コード例 #1
        public getDoctor_rating _get_averagerating_doc1(long doctor_id)
                //balkon rating = dr.average_rating,
                //balkon favorite = dr.fave,
                //balkon patient_review = dr.review,

                SV_db1Entities dbEntity = new SV_db1Entities();

                // var appt = dbEntity.APPOINTMENTs.Where(a => a.doctor_id == doctor_id);
                var appt = from ap in dbEntity.APPOINTMENTs
                           where ap.doctor_id == doctor_id
                           select ap;
                // having Where clause slows down the response.
                // we shud consider the status of the Appointment, only those that were Closed not canceled

                getDoctor_rating        ave           = new getDoctor_rating();
                List <p_ratings_review> rating_review = new List <p_ratings_review>();
                foreach (var a in appt)
                    // long id = a.doctor_id.Value;
                    // ave.average_rating= a.doctor_rating.Value;
                    // review = a.doctor_review;
                    double rating = a.doctor_rating == null ? 0 : a.doctor_rating.Value;
                    string review = a.doctor_review;

                    rating_review.Add(new p_ratings_review {
                        rating = rating, remark = review

                    // ave.review.Add{ rating_review};

                ave.review = rating_review;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        public List <doc_search_profile2> getMobileDoctor(dynamic doc_items)
                // balkon

                List <doc_search_profile2> dc = new List <doc_search_profile2>();

                List <long> doc_id = new List <long>();
                foreach (var doc in doc_items)
                    List <zip_search_address> home_addr  = _getDoctor_homeaddress_doc1(doc);
                    List <zip_search_address> pract_addr = _getDoctor_practiceaddress_doc1(doc);

                    // bozal
                    var_getDoctor_ext d_ext = _getDoctor_ext_doc1(doc.ext);
                    //01/11/2018 List<doc_specialty2> spec = _getDoctor_specialty_doc1(doc.con_spec);
                    List <doc_specialty_01112018> spec = _getDoctor_specialty_doc1(doc.con_spec);
                    List <doc_language>           lang = _getLanguage_doc1(doc.con_lang);
                    List <insurance> ins = _getInsurance_doc1(doc.con_ins);
                    getDoctor_rating dr  = _get_averagerating_doc1(doc.id);

                    var prof = new Models.doc_search_profile2
                        id          = doc.id,
                        npi         = doc.NPI == null ? "" : doc.NPI,
                        first_name  = doc.name_first == null ? "" : doc.name_first,
                        last_name   = doc.name_last == null ? "" : doc.name_last,
                        middle_name = doc.name_middle == null ? "" : doc.name_middle,
                        email       = doc.email == null ? "" : doc.email,
                        gender      = doc.gender == null ? "" : doc.gender.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        title       = doc.title == null ? "" : doc.title,
                        phone       = doc.phone == null ? "" : doc.phone,
                        license     = doc.license_no == null ? "" : doc.license_no,

                        organization_name = doc.organization_name == null ? "" : doc.organization_name,
                        image_url         = doc.image_url == null ? "" : doc.image_url,
                        DOB = doc.dob == null ? "" : doc.dob,
                        bio = doc.bio,
                        pecos_certificate = doc.pecos_certification,

                        //balkon favorite = dr.fave,
                        //balkon rating = dr.average_rating,
                        //balkon patient_review = dr.review,

                        doctor_fee = d_ext.doc_fee,
                        time_slot  = d_ext.time_slot,

                        education        = d_ext.education,
                        experience       = d_ext.experience,
                        appointment_type = d_ext.appt_type,

                        network_insurance = ins,  // d_ext.insurance == null ? new List<insurance>() { } : d_ext.insurance,
                        language_spoken   = lang, // d_ext.language == null ? new List<doc_language>() { } : d_ext.language,
                        specialties       = spec, // d_ext.spec == null ? new List<doc_specialty2>() { } : d_ext.spec,

                        home_address = home_addr == null ? new List <zip_search_address>()
                        } : home_addr,
                        practice_address = pract_addr == null ? new List <zip_search_address>()
                        } : pract_addr

            catch (Exception ex)