private double DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth(String inBearing, esriDirectionType ConvertFromDirectionType,
                                                      esriDirectionUnits ConvertFromDirectionUnits)
            IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();

            if (pAng.SetString(inBearing, ConvertFromDirectionType, ConvertFromDirectionUnits))
                double result = pAng.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);
        private double DirectionString_2_PolarRadians(String inDirection, esriDirectionType ConvertFromDirectionType,
                                                      esriDirectionUnits ConvertFromDirectionUnits)
            IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();

            if (pAng.SetString(inDirection, ConvertFromDirectionType, ConvertFromDirectionUnits))
                double result = pAng.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);
        private string PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(double inDirection, esriDirectionType ConvertToDirectionType,
                                                      esriDirectionUnits ConvertToDirectionUnits)
            IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();

            if (pAng.SetAngle(inDirection, esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians))
                int    iPrec  = 7;
                string result = pAng.GetString(ConvertToDirectionType, ConvertToDirectionUnits, iPrec);
        private string NorthAzRadians_2_DirectionString(double inDirection, esriDirectionType ConvertToDirectionType,
                                                        esriDirectionUnits ConvertToDirectionUnits)
            IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();

            if (pAng.SetAngle(inDirection, esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians))
                int    iPrec  = 7;
                string result = pAng.GetString(ConvertToDirectionType, ConvertToDirectionUnits, iPrec);
        private ICircularArc ConstructCurveFromString(string inString, ISegment ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse,
                                                      esriDirectionType inDirectionType, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
                                                      out double outChordLength, out double outChordBearing)
            IConstructCircularArc pConstArc = new CircularArcClass();
            ICircularArc          pArc      = (ICircularArc)pConstArc;
            IPoint pPt = new PointClass();

            pPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
            //initialize the curve params
            bool bHasRadius = false; double dRadius = -1;
            bool bHasChord = false; double dChord = -1;
            bool bHasArc = false; double dArcLength = -1;
            bool bHasDelta = false; double dDelta = -1;
            bool bCCW = false; //assume curve to right unless proven otherwise
            //now initialize bearing types for non-tangent curves
            bool     bHasRadialBearing = false; double dRadialBearing = -1;
            bool     bHasChordBearing = false; double dChordBearing = -1;
            bool     bHasTangentBearing = false; double dTangentBearing = -1;
            ISegment EntryTangentSegment = null;

            int iItemPosition = 0;

            string[] sCourse         = inString.Split(' ');
            int      UpperBound      = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
            bool     bIsTangentCurve = (((string)sCourse.GetValue(0)).ToLower() == "tc");

            foreach (string item in sCourse)
                if (item == null)
                if ((item.ToLower() == "r") && (!bHasRadius) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                      // this r is for radius
                    dRadius    = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasRadius = true; //found a radius
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChord) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                     // this c is for chord length
                    dChord    = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasChord = true; //found a chord length
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "a" && (!bHasArc) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                      // this a is for arc length
                    dArcLength = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
                    bHasArc    = true; //found an arc length
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "d" && (!bHasDelta) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
                {                     // this d is for delta or central angle
                    dDelta    = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasDelta = true; //found a central angle
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "r" && (!bHasRadialBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3) && (UpperBound > 5))
                {// this r is for radial bearing
                        dRadialBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                        if (!(dRadialBearing == -999))
                            bHasRadialBearing = true;
                        }                                                //found a radial bearing
                    catch { }//this will catch case of final R meaning a curve right and not radial bearing
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChordBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
                {                            // this c is for chord bearing
                    dChordBearing    = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasChordBearing = true; //found a chord bearing
                if ((item.ToLower()) == "t" && (!bHasTangentBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
                {                              // this t is for tangent bearing
                    dTangentBearing    = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                    bHasTangentBearing = true; //found a tangent bearing
                    IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
                    pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTangentBearing, 100);
                    ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                    EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

                if ((item.ToLower()) == "l")
                    // this l is for defining a curve to the left
                    bCCW = true;
                iItemPosition += 1;

            if (!(bIsTangentCurve)) //non-tangent curve
            {                       //chord bearing
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dChord, true);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusAngle(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingAngleChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructBearingChordArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                //tangent bearing
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };

                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };

                //radial bearing
                if (bHasRadialBearing)
                    //need to convert radial bearing to tangent bearing by adding/subtracting 90 degrees
                    double dTanBear = 0;
                    if (bCCW)
                        dTanBear = dRadialBearing - (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
                        dTanBear = dRadialBearing + (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
                    IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
                    pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTanBear, 100);
                    ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                    EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
            { //tangent curve
                if (bHasRadius && bHasChord)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasArc)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasDelta)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
                    catch { };
                if (bHasChord && bHasArc)
                        pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
                    catch { };
            ILine pLine = new LineClass();

                pLine.PutCoords(pArc.FromPoint, pArc.ToPoint);
                outChordLength = -1; outChordBearing = -1;
            outChordLength  = pLine.Length;
            outChordBearing = pLine.Angle;
        protected override void OnClick()
            FileType ft = FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse; //start out assuming it is a cogo traverse file

            m_count = 1;
            ICadastralEditor            pCadEd         = (ICadastralEditor)ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("esriCadastralUI.CadastralEditorExtension");
            ICadastralFabric            pCadFabric     = pCadEd.CadastralFabric;
            ICadastralExtensionManager2 pCadExtMan     = (ICadastralExtensionManager2)pCadEd;
            IParcelEditManager          pParcEditorMan = (IParcelEditManager)pCadEd;
            IParcelConstruction         pTrav          = pParcEditorMan.ParcelConstruction;

            if (!(pParcEditorMan.InTraverseEditMode) && !(pParcEditorMan.InConstructionEditMode))
            {//if this is not a construction or a new parcel, then get out.
                MessageBox.Show("Please create a new parcel or new construction first, and then try again.");

            //Make sure the lines grid is selected
            Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();

            UTILS.SelectCadastralPropertyPage((ICadastralExtensionManager)pCadExtMan, "lines");

            IParcelConstruction3 pTrav3  = (IParcelConstruction3)pTrav;
            IGSParcel            pParcel = null;

                pParcel = pTrav.Parcel;
            catch (COMException error)
            //go get a traverse file
            // Display .Net dialog for File selection.
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            // Set File Filter
            openFileDialog.Filter = "Traverse file (*.txt)|*.txt|Comma-delimited(*.csv)|*.csv|All Files|*.*";
            // Disable multi-select
            openFileDialog.Multiselect = false;
            // Don't need to Show Help
            openFileDialog.ShowHelp = false;
            // Set Dialog Title
            openFileDialog.Title       = "Load file";
            openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 2;
            // Display Open File Dialog
            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                openFileDialog = null;

            TextReader tr = null;

                tr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog.FileName);
            catch (Exception ex)

            string sCourse = "";
            int    iCount  = 0;

            string[] sFileLine = new string[0]; //define as dynamic array
            //initialize direction units and format
            esriDirectionType  enumDirectionType  = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
            esriDirectionUnits enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;

            //initialize start and end points
            IPoint StartPoint     = new PointClass();
            IPoint EndPoint       = new PointClass();
            bool   IsLoopTraverse = false;

            //fill the array with the lines from the file
            while (sCourse != null)
                sCourse = tr.ReadLine();
                    if (sCourse.Trim().Length >= 1) //test for empty lines
                        RedimPreserveString(ref sFileLine, 1);
                        sFileLine[iCount] = sCourse;
                    sCourse = sCourse.ToLower();
                    if (sCourse.Contains("dt"))
                        if (sCourse.Contains("qb"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("na"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("sa"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTSouthAzimuth;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("p"))
                            enumDirectionType = esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar;
                    if (sCourse.Contains("du"))
                        if (sCourse.Contains("dms"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDegreesMinutesSeconds;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("dd"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("g"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDUGons;
                        else if (sCourse.Contains("r"))
                            enumDirectionUnits = esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians;
                    if (sCourse.Contains("sp"))
                    {//start point
                        string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
                        double   x  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
                        double   y  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
                        StartPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

                    if (sCourse.Contains("ep"))
                    {//end point
                        string[] XY = sCourse.Split(' ');
                        double   x  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[1]);
                        double   y  = Convert.ToDouble(XY[2]);
                        EndPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

                    if (sCourse.Contains("tometricfactor"))
                    {//this handles the comma-separated file case
                        string[] sScaleFactor = sCourse.Split(',');
                        m_dScaleFactor = Convert.ToDouble(sScaleFactor[1]);
                catch { }
            tr.Close(); //close the file and release resources
            string sFileExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog.FileName.TrimEnd());

            if ((sFileExt.ToLower() == ".csv") && (sFileLine[0].Contains(",")))
            {//if it's a comma-delimited file
                ft = FileType.CommaDelimited;

            //Test for loop traverse
            if (!(EndPoint.IsEmpty))
                if (EndPoint.Compare(StartPoint) == 0)
                    IsLoopTraverse = true;
                    IsLoopTraverse = false;

            //get highest point id number in grid, and get the to point id on the last line.
            IGSLine pParcelLine     = null;
            int     iFirstToNode    = -1;
            int     iLastToNode     = -1;
            int     iHighestPointID = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < pTrav.LineCount; i++)
                if (pTrav.GetLine(i, ref pParcelLine))
                    if (iFirstToNode < 0)
                        iFirstToNode = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
                    iLastToNode     = pParcelLine.ToPoint;
                    iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.ToPoint ? pParcelLine.ToPoint : iHighestPointID;
                    iHighestPointID = iHighestPointID < pParcelLine.FromPoint ? pParcelLine.FromPoint : iHighestPointID;

            ICadastralUndoRedo pCadUndoRedo = pTrav as ICadastralUndoRedo;

            pCadUndoRedo.StartUndoRedoSession("Load Lines From File");
                IGSLine  pLine        = null;
                int      iLinecount   = iCount - 1;
                ISegment pExitTangent = null;
                for (iCount = 0; iCount <= iLinecount; iCount++)
                    if (ft == FileType.COGOToolbarTraverse)
                            pLine = null;

                            ICircularArc pCircArc;//need to use this in the test to handle curves greater than 180
                            pLine = CreateGSLine(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType,
                                                 pExitTangent, out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                            //exit tangent from the previous course is the new entry tangent for the next course

                            if (pLine != null)
                                if (pCircArc == null)
                                {// straight line
                                    //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                    if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                        pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                    pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                                {                                                               //some post-processing needed to figure out if a 180 curve needs to be split
                                    if (Math.Abs(pCircArc.CentralAngle) < (Math.PI - 0.000001)) //some tolerance for being close to 180
                                    {                                                           //this curve is OK
                                      //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                        if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                            pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                                    {//curve is greater than or equal to 180, special treatment for GSE needed to split curve into 2 parts
                                        //first decrement the count
                                        m_count -= 1;
                                        ISegment pFullSegment = (ISegment)pCircArc; ISegment pFirstHalf; ISegment pSecondHalf;
                                        pFullSegment.SplitAtDistance(0.5, true, out pFirstHalf, out pSecondHalf);
                                        IConstructCircularArc2 pCircArcConstr1 = new CircularArcClass();
                                        ICircularArc           pCircArc1       = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                                                                                 pFirstHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                                        ILine2 pTangentLine = new LineClass();
                                        pCircArc1.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                                        string sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle,
                                                                                                enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                                        sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                                        string sHalfDelta = Radians_2_Angle(Math.Abs(pCircArc1.CentralAngle), enumDirectionUnits);
                                        string sSide      = pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise ? " L " : " R ";

                                        ISegment EntryTangent = (ISegment)pTangentLine;

                                        //construct the string for the first piece
                                        // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                                        string sFirstCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                                                             + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                                        IGSLine pLineFirstCurve = CreateGSLine(sFirstCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                                                                               out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineFirstCurve);

                                        ICircularArc pCircArc2 = (ICircularArc)pCircArcConstr1;
                                                                                 pSecondHalf.ToPoint, pCircArc.IsCounterClockwise, pCircArc.Radius, true);
                                        pCircArc2.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 0, false, 100, pTangentLine);
                                        sTangentBearing = PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(pTangentLine.Angle, enumDirectionType, enumDirectionUnits);
                                        sTangentBearing = sTangentBearing.Replace(" ", "");
                                        //construct the string for the second piece
                                        // looks similar to this: NC R 500 D 181-59-59 T N59-59-59W L
                                        string sSecondCurve = "NC R " + Convert.ToString(pCircArc.Radius)
                                                              + " D " + sHalfDelta + " T " + sTangentBearing + sSide;

                                        IGSLine pLineSecondCurve = CreateGSLine(sSecondCurve, enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType, pExitTangent,
                                                                                out pExitTangent, out pCircArc);
                                        //if this is the last course then set the to point to 1
                                        if ((iCount == iLinecount) && IsLoopTraverse)
                                            pLine.ToPoint = 1;
                                        pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLineSecondCurve);
                    else//this is comma-separated version of the grid, so do the following
                        pLine = null;
                        //apply a point id number offset if there are existing lines in the grid.
                        if (iHighestPointID > -1 && iCount >= 3)
                            string[] sTraverseCourse = sFileLine[iCount].Split(',');
                            if (iCount == 3)
                                sTraverseCourse[0] = iLastToNode.ToString();
                                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
                            else if (iCount > 3)
                                sTraverseCourse[0] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[0]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();
                                sTraverseCourse[5] = (Convert.ToInt32(sTraverseCourse[5]) + iHighestPointID).ToString();

                            sFileLine[iCount] = sTraverseCourse[0];
                            int iAttCount = sTraverseCourse.GetLength(0);
                            for (int j = 1; j < iAttCount; j++)
                                sFileLine[iCount] += "," + sTraverseCourse[j];

                        pLine = CreateGSLineFromCommaSeparatedString(sFileLine[iCount], enumDirectionUnits, enumDirectionType);

                        if (pLine != null)
                            pTrav.InsertGridRow(-1, pLine);
                IParcelConstruction2 pConstr2 = (IParcelConstruction2)pTrav3; //hidden interface
                pConstr2.RecalculatePoints();                                 //explicit recalculate needed on a construction
                sFileLine      = null;
                openFileDialog = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Load Lines From File");
        private IGSLine CreateGSLineFromCommaSeparatedString(String inCourse, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
                                                             esriDirectionType inDirectionType)
            string[] sCourse   = inCourse.Split(',');
            int      iUpperBnd = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
            double   dToMeterUnitConversion = m_dScaleFactor;

            if (m_dScaleFactor == -1)
            {//if the scale factor wasn't found in the file for some reason
                Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();
                dToMeterUnitConversion = UTILS.ToMeterUnitConversion();
            if (iUpperBnd <= 4)
            IGSLine pLine         = new GSLineClass();
            string  sLineCat      = "";
            string  sLineUserType = "";
            string  sAccCat       = "";
            string  sFromPt       = (string)sCourse.GetValue(0); //from point
            //string sTemplate = (string)sCourse.GetValue(1);//line template
            string sDirection = (string)sCourse.GetValue(1);     //direction
            string sDistance  = (string)sCourse.GetValue(2);     //distance
            string sRadius    = (string)sCourse.GetValue(3);     //radius
            string sChord     = (string)sCourse.GetValue(4);     //chord
            string sToPt      = (string)sCourse.GetValue(5);     //to point

            if (iUpperBnd >= 6)
                sLineCat = (string)sCourse.GetValue(6); //line category
            if (iUpperBnd >= 7)
                sLineUserType = (string)sCourse.GetValue(7); //line user type
            if (iUpperBnd >= 8)
                sAccCat = (string)sCourse.GetValue(8); //accuracy category
            int    iFromPt       = -1;                 //from point
            int    iToPt         = -1;                 //to point
            int    iLineCat      = -1;                 //line category
            int    iLineUserType = -1;                 //line user type
            int    iAccCat       = -1;                 //accuracy
            double dDistance     = -123456789;         //distance
            double dChord        = -123456789;         //chord
            double dRadius       = -123456789;         //radius

                iFromPt = Convert.ToInt32(sFromPt); //from point
                iToPt   = Convert.ToInt32(sToPt);   //to point
                if (sLineCat.Trim().Length > 0)
                    iLineCat = Convert.ToInt32(sLineCat); //line category
                if (sLineUserType.Trim().Length > 0)
                    iLineUserType = Convert.ToInt32(sLineUserType); //line user type
                if (sAccCat.Trim().Length > 0)
                    iAccCat = Convert.ToInt32(sAccCat); //accuracy
                if (sDistance.Trim().Length > 0)
                    dDistance = Convert.ToDouble(sDistance); //distance
                if (sChord.Trim().Length > 0)
                    dChord = Convert.ToDouble(sChord); //chord
                if (sRadius.Trim().Length > 0)
                    dRadius = Convert.ToDouble(sRadius); //radius
            double dBear = DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth(sDirection, inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);

            pLine.Bearing = dBear;
            if (dDistance != -123456789)
                pLine.Distance = dDistance * dToMeterUnitConversion;
            if (dChord != -123456789)
                pLine.Distance = dChord * dToMeterUnitConversion;
            if (dRadius != -123456789)
                pLine.Radius = dRadius * dToMeterUnitConversion;
            pLine.FromPoint = iFromPt;
            pLine.ToPoint   = iToPt;
            if (iAccCat > -1)
                pLine.Accuracy = iAccCat;
            if (iLineUserType > -1)
                pLine.LineType = iLineUserType;
            if (iLineCat > -1)
                pLine.Category = (esriCadastralLineCategory)iLineCat;
        private IGSLine CreateGSLine(String inCourse, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
                                     esriDirectionType inDirectionType, ISegment EntryTangent,
                                     out ISegment ExitTangent, out ICircularArc outCircularArc)
            string[]  sCourse = inCourse.Split(' ');
            Utilities UTILS   = new Utilities();
            double    dToMeterUnitConversion = UTILS.ToMeterUnitConversion();
            // ISegment ExitTangent = null;
            string item = (string)sCourse.GetValue(0);

            if (item.ToLower() == "dd")
            {//Direction distance -- straight line course
                IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
                double  dBear = DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth((string)sCourse.GetValue(1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                pLine.Bearing   = dBear;
                pLine.Distance  = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(2)) * dToMeterUnitConversion;
                pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
                m_count        += 1;
                pLine.ToPoint   = m_count;
                //Now define the tangent exit segment
                //in case it's needed for the next course (TC tangent curve, or Angle deflection)
                double dPolar = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(1),
                                                               inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
                IPoint pFromPt = new PointClass();
                pFromPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
                IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
                pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pFromPt, dPolar, 100);
                ILine ExitTangentLine = new LineClass();
                ExitTangentLine.PutCoords(pFromPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                ExitTangent    = (ISegment)ExitTangentLine;
                outCircularArc = null;
            if (item.ToLower() == "ad")
            {//Angle deflection distance
                IGSLine pLine      = new GSLineClass();
                double  dDeflAngle = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(1), inDirectionUnits);
                //now need to take the previous tangent segment, reverse its orientation and
                //add +ve clockwise to get the bearing
                ILine  calcLine = (ILine)EntryTangent;
                double dBear    = PolarRAD_2_SouthAzimuthRAD(calcLine.Angle) + dDeflAngle;
                pLine.Bearing   = dBear;
                pLine.Distance  = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(2)) * dToMeterUnitConversion;
                pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
                m_count        += 1;
                pLine.ToPoint   = m_count;
                //Now define the tangent exit segment
                //in case it's needed for the next course (TC tangent curve, or Angle deflection)
                IPoint pFromPt = new PointClass();
                pFromPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
                IConstructPoint2 pToPt  = new PointClass();
                double           dPolar = NorthAzimuthRAD_2_PolarRAD(dBear);
                pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pFromPt, dPolar, 100);
                ILine ExitTangentLine = new LineClass();
                ExitTangentLine.PutCoords(pFromPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
                ExitTangent    = (ISegment)ExitTangentLine;
                outCircularArc = null;

            else if ((item.ToLower() == "nc") || (item.ToLower() == "tc"))
                double       dChordlength;
                double       dChordBearing;
                ICircularArc pArc = ConstructCurveFromString(inCourse, EntryTangent,
                                                             inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits, out dChordlength, out dChordBearing);
                    IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
                    pLine.Bearing = PolarRAD_2_NorthAzimuthRAD(dChordBearing);
                    pLine.Radius  = pArc.Radius * dToMeterUnitConversion;//convert to meters
                    if (pArc.IsCounterClockwise)
                        pLine.Radius = pLine.Radius * -1;
                    pLine.Distance  = dChordlength * dToMeterUnitConversion; //convert to meters
                    pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
                    m_count        += 1;
                    pLine.ToPoint   = m_count;
                    ILine pTangentLine = new LineClass();
                    pArc.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, 100, pTangentLine);
                    //pass the exit tangent back out for use as next entry tangent
                    ExitTangent    = (ISegment)pTangentLine;
                    outCircularArc = pArc;
                catch { }
            outCircularArc = null;
            ExitTangent    = null;
        private bool RunAdjustment(ICadastralPacketManager pCadastralPacketManager,
                                   ICadastralAdjustment pCadAdj, ICadastralAdjustment3 pCadAdjEx, int Iteration, out double MaxShift, out string Summary)
            esriCadastralDistanceUnits eDistUnits  = esriCadastralDistanceUnits.esriCDUUSSurveyFoot;
            esriDirectionType          eDirectType = esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth;
            esriCadastralAreaUnits     eAreaUnits  = esriCadastralAreaUnits.esriCAUAcre;

            ICadastralPlan pCadPlan = (ICadastralPlan)pCadAdj;
            IEnumGSPlans   pGSPlans = pCadPlan.GetPlans(enumGSPlansType.enumGSPlansWithParcels);

            IGSPlan pGSPlan = pGSPlans.Next();

            while (pGSPlan != null)
                eDistUnits  = pGSPlan.DistanceUnits;
                eDirectType = pGSPlan.DirectionFormat;
                eAreaUnits  = esriCadastralAreaUnits.esriCAUAcre;
                break; //just use the first one

            double dMaxShift = -999;
            string sSummary  = "";

            MaxShift = dMaxShift;
                //get the units from the map plan

                sSummary =
                    pCadAdj.PerformAdjustment(false, m_sBrowseFilePath, null, eDistUnits, eDirectType, eAreaUnits);

                double dMaxEast  = -999;
                double dMaxNorth = -999;
                int    iPt       = -999;
                pCadAdjEx.GetMaxShiftData(ref iPt, ref dMaxEast, ref dMaxNorth);

                double dDistEast  = -999;
                double dDistNorth = -999;

                IMetricUnitConverter pUnitConversion = (IMetricUnitConverter)pCadastralPacketManager;
                                                dMaxEast, ref dDistEast);
                                                dMaxNorth, ref dDistNorth);

                dMaxShift = Math.Sqrt((dDistEast * dDistEast) + (dDistNorth * dDistNorth));

            catch (Exception ex)

                MaxShift = dMaxShift;
                Summary  = sSummary;
コード例 #10
ファイル: CourseConstruction.cs プロジェクト: EAWCS1/SUITT
 public static string DirectionTypeToString(esriDirectionType esriDirectionType)
     switch (esriDirectionType)
         case esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth:
             return "North Azimuth";
         case esriDirectionType.esriDTSouthAzimuth:
             return "South Azimuth";
         case esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar:
             return "Polar";
         case esriDirectionType.esriDTQuadrantBearing:
             return "Quadrant Bearing";
             return "Unknown";
コード例 #11
   private string PolarRadians_2_DirectionString(double inDirection, esriDirectionType ConvertToDirectionType,
 esriDirectionUnits ConvertToDirectionUnits)
       IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();
         if (pAng.SetAngle(inDirection, esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians))
       int iPrec = 7;
       string result = pAng.GetString(ConvertToDirectionType, ConvertToDirectionUnits, iPrec);
       return result;
       return null;
コード例 #12
   private double DirectionString_2_PolarRadians(String inDirection, esriDirectionType ConvertFromDirectionType,
 esriDirectionUnits ConvertFromDirectionUnits)
       IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();
         if (pAng.SetString(inDirection, ConvertFromDirectionType, ConvertFromDirectionUnits))
       double result = pAng.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTPolar, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);
       return result;
       return -999;
コード例 #13
    private double DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth(String inBearing, esriDirectionType ConvertFromDirectionType,
 esriDirectionUnits ConvertFromDirectionUnits)
        IAngularConverter pAng = new AngularConverter();
          if (pAng.SetString(inBearing, ConvertFromDirectionType, ConvertFromDirectionUnits))
        double result = pAng.GetAngle(esriDirectionType.esriDTNorthAzimuth, esriDirectionUnits.esriDURadians);
        return result;
        return -999;
コード例 #14
        private IGSLine CreateGSLineFromCommaSeparatedString(String inCourse, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
            esriDirectionType inDirectionType)
            string[] sCourse = inCourse.Split(',');
              int iUpperBnd = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
              double dToMeterUnitConversion = m_dScaleFactor;
              if (m_dScaleFactor == -1)
              {//if the scale factor wasn't found in the file for some reason
            Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();
            dToMeterUnitConversion = UTILS.ToMeterUnitConversion();
              if (iUpperBnd <= 4) { return null; }
              IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
              string sLineCat = "";
              string sLineUserType = "";
              string sAccCat = "";
              string sFromPt = (string)sCourse.GetValue(0);//from point
              //string sTemplate = (string)sCourse.GetValue(1);//line template
              string sDirection = (string)sCourse.GetValue(1);//direction
              string sDistance = (string)sCourse.GetValue(2);//distance
              string sRadius = (string)sCourse.GetValue(3);//radius
              string sChord = (string)sCourse.GetValue(4);//chord
              string sToPt = (string)sCourse.GetValue(5);//to point
              if (iUpperBnd >= 6)
            sLineCat = (string)sCourse.GetValue(6); //line category
              if (iUpperBnd >= 7)
            sLineUserType = (string)sCourse.GetValue(7); //line user type
              if (iUpperBnd >= 8)
            sAccCat = (string)sCourse.GetValue(8); //accuracy category

              int iFromPt = -1; //from point
              int iToPt = -1; //to point
              int iLineCat = -1;//line category
              int iLineUserType = -1;//line user type
              int iAccCat = -1;//accuracy
              double dDistance = -123456789;//distance
              double dChord = -123456789;//chord
              double dRadius = -123456789;//radius

            iFromPt = Convert.ToInt32(sFromPt); //from point
            iToPt = Convert.ToInt32(sToPt); //to point
            if (sLineCat.Trim().Length > 0)
              iLineCat = Convert.ToInt32(sLineCat); //line category
            if (sLineUserType.Trim().Length > 0)
              iLineUserType = Convert.ToInt32(sLineUserType); //line user type
            if (sAccCat.Trim().Length > 0)
              iAccCat = Convert.ToInt32(sAccCat); //accuracy
            if (sDistance.Trim().Length > 0)
              dDistance = Convert.ToDouble(sDistance); //distance
            if (sChord.Trim().Length > 0)
              dChord = Convert.ToDouble(sChord); //chord
            if (sRadius.Trim().Length > 0)
              dRadius = Convert.ToDouble(sRadius); //radius
            return null;
              double dBear = DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth(sDirection, inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
              pLine.Bearing = dBear;
              if (dDistance != -123456789)
            pLine.Distance = dDistance * dToMeterUnitConversion;
              if (dChord != -123456789)
            pLine.Distance = dChord * dToMeterUnitConversion;
              if (dRadius != -123456789)
            pLine.Radius = dRadius * dToMeterUnitConversion;
              pLine.FromPoint = iFromPt;
              pLine.ToPoint = iToPt;
              if (iAccCat > -1)
            pLine.Accuracy = iAccCat;
              if (iLineUserType > -1)
            pLine.LineType = iLineUserType;
              if (iLineCat > -1)
            pLine.Category = (esriCadastralLineCategory)iLineCat;
              return pLine;
コード例 #15
        private IGSLine CreateGSLine(String inCourse, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
            esriDirectionType inDirectionType, ISegment EntryTangent,
            out ISegment ExitTangent, out ICircularArc outCircularArc)
              string[] sCourse = inCourse.Split(' ');
              Utilities UTILS = new Utilities();
              double dToMeterUnitConversion = UTILS.ToMeterUnitConversion();
              // ISegment ExitTangent = null;
              string item = (string)sCourse.GetValue(0);
              if (item.ToLower() == "dd")
              {//Direction distance -- straight line course
            IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
            double dBear = DirectionString_2_NorthAzimuth((string)sCourse.GetValue(1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
            pLine.Bearing = dBear;
            pLine.Distance = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(2)) * dToMeterUnitConversion;
            pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
            m_count += 1;
            pLine.ToPoint = m_count;
            //Now define the tangent exit segment
            //in case it's needed for the next course (TC tangent curve, or Angle deflection)
            double dPolar = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(1),
                inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
            IPoint pFromPt = new PointClass();
            pFromPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
            IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
            pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pFromPt, dPolar, 100);
            ILine ExitTangentLine = new LineClass();
            ExitTangentLine.PutCoords(pFromPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
            ExitTangent = (ISegment)ExitTangentLine;
            outCircularArc = null;
            return pLine;
              if (item.ToLower() == "ad")
              {//Angle deflection distance
            IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
            double dDeflAngle = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(1), inDirectionUnits);
            //now need to take the previous tangent segment, reverse its orientation and
            //add +ve clockwise to get the bearing
            ILine calcLine = (ILine)EntryTangent;
            double dBear = PolarRAD_2_SouthAzimuthRAD(calcLine.Angle) + dDeflAngle;
            pLine.Bearing = dBear;
            pLine.Distance = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(2)) * dToMeterUnitConversion;
            pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
            m_count += 1;
            pLine.ToPoint = m_count;
            //Now define the tangent exit segment
            //in case it's needed for the next course (TC tangent curve, or Angle deflection)
            IPoint pFromPt = new PointClass();
            pFromPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
            IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
            double dPolar = NorthAzimuthRAD_2_PolarRAD(dBear);
            pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pFromPt, dPolar, 100);
            ILine ExitTangentLine = new LineClass();
            ExitTangentLine.PutCoords(pFromPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
            ExitTangent = (ISegment)ExitTangentLine;
            outCircularArc = null;

            return pLine;
              else if ((item.ToLower() == "nc") || (item.ToLower() == "tc"))
            double dChordlength;
            double dChordBearing;
            ICircularArc pArc = ConstructCurveFromString(inCourse, EntryTangent,
                inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits, out dChordlength, out dChordBearing);
              IGSLine pLine = new GSLineClass();
              pLine.Bearing = PolarRAD_2_NorthAzimuthRAD(dChordBearing);
              pLine.Radius = pArc.Radius * dToMeterUnitConversion;//convert to meters
              if (pArc.IsCounterClockwise) { pLine.Radius = pLine.Radius * -1; }
              pLine.Distance = dChordlength * dToMeterUnitConversion; //convert to meters
              pLine.FromPoint = m_count;
              m_count += 1;
              pLine.ToPoint = m_count;
              ILine pTangentLine = new LineClass();
              pArc.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, 100, pTangentLine);
              //pass the exit tangent back out for use as next entry tangent
              ExitTangent = (ISegment)pTangentLine;
              outCircularArc = pArc;
              return pLine;
            catch { }
              outCircularArc = null;
              ExitTangent = null;
              return null;
コード例 #16
        private ICircularArc ConstructCurveFromString(string inString, ISegment ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse,
          esriDirectionType inDirectionType, esriDirectionUnits inDirectionUnits,
          out double outChordLength, out double outChordBearing)
              IConstructCircularArc pConstArc = new CircularArcClass();
              ICircularArc pArc = (ICircularArc)pConstArc;
              IPoint pPt = new PointClass();
              pPt.PutCoords(1000, 1000);
              //initialize the curve params
              bool bHasRadius = false; double dRadius = -1;
              bool bHasChord = false; double dChord = -1;
              bool bHasArc = false; double dArcLength = -1;
              bool bHasDelta = false; double dDelta = -1;
              bool bCCW = false; //assume curve to right unless proven otherwise
              //now initialize bearing types for non-tangent curves
              bool bHasRadialBearing = false; double dRadialBearing = -1;
              bool bHasChordBearing = false; double dChordBearing = -1;
              bool bHasTangentBearing = false; double dTangentBearing = -1;
              ISegment EntryTangentSegment = null;

              int iItemPosition = 0;

              string[] sCourse = inString.Split(' ');
              int UpperBound = sCourse.GetUpperBound(0);
              bool bIsTangentCurve = (((string)sCourse.GetValue(0)).ToLower() == "tc");
              foreach (string item in sCourse)
            if (item == null)
            if ((item.ToLower() == "r") && (!bHasRadius) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this r is for radius
              dRadius = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasRadius = true; //found a radius
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChord) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this c is for chord length
              dChord = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasChord = true; //found a chord length
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "a" && (!bHasArc) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this a is for arc length
              dArcLength = Convert.ToDouble(sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1));
              bHasArc = true; //found an arc length
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "d" && (!bHasDelta) && (iItemPosition <= 3))
            {// this d is for delta or central angle
              dDelta = Angle_2_Radians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionUnits);
              bHasDelta = true; //found a central angle
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "r" && (!bHasRadialBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3) && (UpperBound > 5))
            {// this r is for radial bearing
            dRadialBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
            if (!(dRadialBearing == -999)) { bHasRadialBearing = true; } //found a radial bearing
              catch { }//this will catch case of final R meaning a curve right and not radial bearing
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "c" && (!bHasChordBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
            {// this c is for chord bearing
              dChordBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
              bHasChordBearing = true; //found a chord bearing
            if ((item.ToLower()) == "t" && (!bHasTangentBearing) && (iItemPosition > 3))
            {// this t is for tangent bearing
              dTangentBearing = DirectionString_2_PolarRadians((string)sCourse.GetValue(iItemPosition + 1), inDirectionType, inDirectionUnits);
              bHasTangentBearing = true; //found a tangent bearing
              IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
              pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTangentBearing, 100);
              ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
              EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
              EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

            if ((item.ToLower()) == "l")
              // this l is for defining a curve to the left
              bCCW = true;
            iItemPosition += 1;

              if (!(bIsTangentCurve)) //non-tangent curve
              {//chord bearing
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dChord, true);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingRadiusAngle(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingAngleChord(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasChordBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructBearingChordArc(pPt, dChordBearing, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            //tangent bearing
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };

            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };

            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasTangentBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };

            //radial bearing
            if (bHasRadialBearing)
              //need to convert radial bearing to tangent bearing by adding/subtracting 90 degrees
              double dTanBear = 0;
              if (bCCW)
            dTanBear = dRadialBearing - (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
            dTanBear = dRadialBearing + (Angle_2_Radians("90", esriDirectionUnits.esriDUDecimalDegrees));
              IConstructPoint2 pToPt = new PointClass();
              pToPt.ConstructAngleDistance(pPt, dTanBear, 100);
              ILine EntryTangentLine = new LineClass();
              EntryTangentLine.PutCoords(pPt, (IPoint)pToPt);
              EntryTangentSegment = (ISegment)EntryTangentLine;

            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc && bHasRadialBearing)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(EntryTangentSegment, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };
              { //tangent curve
            if (bHasRadius && bHasChord)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasArc)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dArcLength);
              catch { };
            if (bHasRadius && bHasDelta)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentRadiusAngle(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dRadius, dDelta);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasDelta)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentAngleChord(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dDelta, dChord);
              catch { };
            if (bHasChord && bHasArc)
            pConstArc.ConstructTangentChordArc(ExitTangentFromPreviousCourse, false, bCCW, dChord, dArcLength);
              catch { };
              ILine pLine = new LineClass();
            pLine.PutCoords(pArc.FromPoint, pArc.ToPoint);
            outChordLength = -1; outChordBearing = -1;
            return null;
              outChordLength = pLine.Length;
              outChordBearing = pLine.Angle;
              return pArc;