public string getServiceUrl(string name) { serviceInfo s = new serviceInfo(); UDDIInquiryService juddi = new UDDIInquiryService(); find_service fs = new find_service(); fs.findQualifiers = new []{"approximateMatch"}; name n = new name(); n.Value = name; n.lang = "en"; = new []{n}; serviceList services = juddi.find_service(fs); for(int i = 0; i<services.serviceInfos.Count(); i++){ s = services.serviceInfos[i]; } get_serviceDetail sd= new get_serviceDetail(); sd.serviceKey = new string[]{s.serviceKey}; serviceDetail service = juddi.get_serviceDetail(sd); string url = service.businessService[0].bindingTemplates[0].accessPoint.Value; if(checkUrl(url)){ url = url; }else{ url =url; } return url; }
public serviceDetail get_serviceDetail(get_serviceDetail get_serviceDetail1) { get_serviceDetailRequest inValue = new get_serviceDetailRequest(); inValue.get_serviceDetail = get_serviceDetail1; get_serviceDetailResponse retVal = ((Inquire)(this)).get_serviceDetail(inValue); return(retVal.serviceDetail); }
private static bool CheckServiceAndParentForSignature(String serviceKey, UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding uddiInquiryService, String token) { get_serviceDetail gsd = new get_serviceDetail(); gsd.authInfo = (token); gsd.serviceKey = new string[] { serviceKey }; String bizkey = null; try { serviceDetail serviceDetail = uddiInquiryService.get_serviceDetail(gsd); if (serviceDetail != null && serviceDetail.businessService != null) { { bizkey = serviceDetail.businessService[0].businessKey; if (serviceDetail.businessService[0].Signature != null && serviceDetail.businessService[0].Signature.Length > 0) {"the service with key=" + serviceKey + " exists and is digitally signed"); return(true); } } } } catch (Exception ex) {"Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for service key " + serviceKey, ex); throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for service key " + serviceKey, ex); } if (bizkey == null) { throw new UnexpectedResponseException("The service with key " + serviceKey + " parent's business key could not be determined. This is unexpected"); } get_businessDetail gbd = new get_businessDetail(); gbd.authInfo = (token); gbd.businessKey = new string[] { bizkey }; try { businessDetail businessDetail = uddiInquiryService.get_businessDetail(gbd); if (businessDetail != null && businessDetail.businessEntity != null) { if (businessDetail.businessEntity[0].Signature != null && businessDetail.businessEntity[0].Signature.Length > 0) {"the business with key=" + bizkey + " exists and is digitally signed"); return(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) {"Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for business key " + bizkey, ex); throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for business key " + bizkey, ex); } return(false); }
/** * this will look up our service by name and we'll discover multiple * bindings with different versions */ private void ServiceLookUpByName() { //here we are assuming we don't know what key is used for the service, so we look it up find_service fs = new find_service(); fs.findQualifiers = new string[] { UDDIConstants.EXACT_MATCH }; = new name[] { new name("ZeroCool Service", lang) }; serviceList findService = inquiry.find_service(fs); //parse the results and get a list of services to get the details on get_serviceDetail gsd = new get_serviceDetail(); List <string> items = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < findService.serviceInfos.Length; i++) { items.Add(findService.serviceInfos[i].serviceKey); } gsd.serviceKey = items.ToArray(); serviceDetail serviceDetail = inquiry.get_serviceDetail(gsd); List <bindingTemplate> ret = new List <bindingTemplate>(); //parse the service details, looking for our versioned service Boolean success = false; if (serviceDetail != null) { for (int i = 0; i < serviceDetail.businessService.Length; i++) { if (serviceDetail.businessService[i].bindingTemplates != null) { List <bindingTemplate> bindingByVersion = UDDIClerk.getBindingByVersion("", serviceDetail.businessService[i].bindingTemplates); for (int x = 0; x < bindingByVersion.Count; x++) { success = true; Console.Out.WriteLine("SUCCESS! Found the right version on key " + bindingByVersion[x].bindingKey); //TODO so now that you've found the right version of the right service //now you can go execute that the url } } } } if (!success) { Console.Out.WriteLine("FAIL! We didn't find a damn thing matching that version number :("); } }
private IList <UddiService> GetUddiServices(Identifier organizationIdentifier, UddiId serviceUddiId, string profileConformanceClaim) { keyedReference profileConformanceClaimKeyReference = new keyedReference(); profileConformanceClaimKeyReference.tModelKey = "uddi:cc5f1df6-ae0a-4781-b24a-f30315893af7"; profileConformanceClaimKeyReference.keyName = ""; profileConformanceClaimKeyReference.keyValue = profileConformanceClaim; keyedReference registrationConformanceClaim = new keyedReference(); registrationConformanceClaim.tModelKey = "uddi:80496ef5-4d24-4788-a3f8-12fb54a75106"; registrationConformanceClaim.keyName = ""; registrationConformanceClaim.keyValue = RASPREGISTRATIONCONFORMANCECLAIM; keyedReference endpointKeyType = new keyedReference(); endpointKeyType.tModelKey = "uddi:182a4a2b-3717-4283-b97c-55cc3b684dae"; endpointKeyType.keyName = ""; endpointKeyType.keyValue = organizationIdentifier.KeyTypeCode; keyedReference endpointKey = new keyedReference(); endpointKey.tModelKey = "uddi:e733684d-9f40-40ff-8807-1d80abc7c665"; endpointKey.keyName = ""; endpointKey.keyValue = organizationIdentifier.GetAsString(); keyedReference[] categories = new[] { profileConformanceClaimKeyReference, registrationConformanceClaim, endpointKeyType, endpointKey }; categoryBag serviceCategories = new categoryBag { Items = categories }; find_service findService = new find_service(); findService.findQualifiers = new string[] { FindQualifers.andAllKeys.ToString() }; if (serviceUddiId != null) { findService.tModelBag = new string[] { serviceUddiId.ID }; } findService.categoryBag = serviceCategories; serviceList listOfServices = this.uddiProxy.find_service(findService); List <string> endPointUddiIds = new List <string>(); if (listOfServices.serviceInfos == null) { return(new List <UddiService>()); } foreach (serviceInfo service in listOfServices.serviceInfos) { endPointUddiIds.Add(service.serviceKey); } // Har uddi-ID på service endpoint, skal finde endpoint uri get_serviceDetail getServiceDetail = new get_serviceDetail(); getServiceDetail.serviceKey = endPointUddiIds.ToArray(); serviceDetail detail = this.uddiProxy.get_serviceDetail(getServiceDetail); if (detail.businessService == null) { return(new List <UddiService>()); } IList <UddiService> uddiServices = new List <UddiService>(); foreach (businessService businessServiceItem in detail.businessService) { List <UddiBinding> uddiBindings = new List <UddiBinding>(); foreach (bindingTemplate bindingTemplate in businessServiceItem.bindingTemplates) { List <string> tModelKeys = new List <string>(); foreach (tModelInstanceInfo tModel in bindingTemplate.tModelInstanceDetails) { tModelKeys.Add(tModel.tModelKey); } // Get the tModel details: get_tModelDetail tModelDetail = new get_tModelDetail(); tModelDetail.tModelKey = tModelKeys.ToArray(); tModelDetail modelDetail = this.uddiProxy.get_tModelDetail(tModelDetail); List <tModel> uddiTModels = new List <tModel>(); foreach (tModel tModelItem in modelDetail.tModel) { uddiTModels.Add(tModelItem); } UddiBinding uddiBinding = new UddiBinding(bindingTemplate, uddiTModels); uddiBindings.Add(uddiBinding); } UddiService uddiService = new UddiService(businessServiceItem, uddiBindings); uddiServices.Add(uddiService); } return(uddiServices); }
public get_serviceDetailRequest(get_serviceDetail get_serviceDetail) { this.get_serviceDetail = get_serviceDetail; }
public static void Run(string[] args) { UDDIClient clerkManager = null; Transport transport = null; UDDIClerk clerk = null; try { clerkManager = new UDDIClient("uddi.xml"); transport = clerkManager.getTransport("default"); UDDI_Security_SoapBinding security = transport.getUDDISecurityService(); UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding inquiry = transport.getUDDIInquiryService(); UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding publish = transport.getUDDIPublishService(); clerk = clerkManager.getClerk("default"); find_business fb = new find_business(); fb.authInfo = clerk.getAuthToken(security.Url); fb.findQualifiers = new string[] { UDDIConstants.APPROXIMATE_MATCH }; = new name[1];[0] = new name(UDDIConstants.WILDCARD, "en"); businessList bl = inquiry.find_business(fb); if (bl.businessInfos.Length > 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine(bl.businessInfos[0].name[0].Value); Console.Out.WriteLine("attempting to sign"); businessService sd = clerk.getServiceDetail(bl.businessInfos[0].serviceInfos[0].serviceKey); //pist, the signing config comes from the stuff in in uddi.xml DigSigUtil ds = new DigSigUtil(clerkManager.getClientConfig().getDigitalSignatureConfiguration()); businessService signedsvc = (businessService)ds.signUddiEntity(sd); PrintUDDI <businessService> p = new PrintUDDI <businessService>(); Console.Out.WriteLine("signed successfully!"); Console.Out.WriteLine(p.print(signedsvc)); Console.Out.WriteLine("attempting verify and validate"); String err = ""; bool valid = ds.verifySignedUddiEntity(signedsvc, out err); Console.Out.WriteLine("Signature is " + (valid ? "Valid, Yippy!" : "Invalid!") + " msg: " + err); Console.Out.WriteLine("saving"); clerk.register(signedsvc); Console.Out.WriteLine("reloading content from the server..."); get_serviceDetail gsd = new get_serviceDetail(); gsd.authInfo = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()); gsd.serviceKey = new string[] { signedsvc.serviceKey }; sd = inquiry.get_serviceDetail(gsd).businessService[0]; Console.Out.WriteLine(p.print(sd)); Console.Out.WriteLine("attempting verify and validate"); err = ""; valid = ds.verifySignedUddiEntity(sd, out err); Console.Out.WriteLine("Signature is " + (valid ? "Valid, Yippy!" : "Invalid!") + " msg: " + err); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("no businesses were returned!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { while (ex != null) { System.Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } } finally { if (transport != null && transport is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)transport).Dispose(); } if (clerk != null) { clerk.Dispose(); } } }
/// <remarks/> public void get_serviceDetailAsync(get_serviceDetail get_serviceDetail1, object userState) { if ((this.get_serviceDetailOperationCompleted == null)) { this.get_serviceDetailOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.Onget_serviceDetailOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("get_serviceDetail", new object[] { get_serviceDetail1}, this.get_serviceDetailOperationCompleted, userState); }
/// <remarks/> public void get_serviceDetailAsync(get_serviceDetail get_serviceDetail1) { this.get_serviceDetailAsync(get_serviceDetail1, null); }
/// <remarks/> public System.IAsyncResult Beginget_serviceDetail(get_serviceDetail get_serviceDetail1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState) { return this.BeginInvoke("get_serviceDetail", new object[] { get_serviceDetail1}, callback, asyncState); }