public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string telFrom = string.Empty; string telTo = string.Empty; string result = string.Empty; decimal houseID = 0; i_InternetPhone iip = new i_InternetPhone(); if (context.Request.QueryString["aTyp"] != null && context.Request.QueryString["aTyp"].ToString() == "del") { h_HouseTelList hh = h_HouseTelList.FindByKey(context.Request.QueryString["LSH"]); hh.DelEmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hh.DelType = true; hh.Update(); h_FollowUp hfo = new h_FollowUp(); hfo.HouseID = hh.HouseID; hfo.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hfo.FollowUpText = "电话删除"; hfo.Insert(); // 电话修改记录 string oldTel = hh.Tel2; TelChange tc = new TelChange(); tc.AddEmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; tc.HouseID = hh.HouseID; tc.NewTel = ""; tc.OldTel = oldTel.TelDecrypt((Int32)hh.HouseID, 0); tc.Insert(); context.Response.Write("del"); return; } //房源电话拨打 else if (context.Request.QueryString["LSH"] != null) { int ii = i_InternetTel.FindCount(new string[] { "EmployeeID", "IsDel" }, new string[] { Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString(), "0" }); if (ii > 0) { iip.RecrodType = 1; h_HouseTelList hh = h_HouseTelList.FindByKey(context.Request.QueryString["LSH"]); houseID = hh.HouseID; telTo = hh.Tel2.TelDecrypt((Int32)hh.HouseID, TelDecPoint.PC_HouseForm_TelPhone); if (context.Request.QueryString["mytel"] != null) { telFrom = context.Request.QueryString["mytel"].ToString(); } else { telFrom = i_InternetTel.Find("EmployeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + " and IsDel=0").MyTel; } } else { context.Response.Write("1," + Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString()); return; } } //装修拨打买家电话 else if (context.Request.QueryString["bTel"] != null) { int ii = i_InternetTel.FindCount(new string[] { "EmployeeID", "IsDel" }, new string[] { Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString(), "0" }); if (ii > 0) { iip.RecrodType = 5; telTo = context.Request.QueryString["bTel"]; houseID = Convert.ToDecimal(context.Request.QueryString["HouseID"]); if (context.Request.QueryString["mytel"] != null) { telFrom = context.Request.QueryString["mytel"].ToString(); } else { telFrom = i_InternetTel.Find("EmployeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + " and IsDel=0").MyTel; } } else { context.Response.Write("1," + Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString()); return; } } //员工通讯录拨打 else if (context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelFrom"] != null && context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelTo"] != null) { iip.RecrodType = 4; telFrom = context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelFrom"]; telTo = context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelTo"]; houseID = 0; } iip.employeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; iip.houseID = houseID; iip.dateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString(); iip.fromTel = telFrom; iip.toTel = telTo; iip.recordUrlDel = 2; iip.orgID = Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.OrgID); iip.isPcCallTel = 1; iip.createTime = DateTime.Now; iip.Source = 0; iip.CallSystem = 0; iip.Insert(); InterPhoneCall ip = new InterPhoneCall(); InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg cbm = new InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg(); //是否大众员工 if (Employee.Current.MyTopOrgA.OrgID == 1062) { cbm = ip.Call_Mobile(telFrom, telTo, iip.phoneID.ToString(), 1); } else { cbm = ip.Call_Mobile(telFrom, telTo, iip.phoneID.ToString()); } iip.callSid = cbm.taskId; iip.Update(); result = cbm.errcode; if (result == "0") { context.Response.Write("连接成功!连接手机号:" + telFrom); } else { context.Response.Write("连接失败!请联系人事-检查是否绑定隐号!"); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; if (context.Request.QueryString["aTyp"] != null && context.Request.QueryString["aTyp"].ToString() == "del") { h_HouseTelList hh = h_HouseTelList.FindByKey(context.Request.QueryString["LSH"]); hh.DelEmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hh.DelType = true; hh.Update(); h_FollowUp hfo = new h_FollowUp(); hfo.HouseID = hh.HouseID; hfo.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hfo.FollowUpText = "电话删除"; hfo.Insert(); // 电话修改记录 string oldTel = hh.Tel2; TelChange tc = new TelChange(); tc.AddEmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; tc.HouseID = hh.HouseID; tc.NewTel = ""; tc.OldTel = oldTel.TelDecrypt((Int32)hh.HouseID, 0); tc.Insert(); context.Response.Write("del"); } else if (context.Request.QueryString["LSH"] != null) { h_HouseTelList hh = h_HouseTelList.FindByKey(context.Request.QueryString["LSH"]); string result = ""; int ii = i_InternetTel.FindCount(new string[] { "EmployeeID", "IsDel" }, new string[] { Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString(), "0" }); if (ii > 0) { string tel = ""; //隐号拔打 string houseTel = hh.Tel2.TelDecrypt((Int32)hh.HouseID, TelDecPoint.PC_HouseForm_TelPhone); if (context.Request.QueryString["mytel"] != null) { tel = context.Request.QueryString["mytel"].ToString(); i_InternetPhone iip = new i_InternetPhone(); iip.employeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; iip.houseID = hh.HouseID; iip.dateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString(); iip.fromTel = tel; iip.toTel = houseTel; iip.recordUrlDel = 2; iip.orgID = Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.OrgID); iip.isPcCallTel = 1; iip.createTime = DateTime.Now; iip.Source = 2; iip.CallSystem = 0; iip.RecrodType = 1; iip.Insert(); Common.InterPhoneCall ip = new Common.InterPhoneCall(); Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg cbm = new Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg(); s_SysParam model = s_SysParam.Find(Share_Personinfo._.ID, 1279); string sqlnum = @"select COUNT(*)AS Num from i_InternetPhone where createTime > DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()) and datediff(dd, createTime, GETDATE())= 0 and employeeID =" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + @" and houseID =" + hh.HouseID + @" and callSid !=''"; int CallNum = int.Parse(EntityUtils.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlnum).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (CallNum >= int.Parse(model.Value) && int.Parse(model.Value) > 0) { result = "1"; } else { cbm = ip.Call(tel, houseTel, iip.phoneID.ToString()); iip.callSid = cbm.taskId; iip.Update(); result = cbm.errcode; } } else { tel = i_InternetTel.Find("EmployeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + " and IsDel=0").MyTel; i_InternetPhone iip = new i_InternetPhone(); iip.employeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; iip.houseID = hh.HouseID; iip.dateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString(); iip.fromTel = tel; iip.toTel = houseTel; iip.recordUrlDel = 2; iip.orgID = Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.OrgID); iip.isPcCallTel = 1; iip.createTime = DateTime.Now; iip.Source = 2; iip.CallSystem = 0; iip.RecrodType = 1; iip.Insert(); Common.InterPhoneCall ip = new Common.InterPhoneCall(); Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg cbm = new Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg(); s_SysParam model = s_SysParam.Find(Share_Personinfo._.ID, 1279); string sqlnum = @"select COUNT(*)AS Num from i_InternetPhone where createTime > DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()) and datediff(dd, createTime, GETDATE())= 0 and employeeID =" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + "and houseID =" + hh.HouseID + "AND callSid !=''"; int CallNum = int.Parse(HouseMIS.EntityUtils.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlnum).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (CallNum >= int.Parse(model.Value) && int.Parse(model.Value) > 0) { result = "1"; } else { cbm = ip.Call(tel, houseTel, iip.phoneID.ToString()); iip.callSid = cbm.taskId; iip.Update(); result = cbm.errcode; } } if (result == "0") { context.Response.Write("连接成功!连接手机号:" + tel); } else if (result == "1") { string timesql = @"select top 1 datediff(SECOND , DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()),createTime)time from i_InternetPhone where datediff(dd, createTime, GETDATE())= 0 and employeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + "and callSid !='' and createTime > DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()) and houseID=" + hh.HouseID; int time = int.Parse(EntityUtils.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(timesql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, time); string times; if (ts.Minutes > 0) { times = ts.Minutes + "分钟" + ts.Seconds + "秒"; } else { times = ts.Seconds + "秒"; } context.Response.Write("您拨打的太频繁了!</br>请稍作休息!请" + times + "后再试!"); } else { context.Response.Write("连接失败!请联系管理员"); } } else { context.Response.Write("1," + Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString()); } } else if (context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelFrom"] != null && context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelTo"] != null) { string result = string.Empty; string telFrom = context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelFrom"]; string telTo = context.Request.QueryString["EmpTelTo"]; i_InternetPhone iip = new i_InternetPhone(); iip.employeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; iip.houseID = 0; iip.dateCreated = DateTime.Now.ToString(); iip.fromTel = telFrom; iip.toTel = telTo; iip.recordUrlDel = 2; iip.orgID = Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.OrgID); iip.isPcCallTel = 1; iip.createTime = DateTime.Now; iip.Source = 2; iip.CallSystem = 0; iip.RecrodType = 4; iip.Insert(); Common.InterPhoneCall ip = new Common.InterPhoneCall(); Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg cbm = new Common.InterPhoneCall.CallBackMsg(); s_SysParam model = s_SysParam.Find(Share_Personinfo._.ID, 1279); string sqlnum = @"select COUNT(*)AS Num from i_InternetPhone where createTime > DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()) and datediff(dd, createTime, GETDATE())= 0 and employeeID =" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + "and houseID =0 and callSid !=''"; int CallNum = int.Parse(HouseMIS.EntityUtils.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(sqlnum).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); if (CallNum >= int.Parse(model.Value) && int.Parse(model.Value) > 0) { result = "1"; } else { cbm = ip.Call(telFrom, telTo, iip.phoneID.ToString()); iip.callSid = cbm.taskId; iip.Update(); result = cbm.errcode; } if (result == "0") { context.Response.Write("连接成功!连接手机号:" + telFrom); } else if (result == "1") { string timesql = @"select top 1 datediff(SECOND , DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()),createTime)time from i_InternetPhone where datediff(dd, createTime, GETDATE())= 0 and employeeID=" + Employee.Current.EmployeeID + "and callSid !='' and createTime > DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE()) and houseID=0"; int time = int.Parse(HouseMIS.EntityUtils.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(timesql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, time); string times; if (ts.Minutes > 0) { times = ts.Minutes + "分钟" + ts.Seconds + "秒"; } else { times = ts.Seconds + "秒"; } context.Response.Write("您拨打的太频繁了!</br>请稍作休息!请" + times + "后再试!"); } else { context.Response.Write("连接失败!请联系管理员"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { this.HTFpagerForm.ID += House.HouseID; #region 1.显示 [查看电话] 按钮 if (!IsShowTel) //如果不显示电话 { //判断调电权限 //if (H_houseinfor.NeedTelPower(Convert.ToDecimal(Request["HouseID"]), Convert.ToInt32(Employee.Current.EmployeeID))) //{ // LokTelButa.Visible = IsCanShowTel; //} //if (LokTelButa.Visible == true) //{ // LokTelButa.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return LookTelClick('" + House.HouseID + "')"); //} } else { //LokTelButa.Visible = false; #region 插入调电记录 if (CheckRolePermission("不隐号") || IsCanShowTel) { h_SeeTelLog hs = new h_SeeTelLog(); hs.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hs.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(HouseID.Value); hs.IsPower = H_houseinfor.NeedTelPower(House.HouseID, Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString().ToInt32()); hs.Insert(); } #endregion 插入调电记录 //显示室号 room.Value = House.Build_room; } cbTel.DataSource = i_InternetTel.FindAll(new string[] { "EmployeeID", "IsDel" }, new string[] { Employee.Current.EmployeeID.ToString(), "0" }); cbTel.DataTextField = "MyTel"; cbTel.DataValueField = "MyTel"; cbTel.DataBind(); #endregion 1.显示 [查看电话] 按钮 } if (Request.Form["LSH"] != null && Request.Form["LSH"] != "") { #region 编辑电话 h_HouseTelList hh = h_HouseTelList.Find("LSH", Request.Form["LSH"]); hh.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; if (Request.Form["HouseID"] != "0") { hh.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["HouseID"]); } else { hh.HouseID = 0; hh.GU_ID = Request.Form["GU_ID"].ToString(); } hh.landlord_name = Request.Form["frmName"].ToString(); hh.Tel1 = H_houseinfor.TelDispose(Request.Form["Tel"]); string oldTel = hh.Tel2; hh.Tel2 = Request.Form["Tel"].TelEncrypt(); hh.TelType = Request.Form["TelType"].ToString(); hh.Update(); #region 插入跟进 h_FollowUp hfo = new h_FollowUp(); hfo.HouseID = hh.HouseID; hfo.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hfo.FollowUpText = "电话修改"; hfo.Insert(); #endregion 插入跟进 #region 电话修改记录 TelChange tc = new TelChange(); tc.AddEmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; tc.HouseID = hh.HouseID; tc.NewTel = Request.Form["Tel"]; tc.OldTel = oldTel.TelDecrypt((Int32)hh.HouseID, 0); tc.Insert(); LSH.Value = ""; #endregion 电话修改记录 #endregion 编辑电话 } else if (Request.Form["frmName"] != null && Request.Form["frmName"] != "") { #region 添加电话 h_HouseTelList hh = new h_HouseTelList(); hh.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; if (Request.Form["HouseID"] != "0") { hh.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(Request.Form["HouseID"]); } else { hh.HouseID = 0; hh.GU_ID = Request.Form["GU_ID"].ToString(); } hh.landlord_name = Request.Form["frmName"].ToString(); hh.Tel1 = H_houseinfor.TelDispose(Request.Form["Tel"]); hh.Tel2 = Request.Form["Tel"].TelEncrypt(); hh.TelType = Request.Form["TelType"].ToString(); hh.Insert(); if (hh.HouseID > 0) { h_FollowUp hfo = new h_FollowUp(); hfo.HouseID = hh.HouseID; hfo.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hfo.FollowUpText = "添加新电话,编号:" + hh.LSH; hfo.Insert(); } #endregion 添加电话 Response.Write("<script>alertMsg.correct(\"操作成功请点调电拨打电话!\");</script>"); } if (!CheckRolePermission("不隐号")) { //if (!CheckRolePermission("添加电话", Convert.ToDecimal(House.OwnerEmployeeID))) //hTelAdd.Visible = false; } else { if (CheckRolePermission("不隐号")) { h_SeeTelLog hs = new h_SeeTelLog(); hs.EmployeeID = Employee.Current.EmployeeID; hs.HouseID = Convert.ToDecimal(HouseID.Value); hs.IsPower = false; hs.Insert(); } } }