private void dgMaintenance_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { var senderGrid = (DataGridView)sender; var editColumnIndex = 0; if (senderGrid.Columns[e.ColumnIndex] is DataGridViewButtonColumn && e.RowIndex >= 0) { var selectedItem = senderGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem as MaintenanceResult; if (selectedItem != null) { if (e.ColumnIndex == editColumnIndex) { if (selectedItem.MaintenanceId != null) { var frmMaintenanceDetail = new frmMaintenanceDetail(_DataContext, selectedItem.MaintenanceId.Value, false); var dialogResult = frmMaintenanceDetail.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { btnSearch.PerformClick(); } } else { var reqItem = _DataContext.tblRequisitions.Where(a => == selectedItem.RequisitionId).Single(); var configItem = _DataContext.BuildingMaintenanceConfigurationSet.Single(a => == selectedItem.ConfigItemId.Value); if (reqItem.SupplierId == null) { //lets find the supplier id var frmSupplierLookup = new frmSupplierLookup(_DataContext, configItem.BuildingId); var supplierResult = frmSupplierLookup.ShowDialog(); var supplier = frmSupplierLookup.SelectedSupplier; if (supplierResult == DialogResult.OK && supplier != null) { var bankDetails = _DataContext.SupplierBuildingSet.Include(a => a.Bank).SingleOrDefault(a => a.BuildingId == configItem.BuildingId && a.SupplierId ==; if (bankDetails != null) { reqItem.SupplierId =; reqItem.Supplier = supplier; reqItem.BankName = bankDetails.Bank.Name; reqItem.BranchCode = bankDetails.BranceCode; reqItem.BranchName = bankDetails.BranchName; reqItem.AccountNumber = bankDetails.AccountNumber; } else { Controller.HandleError("Supplier banking details for this building is not configured.\n" + "Please capture bank details for this building on the suppier detail screen.", "Validation Error"); return; } } else { Controller.HandleError("Supplier required for Maintenance. Please select a supplier.", "Validation Error"); return; } } var frmMaintenanceDetail = new frmMaintenanceDetail(_DataContext, reqItem, configItem, true); var dialogResult = frmMaintenanceDetail.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { _DataContext.SaveChanges(); btnSearch.PerformClick(); } else { //reject changes foreach (var entry in _DataContext.ChangeTracker.Entries()) { switch (entry.State) { case EntityState.Modified: case EntityState.Deleted: entry.State = EntityState.Modified; //Revert changes made to deleted entity. entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged; break; case EntityState.Added: entry.State = EntityState.Detached; break; } } } } } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dtInvoiceDate.Value <= _minDate) { Controller.HandleError("Invoice Date required for Maintenance. Please select a date.", "Validation Error"); return; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtInvoiceNumber.Text)) { Controller.HandleError("Invoice Number required for Maintenance. Please supply an invoice number.", "Validation Error"); return; } if (_Documents.Count == 0) { Controller.HandleError("Invoice attachment required, please upload Invoice PDF", "Validation Error"); return; } if (_Supplier == null) { Controller.HandleError("Supplier not selected, please select a supplier.", "Validation Error"); return; } using (var context = SqlDataHandler.GetDataContext()) { var building = cmbBuilding.SelectedItem as Building; var buildingId = building.ID; var bankDetails = context.SupplierBuildingSet .Include(a => a.Bank) .SingleOrDefault(a => a.BuildingId == buildingId && a.SupplierId ==; if (bankDetails == null) { Controller.HandleError("Supplier banking details for this building is not configured.\n" + "Please capture bank details for this building on the suppier detail screen.", "Validation Error"); return; } var item = new tblRequisition() { trnDate = _Item.TransactionDate, PastelLedgerAutoNumber = _Item.AutoNumber, PastelDataPath = _Item.DataPath, account = _Item.AccountType, reference = building.Abbr + " (" + _Item.Account + ")", ledger = _Item.AccountDesc, amount = _Item.Amount, payreference = txtPaymentRef.Text, userID =, building = buildingId, SupplierId = _Supplier == null ? (int?)null :, InvoiceNumber = txtInvoiceNumber.Text, InvoiceDate = dtInvoiceDate.Value, BankName = _Supplier == null ? (string)null : bankDetails.Bank.Name, BranchCode = _Supplier == null ? (string)null : bankDetails.BranceCode, BranchName = _Supplier == null ? (string)null : bankDetails.BranchName, AccountNumber = _Supplier == null ? (string)null : bankDetails.AccountNumber, processed = true }; context.tblRequisitions.Add(item); foreach (var key in _Documents.Keys) { context.RequisitionDocumentSet.Add(new RequisitionDocument() { Requisition = item, FileData = _Documents[key], FileName = Path.GetFileName(key), IsInvoice = true }); } var config = (from c in context.BuildingMaintenanceConfigurationSet.Include(a => a.Building) where c.BuildingId == item.building && c.PastelAccountNumber == _Item.Account select c).SingleOrDefault(); if (config != null) { if (item.SupplierId == null) { Controller.HandleError("Supplier required for Maintenance. Please select a supplier.", "Validation Error"); return; } //capture the maintenance as part of the same unit of work var frmMaintenance = new frmMaintenanceDetail(context, item, config); var dialogResult = frmMaintenance.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { context.SaveChanges(); } } else { context.SaveChanges(); } _Data.Remove(_Item); ClearItem(); BindDataGrid(); } }