private static SMVertex GetSMVertexFromTriangle(MilkShape milkShape, List <MilkShapeBoneMap> milkShapeBoneMap, ms3d_triangle_t t, int triangleVertex)
            // Only focusing on one of the three triangle vertices
            var triVertIdx = t.VertexIndices[triangleVertex];

            return(new SMVertex
                // Get position of vertex
                Position = milkShape.Vertices[triVertIdx].Position,

                // Get normal of vertex (stored with triangle in Milkshape for some reason)
                Normal = t.VertexNormals[triangleVertex],

                // Texture coordinate needs "reversal" since I "reversed" it earlier
                // Also the (unused?) Z coordinate always appears to reflect the vertex Z, although
                // I don't know if that's a requirement or a quirk, but either way...
                TexCoord = new Vector3(t.TextureCoordinates[triangleVertex].X, 1.0f - t.TextureCoordinates[triangleVertex].Y, milkShape.Vertices[triVertIdx].Position.Z),

                // This uses the bone map just in case the MilkShape indexes don't line up with
                // the intended indexes...
                BoneIndices = milkShape.Vertices[triVertIdx].BoneIdsAndWeights
                              .Where(biw => biw.BoneId != -1)
                              .Select(biw => milkShapeBoneMap.Where(bm => bm.MilkShapeJointIndex == biw.BoneId).Single().SMBoneIndex)

                // Finally the MilkShape weights are stored as 0-100 byte-sized values, and we
                // must convert back (granted with loss)
                Weights = milkShape.Vertices[triVertIdx].BoneIdsAndWeights
                          .Where(biw => biw.BoneId != -1)
                          .Select(biw => biw.Weight / 100.0f).ToArray()
        // Gets or generates an SMVertex for a vertex on a MilkShape triangle
        private static ushort GetLocalVertexForMSTriangleVertex(List <MilkShapeTempVertex> milkShapeTempVertices, MilkShape milkShape, List <MilkShapeBoneMap> milkShapeBoneMap, ms3d_triangle_t t, int triangleVertex)
            // This will provide the "close enough" rating of texture coordinates
            // to decide that a vertex with the same MilkShape index as well as
            // "close enough" texture coordinates is the same overall vertex.
            const float texCoordEpsilon = 1.0f / 128.0f;    // This is assuming that we're dealing with textures 128x128 and under, which is probably true

            // Get the texture coordinates used by this vertex of the triangle,
            // as it will be part of the consideration of "sameness" of other vertices
            var triangleVertexTexCoord = t.TextureCoordinates[triangleVertex];

            // The primary consideration is MilkShape's own vertex index
            var triangleVertexIndex = t.VertexIndices[triangleVertex];

            var resultVertex = milkShapeTempVertices
                               .Where(tv =>

                                      // Must come from same vertex in MilkShape's pool...
                                      tv.MilkShapeVertexIndex == triangleVertexIndex &&

                                      // ... and be "close enough" with the texture coordinates
                                      Math.Abs(triangleVertexTexCoord.X - tv.SMVertex.TexCoord.X) < texCoordEpsilon &&
                                      Math.Abs((1.0f - triangleVertexTexCoord.Y) - tv.SMVertex.TexCoord.Y) < texCoordEpsilon

            if (resultVertex == null)
                // If we don't have one quite like this, then we need to create it!
                resultVertex = new MilkShapeTempVertex
                    MilkShapeVertexIndex = triangleVertexIndex,
                    MeshLocalVertexIndex = milkShapeTempVertices.Count,
                    SMVertex             = GetSMVertexFromTriangle(milkShape, milkShapeBoneMap, t, triangleVertex)

