public int CreateAlbum(AlbumCreationViewModel album) { int albumId; var label = _organizationLabelRepository.GetById(album.PublisherLabelId); var isrcSeries = _organizationIsrcSeriesRepository.GetById(album.Publisher.IsrcSeriesId); var currentDate = DateTime.Now; var productPackage = new media_product_package { albumtitle = album.BasicInfo.AlbumTitle, albumid = 0, physicallocation = "", labelid = album.PublisherLabelId, cataloguenumber = "", releasetypecode = "0", countryofproduction = label.countrycode, countryofpublication = label.countrycode, releasedate = currentDate, packagestatusid = 4, numberoftracks = album.BasicInfo.NumberOfTracks, formattypeid = 2, comment = album.ReviewComment, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, mainartistid = album.BasicInfo.MainArtistId }; _albumRepository.Add(productPackage); _unitOfWork.Commit(); albumId =; foreach (var song in album.Songs) { // If newly created song has already been created with the same isrc. if (song.Id == -1 && _mediaRecordingRepository.Get(m => m.isrc == song.Isrc) != null) { throw new DuplicateNameException("Isrc provided does already exist."); } int recordingId; if (song.Id == -1) { // 1.3. Create media_recording (s) var recording = new media_recording { isrc = song.Isrc, recordingtitle = song.Name, workingtitle = song.Name, recordingcountrycode = label.countrycode, statusid = 4, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, recordingdate = song.RecordingDate, duration = song.Length, mainartist = album.BasicInfo.MainArtistId, markedfordeletion = false }; _mediaRecordingRepository.Add(recording); _unitOfWork.Commit(); recordingId =; } else { recordingId = song.Id; } // 1.4. Create media_product (s) _songRepository.Add(new media_product { isrc = song.Isrc, recordingid = recordingId, title = song.Name, tracknumber = song.Number, sidenumber = 1, labelid = album.PublisherLabelId, cataloguenumber = "", mediaproducttypeid = 1, packageid = albumId, releasedate = currentDate, countryofproduction = label.countrycode, statusid = 4, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, is_deleted = false }); // 1.5. Add to recording_party song.Performers.ForEach(performer => _recordingPartyRepository.Add(new recording_party { recordingid = recordingId, partyrealid = performer.Id, rolecode = performer.Role.RoleCode, instrumentcode = performer.Instrument.IdCode, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, status = 2 })); } isrcSeries.updatedon = currentDate; isrcSeries.updatedby = "User"; isrcSeries.isrc_lastusednumber += 100; isrcSeries.isrc_lastusedyear = DateTime.Now.Year; _organizationIsrcSeriesRepository.Update(isrcSeries); // 1.6. Commit changes _unitOfWork.Commit(); return(albumId); }
public int PublishProjectById(int projectId, ProjectReviewViewModel reviewModel) { var projectToUpdate = _projectMasterRepository.GetById(projectId); int albumId = 0; if (projectToUpdate != null) { // 1.1. Update project status projectToUpdate.statuscode = "PUBLISHED"; projectToUpdate.updatedby = "User"; projectToUpdate.updatedon = DateTime.Now; projectToUpdate.reviewedby = "User"; projectToUpdate.reviewedok = true; projectToUpdate.reviewedon = DateTime.Now; projectToUpdate.reviewedcomment = reviewModel.ReviewComment; _projectMasterRepository.Update(projectToUpdate); var label = _organizationLabelRepository.GetById(reviewModel.LabelId); var isrcSeries = _organizationIsrcSeriesRepository.GetById(reviewModel.IsrcSeriesId); var currentDate = DateTime.Now; // 1.2. Create media_product_package var productPackage = new media_product_package { albumtitle = projectToUpdate.projectname, albumid = 0, physicallocation = "", labelid = reviewModel.LabelId, cataloguenumber = "", releasetypecode = "0", countryofproduction = label.countrycode, countryofpublication = label.countrycode, releasedate = currentDate, packagestatusid = 4, numberoftracks = _projectTrackRepository.GetMany(pt => pt.projectid == projectId).Count(), formattypeid = 2, comment = reviewModel.ReviewComment, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, mainartistid = projectToUpdate.mainartistid }; _albumRepository.Add(productPackage); _unitOfWork.Commit(); albumId =; var projectTracks = _projectTrackRepository.GetMany(pt => pt.projectid == projectId).ToList(); var lastUsedNumber = isrcSeries.isrc_lastusednumber; foreach (var track in projectTracks) { string isrc; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(track.isrc)) { isrc = IsrcHelper.GenerateIsrcNumber(isrcSeries.isrc_countrypart, isrcSeries.isrc_organizationpart, isrcSeries.isrc_lastusedyear, ++lastUsedNumber); } else { isrc = track.isrc; } // Update track isrc as well. track.isrc = isrc; _projectTrackRepository.Update(track); int recordingId; if (track.recordingid != null && track.recordingid != -1) { recordingId = track.recordingid.Value; } else { // 1.3. Create media_recording (s) var recording = new media_recording { isrc = isrc, recordingtitle = track.trackname, workingtitle = track.trackname, recordingcountrycode = label.countrycode, statusid = 4, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, recordingdate = track.createdon, duration = track.duration, mainartist = projectToUpdate.mainartistid, markedfordeletion = false, projecttrackid = }; _mediaRecordingRepository.Add(recording); _unitOfWork.Commit(); recordingId =; } // 1.4. Create media_product (s) _songRepository.Add(new media_product { isrc = isrc, recordingid = recordingId, title = track.trackname, tracknumber = track.trackorder, sidenumber = 1, labelid = reviewModel.LabelId, cataloguenumber = "", mediaproducttypeid = 1, packageid = albumId, releasedate = currentDate, countryofproduction = label.countrycode, statusid = 4, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, is_deleted = false }); var projectTrackArtists = _projectTrackArtistRepository.GetMany(p => p.projecttrackid ==; // 1.5. Add to recording_party projectTrackArtists.ForEach(pta => _recordingPartyRepository.Add(new recording_party { recordingid = recordingId, partyrealid = pta.partyrealid, rolecode = pta.rolecode, instrumentcode = pta.instrumentcode, artistpseudonymid = pta.artistpseudonymid, updatedby = "User", updatedon = currentDate, createdby = "User", createdon = currentDate, status = 2 })); } isrcSeries.updatedon = currentDate; isrcSeries.updatedby = "User"; isrcSeries.isrc_lastusednumber += 100; isrcSeries.isrc_lastusedyear = DateTime.Now.Year; _organizationIsrcSeriesRepository.Update(isrcSeries); // 1.6. Commit changes _unitOfWork.Commit(); } return(albumId); }