コード例 #1
    void Start()
        //lrotate = new rotate ();

        lw1     = GameObject.Find("w1");
        lrotate = lw1.GetComponent <rotate>();

        lw2            = GameObject.Find("w2");
        lfollow_rotate = lw2.GetComponent <follow_rotate>();

        lw3 = GameObject.Find("w3");

        allWheels = new List <GameObject>();

//		allWheels [7] = GameObject.Find ("w" + 2.ToString);
        //Debug.Log ("finding: " + allWheels [7]);
//		for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
//		{
//		}
コード例 #2
    void Update()
////find te nearest object from this wheel
        float closest = 1000;

        closestObject = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < allWheels.Count; i++)
            float dist = Vector3.Distance(allWheels [i].transform.position, transform.position)
                         - allWheels [i].transform.localScale.x / 2 - transform.localScale.x / 2;
            if (dist < closest)
                closest       = dist;
                closestObject = allWheels[i];

                lfollow_rotate = closestObject.GetComponent <follow_rotate>();
        //Debug.Log (gameObject + "'s the nearest: " + closestObject);

//// get the multiple of the sclae between this object and the nearest object
        multiplescale_w_nearest = transform.localScale.x / closestObject.transform.localScale.x;
        //Debug.Log (gameObject +": " + multiplescale_w1);

////get the position of the nerest wheel here and tell the npc2.cs, and the radius
        v3_currentNearestWheel = closestObject.transform.position;
        radius_currentWheel    = transform.localScale.x;

////claim this wheel's speed

////roate with normal wheels
        if (closest != null)
////roate with the orignal wheel.

            //float nearest_multiplescale =

            if (closestObject == lw1)
                aspeed = Time.deltaTime * (-lrotate.Speed) / transform.localScale.x /*multiplescale_w_nearest*/;

                attachToW1 = true;                 //is this value the only one value attatched to the gameobject?
                //Debug.Log (gameObject + "roate following w1!!!!");
                //chooseAttachGameObject ();
////rotate wit the normal wheels
            if (closestObject != lw1)
                bool nearest_attachToW1 = closestObject.GetComponent <follow_rotate> ().attachToW1;

                float nearest_aspeed = closestObject.GetComponent <follow_rotate> ().aspeed;
                //float nearest_stable_aspeed = closestObject.GetComponent<follow_rotate> ().stable_aspeed;

                //Debug.Log ("nearest_aspeed: " + nearest_aspeed);

                if (nearest_attachToW1)                 //!!!should the object's attachToW1,not this object's attachToW1!
                    ////这个轮子的速度 = 上一个轮子的速度 * 半径大小的变化
                    aspeed = -nearest_aspeed / multiplescale_w_nearest;

                    attachToW1 = true;
                    //attachToW1 = true;

                    //chooseAttachGameObject ();

//				if (!nearest_attachToW1)
//				{
////					lfollow_rotate = closestObject.GetComponent<follow_rotate> ();
////					aspeed = Time.deltaTime * -lfollow_rotate.aspeed / multiplescale_w1;  // here's the warning bug!! why?
//				}
        float d = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, closestObject.transform.position);

        //print (d);
//		print (transform.localScale.x);
//		print (Mathf.Abs(-10f));
//		print (transform.localScale.x/2 + ooo.transform.localScale.x/2 - d);

////judge when to start roating
////judge if two ajacent wheels can collide,
////if so, rotate following the speed of wheel
        if (Mathf.Abs(transform.localScale.x / 2 + closestObject.transform.localScale.x / 2 - d) < 0.2f)
            //print ("two wheels can collide.");
            transform.Rotate(0, 0, aspeed);

////create a time of this Wheel
////and make this time update following the state of the wheel
            timeHere = timeHere + Time.deltaTime * lrotate.Speed / multiplescale_w_nearest;
            //Debug.Log ("timeHere w2: "  + timeHere );

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, go_collide.transform.position, Color.yellow);

////distinguish whose timeHere

//		if (gameObject == lw2)
//		{
//			timeHeres [0] = timeHere;
//		}
////judge when to stop rotating?

        //Debug.Log ("go_collides: " + go_collides[0] +" " +  go_collides[1]);
        //Debug.Log (gameObject + " : " +attachGameObject_1 + " : " +attachGameObject_2 + " : " +attachGameObject_3);

//		if (gameObject == lw2)
//		{
//			for (int i = 0; i < go_collides.Count; i++)
//			{
//				Debug.Log (gameObject + ": colliding what's in gear_collides: " + i + ": " + go_collides [i]);
//			}
//		}