label lbSTT = rpDatHang.Items[i].FindControl("lbSTT") as Label;
            lbSTT.Text += (i + 1 + hide).ToString();
        string view = "";

        if (v != "")
            view = "&v=" + Request.QueryString["v"];

        // phan trang:
        int       current = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]);
        phantrang pt      = new phantrang();

        lbPage.Text = pt.paging(bs.countP(v), row, view, current);