public Camera (Game game,Vector3 pos, Vector3 target, Vector3 up) : base (game) { view = matrix.createlookat(pos, target, up); projection = matrix.createperspectivefieldofview( mathhelper.PiOver4, (float)Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / (float)Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height, 1, 100); }
public static matrix cov(matrix A) { /* * matrix R = new matrix(A.size2, A.size2); * matrix Q = A.copy(); * matrix.qr_gs_decomp(Q,R); * matrix invR = matrix.rtri_invert(R); * matrix S = invR*invR.T; */ matrix ATA = A.T * A; matrix Q = ATA.copy(); matrix R = new matrix(ATA.size2, ATA.size2); matrix.qr_gs_decomp(Q, R); matrix S = matrix.qr_gs_inverse(Q, R); return(S); }
public static matrix create_matrix(int rows, int columns) { var result = new matrix(); int r, c; result.row = new matrix_row[rows]; for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) { result.row[r] = new matrix_row(); result.row[r].col = new double[columns]; for (c = 0; c < columns; c++) { result.row[r].col[c] = 0; } } return(result); }
public static void Main() { Write("==== C ====\n"); Write("Checking the implementation of the Givens rotation for QR-factorization on random matrix A:\n"); matrix a = rndMat.randomMatrix(5, 5); vector b = rndMat.randomVector(5); a.print("A = "); Write("Checking by solving Ax=b for random vector b:\n"); b.print("b = "); qrDecompositionGivens qrGivens = new qrDecompositionGivens(a); vector x = qrGivens.solve(b); Write("The found solution x is:\n"); x.print("x = "); Write("Checking the solution by calculating 0=Ax-b:\n"); vector diff = a * x - b; diff.print("A*x-b = "); } //Main
public void update(particleSystem pS) { vector r = FriedChiken.getResidual(); matrix J = FriedChiken.getJacobian(); currentVolume = 0; for (int i = 0; i < J.nCol; i++) { J[number, i] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)elemList.Count; i++) { elements.element e = elemList[i]; e.copyFrom(pS.particles); e.Update(); e.Merge(pS, J, this.number); currentVolume += e.Volume; } r[number] = currentVolume - refVolume; }
public lsq_qr(double[] x, double[] y, double[] dy, Func <double, double>[] F) { A = new matrix(x.Length, F.Length); for (int i = 0; i < F.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) { A[i][j] = F[i](x[j]) / dy[j]; // Row/column convention interchanged } } vector b = new vector(x.Length); for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) { b[i] = y[i] / dy[i]; } qr AQR = new qr(A); c = AQR.solve(b); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High; int max = 300; // max n int step = 10; double scale = 7.0 / 135000; // 300^3*scale = 1400 Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); WriteLine(string.Format("# {0, -6} {1, -8} {2, -8}", "n", "cyclic", "n^3")); for (int n = 10; n < max; n += step) { matrix A = GenRandSymMatrix(n, n); timer.Start(); cyclic(A); timer.Stop(); WriteLine($"{n, -8} {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, -8:F3} {Pow(n, 3)*scale, -8:F3}"); timer.Reset(); } }
public static matrix makeRandSymMatrix(int n) { var rand = new System.Random(); matrix A = new matrix(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { A[i, i] = rand.NextDouble(); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { double Aij = rand.NextDouble(); A[i, j] = Aij; A[j, i] = Aij; } } return(A); }
using static RNG; // Secure RNG class main { public static int Main() { int n_2 = RandomInt(3, 5); vector b = new vector(n_2); var A_2 = new matrix(n_2, n_2); for (int i = 0; i < n_2; i = i + 1) { RandomDouble(0, 1); for (int j = 0; j < n_2; j = j + 1) { A_2[j, i] = RandomDouble(-20, 20); b[j] = RandomDouble(-20, 20); } } (A_2).print("\nA = "); (b).print("\nb = "); (GivensSolve(Givens(A_2), b)).print("\nx = "); (Givens(A_2) * GivensSolve(Givens(A_2), b)).print("\nAx = "); WriteLine($"\nDet(A) = {Det(A_2)}"); return(0); }
static void A2() { WriteLine("Problem A2"); var rand = new System.Random(); int n = 2 + rand.Next(20); matrix A = make_random_matrix(n, n); vector b = make_random_vector(n); WriteLine("Random square matrix A:"); A.print("A = "); WriteLine("Random vector b:"); b.print("b = "); qr_decomp_GS decomposition = new qr_decomp_GS(A); vector x = decomposition.solve(b); x.print("Solution x = "); (A * x - b).print("A*x-b = "); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="N">要素の次元</param> /// <param name="dim">1節点の自由度、3か6が普通</param> public integralPoint(int N, matrix _nodes, int dim) : base() { //親要素の節点 this.nodes = _nodes; __N = N; this.dof = __dim * _nodes.nRow; metric = new matrix(N, N).eye(); refMetric = new matrix(N, N).zeros(); invMetric = new matrix(N, N).eye(); refInvMetric = new matrix(N, N).eye(); stress = new matrix(N, N).eye(); stress2 = new matrix(N, N).eye(); strain = new matrix(N, N).zeros(); difMetric = new matrixVector(N, N, dof); covariantBases = new matrix(N, __dim).zeros(); number = new matrixINT(N, N).zeros(); gravity = new vector(dim).zeros(); gravity[dim - 1] = 1.0; energyDensity = 0; }
public static vector qr_gs_solve(matrix Q, matrix R, vector b) { vector x = new vector(R.size1); // Make system triangular vector c = Q.transpose() * b; for (int i = x.size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { double s = 0; int k = i + 1; while (k < x.size) { s += R[i, k] * x[k]; k++; } x[i] = 1 / R[i, i] * (c[i] - s); } return(x); }
public static Tuple <vector, matrix> box(int n) { double s = 1.0 / (n + 1); matrix H = new matrix(n, n); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { matrix.set(H, i, i, -2); matrix.set(H, i, i + 1, 1); matrix.set(H, i + 1, i, 1); } matrix.set(H, n - 1, n - 1, -2); H = -1 / s / s * H; var res = new jacobi_diagonalization(H); vector e = res.get_eigenvalues(); matrix V = res.get_eigenvectors(); return(new Tuple <vector, matrix>(e, V)); }
public static matrix jacobian(Func <vector, vector> f, vector x, double dx = 1e-10) { vector fs = f(x); vector xj = new vector(x.size); for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++) { xj[i] = x[i]; } matrix J = new matrix(fs.size, x.size); for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x.size; j++) { xj[j] = xj[j] + dx; J[j][i] = (f(xj)[i] - fs[i]) / dx; xj = x.copy(); } } return(J); }
private static void givensRot(matrix A, matrix U, int p, int q) { // Perform a rotation on A: G^T*A and updates U --> U*G = U' double App = A[p, p], Aqq = A[q, q], Apq = A[p, q], Aqp = A[q, p]; double theta = Atan2(Aqp - Apq, App + Aqq); double c = Cos(theta), s = Sin(theta); for (int i = 0; i < A.size2; i++) { // A --> A' = G^T * A double Api = A[p, i], Aqi = A[q, i]; A[p, i] = c * Api + s * Aqi; A[q, i] = c * Aqi - s * Api; // U --> U' = U*G double Uip = U[i, p], Uiq = U[i, q]; U[i, p] = c * Uip + s * Uiq; U[i, q] = c * Uiq - s * Uip; } }
}//end randmatrix public static matrix randmatrix_sym(int n, int m) { matrix A = new matrix(n, m); Random ra = new Random(); //diagonal for (int n1 = 0; n1 < n; n1++) { A[n1, n1] = ra.NextDouble(); } // end for for (int n2 = 1; n2 < n; n2++) { for (int n3 = 0; n3 < n2; n3++) { A[n2, n3] = ra.NextDouble(); A[n3, n2] = A[n2, n3]; } } return(A); } // end ransmatrix_sys
// Helper function. Returns diaginal matrix D and resets A to its symetric form after evaluation static public matrix diag_cyclic_complete(matrix A, matrix V) { vector d = new vector(A.size1); diag_cyclic(A, V, d); for (int i = 0; i < A.size1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < A.size2; j++) { A[i, j] = A[j, i]; } } matrix D = new matrix(A.size1, A.size2); for (int i = 0; i < d.size; i++) { D[i, i] = d[i]; } return(D); }
public givens(matrix A){ G = A.copy(); int n=G.size1; int m=G.size2; double theta; double xp; double xq; for(int q=0;q<m;q++){ /* Iterating over the columns */ for(int p=q+1;p<n;p++){ /* Iterating over all rows below the diagonal */ theta=Atan2(G[p,q],G[q,q]); /* Recalculating the relevant rows (the angles are saved in the matrix instead of the 0's) */ for(int k=q;k<m;k++){ xp=Cos(theta)*G[q,k]+Sin(theta)*G[p,k]; xq=-Sin(theta)*G[q,k]+Cos(theta)*G[p,k]; G[q,k]=xp; G[p,k]=xq; } G[p,q]=theta; } } }//givens
// Generate matrix containing non-linear parameters for the gaussian test // functions transformed to center of mass system /* public matrix generateA() { */ /* matrix A = new matrix(nParticles - 1, nParticles -1); */ /* List<double> alphas = makeAlphas(); */ /* // Generate values for every entry in the matrix A */ /* for (int k = 0; k < nParticles - 1; k++) { */ /* for (int l = 0; l < k; l++) { */ /* double akl = A_kl(k,l,alphas); */ /* A[l,k] = akl; */ /* A[k,l] = akl; */ /* } */ /* A[k,k] = A_kl(k,k,alphas); */ /* } */ /* return A; */ /* } */ public matrix generateA() { matrix A = new matrix(nParticles - 1, nParticles - 1); matrix B = new matrix(A.rows, A.cols); for (int i = 0; i < A.cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < A.cols; j++) { if (i == j) { A[i, j] = Math.Log(1 - r.NextDouble()) / -1; } B[i, j] = Math.Log(1 - r.NextDouble()) / -1; } } matrix Q = new QRdecomposition(B).Q; return(Q * A * Q.transpose()); }
// Below are two modified versions of the above algorithm in which the errors are collected to monitor the convergence public static void generate_convergences(int iteration, ref matrix A, ref matrix I, double e_0, vector v_0, double e_J, double tau = 1e-6, double eps = 1e-6, int n_max = 999, int updates = 999) { matrix As; double s = e_0; As = A - s * I; qr As_QR = new qr(As); List <double> errors = new List <double>(); List <double> errors_s = new List <double>(); generate_errors(As_QR, ref A, ref I, ref errors, ref errors_s, s, updates, e_J, v_0, tau, eps); var outfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter($"./plotfiles/convergence_{iteration}.txt", append: false); for (int k = 0; k < errors.Count; k++) { outfile.WriteLine($"{k} {errors[k]} {errors_s[k]}"); } outfile.Close(); }
static void Main() { int tend = 100; double resulution = 1; // steps pr time unit for plot (dose not effect ODE) vector t = linspace(0, tend, (int)(resulution * (tend + 1))); double h = 1e-5; double acc = 1e-4; double eps = 1e-4; // Initial coniditions found at: double x10 = 0.97000436; double y10 = -0.24308753; double x20 = -x10; double y20 = -y10; double x30 = 0; double y30 = 0; double v3x0 = -0.93240737; double v3y0 = -0.86473146; double v2x0 = -0.5 * v3x0; double v2y0 = -0.5 * v3y0; double v1x0 = v2x0; double v1y0 = v2y0; vector Y0 = new vector(new double[] { x10, y10, v1x0, v1y0, x20, y20, v2x0, v2y0, x30, y30, v3x0, v3y0 }); vector param = new vector(1, 1, 1); Func <double, vector, vector> f = (T, Y) => diffExplesit(T, Y, param); matrix yres = ode_integrator.driver(f, t, Y0, h, acc, eps); System.IO.StreamWriter outputfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.plotC.txt", append: false); for (int i = 0; i < t.size; i++) { outputfile.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", t[i], yres[i][0], yres[i][1], yres[i][4], yres[i][5], yres[i][8], yres[i][9]); } outputfile.Close(); }
static void Main() { int n = 7, m = n; var A = new matrix(n, m); var rnd = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < A.size1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < A.size2; j++) { A[i, j] = 2 * (rnd.NextDouble() - 1); } } A.print("random matrix A:"); var b = new vector(m); for (int i = 0; i < b.size; i++) { b[i] = rnd.NextDouble(); } b.print("random vector b:\n"); var qra = new qrdecomposition(A); var x = qra.solve(b); x.print("solution x to system A*x=b:\n"); var Ax = A * x; Ax.print("check: A*x (should be equal b):\n"); if (vector.approx(Ax, b)) { WriteLine("test passed"); } else { WriteLine("test failed"); } var B = qra.inverse(); (B * A).print("A^-1*A="); (A * B).print("A*A^-1="); }
// returns (min, steps) public static (vector, int) qnewton(Func <vector, double> f, vector x0, double eps) { int n = 0; // total number of steps vector x = x0.copy(), s; // position vectors double fx = f(x), fxs; // function values vector gx = gradient(f, x), gxs; // gradient vectors matrix B =; // inverse Hessian, initialized to I while (eps < gx.norm()) // continue until the sum of diffs is almost zero { n++; vector Dx = -B * gx; // eq 6 double min = 1.0 / Pow(2, limit), l = 1.0; // min is the smallest step allowed, l is lambda do // backtracking { s = l * Dx; // step, eq 8 fxs = f(x + s); if (l < min) { B =; // advised to reset B if l < min by the text break; } l /= 2; // halve the step size }while (!(fxs < fx + a *; // armijo condition gxs = gradient(f, x + s); vector y = gxs - gx; // eq 12 vector u = s - B * y; double denom =; if (Abs(denom) > eps) // eq 18, abs very important { B.update(u, u, 1 / denom); // dmitri has apparently already specified this operation } // B +=; // prepare for next iteration x = x + s; gx = gxs; fx = fxs; } return(x, n); }
public jcbi_cycl(matrix A, bool val_by_val = false, int evalnum = 1, bool invert = false) { // constructor of jacobi diag object through sweep sweep = 0; n = A.size1; v = new matrix(n, n); d = new vector(n); // diagonal of A, copy into vector d for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { d[i] = A[i, i]; } // set v diagonals to 1, off-diagonals 0 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i, i] = 1.0; for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { v[i, j] = 0.0; v[j, i] = 0.0; } } if (val_by_val) { for (p = 0; p < evalnum; p++) { do { rot_vbv(A, evalnum, invert); } while (cond); } } else { do { rot_sweep(A); } while (cond); } }
} // Solve public matrix inverse() { int n = Q.size1; int m = Q.size2; if (n != m) { Error.Write("Matrix must be a square matrix!"); } matrix S = new matrix(n, m); vector e = new vector(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { e[i] = 1; S[i] = solve(e); e[i] = 0; } return(S); }
public static void decomp(matrix A, matrix R) { int m = A.size2; double ujvi, ujuj; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { ujvi = A[j].dot(A[i]); ujuj = A[j].dot(A[j]); R[j, i] = ujvi / ujuj; // a_ij A[i] -= R[j, i] * A[j]; R[j, i] *= R[j, j]; } R[i, i] = A[i].norm(); } for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { A[i] = A[i] / R[i, i]; // At this point, Q[i] = A[i] } }
// Generates the Lambda matrix // TODO: Check lambda private matrix generateLambda() { int nParticles = particles.Count; matrix Lambda = new matrix(nParticles - 1, nParticles - 1); for (int i = 0; i < nParticles - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nParticles - 1; j++) { double lambda_ij = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nParticles; k++) { lambda_ij += U[i, k] * U[j, k] / particles[k].getMass(); } Lambda[i, j] = lambda_ij; } } return(Lambda); }
public static (int, int, vector) simplex_update(matrix simplex, vector f_values, int d) { int hi = 0; int lo = 0; for (int i = 1; i < d + 1; i++) { if (f_values[i] < f_values[lo]) { lo = i; } if (f_values[i] > f_values[hi]) { hi = i; } } vector centroid = calcCentroid(simplex, hi); return(hi, lo, centroid); }
public gs(matrix A) { Q = (A).copy(); int n = A.size1; int m = A.size2; Debug.Assert(n >= m); R = new matrix(m, m); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { R[i, i] = Q[i].norm(); Q[i] /= R[i, i]; for (int j = i + 1; j < m; j++) { R[i, j] = Q[i].dot(Q[j]); Q[j] -= Q[i] * R[i, j]; } } }
public qrdecomposition(matrix M) { matrix A = M.copy(); for (int q = 0; q < A.size2; q++) { for (int p = q + 1; p < A.size1; p++) { double theta = Atan2(A[p, q], A[q, q]); double c = Cos(theta), s = Sin(theta); for (int k = q; k < A.size2; k++) { double xq = A[q, k], xp = A[p, k]; A[q, k] = xq * c + xp * s; A[p, k] = -xq * s + xp * c; } A[p, q] = theta; } } QR = A; }
public static matrix operator*(matrix a, matrix b) { var c = new matrix(a.size1, b.size2); for (int k = 0; k < a.size2; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < b.size2; j++) { double bkj = b[k, j]; var cj =[j]; var ak =[k]; int n = a.size1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //c[i,j]+=a[i,k]*b[k,j]; cj[i] += ak[i] * bkj; } } } return(c); }
public static void StagePole( rotpol[] r, int n, out CCEuler.EulerPole[] s_pole, out double[] s_angle) { int o; matrix[] m = new matrix[100]; matrix[] mt = new matrix[100]; matrix[] ms = new matrix[100]; s_pole = new CCEuler.EulerPole[100]; s_angle = new double[100]; CCEuler.matrix_1(out m[1].ma); CCEuler.matrix_1(out mt[0].ma); for (o = 0; o <= n - 1; o++) { CCEuler.calc_pole2matrix(out m[o].ma, r[o].p, r[o].Angle); CCEuler.calc_pole2matrix(out mt[o].ma, r[o].p, -r[o].Angle); } for (o = 0; o < n-1; o++) { CCEuler.matrix_mult(mt[o].ma, m[o+1 ].ma, out ms[o+1].ma); CCEuler.calc_matrix2pole(ms[o+1].ma, out s_pole[o+1], out s_angle[o+1]); } }
/* public int rows(){return data[0].size;} public int cols(){return data.GetLength(0);} */ public matrix(matrix b) { nrows=b.rows; ncols=b.cols; data = new double[nrows*ncols]; System.Array.Copy(,data,; }
public matrix transpose() { // int ncols=this.cols, nrows=this.rows; matrix c = new matrix(ncols,nrows); for(int ir=0;ir<nrows;ir++) for(int ic=0;ic<ncols;ic++) c[ic,ir]=this[ir,ic]; return c; }
public matrix copy() { matrix c = new matrix(this); return c; }
public static matrix operator ^(matrix a, matrix b) { int ac=a.cols, ar=a.rows, br=b.rows; matrix c = new matrix(ac,br); for(int ir=0;ir<ac;ir++) for(int ic=0;ic<br;ic++) { double s=0; for(int irar=ir*ar, icbr=ic*br; irar<ir*ar+ar;) // for(int irar=ir*ar, icbr=ic*br, k=0;k<ar; k++)[irar++]*[icbr++]; //[k+ir*ar]*[k+ic*br];[ir+ic*ar]=s; } /* { double s=0; int ar=a.rows; for(int k=0;k<ar;k++) s+=a[k,ir]*b[k,ic]; c[ir,ic]=s; } */ return c; }
public static matrix operator +(matrix a, matrix b) { matrix c = new matrix(a.rows,a.cols); for(int i=0;i<a.rows;i++) for(int j=0;j<a.cols;j++) c[i,j]=a[i,j]+b[i,j]; return c; }
public static matrix operator *(matrix a, matrix b) { int n=a.rows, m=b.cols; if(a.cols != b.rows) System.Console.Error.Write("matrix mismatch\n"); var c = new matrix(n,m); for (int k=0;k<a.cols;k++) for (int j=0;j<m;j++){ double[k+j*b.rows]; // for (int i=0;i<n;i++){ for (int jn=j*n, kn=k*n; jn<j*n+n;){ //[i+j*n][i+k*n]*tmp;[jn++][kn++]*tmp; // c[i,j]+=a[i,k]*tmp; } } return c; }