static void Main(string[] args) { myProduct product1 = new myProduct(); product1.productName = "Smart Phone"; product1.productBand = "Apple"; product1.productModel = "Iphone 11 Pro Max"; product1.productPrice = 11999; myProduct product2 = new myProduct(); product2.productName = "Car"; product2.productBand = "Ferrari"; product2.productModel = "458 Spider"; product2.productPrice = 3500000; myProduct product3 = new myProduct(); product3.productName = "Headphones"; product3.productBand = "Samsung"; product3.productModel = "Buds"; product3.productPrice = 1099; myProduct product4 = new myProduct(); product4.productName = "Notebook"; product4.productBand = "Monster"; product4.productModel = "Abra A5"; product4.productPrice = 7699; Console.WriteLine("----------------foreach ile------------------"); myProduct[] products = new myProduct[] { product1, product2, product3, product4 }; foreach (myProduct product in products) { Console.WriteLine(product.productName + " " + product.productBand + " " + product.productModel + " : " + product.productPrice + "TL"); } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("--------------for döngüsü ile----------------"); for (int i = 0; i < products.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(products[i].productName + " " + products[i].productBand + " " + products[i].productModel + " : " + products[i].productPrice + "TL"); } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("--------------while döngüsü ile----------------"); int a = 0; while (a < products.Length) { Console.WriteLine(products[a].productName + " " + products[a].productBand + " " + products[a].productModel + " : " + products[a].productPrice + "TL"); a++; } }
/// <summary> /// Installs the sync task. /// </summary> public virtual void XmlUpdate() { //string xmlUrl = "C:\\Users\\fatih\\Downloads\\products.xml"; string xmlUrl = _webHelper.MapPath("~/content/files/Rotap"); //_xmlUpdateProductsSettings.XmlFileUrl.Trim(); string xmldeVarSitedeYok = ""; string xmldeOlupSitedePublishDurumu = ""; string sitedePublishXmldeOlmayan = ""; string aciklamaNot = ""; IList <ReportLine> reportLines = new List <ReportLine>(); var directory = new DirectoryInfo(xmlUrl); var myFile = (from f in directory.GetFiles() orderby f.LastWriteTime descending select f).First(); //// or... //var myFile = directory.GetFiles() // .OrderByDescending(f => f.LastWriteTime) // .First(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(myFile.FullName); XmlNodeList xnList = doc.SelectNodes("/Products/Product"); IList <myProduct> pList = new List <myProduct>(); foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList) { myProduct p = new myProduct(); p.Sku = xn["SKU"].InnerText; p.StockQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(xn["StockQuantity"].InnerText); p.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(xn["Price"].InnerText); pList.Add(p); } //var allProducts = _productService.GetAllProducts(); //var allProducts = _productService.SearchProducts(productType: ProductType.SimpleProduct, showHidden: true); var allProducts = _productService.SearchProductVariants(0, int.MaxValue, true); bool updated = false; foreach (myProduct p in pList) { ReportLine rl = new ReportLine(); updated = false; if (allProducts.Where(x => x.Gtin == p.Sku).Count() > 1) { aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "AF e-ticaret veri tabanında tekrarlayan Gtin mevcut! -> " + p.Sku; aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + System.Environment.NewLine; aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "<br />"; } //var _p = _productService.GetProductBySku(p.Sku); var _p = allProducts.Where(x => x.Gtin == p.Sku).FirstOrDefault(); if (_p == null) { rl.SKU = p.Sku.ToString(); rl.Product = "Ürün Sitede Ekli Değil"; rl.StockQty = p.StockQuantity.ToString(); reportLines.Add(rl); continue; } else { rl.SKU = p.Sku.ToString(); rl.Product = "Ürün Sitede Ekli"; } if (_p.Published || !_p.Deleted) { rl.PublishV = "Varyant Yayında"; } else { rl.PublishV = _p.Deleted == true ? "Varyant Silinmiş" : "Varyant Yayında Değil"; } if (_p.Product.Published || !_p.Product.Deleted) { rl.PublishP = "Ürün Yayında"; } else { rl.PublishP = _p.Product.Deleted == true ? "Ürün Silinmiş" : "Ürün Yayında Değil"; } if (_p.StockQuantity == p.StockQuantity) { rl.Stock = "Değişiklik Yapılmadı"; } else { rl.Stock = "Stok Güncellendi"; _p.StockQuantity = p.StockQuantity; updated = true; } rl.StockQty = p.StockQuantity.ToString(); if (_xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings.EnablePriceUpdate) { if (_p.Price == p.Price) { rl.Price = "Değişiklik Yapılmadı"; } else { rl.Price = "Fiyat Güncellendi"; _p.CurrencyPrice = p.Price; updated = true; } } else { rl.Price = "Fiyat Güncelleme Kapalı"; } //_p.SpecialPrice_Original reportLines.Add(rl); //_productService.UpdateProduct(_p); if (updated) { _productService.UpdateProductVariant(_p); } } //foreach (ProductVariant p in allProducts) //{ // if (p.Gtin == null) // { // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "Sitede Gtin bilgisi olmayan ürünId! -> " + p.Id; // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + System.Environment.NewLine; // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "<br />"; // ReportLine rl = new ReportLine(); // rl.SKU = "MPN bilgisi olmayan ürünID"; // rl.Product = p.Id.ToString(); // reportLines.Add(rl); // continue; // } // if (pList.Where(x => x.Sku == p.Gtin).Count() > 1) // { // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "Tedarikçi XML dosyası içerisinde tekrarlayan SKU mevcut! -> " + p.Gtin; // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + System.Environment.NewLine; // //aciklamaNot = aciklamaNot + "<br />"; // ReportLine rl = new ReportLine(); // rl.SKU = "Tedarikçi XML dosyası içerisinde tekrarlayan SKU"; // rl.Product = p.Gtin.ToString(); // reportLines.Add(rl); // } // var _p = pList.Where(x => x.Sku == p.Gtin).FirstOrDefault(); // if (_p == null) // { // ReportLine rl = new ReportLine(); // rl.SKU = p.Gtin.ToString(); // rl.Product = "Ürün Sitede Var XML de Yok"; // reportLines.Add(rl); // } //} byte[] bytes = null; using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { _excelService.BuildExcelFile(stream, reportLines); bytes = stream.ToArray(); } string fileName = string.Format("Rotap_Xml_Report_{0}.xlsx", DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyHHmm")); string filePath = Path.Combine(_webHelper.MapPath("~/content/files/ExportImport"), fileName); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes); //return File(bytes, "text/xls", "products.xlsx"); var emailAccount = _emailAccountService.GetEmailAccountById(_emailAccountSettings.DefaultEmailAccountId); if (emailAccount == null) { emailAccount = _emailAccountService.GetAllEmailAccounts().FirstOrDefault(); } if (emailAccount == null) { throw new Exception("No email account could be loaded"); } QueuedEmail qe = new QueuedEmail(); //qe.AttachmentFileName = fileName; //qe.AttachmentFilePath = filePath; qe.EmailAccount = emailAccount; qe.EmailAccountId = emailAccount.Id; qe.Body = "AF ROTAP XML ÜRÜN GÜNCELLEME RAPORU" + System.Environment.NewLine; qe.Body += "<br />"; string excelLink = "" + fileName.ToString(); qe.Body += "Güncelleme raporu: <a href='" + excelLink.ToString() + "'>" + excelLink.ToString() + "</a>"; qe.Body += "<br />"; qe.Body += System.Environment.NewLine; qe.Body += "<br />"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aciklamaNot) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aciklamaNot)) { qe.Body += "AÇIKLAMA :" + aciklamaNot + System.Environment.NewLine; qe.Body += "<br />"; } //qe.Body += "Xml de Olan Sitede Olmayan Ürün Sku Listesi" + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; //qe.Body += xmldeVarSitedeYok + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; //qe.Body += "Xml de Olup Sitede Publish Durumu Listesi" + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; //qe.Body += xmldeOlupSitedePublishDurumu + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; //qe.Body += "Sitede Publish Olup Xml de Olmayanlar Listesi" + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; //qe.Body += sitedePublishXmldeOlmayan + System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += System.Environment.NewLine; //qe.Body += "<br />"; qe.To = _xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings.EmailForReporting; qe.ToName = _xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings.NameForReporting; qe.CC = _xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings.EmailForReportingCC; qe.CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; qe.From = emailAccount.Email; qe.FromName = emailAccount.DisplayName; qe.Priority = 5; qe.Subject = string.Format("AF Rotap XML Stok Güncelleme Raporu - {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm")); //"ROTAP XML ÜRÜN GÜNCELLEME RAPORU"; _queuedEmailService.InsertQueuedEmail(qe); _xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings.LastStartDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); _settingService.SaveSetting <XmlUpdateFromRotapSettings>(_xmlUpdateFromRotapSettings); //XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); //xml.LoadXml(myXmlString); // suppose that myXmlString contains "<Names>...</Names>" //XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/Names/Name"); //foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList) //{ // string firstName = xn["FirstName"].InnerText; // string lastName = xn["LastName"].InnerText; // Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} {1}", firstName, lastName); //} //XmlNode node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/book/title"); //foreach (XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) //{ // string text = node.InnerText; //or loop through its children as well //} //string text = node.InnerText; //string attr = node.Attributes["theattributename"].InnerText }