private void QuitControl() { if (Input.GetKeyDown("left") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { if (menu_4_affirmative) { return; } menu_4_affirmative = true; ToggleButton(menu_4_yes, true); ToggleButton(menu_4_no, false); PlayClickSound(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("right") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D)) { if (!menu_4_affirmative) { return; } menu_4_affirmative = false; ToggleButton(menu_4_yes, false); ToggleButton(menu_4_no, true); PlayClickSound(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { focusStatus = focus.main; quitDialog.SetActive(false); PlayPageSound(); } }
private void Quit() { ToggleButton(menu_4_yes, false); ToggleButton(menu_4_no, true); menu_4_affirmative = false; quitDialog.SetActive(true); focusStatus = focus.quit; }
private void ContinueGame(SaveData data) { StopBgm(); focusStatus = focus.none; GameManager.stage = data.GetStage(); GameManager.enabledArms = data.GetEnabledArms(); GameManager.position = data.GetPosition(); GameManager.isLoadingSaveData = true; loading_1.SetActive(true); stageLoader.LoadStage(GameManager.stage); }
public void setFocus(Control ctr) { if (ctr.InvokeRequired) { focus st = new focus(setFocus); ctr.Invoke(st, ctr); } else { ctr.Focus(); } }
private void StartNewGame() { StopBgm(); focusStatus = focus.none; SaveSystem.DeleteSaveFile(); GameManager.stage = SaveSystem.initialStage; GameManager.enabledArms = SaveSystem.initialEnabledArms; GameManager.position = SaveSystem.initialPosition; GameManager.isLoadingSaveData = false; loading_1.SetActive(true); stageLoader.LoadStage(GameManager.stage); }
private void SaveDataExistsEnterKey() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetKeyDown("return")) { if (menu_2_affirmative) { StartNewGame(); } else { focusStatus = focus.main; } PlayPageSound(); saveDataExistsDialog.SetActive(false); } }
private void NewGame() { SaveData data = SaveSystem.LoadGame(); if (data == null) { StartNewGame(); } else { ToggleButton(menu_2_yes, false); ToggleButton(menu_2_no, true); saveDataExistsDialog.SetActive(true); focusStatus = focus.saveDataExists; } }
private void QuitEnterKey() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetKeyDown("return")) { if (menu_4_affirmative) { ExitGame(); PlayPageSound(); } else { focusStatus = focus.main; PlayPageSound(); quitDialog.SetActive(false); } } }
private void LoadGame() { SaveData data = SaveSystem.LoadGame(); if (data == null) { ToggleButton(menu_1_yes, false); ToggleButton(menu_1_no, true); menu_1_affirmative = false; noSaveDataDialog.SetActive(true); focusStatus = focus.noSaveData; } else { ContinueGame(data); } }
private void SettingsControl() { if (Input.GetKeyDown("up") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { Debug.Log("UP"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("down") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { Debug.Log("DOWN"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape")) { Debug.Log("EXIT"); focusStatus = focus.main; PlayPageSound(); settingsDialog.SetActive(false); } }
private void Settings() { settingsDialog.SetActive(true); focusStatus = focus.settings; }
void CastRayToWorld(Vector2 pos) { //Debug.Log ("initially: " + clicks); Ray r = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(pos); //Vector3 p = r.origin + r.direction*(10 - (-.17f)); Vector3 p =; RaycastHit test; LayerMask lm; //our layermask for raycasting to ignore coins not in turn if (turn == 1) //so p1's turn want to mask out p2 coins. so mask out layer p2 { lm = lm2; //so lm2 is only layer p2. Then at end invert this. } else { lm = lm1; } lm = ~lm; bool hitCoin = false; GameObject coinHit; //Debug.Log (lm.value); //Debug.Log (r.direction); if (Physics.Raycast(r.origin, r.direction, out test, Mathf.Infinity, lm)) { //so need to check if hit a coin. else lower p.y else raise p.y (because if it's a coin then we're going to miss it if we incrase the ray's height.. /*namely we know from that default unity cylinder primitive = 2 units high * this means due to .1 scale our coins are .2 units high so .2/2 = .1, the half height of interest. */ p = test.point; GameObject gotHit = test.collider.gameObject; //Vector3 adjust = gotHit.transform.up;//so the normal of the surface that was hit //so need to make adjust to be terrain normal now.. if (!"Terrain")) { if (clicks == 0) { focus coinF = gotHit.GetComponent <focus>(); if (!coinF) { return; } coinF.handleSelection(); return; } //p.y -= .1f;// //Vector3 adjust = gotHit.transform.up; //try something else b/c when coin upside down, we get 0 -1 0 rather than 0 1 0. Vector3 adjust = test.normal; adjust.Normalize(); //Debug.Log ("p prev: " + p); p += -.1f * adjust; //AHA! So that's why. Adjust is being negative b/c coin is flipped over. //Debug.Log(adjust); //Debug.Log ("p adjusted: " + p + " and adjustment used: " + adjust); //Debug.Log("On a coin"); } else //so need the Terrain normal - credit to Eric on unity forumns //p.y += .1f; /* * Terrain t = gotHit.GetComponent<Terrain>(); * Vector3 relPos = p - t.transform.position; * Vector2 nPos = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(0.0f, t.terrainData.size.x, relPos.x), Mathf.InverseLerp(0.0f, t.terrainData.size.z, relPos.z)); * * Vector3 adjust = t.terrainData.GetInterpolatedNormal(nPos.x,nPos.y); */ //adjust = adjust.normalized; { deselectAllCoins(); GameObject.Find("P1Merger").GetComponent <coinMerger>().clearLines(); GameObject.Find("P2Merger").GetComponent <coinMerger>().clearLines(); //added //now if this coin has reachable pipeline emphasized(coin selected + pressed "S") and clicked on //a reachable segment, then teleport to some height above grid cell center (for now--later animate/lerp/rotate/roll) //and then reset clicks to 0 and return (not sure need to set to 0 as in already would be set to 0???) if (gotHit.GetComponent <SnapGrid>() != null) // && storePipes.teleportationInitiated){ { SnapGrid sg = gotHit.GetComponent <SnapGrid>(); if (sg.selected) { //Debug.Log(sg.finalPosition[0]+.5f); if (sg.owner == 1) { Vector3 teleportLoc =; teleportLoc.x = sg.finalPosition[0] + .5f; teleportLoc.z = sg.finalPosition[1] + .5f; storePipes.CoinThatCanTeleport.transform.position = teleportLoc; storePipes.clearTeleportation(); storePipes.clearTeleportationP2(); clicks = 0; return; //added } else { Vector3 teleportLoc =; teleportLoc.x = sg.finalPosition[0] + .5f; teleportLoc.z = sg.finalPosition[1] + .5f; storePipes.CoinThatCanTeleportP2.transform.position = teleportLoc; storePipes.clearTeleportation(); storePipes.clearTeleportationP2(); clicks = 0; return; } } } else { storePipes.clearTeleportation(); storePipes.clearTeleportationP2(); } Vector3 adjust = test.normal; adjust.Normalize(); p += .1f * adjust; //Debug.Log("On the floor"); //Debug.Log(adjust); //Debug.Log(gotHit.transform.up); aha, so transform.up gives the normal. need to use this for adjustment so that will work also on inclined surfaces,not just flat ones w/ normal of 0 1 0 } } if (clicks == 0) { clickPos = p; clicks += 1; //Debug.Log("h " + clicks);//added } else { clicks = 0; Vector3 dir = p - clickPos; //k so here rather than debug dray ray do a line renderer so viewer can see in scene StartCoroutine(drawLine(clickPos, p, 1.0f)); Debug.DrawRay(clickPos, dir,, 5.0f); RaycastHit hit; float dist = dir.magnitude; if (Physics.Raycast(clickPos, dir, out hit, dist, lm)) { GameObject target = hit.collider.gameObject; coinAndroidTest info = target.GetComponent <coinAndroidTest>(); //if (info.owner != turn){return;} // so exit if WAIT NO use raycast layber bitmask and here just check for locked/set it if false to true and increment a var to decide if turn over if (!info) { return; } if (info.locked) //so this coin is locked meaning have already launched it { return; } info.toggleLocked(true); info.locked = true; //so we're going to launch this so need to lock it so can't double launch in same turn Rigidbody coin = target.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); float distToHit = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, clickPos); float ratio = distToHit / dist; //Debug.Log("N/D: " + ratio); Vector3 offset = hit.point - coin.position; float offsetsize = offset.magnitude; //Debug.Log(offsetsize); offset = useless for coins--always = .5. For pencilwars (original) it had meaning... forceFactor = target.GetComponent <coinAndroidTest>().forceFactor; Vector3 forceToAdd = dir.normalized * ratio * forceFactor; // * Mathf.Pow (offsetsize,spower); //Debug.Log( + forceToAdd); coin.AddForceAtPosition(forceToAdd, hit.point); } } //Debug.Log ("at the end: " + clicks); }
var(focus, err) = compileRegexOption("focus", v["focus"].value, null);
public override void Update(InputMngr inputMngr) { switch (currentFocus) { case focus.profileCheck: { if (profileMngr.getProfileNum() > 0) { currentFocus = focus.profileSel; break; } if (ProfileMngr.currentProfile == null) { if (firstPass == true) { setProfileCheckUI(); } UiMngr.checkInput(gridOne, inputMngr); } else { throw new Exception("Something went wrong with the profile manager."); } } break; case focus.profileSel: { if (firstPass == true) { setProfileSelUI(); setProfileSelListUI(); } switch (subCurrentFocus) { case subFocus.profileSel: { UiMngr.checkInput(gridOne, inputMngr); if (inputMngr.checkInput(controls.goTestTri) == true) { stateMngr.setCRTState(States.StateMngr.ARstate.AR_Launch, assetMngr); } if (inputMngr.checkInput(controls.pressEnd) == true) { display.changeDisplay(); } } break; case subFocus.profileSelList: { UiMngr.checkInput(gridProfileSel, inputMngr); if (inputMngr.checkInput(controls.pressBack) == true) { subCurrentFocus = subFocus.profileSel; } } break; } } break; case focus.osti: { OSTI.Update(inputMngr); if (OSTI.getDone() == true) { profileName = OSTI.getText(); OSTI.setActive(false); if (profileMngr.checkForProfile(profileName) == false) { profileMngr.createProfile(profileName); currentFocus = focus.profileSel; } else { Console.WriteLine("Profile Already Exists."); OSTI = new OnScreenTextInput(); OSTI.setActive(true); } } } break; } }