コード例 #1
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * get the sum of all matching AmountPool/PartAmount/@attName as a double PartAmounts match if all attributes
            ///		 * match those in PartAmount, i.e. mPart is a submap of the searche PartAmount elements
            ///		 *
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="attName"> the Attribute name , e.g Amount, ActualAmount </param>
            ///		 * <param name="mPart"> </param>
            ///		 * <returns> double - the element </returns>
            ///		 * <exception cref="JDFException"> if the element can not be cast to double </exception>
            public static double getAmountPoolDouble(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attName, JDFAttributeMap mPart)
                double d = 0;

                int           n      = 0;
                bool          bFound = false;
                JDFAmountPool ap     = poolParent.getAmountPool();

                while (true)
                    string w = getAmountPoolAttribute(poolParent, attName, null, mPart, n);
                    if (isWildCard(w))
                        if (ap == null || ap.getPartAmount(mPart, n) == null)
                            return(bFound ? d : -1);


                    double dd = StringUtil.parseDouble(w, -1.234567);
                    if (dd == -1.234567)
                        throw new JDFException("JDFResourceLink.getAmountPoolDouble: Attribute " + attName + " has an invalid value");

                    d     += dd;
                    bFound = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * returns the attribute occurence in PartAmount, or the default in the ResourceLink
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
            ///		 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
            ///		 * <param name="vPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to. If null get the ResourceLink root
            ///		 *            attribute. </param>
            ///		 * <returns> value of attribute found, null if not available
            ///		 * @since 071103 </returns>
            public static string getAmountPoolAttribute(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attrib, string nameSpaceURI, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
                // want a map but already in a partamount - snafu
                if (poolParent is JDFPartAmount)
                    if (vPart != null)
                        throw new JDFException("JDFResourceLink.getAmountPoolAttribute: calling method on PartAmount object");
                    return(poolParent.getAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, null));
                // default to attribute if no amountpool
                JDFAmountPool amountPool = poolParent.getAmountPool();

                if (amountPool == null || vPart == null)
                    return(poolParent.getAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, null));
                JDFPartAmount pa = amountPool.getPartAmount(vPart);

                if (pa != null) // we have a pa; if it has the attribute return its
                // value, else get the link attribute
                    string ret = pa.getAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, null);
                    if (ret != null)

                return(poolParent.getAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI, null));
コード例 #3
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
 ///		 <summary> * get an amountmap for the Amountpool of poolParent </summary>
 ///		 * <param name="poolParent"> the pool parent </param>
 ///		 * <param name="vPartIDKeys"> </param>
 ///		 * <returns> the AmountMap for the Amountpool, null if no amountpool exists </returns>
 public static AmountMap getAmountMap(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, VString vPartIDKeys)
     if (poolParent == null || poolParent.getAmountPool() == null)
コード例 #4
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * get double attribute MaxAmount, defaults to getAmount if MinAmount is not set
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="mPart"> partition map to retrieve MinAmount for </param>
            ///		 * <returns> the MinAmount value
            ///		 * @default getAmount(null) </returns>
            public static double getMaxAmount(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, JDFAttributeMap mPart)
                double d = getAmountPoolDouble(poolParent, AttributeName.MAXAMOUNT, mPart);

                if (d == -1)
                    return(getAmount(poolParent, mPart));
コード例 #5
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * sets the attribute occurence in the appropriate PartAmount when called for a resourceLink and creates the
            ///		 * AmountPool and/or PartAmount(s) if they are not yet there
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
            ///		 * <param name="value"> value to set in string form. </param>
            ///		 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
            ///		 * <param name="vPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to, if empty set the ResourceLink
            ///		 *            root attribute. </param>
            ///		 * <exception cref="JDFException"> when called directly on a PartAmount
            ///		 * @since 060630 </exception>
            public static void setAmountPoolAttribute(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attrib, string @value, string nameSpaceURI, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
                // ideally the method would be hidden in PartAmount
                if ((vPart == null) || (vPart.IsEmpty()) || vPart.Count == 1 && vPart[0].Count == 0)
                    poolParent.setAttribute(attrib, @value, nameSpaceURI);
                poolParent.removeAttribute(attrib, nameSpaceURI); // either in the
                // pool or the
                // link, not both
                JDFAmountPool ap  = poolParent.getCreateAmountPool();
                JDFPartAmount pa0 = ap.getCreatePartAmount(vPart);

                pa0.setAttribute(attrib, @value, nameSpaceURI);
コード例 #6
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * get the exactly matching AmountPool/PartAmount/@AttName as a double
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="attName"> </param>
            ///		 * <param name="vPart"> </param>
            ///		 * <returns> double - </returns>
            ///		 * <exception cref="JDFException"> if the element can not be cast to double </exception>
            public static double getAmountPoolDouble(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attName, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
                double d = 0;
                string w = getAmountPoolAttribute(poolParent, attName, null, vPart);

                if (w == null)
                d = StringUtil.parseDouble(w, -1.234567);
                if (d == -1.234567)
                    throw new JDFException("JDFResourceLink.getAmountPoolDouble: Attribute " + attName + " has an invalid value");
コード例 #7
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * sets the attribute occurence in the appropriate PartAmount when called for a resourceLink and creates the
            ///		 * AmountPool and/or PartAmount if it is not yet there
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
            ///		 * <param name="value"> value to set in string form. </param>
            ///		 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
            ///		 * <param name="mPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to, if empty set the ResourceLink
            ///		 *            root attribute </param>
            ///		 * <exception cref="JDFException"> when called directly on a PartAmount
            ///		 * @since 071103 </exception>
            public static void setAmountPoolAttribute(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attrib, string @value, string nameSpaceURI, JDFAttributeMap mPart)
                // ideally the method would be hidden in PartAmount
                if ((mPart == null) || (mPart.IsEmpty()))
                    poolParent.setAttribute(attrib, @value, nameSpaceURI);
                if (poolParent is JDFPartAmount)
                    throw new JDFException("JDFResourceLink.setAmountPoolAttribute: calling method on PartAmount object");
                VJDFAttributeMap v = new VJDFAttributeMap();

                setAmountPoolAttribute(poolParent, attrib, @value, nameSpaceURI, v);
コード例 #8
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet
            ///		 <summary> * get double attribute Amount, defaults to the value of Amount for the linked partition
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="mPart"> partition map to retrieve Amount for </param>
            ///		 * <returns> the amount, -1 if none is specified
            ///		 *
            ///		 * @default getAmount(null) </returns>
            public static double getAmount(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, JDFAttributeMap mPart)
                double d = getAmountPoolDouble(poolParent, AttributeName.AMOUNT, mPart);

                if (d == -1)
                    JDFResource target = poolParent.getLinkRoot();
                    if (target != null)
                        target = target.getPartition(mPart, null);
                        if (target != null)

コード例 #9
ファイル: JDFAmountPool.cs プロジェクト: cip4/JDFLibNet

            ///		 <summary> * gets the sum of all matching tags, with the assumpzion that no condition defaults to good
            ///		 *  </summary>
            ///		 * <param name="poolParent">  </param>
            ///		 * <param name="attName">  </param>
            ///		 * <param name="vPart">  </param>
            ///		 * <returns> the sum
            ///		 *  </returns>
            public static double getAmountPoolSumDouble(IAmountPoolContainer poolParent, string attName, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
                VJDFAttributeMap vPartLocal = vPart;

                if (vPartLocal == null)
                    vPartLocal = poolParent.getPartMapVector();

                if (poolParent.hasAttribute(attName))
                    return(poolParent.getRealAttribute(attName, null, 0));

                VJDFAttributeMap vm       = vPartLocal == null ? null : new VJDFAttributeMap(vPartLocal);
                JDFResource      linkRoot = poolParent.getLinkRoot();

                if (linkRoot != null && vm != null)
                    SupportClass.SetSupport <string> @set = linkRoot.getPartIDKeys().getSet();
                    @set.Add(AttributeName.CONDITION); // retain good / waste

                if (vm == null)
                    vm = new VJDFAttributeMap();

                double        dd = 0;
                JDFAmountPool ap = poolParent.getAmountPool();

                if (ap == null)
                    return(poolParent.getRealAttribute(attName, null, 0.0));

                VElement vParts = ap.getChildElementVector(ElementName.PARTAMOUNT, null);

                if (vParts.IsEmpty())
                    return(poolParent.getRealAttribute(attName, null, 0.0));

                bool isWaste = vPartLocal != null && vPartLocal.subMap(new JDFAttributeMap(AttributeName.CONDITION, "Waste"));

                if (!isWaste && (vPartLocal == null || !vPartLocal.subMap(new JDFAttributeMap(AttributeName.CONDITION, "*"))))
                    vPartLocal = new VJDFAttributeMap(vPartLocal);
                    vPartLocal.Add(new JDFAttributeMap(AttributeName.CONDITION, "Good"));

                for (int j = 0; j < vParts.Count; j++)
                    JDFPartAmount    pa            = (JDFPartAmount)vParts[j];
                    VJDFAttributeMap partMapVector = pa.getPartMapVector();
                    if (isWaste)
                        bool hasCondition = partMapVector.subMap(new JDFAttributeMap(AttributeName.CONDITION, "*"));
                        if (!hasCondition)

                    if (!partMapVector.overlapsMap(vm))

                    string ret = null;
                    ret = pa.getAttribute(attName, null, null);
                    if (ret == null)
                        ret = poolParent.getAttribute(attName, null, null);

                    dd += StringUtil.parseDouble(ret, 0.0);
