public ActionResult InReview(int id) { SellerNote sellrnote = dbobj.SellerNotes.Find(id); if (sellrnote != null && sellrnote.Referencedata.value == "submitted for review") { sellrnote.Status = dbobj.Referencedatas.Where(x => x.RefCategory.ToLower() == "note status" && x.value.ToLower() == "in review").Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); } dbobj.Entry(sellrnote).State = EntityState.Modified; dbobj.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Admin")); }
public ActionResult Register([Bind(Exclude = "IsEmailVerified")] UserRegistration user) { bool status = false; string message = ""; //model validation if (ModelState.IsValid) { //email is already exist var isExist = IsEmailExist(user.EmailId); if (isExist) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmailExist", "Email already exist"); return(View(user)); } //Password Hashing user.Password = Crypto.Hash(user.Password); user.ConfirmPassword = Crypto.Hash(user.ConfirmPassword); // user.IsEmailVerified = false; UserRole objrole = dbObj.UserRoles.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "member").FirstOrDefault(); User objUser = new User { RoleID = objrole.ID, FirstName = user.FirstName, LastName = user.LastName, EmailId = user.EmailId, Password = user.Password, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true }; var userName = user.FirstName.ToString(); dbObj.Users.Add(objUser); dbObj.SaveChanges(); //Send Email to User SystemConfiguration system = dbObj.SystemConfigurations.Where(x => x.Key == "SupportEmail").FirstOrDefault(); SystemConfiguration system1 = dbObj.SystemConfigurations.Where(x => x.Key == "Password").FirstOrDefault(); SendVerificationLinkEmail(user.EmailId.ToString(), system.Value, system1.Value); message = "Registration successfully done. Account activation link " + " has been sent to your email id:" + user.EmailId; } ViewBag.Message = message; ViewBag.Status = Status; return(View(user)); }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { var del = (from report in dbobj.SellerNotesReportedIssues where report.NoteId == id select report).FirstOrDefault(); dbobj.SellerNotesReportedIssues.Remove(del); dbobj.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("SpamReport")); }
public ActionResult DeleteReview(int id) { var del = (from report in dbobj.SellerNotesReviews where report.NoteId == id select report).FirstOrDefault(); dbobj.SellerNotesReviews.Remove(del); dbobj.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Admin")); }
public ActionResult Review(int id, string comments, int rate) { Download objdownload = dbobj.Downloads.Where(x => x.NoteId == id).FirstOrDefault(); var Emailid = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); User user = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.EmailId == Emailid).FirstOrDefault(); SellerNote sellrnote = dbobj.SellerNotes.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); SellerNotesReview objseller = dbobj.SellerNotesReviews.Where(x => x.NoteId == sellrnote.Id && x.ReviewedByid == user.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (objseller != null) { objseller.Ratings = rate; objseller.Comments = comments; objseller.ModifiedBy = user.ID; objseller.Modifieddate = DateTime.Now; dbobj.Entry(objseller).State = EntityState.Modified; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { SellerNotesReview objseller1 = new SellerNotesReview { NoteId = sellrnote.Id, Ratings = rate, Comments = comments, ReviewedByid = user.ID, AgainstDownloadsId = objdownload.Id, CreatedBy = objdownload.downloader, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true }; dbobj.SellerNotesReviews.Add(objseller1); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Notes")); }
public ActionResult Deactivate(int id) { var Emailid = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); User user = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.EmailId == Emailid).FirstOrDefault(); User objuser = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.ID == id).FirstOrDefault(); objuser.IsActive = false; dbobj.Entry(objuser).State = EntityState.Modified; dbobj.SaveChanges(); var sellerNote = dbobj.SellerNotes.Where(x => x.SellerID == id && x.Referencedata.RefCategory.ToLower() == "note status" && x.Referencedata.value.ToLower() == "published").ToList(); foreach (var i in sellerNote) { i.Status = dbobj.Referencedatas.Where(x => x.RefCategory.ToLower() == "note status" && x.value.ToLower() == "removed").Select(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefault(); i.ModifiedBy = user.ID; i.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; i.ActionedBy = user.ID; dbobj.Entry(i).State = EntityState.Modified; } dbobj.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Admin")); }
public ActionResult ManageSystemConfiguration(Managesystem managesystem) { var Emailid = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); User user = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.EmailId == Emailid).FirstOrDefault(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration1 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "SupportEmail", Value = managesystem.SupportEmailid, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration1); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "Password", Value = managesystem.Password, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration2 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "SupportPhoneNumber", Value = managesystem.PhoneNumber, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration2); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration3 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "EmailAddress", Value = managesystem.EmailAddress, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration3); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration4 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "Facebook URL", Value = managesystem.Facebook, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration4); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration5 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "Twitter URL", Value = managesystem.Twitter, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration5); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration6 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "Linkedin URL", Value = managesystem.Linkedin, CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration6); dbobj.SaveChanges(); SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration7 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "DefaultImageforNote", CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; string storepath = Server.MapPath("/System Configuration/DefaultImage/"); if (managesystem.DisplayPicture != null && managesystem.DisplayPicture.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(managesystem.DisplayPicture.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(managesystem.DisplayPicture.FileName); _FileName = "DN" + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storepath, _FileName); managesystem.DisplayPicture.SaveAs(finalpath); systemConfiguration7.Value = Path.Combine(("/System Configuration/DefaultImage/"), _FileName); dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration7); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } SystemConfiguration systemConfiguration8 = new SystemConfiguration() { Key = "DefaultProfilePicture", CreatedBy = user.ID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, isActive = true, }; string storepath1 = Server.MapPath("/System Configuration/DefaultImage/"); if (managesystem.ProfilePicture != null && managesystem.ProfilePicture.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName1 = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(managesystem.ProfilePicture.FileName); string extension1 = Path.GetExtension(managesystem.ProfilePicture.FileName); _FileName1 = "DP" + extension1; string finalpath1 = Path.Combine(storepath1, _FileName1); managesystem.ProfilePicture.SaveAs(finalpath1); systemConfiguration8.Value = Path.Combine(("/System Configuration/DefaultImage/"), _FileName1); dbobj.SystemConfigurations.Add(systemConfiguration8); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashboard", "Admin")); }
public ActionResult userprofile(Userprofilee user1) { var Emailid = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); User user = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.EmailId == Emailid).FirstOrDefault(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { UserProfile userprofile1 = dbobj.UserProfiles.Where(x => x.UserId == user1.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (userprofile1 != null) { userprofile1.DOB = user1.DOB; userprofile1.Gender = user1.Gender; userprofile1.Phonenumbercountrycode = user1.Phonenumbercountrycode; userprofile1.PhoneNumber = user1.PhoneNumber; userprofile1.AddressLine1 = user1.AddressLine1; userprofile1.AddressLine2 = user1.AddressLine2; userprofile1.City = user1.City; userprofile1.State = user1.State; userprofile1.ZipCode = user1.ZipCode; userprofile1.Country = user1.Country; userprofile1.University = user1.University; userprofile1.College = user1.College; userprofile1.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; userprofile1.ModifiedBy = user.ID; userprofile1.IsActive = true; //display picture //generate path to store image string storepath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID)); //check for directory, if not exist ,then create it if (!Directory.Exists(storepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storepath); } if (user1.ProfilePicture != null && user1.ProfilePicture.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(user1.ProfilePicture.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(user1.ProfilePicture.FileName); _FileName = "DP_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storepath, _FileName); user1.ProfilePicture.SaveAs(finalpath); userprofile1.ProfilePicture = Path.Combine(("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID + "/"), _FileName); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { userprofile1.ProfilePicture = "/System Configuration/DefaultImage/user-1.jpg"; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } dbobj.Entry(userprofile1).State = EntityState.Modified; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { UserProfile userprofile = new UserProfile { UserId = user.ID, DOB = user1.DOB, Gender = user1.Gender, Phonenumbercountrycode = user1.Phonenumbercountrycode, PhoneNumber = user1.PhoneNumber, AddressLine1 = user1.AddressLine1, AddressLine2 = user1.AddressLine2, City = user1.City, State = user1.State, ZipCode = user1.ZipCode, Country = user1.Country, University = user1.University, College = user1.College, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = user.ID, IsActive = true }; //Profile picture //generate path to store image string storepath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID)); //check for directory, if not exist ,then create it if (!Directory.Exists(storepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storepath); } if (user1.ProfilePicture != null && user1.ProfilePicture.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(user1.ProfilePicture.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(user1.ProfilePicture.FileName); _FileName = "DP_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storepath, _FileName); user1.ProfilePicture.SaveAs(finalpath); userprofile.ProfilePicture = Path.Combine(("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID + "/"), _FileName); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { userprofile.ProfilePicture = "/System Configuration/DefaultImage/user-1.jpg"; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } dbobj.UserProfiles.Add(userprofile); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } } ViewBag.Gender = dbobj.Referencedatas.Where(x => x.isActive == true && x.RefCategory == "Gender"); ViewBag.Country = dbobj.Countries.Where(x => x.isActive == true); ViewBag.countrycode = dbobj.Countries.Where(x => x.isActive == true); return(RedirectToAction("Searchnote", "Notes")); return(View(user1)); }
public ActionResult addnotes(UserSellernotes note) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var Emailid = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); User user = dbobj.Users.Where(x => x.EmailId == Emailid).FirstOrDefault(); Referencedata rf = dbobj.Referencedatas.Where(x => x.RefCategory.ToLower() == "note status").FirstOrDefault(); SellerNote objsellernote = new SellerNote { SellerID = user.ID, Status = rf.Id, Title = note.Title, Category = note.Category, NoteType = note.NoteType, Professor = note.Professor, Description = note.Description, IsPaid = note.IsPaid, NumberofPages = note.NumberofPages, UniversityName = note.UniversityName, Country = note.Country, Course = note.Course, CourseCode = note.CourseCode, SellingPrice = note.SellingPrice, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, IsActive = true }; dbobj.SellerNotes.Add(objsellernote); dbobj.SaveChanges(); var noteID = objsellernote.Id; //display picture //generate path to store image string storepath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID), noteID.ToString()); //check for directory, if not exist ,then create it if (!Directory.Exists(storepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storepath); } if (note.DisplayPicture != null && note.DisplayPicture.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(note.DisplayPicture.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(note.DisplayPicture.FileName); _FileName = "DP_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storepath, _FileName); note.DisplayPicture.SaveAs(finalpath); objsellernote.DisplayPicture = Path.Combine(("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID + "/" + noteID + "/"), _FileName); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } else { objsellernote.DisplayPicture = "/System Configuration/DefaultImage/4.jpg"; dbobj.SaveChanges(); } //upload notes string storeuploadpath = Path.Combine(storepath, "Attachments"); //check for directory, if not exist ,then create it if (!Directory.Exists(storeuploadpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storeuploadpath); } SellerNotesAttachement objsellernoteattachment = new SellerNotesAttachement { NoteID = noteID, IsActive = true, CreatedBy = user.ID, Createddate = DateTime.Now }; // int count = 1; var UploadnoteFilePath = ""; var UploadnoteFileName = ""; foreach (var File in note.UploadNotes) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(File.FileName); _FileName = "Attachment" + count + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddmyyyy") + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storeuploadpath, _FileName); File.SaveAs(finalpath); UploadnoteFileName += _FileName + ";"; UploadnoteFilePath += Path.Combine(("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID + "/" + noteID + "/Attachment/"), _FileName); count++; } objsellernoteattachment.FileName = UploadnoteFileName; objsellernoteattachment.FilePath = UploadnoteFilePath; dbobj.SellerNotesAttachements.Add(objsellernoteattachment); dbobj.SaveChanges(); //notes preview if (note.IsPaid == true) { if (note.NotesPreview == null) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "plz upload preview"; ViewBag.NoteCategory = dbobj.NoteCategories.Where(x => x.isActive == true); ViewBag.NoteType = dbobj.NoteTypes.Where(x => x.IsActive == true); ViewBag.Country = dbobj.Countries.Where(x => x.isActive == true); return(View(note)); } } if (note.NotesPreview != null && note.NotesPreview.ContentLength > 0) { string _FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(note.NotesPreview.FileName); string extension = Path.GetExtension(note.NotesPreview.FileName); _FileName = "Preview_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yymmssfff") + extension; string finalpath = Path.Combine(storepath, _FileName); note.NotesPreview.SaveAs(finalpath); objsellernote.NotesPreview = Path.Combine(("/UploadFiles/" + user.ID + "/" + noteID + "/"), _FileName); dbobj.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Notes")); } ViewBag.NoteCategory = dbobj.NoteCategories.Where(x => x.isActive == true); ViewBag.NoteType = dbobj.NoteTypes.Where(x => x.IsActive == true); ViewBag.Country = dbobj.Countries.Where(x => x.isActive == true); return(View(note)); }