public bool ValidateSuite(object sender, int iFromBackButton) { if(gbSuppressSecondCheck) { return true; } if(iFromBackButton == 1) { gbSuppressSecondCheck = true; } UITextField txtSuite = (UITextField)sender; string sSuite = txtSuite.Text; sSuite = sSuite.ToUpper(); txtSuite.Text = sSuite; clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPValidHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy(); bool bSuiteCheck = ITPValidHierarchy.IsValidItem(sSuite, 2); int iTagId = txtSuite.Tag; int iPwrIdRow = iTagId/ iEquipmentSuiteTagId; int iStringRow = iTagId - (iPwrIdRow * iEquipmentSuiteTagId); int iHiddenBankId = iEquipmentSuiteHiddenTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow; UILabel hfHiddenSuite = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iHiddenBankId); string sOldSuite = hfHiddenSuite.Text; if (!bSuiteCheck && sSuite != "") { iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox (); alert.CreateErrorAlertDialog ("Please enter a valid suite or search from the list by using the button underneath"); txtSuite.Text = hfHiddenSuite.Text; txtSuite.ResignFirstResponder(); txtSuite.BecomeFirstResponder(); m_bSuppressMove = true; return false; } else { if(sOldSuite != sSuite) //Only do something if there has been a chnage { hfHiddenSuite.Text = txtSuite.Text; UILabel hfRowStatus = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag(iEquipmentRowStatusTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow); hfRowStatus.Text = "1"; SetSectionValueChanged(m_iEquipmentSectionCounter + 1); SetAnyValueChanged(sender, null); //Ask the question if(iFromBackButton == 0) { int iSectionTagId = iEquipmentRowSectionCounterTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow; UILabel hfSectionId = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iSectionTagId); int iSectionId = Convert.ToInt32(hfSectionId.Text); int iPwrIdTagId = iEquipmentRowPwrIdTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow; UILabel hfPwrId = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iPwrIdTagId); string sPwrId = hfPwrId.Text; int iFloorId = iEquipmentFloorTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow; UITextField txtFloor = (UITextField)View.ViewWithTag (iFloorId); string sFloor = txtFloor.Text; if(sOldSuite != sSuite) { if(CheckSameSuiteExists(sFloor, sOldSuite,iSectionId, iPwrIdRow, sPwrId, iStringRow)) { iUtils.AlertBox alert2 = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert2.CreateAlertYesNoDialog(); alert2.SetAlertMessage("Do you wish to change all other items on PwrId " + sPwrId + " on the floor " + sFloor + " and the suite " + sOldSuite + " to suite " + sSuite + " ?"); alert2.ShowAlertBox(); UIAlertView alert3 = alert2.GetAlertDialog(); alert3.Clicked += (sender2, e2) => { CheckSuiteChangesQuestion(sender2, e2, e2.ButtonIndex, iStringRow, sPwrId, sFloor, sSuite, sOldSuite, iSectionId, iPwrIdRow); }; } } } } return true; } }
void UploadITPQuestion(object sender, EventArgs e, int iMarkUploadType) { UIButton btnClicked = (UIButton)sender; int iClicked = btnClicked.Tag; UILabel projId = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iClicked/iUploadBtnTagId*iProjectIdTagId); string sId = projId.Text; int iOpenBtnId = -1; if(iMarkUploadType == 1) { iOpenBtnId = iClicked/iUploadBtnTagId*iOpenBtnTagId; } else { iOpenBtnId = iClicked/iBackupBtnTagId*iOpenBtnTagId; } var bConnStatus = GetConnectionStatus (); if (!bConnStatus) { iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert.CreateAlertDialog(); alert.SetAlertMessage("The is no network coverage so you cannot upload at this stage"); alert.ShowAlertBox(); return; } else { //Has the project been made available online again and if so you cannot upload clsITPFramework ITPFwrk = new clsITPFramework(); object[] objUploadable = ITPFwrk.IsITPUploadable(m_sSessionId, m_sUser, sId); if (objUploadable[0].ToString() != "Success") { iUtils.AlertBox alert4 = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert4.CreateErrorAlertDialog(objUploadable[1].ToString()); return; } } if(iMarkUploadType == 1) { iUtils.AlertBox alert2 = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert2.CreateAlertYesNoDialog(); alert2.SetAlertMessage("This will upload ITP info for Project " + sId + " and lock you out from any further changes. Do you wish to continue?"); alert2.ShowAlertBox(); UIAlertView alert3 = alert2.GetAlertDialog(); alert3.Clicked += (sender2, e2) => {CheckUploadQuestion(sender2, e2, e2.ButtonIndex, sId, iOpenBtnId, 0);}; } else { iUtils.AlertBox alert2 = new iUtils.AlertBox(); alert2.CreateAlertYesNoDialog(); alert2.SetAlertMessage("This will backup ITP info for Project " + sId + " and allow you to make further changes once complete. Do you wish to continue?"); alert2.ShowAlertBox(); UIAlertView alert3 = alert2.GetAlertDialog(); alert3.Clicked += (sender2, e2) => {CheckUploadQuestion(sender2, e2, e2.ButtonIndex, sId, iOpenBtnId, 1);}; } return; }