コード例 #1
ファイル: frmDiscounts.cs プロジェクト: khallgren/CTWebMgmt
        private void subLoadOnlineSettings()
            string strSQL = "";

            using (wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo wsDLDiscount = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo())
                strSQL = "SELECT blnShowUsers, " +
                            "lngDiscountID " +
                        "FROM tblDiscountDefs " +
                        "WHERE lngCTUserID = " + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString();

                string strWebXML = "";

                try { strWebXML = wsDLDiscount.fcnGetRecords(strSQL, "tblDiscountDefs", clsWebTalk.strWebConn); }
                catch (Exception ex) { }

                DataSet dsXML = new DataSet("tblDiscountDefs");

                dsXML.ReadXml(new System.IO.StringReader(strWebXML), XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);

                foreach (DataTable tbl in dsXML.Tables)
                    foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                        bool blnShowUsers = false;
                        long lngDiscountID = 0;

                        foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns)
                            string strColName = col.ColumnName;
                            string strColVal = Convert.ToString(row[col]);

                            if (strColName == "blnShowUsers")
                                try { blnShowUsers = Convert.ToBoolean(strColVal); }
                                catch { blnShowUsers = false; }
                            else if (strColName == "lngDiscountID")
                                try { lngDiscountID = Convert.ToInt32(strColVal); }
                                catch { lngDiscountID = 0; }

                        ((CheckBox)Controls["chkDisplayOnline" + lngDiscountID.ToString()]).Checked = blnShowUsers;
コード例 #2
        private void subLoadCustomFieldDefRegs(long _lngProgramID)
            //loop through custom field defs and add controls

            //first clear any existing panels
            bool blnContinueClearing = true;

            while (blnContinueClearing)
                for (int intI = 0; intI < pagRegCustom.Controls.Count; intI++)
                    blnContinueClearing = false;

                    if (pagRegCustom.Controls[intI].Name.Contains("panCustomReg_"))
                        blnContinueClearing = true;

            string strSQL = "";

            //get web defs from web service, get local defs from db
            //local defs
            using (OleDbConnection conDB = new OleDbConnection(clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCTConn))

                strSQL = "SELECT tblCustomFieldDefReg.blnUseLocal, " +
                            "tblCustomFieldDefReg.lngCustomFieldDefRegID, tblCustomFieldDefReg.lngSortOrder, " +
                            "tblCustomFieldDefReg.decCharge, " +
                            "tblCustomFieldDefReg.strLocalCaption, tblCustomFieldDefReg.strFieldType " +
                        "FROM tblCustomFieldDefReg " +
                        "ORDER BY tblCustomFieldDefReg.lngSortOrder";

                using (OleDbCommand cmdDB = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, conDB))
                    using (OleDbDataReader drCust = cmdDB.ExecuteReader())
                        intNextRegTop = 55;

                        while (drCust.Read())
                            //local defs
                            bool blnUseLocal = false;
                            long lngCustomFieldDefRegID = 0;
                            long lngSortOrder = 0;
                            decimal decCharge = 0;
                            string strLocalCaption = "";
                            string strFieldType = "";

                            try { blnUseLocal = Convert.ToBoolean(drCust["blnUseLocal"]); }
                            catch { blnUseLocal = false; }
                            try { lngCustomFieldDefRegID = Convert.ToInt32(drCust["lngCustomFieldDefRegID"]); }
                            catch { lngCustomFieldDefRegID = 0; }
                            try { lngSortOrder = Convert.ToInt32(drCust["lngSortOrder"]); }
                            catch { lngSortOrder = 0; }
                            try { decCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(drCust["decCharge"]); }
                            catch { decCharge = 0; }
                            try { strLocalCaption = Convert.ToString(drCust["strLocalCaption"]); }
                            catch { strLocalCaption = ""; }
                            try { strFieldType = Convert.ToString(drCust["strFieldType"]); }
                            catch { strFieldType = ""; }

                            CheckBox chkUseLocalReg = new CheckBox();
                            chkUseLocalReg.Name = "chkUseLocalReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            chkUseLocalReg.Checked = blnUseLocal;
                            chkUseLocalReg.Top = 9;
                            chkUseLocalReg.Left =lblUseLocalRegHead.Left;
                            chkUseLocalReg.Width = 15;

                            CheckBox chkUseOnlineReg = new CheckBox();
                            chkUseOnlineReg.Name = "chkUseOnlineReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            chkUseOnlineReg.Top = 9;
                            chkUseOnlineReg.Left = lblUseOnlineRegHead.Left;
                            chkUseOnlineReg.Width = 15;
                            chkUseOnlineReg.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkUseOnlineReg_CheckedChanged);

                            CheckBox chkRequiredReg = new CheckBox();
                            chkRequiredReg.Name = "chkRequiredReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            chkRequiredReg.Top = 9;
                            chkRequiredReg.Left = lblRequiredRegHead.Left;
                            chkRequiredReg.Width = 15;
                            chkRequiredReg.Visible = false;

                            TextBox txtChargeReg = new TextBox();
                            txtChargeReg.Name = "txtChargeReg_" + lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtChargeReg.Top = 9;
                            txtChargeReg.Left = lblChargeRegHead.Left;
                            txtChargeReg.Width = 55;
                            txtChargeReg.Visible = false;

                            TextBox txtSortOrderReg = new TextBox();
                            txtSortOrderReg.Name = "txtSortOrderReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtSortOrderReg.Text = lngSortOrder.ToString();
                            txtSortOrderReg.Top = 9;
                            txtSortOrderReg.Left = lblSortOrderRegHead.Left;
                            txtSortOrderReg.Width = 55;

                            TextBox txtLocalCaptionReg = new TextBox();
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Name = "txtLocalCaptionReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Text = strLocalCaption;
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Top = 9;
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Left =lblLocalCaptionRegHead.Left;
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Width = 165;
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.Enabled = false;
                            txtLocalCaptionReg.ReadOnly = true;

                            TextBox txtWebCaptionReg = new TextBox();
                            txtWebCaptionReg.Name = "txtWebCaptionReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtWebCaptionReg.Top = 9;
                            txtWebCaptionReg.Left =lblWebCaptionRegHead.Left;
                            txtWebCaptionReg.Width = 165;
                            txtWebCaptionReg.Visible = false;

                            Label lblFieldTypeReg = new Label();
                            lblFieldTypeReg.Name = "lblFieldTypeReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            lblFieldTypeReg.Top = 9;
                            lblFieldTypeReg.Text = strFieldType;
                            lblFieldTypeReg.Left = lblFieldTypeRegHead.Left;

                            Button btnDetailsReg = new Button();
                            btnDetailsReg.Name = "btnDetailsReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            btnDetailsReg.Click += new EventHandler(btnDetailsReg_Click);
                            btnDetailsReg.Top = 9;
                            btnDetailsReg.Text = "Details";
                            btnDetailsReg.Width = 57;
                            btnDetailsReg.Left = txtSortOrderReg.Left + txtSortOrderReg.Width + 6;

                            Button btnDeleteReg = new Button();
                            btnDeleteReg.Name = "btnDeleteReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            btnDeleteReg.Click += new EventHandler(btnDeleteReg_Click);
                            btnDeleteReg.Top = 9;
                            btnDeleteReg.Text = "Delete";
                            btnDeleteReg.Width = 55;
                            btnDeleteReg.Left = btnDetailsReg.Left + btnDetailsReg.Width + 6;

                            //holders for header/footer
                            TextBox txtHeader = new TextBox();
                            txtHeader.Name = "txtHeaderReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtHeader.Top = 24;
                            txtHeader.Width = 55;
                            txtHeader.Left = 0;
                            txtHeader.Visible = false;

                            TextBox txtFooter = new TextBox();
                            txtFooter.Name = "txtFooterReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtFooter.Top = 24;
                            txtFooter.Width = 55;
                            txtFooter.Left = 61;
                            txtFooter.Visible = false;

                            TextBox txtDropdownOptions = new TextBox();
                            txtDropdownOptions.Name = "txtDropdownOptionsReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            txtDropdownOptions.Top = 24;
                            txtDropdownOptions.Width = 55;
                            txtDropdownOptions.Left = 122;
                            if (strFieldType == "DROPDOWN") subLoadDropdownOptionsReg(txtDropdownOptions, lngCustomFieldDefRegID, strLocalCaption);
                            txtDropdownOptions.Visible = false;

                            Panel panCustomReg = new Panel();

                            panCustomReg.Name = "panCustomReg_" +lngCustomFieldDefRegID.ToString();
                            panCustomReg.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E0E0E0");
                            panCustomReg.Width = btnDeleteReg.Left + btnDeleteReg.Width + 6;
                            panCustomReg.Height = 38;
                            panCustomReg.Left = 3;
                            panCustomReg.Top = intNextRegTop;



                            intNextRegTop += 44;



            //web defs

            //load web reg definitions
            using (wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo wsDLFlags = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo())
                strSQL = "SELECT blnRequired, " +
                            "lngCustomFieldDefRegID, " +
                            "decCharge, " +
                            "strLocalCaption, strWebCaption, strHeader, strFooter " +
                        "FROM tblCustomFieldDefReg " +
                        "WHERE lngCTUserID = " + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString() + " AND " +
                            "lngProgramID = " + _lngProgramID.ToString();

                string strWebXML = "";

                try { strWebXML = wsDLFlags.fcnGetRecords(strSQL, "tblCustomVals", clsWebTalk.strWebConn); }
                catch (Exception ex) { }

                DataSet dsXML = new DataSet("tblCustomVals");

                dsXML.ReadXml(new System.IO.StringReader(strWebXML), XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);

                foreach (DataTable tbl in dsXML.Tables)
                    foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                        string strNameOnWS = "";
                        long lngIDOnWS = 0;

                        bool blnRequired = false;
                        decimal decCharge = 0;
                        string strWebCaption = "";
                        string strHeader = "";
                        string strFooter = "";

                        try { strNameOnWS = Convert.ToString(row["strLocalCaption"]); }
                        catch { strNameOnWS = ""; }

                        try { lngIDOnWS = Convert.ToInt32(row["lngCustomFieldDefRegID"]); }
                        catch { lngIDOnWS = 0; }

                        try { strWebCaption = Convert.ToString(row["strWebCaption"]); }
                        catch { strWebCaption = ""; }

                        if (lngIDOnWS == 0)
                            //field/flag hasn't been matched with a local id:  look up caption from old table to match it to web data
                            using (OleDbConnection conDB = new OleDbConnection(clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().strCTConn))

                                strSQL = "SELECT tblCustomFieldDefReg.lngCustomFieldDefRegID " +
                                        "FROM tblCustomFieldDefReg " +
                                            "INNER JOIN tblCustomRegFlagDesc ON tblCustomFieldDefReg.strLocalCaption = tblCustomRegFlagDesc." + strNameOnWS;

                                using (OleDbCommand cmdDB = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, conDB))
                                    try { lngIDOnWS = Convert.ToInt32(cmdDB.ExecuteScalar()); }
                                    catch { lngIDOnWS = 0; }


                        if (lngIDOnWS > 0)
                                try { blnRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(row["blnRequired"]); }
                                catch { blnRequired = false; }

                                try { decCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(row["decCharge"]); }
                                catch { decCharge = 0; }

                                try { strHeader = Convert.ToString(row["strHeader"]); }
                                catch { strHeader = ""; }

                                try { strFooter = Convert.ToString(row["strFooter"]); }
                                catch { strFooter = ""; }

                                Panel panCustomReg = (Panel)pagRegCustom.Controls["panCustomReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()];

                                ((CheckBox)panCustomReg.Controls["chkUseOnlineReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Checked = true;

                                if (blnRequired) ((CheckBox)panCustomReg.Controls["chkRequiredReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Checked = true;
                                ((TextBox)panCustomReg.Controls["txtWebCaptionReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Text = strWebCaption;
                                ((TextBox)panCustomReg.Controls["txtChargeReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Text = decCharge.ToString("C");
                                ((TextBox)panCustomReg.Controls["txtHeaderReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Text = strHeader;
                                ((TextBox)panCustomReg.Controls["txtFooterReg_" + lngIDOnWS.ToString()]).Text = strFooter;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Error retrieving custom field definitions: " + ex.Message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: clsMain.cs プロジェクト: khallgren/CTWebMgmt
        private static bool fcnGetWebCustomRegFieldDefs(clsCustomFieldRegDef[] _cstRegWebFlags,clsCustomFieldRegDef[] _cstRegWebFields)
            string strSQL = "";

            bool blnRes = false;

            for (int intI = 0; intI <_cstRegWebFlags.Length; intI++)
                _cstRegWebFlags[intI] = new clsCustomFieldRegDef();
                _cstRegWebFields[intI] = new clsCustomFieldRegDef();

                using (wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo wsDLFlags = new global::CTWebMgmt.wsXferEventInfo.XferEventInfo())
                    strSQL = "SELECT strFieldName, strValue " +
                            "FROM tblCustomVals " +
                        "WHERE lngProgramID = 0 AND " +
                            "lngCTUserID = " + clsAppSettings.GetAppSettings().lngCTUserID.ToString() + " AND " +
                            "(strFieldName LIKE 'blnUse%Field%' OR " +
                                "strFieldName LIKE 'blnUse%Flag%' OR " +
                                "strFieldName LIKE 'strRegFlag%' OR " +
                                "strFieldName LIKE 'curChargeFlag%' OR " +
                                "strFieldName LIKE 'strRegField%') " +
                            "ORDER BY strFieldName";

                    string strWebXML = "";

                    try { strWebXML = wsDLFlags.fcnGetRecords(strSQL, "tblCustomVals", clsWebTalk.strWebConn); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error retrieving custom field definitions from the web: " + ex.Message); }

                    DataSet dsXML = new DataSet("tblCustomVals");

                    dsXML.ReadXml(new System.IO.StringReader(strWebXML), XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);

                    foreach (DataTable tbl in dsXML.Tables)
                        foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                            string strFieldName = "";
                            string strFieldVal = "";

                            foreach (DataColumn col in tbl.Columns)
                                string strColName = col.ColumnName;
                                string strColVal = Convert.ToString(row[col]);

                                if (strColName == "strFieldName") strFieldName = strColVal;
                                else if (strColName == "strValue") strFieldVal = strColVal;

                            //evaluate field, val, set control value
                            if (strFieldName.IndexOf("blnUseRegField") >= 0)
                                _cstRegWebFields[Convert.ToInt32(strFieldName.Substring(14, strFieldName.Length - 14)) - 1].blnUseOnline = Convert.ToBoolean(strFieldVal);
                            else if (strFieldName.IndexOf("blnUseRegFlag") >= 0)
                                _cstRegWebFlags[Convert.ToInt32(strFieldName.Substring(13, strFieldName.Length - 13)) - 1].blnUseOnline = Convert.ToBoolean(strFieldVal);
                            else if (strFieldName.IndexOf("strRegField") >= 0)
                                _cstRegWebFields[Convert.ToInt32(strFieldName.Substring(11, strFieldName.Length - 11)) - 1].mmoWebCaption = strFieldVal;
                            else if (strFieldName.IndexOf("strRegFlag") >= 0)
                                _cstRegWebFlags[Convert.ToInt32(strFieldName.Substring(10, strFieldName.Length - 10)) - 1].mmoWebCaption = strFieldVal;
                            else if (strFieldName.IndexOf("curChargeFlag") >= 0)
                                _cstRegWebFlags[Convert.ToInt32(strFieldName.Substring(13, strFieldName.Length - 13)) - 1].decCharge = Convert.ToDecimal(strFieldVal);

                blnRes = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                blnRes = false;

            return blnRes;