public void Alert() { if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 0) { //print ("animator var first time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 0); //print ("animator var after time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); AlertCounter = Time.time + AlertTimer; } //print("T = " + Time.time + "| ac = " + alertCounter); if (Time.time > AlertCounter) { currentState = octopusStates.swimming; } }
public void Swim() { if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 1) { //print ("animator var first time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 1); //print ("animator var after time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); SwimCounter = Time.time + SwimTimer; if(goRight) { p2dControl.flip = true; } else { p2dControl.flip = false; } } if(goRight) { transform.Translate(new Vector3(1 * 0.1f, 0f, 0f)); } else { transform.Translate(new Vector3(1 * 0.1f, 0f, 0f)); } rg = getRect(objectMesh); rb = getRect(boatEdge); rs = getRect(screenEdge); if (rb.Overlaps(rg)) { currentState = octopusStates.preAttack; } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Time.timeScale == 1.0f) { //print("update fram"); switch (currentState) { case octopusStates.alert: //call function to handle alert actions Alert(); break; case octopusStates.swimming: //call function to handle flying actions Swim(); break; case octopusStates.preAttack: PreAttack(); break; case octopusStates.grabbing: Grab(); //call function to handle gabbing actions break; case octopusStates.attacking: Attack(); break; case octopusStates.escaping: //call function to handle escaping actions Escaping(); break; case octopusStates.swatted: GetHit(); break; } bo = getRect(boatOar); rg = getRect(gameObject); rt = getRect(tentecleCollider); if ((currentState != octopusStates.swatted || currentState != octopusStates.escaping) && playerIdle == false) { if(Intersect(rg, bo) || (Intersect(rt,bo))) { currentState = octopusStates.swatted; } } } }
public void PreAttack() { if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 2) { //print ("animator var first time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 2); //print ("animator var after time = " + animator.GetInteger("octopus_int")); PreAttackCounter = Time.time + PreAttackTimer; if (baconSpotScript.hasBacon == false) { attackBacon = false; } else { attackBacon = true; } } //print("T = " + Time.time + "| ac = " + alertCounter); if (Time.time > PreAttackCounter) { if(attackBacon) { currentState = octopusStates.grabbing; } else { currentState = octopusStates.attacking; } } }
public void Grab() { if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 3) { animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 3); //transform.Translate(0f, -0.35f, 0f); //transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 120f); GrabCounter = Time.time + GrabTimer; } //hit test rg = getRect(tentecleCollider); rbs = getRect(baconGO); if (rbs.Overlaps(rg)) { if(!grabBacon) { grabBaconEvent(; grabBacon = true; } } if (Time.time > GrabCounter) { currentState = octopusStates.escaping; } }
public void GetHit(int clearingEnemy = 0) { if (hit == false) { hitTime = Time.time + hitAnimationTime; currentState = octopusStates.swatted; hit = true; print("hit recieved"); animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 2); } if (Time.time > hitTime) { currentState = octopusStates.escaping; } //destroyMissile (); if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 6) { animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 6); } }
public void Fire() { baconSpotScript = baconSpot.GetComponent<CookingController>(); thisRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); if ((transform.position.x) < 0) { goRight = false; //p2dControl.flip = false; FlipGameObject(false); } else { goRight = true; //p2dControl.flip = true; FlipGameObject(true); } //boatEdge = GameObject.Find("touch_zone1"); print(boatEdge); //screenEdge = GameObject.Find("touch_zone2"); currentState = octopusStates.alert; }
public void Attack() { if (animator.GetInteger("octopus_int") != 4) { animator.SetInteger("octopus_int", 4); transform.Translate(0f, -0.5f, 0f); transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 180f); AttackCounter = Time.time + AttackTimer; } //hit test rb = getRect(playerHitArea); rs = getRect(screenEdge); rg = getRect(tentecleCollider); //if (towardTheBoat == true) //{ if (rb.Overlaps(rg)) { if(!playerAttacked) { OctopusHitEvent(12f); playerAttacked = true; } } if (Time.time > AttackCounter) { currentState = octopusStates.escaping; } }