コード例 #1
        public int[] GetForcastedHighs()
            string dwmlReturn;

            //Cache by Zip and Process
            if (!IsCached("ForcasedHighs"))
                gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType weatherParameters = new gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType();
                //Set Weather Parameters to get max temp.
                weatherParameters.maxt = true;
                //Call web service
                dwmlReturn = CallWebService(weatherParameters);
                if (dwmlReturn == null)
                CacheXML(dwmlReturn, "ForcasedHighs");
                dwmlReturn = GetCachedXMLbyProcess("ForcasedHighs");
                if (dwmlReturn == null)
            var temperatureXElement = XElement.Parse(dwmlReturn);
            var maxTemps            = temperatureXElement.Descendants("temperature")
                                      .Where(e => (string)e.Element("name") == "Daily Maximum Temperature")
                                      .SelectMany(e => e.Elements("value"))
                                      .Select(e => (int)e);

            //Return Array
コード例 #2
        public string getWeather(string zip)
            gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML gg = new gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML();
            gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType pa = new gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType();
            pa.maxt = true;
            pa.mint = true;
            // pa.iceaccum = true;
            pa.dryfireo = true;
            //pa.dew = true;
            string information = gg.LatLonListZipCode("85281");
            int    x           = information.IndexOf("</latLonList>");
            int    y           = information.IndexOf("<latLonList>");

            string location = information.Substring(information.IndexOf("<latLonList>") + 12, information.IndexOf("</latLonList>") - information.IndexOf("<latLonList>") - 12);

            string[] lat = location.Split(',');

            string w           = gg.NDFDgen(Convert.ToDecimal(lat[0]), Convert.ToDecimal(lat[1]), "time-series", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(4), "e", pa);
            string TMbeg       = "<name>Daily Maximum Temperature</name>";
            string TMend       = "</temperature>";
            string Mtemepeture = w.Substring(w.IndexOf(TMbeg) + TMbeg.Length, w.IndexOf(TMend) - w.IndexOf(TMbeg) - TMbeg.Length);

            Mtemepeture = Mtemepeture.Trim();
            string[] max = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Mtemepeture, "\n");
            returnTempeture = "Max Temepture: " + Regex.Replace(max[0], @"[^\d.\d]", "");
            for (int i = 1; i < max.Length; i++)
                returnTempeture = returnTempeture + ",";
                returnTempeture = returnTempeture + Regex.Replace(max[i], @"[^\d.\d]", "");

            string TNbeg       = "<name>Daily Minimum Temperature</name>";
            string duplicate   = "</temperature>";
            string TNend       = "<fire";
            int    ee          = w.IndexOf(TNend);
            int    e           = w.IndexOf(TMend);
            string Ntemepeture = w.Substring(w.IndexOf(TNbeg) + TNbeg.Length, w.IndexOf(TNend) - w.IndexOf(TNbeg) - TNbeg.Length);

            Ntemepeture = Ntemepeture.Trim();
            Ntemepeture = Ntemepeture.Substring(0, Ntemepeture.Length - duplicate.Length).Trim();
            string[] min = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Ntemepeture, "\n");
            returnTempeture = returnTempeture + "\n";
            returnTempeture = returnTempeture + "Min Temepture: " + Regex.Replace(min[0], @"[^\d.\d]", "");
            for (int i = 1; i < min.Length; i++)
                returnTempeture = returnTempeture + ",";
                returnTempeture = returnTempeture + Regex.Replace(min[i], @"[^\d.\d]", "");
コード例 #3
    /* This portion of code is executed when the submit button is clicked
     *  Instantiation of a new Service reference ndfdXML ~ for client's SOAP connection to the weather service
     *  Accept input from textboxes (Location coordinate)
     *      --+ Latitude => lat
     *      --+ Longitude => lng
     *  Call the method for the current weather observation (NDFDgenByDay) from the weather service class
     *      --+ return result as a string
     *      --+ write the result to a file in form of XML
     *      --+ handle the appropriate nodes and get their values
    protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML myweather = new gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML();

        {                                                         // Get input form textboxes
            decimal lat       = Decimal.Parse(txtLatitude.Text);  // latitude value
            decimal lng       = Decimal.Parse(txtLongitude.Text); // longitude value
            string  numOfDays = "1";                              // number of days for weather observations to be fetched

            gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType wth_para = new gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType();
            wth_para.temp = true;

            // call the method for the current observation (NDFDgenByDay) to get weather information
            string result = myweather.NDFDgenByDay(lat, lng, DateTime.UtcNow, numOfDays, gov.weather.graphical.unitType.e, gov.weather.graphical.formatType.Item12hourly);

            // define the directory path to write result (current observation) from the  national weather service station
            string result_path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "", "result.xml");

            // write the result to a file on the created path
            System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(result_path);

            XmlDocument result_xml = new XmlDocument();
            result_xml.Load(result_path);                              // load the XML file from the path

            // process the nodes needed from the XML file
            XmlNode max_temp_node = result_xml.SelectSingleNode("//data/parameters/temperature[@type ='maximum']/value/text()");
            XmlNode min_temp_node = result_xml.SelectSingleNode("//data/parameters/temperature[@type ='minimum']/value/text()");
            XmlNode prob_prep     = result_xml.SelectSingleNode("//data/parameters/probability-of-precipitation/value/text()");
            XmlNode weather_icon  = result_xml.SelectSingleNode("//data/parameters/conditions-icon/icon-link/text()");

            string maxTemperature      = max_temp_node.Value;        // get maximum temperature value
            string minTemperature      = min_temp_node.Value;        // get minimum temperature value
            string probOfPrepipitation = prob_prep.Value;            // get probability of precipitation value
            string weatherIcon         = weather_icon.Value;         // get the weather icon value

            // pass the corresponding values from the nodes to its specific label
            Label3.Text  = maxTemperature;
            Label5.Text  = minTemperature;
            Label10.Text = probOfPrepipitation;
            Label12.Text = "<img alt='' src='" + weatherIcon + "' />";
        }catch (Exception ex)
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>alert('" + ex.Message + "')</SCRIPT>");
コード例 #4
 private string CallWebService(gov.weather.graphical.weatherParametersType weatherParameters)
         gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML ndfdClient = new gov.weather.graphical.ndfdXML();
         string latlonglist = GetLatLongListFromZip();
         if (latlonglist == ",")
         string dwmlReturn = ndfdClient.NDFDgenLatLonList(latlonglist,
     catch (Exception e)