コード例 #1
ファイル: scJavaScript.cs プロジェクト: campbeln/cn-namespace
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the requested JavaScript file references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: <c>cnCnRendererComplexSorter</c> is not yet implemented.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="eJavaScriptFile">Enumeration representing the JavaScript/DHTML code to return.</param>
        /// <param name="oSettings">Cn.Web.Settings.Current instance representing the current enviroment.</param>
        /// <returns>String representing the required JavaScript file script block(s) for the referenced <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Cn.CnException">Thrown when the passed <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref> is unreconized.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Cn.CnException">Thrown when the passed <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref> is <c>cnRenderAllJavaScript</c> and the referenced <paramref>oSettings.RenderedJavaScriptFiles</paramref> signanifies that some or all of the JavaScript file script blocks have been rendered previously.</exception>
        /// <LastUpdated>March 3, 2010</LastUpdated>
        public static string GenerateFileReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles eJavaScriptFile, Settings.Current oSettings)
            string sPath = Settings.Value(Settings.enumSettingValues.cnUIDirectory);
            string sCRLF = oSettings.CRLF;
            string sReturn;
            int    iRenderedJavaScriptFiles = oSettings.GeneratedJavaScriptFileReferences;

            //#### If we are in .Debug mode, append g_cJavaScriptDebugDirectory onto the sPath
            if (oSettings.Debug)
                sPath += g_cJavaScriptDebugDirectory;
            //#### Else we are not in .Debug mode, so append g_cJavaScriptDirectory onto the sPath
                sPath += g_cJavaScriptDirectory;

            //#### Pass the call off to .DoRender to generate the required JavaScript file references, Response.Write'ing out the returned value
            sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(eJavaScriptFile, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, oSettings.EndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, oSettings.Debug);

            //#### Reset oSettings's .RenderedJavaScriptFiles to the local iRenderedJavaScriptFiles
            //####     NOTE: This is required because you cannot pass a property byref (as is required by the .DoGetScriptReferences call above)
            oSettings.GeneratedJavaScriptFileReferences = iRenderedJavaScriptFiles;

            //#### Return the above determined value to the caller
コード例 #2
ファイル: scJavaScript.cs プロジェクト: campbeln/cn-namespace
        //# Private Static Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the requested JavaScript file references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: <c>cnCnRendererComplexSorter</c> is not yet implemented.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="eJavaScriptFile">Enumeration representing the JavaScript/DHTML code to return.</param>
        /// <param name="iRenderedJavaScriptFiles">Reference to an integer representing a bitwise value indicating which JavaScript file references have been rendered previously.</param>
        /// <param name="sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode">String representing the end user's ISO639 2-letter language code.</param>
        /// <param name="sPath">String representing the path from the web oRootDir to the JavaScript oFiles.</param>
        /// <param name="sCRLF">String representing the line break character(s) to be included in the return value.</param>
        /// <returns>String representing the required JavaScript file script block(s) for the referenced <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Cn.CnException">Thrown when the passed <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref> is unreconized.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Cn.CnException">Thrown when the passed <paramref>eJavaScriptFile</paramref> is <c>cnRenderAllJavaScript</c> and the passed <paramref>iRenderedJavaScriptFiles</paramref> signanifies that some or all of the JavaScript file script blocks have been rendered previously.</exception>
        /// <LastUpdated>March 3, 2010</LastUpdated>
        private static string DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles eJavaScriptFile, ref int iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, string sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, string sPath, string sCRLF, bool bDebug)
            string sReturn = "";

            //#### As long as the iRenderedJavaScriptFiles is not set to .cnDisableJavaScriptRendering and the passed eJavaScriptFile has not yet been rendered
            if (iRenderedJavaScriptFiles != (int)enumJavaScriptFiles.cnDisableJavaScriptRendering && (iRenderedJavaScriptFiles & (int)eJavaScriptFile) == 0)
                //#### Determine the passed eJavaScriptFile and process accordingly
                switch (eJavaScriptFile)
                //#### If this is a .cnCn eJavaScriptFile request, reset the sReturn value accordingly
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn: {
                    sReturn = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Cn.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Cn.js." + g_cServerSideScriptFileExtension + "'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnTools eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn and .cnYUIDOM (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Most of the .cnCn* calls below rely on the call below in order to collect their own copy of .cnCn
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUIDOM also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUIDOM call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIDOM, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Data/Tools.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Tools.js'></script>" + sCRLF;


                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputs eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputs: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn and .cnCnTools (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnTools call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/Inputs.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsValidation eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsValidation: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn, .cnCnTools, .cnCnInputs and .cnYUIDOM (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnTools call will pick it up)
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUIDOM also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUIDOM call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputs, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIDOM, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/Validation.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/Validation.js." + g_cServerSideScriptFileExtension +
                              "?LanguageCode=" + sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode +
                              "'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsDateTime eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsDateTime: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn, .cnCnTools and .cnYUICalendar (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnSettings call will pick it up)
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUICalendar also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUICalendar call will pick it up)
                    //####     NOTE: SystemName and LanguageCode are passed in via the QueryString because they are used by the server-side script
                    //####     NOTE: WeekOfYearCalculation is passed in via the QueryString because it is defined programaticially by the Developer at runtime
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUICalendar, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Dates/Tools.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/DateTime.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/DateTime.js." + g_cServerSideScriptFileExtension +
                              "?LanguageCode=" + sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode +
                              "'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Dates/Tools.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsComboBox eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsComboBox: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn and .cnCnTools (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnSettings call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/ComboBox.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

//! neek
                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsHTMLEditor eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsHTMLEditor: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn, .cnCnTools and .cnYUIRichTextEditor (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIRichTextEditor, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/HTMLEditor.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

//! neek
                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsMaxLength eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsMaxLength: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCnTools, .cnCnInputs, .cnCnInputsValidation and .cnYUIEvent (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnTools also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnTools call will pick it up)
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUIEvent also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUIEvent call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputs, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsValidation, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/MaxLength.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnInputsRadio eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsRadio: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCnTools and .cnYUIEvent (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnTools also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnTools call will pick it up)
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUIEvent also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUIEvent call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnTools, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Inputs/Radio.js'></script>" + sCRLF;


                //#### If this is a .cnCnRendererForm eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnRendererForm: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn, .cnCnInputs and .cnCnInputsValidation (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnSettings call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputs, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnInputsValidation, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Renderer/Form.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnRendererComplexSorter eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnRendererComplexSorter: {
//!						sReturn += "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sBaseDirectory + "Cn/Web/Renderer/ComplexSorter.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnCnRendererUserSelectedStack eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCnRendererUserSelectedStack: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnCn (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnCnSettings also requires .cnCn, it is not included below (as the .cnCnSettings call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnCn, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "Cn/Web/Renderer/UserSelectedStack.js'></script>"


                //#### If this is a .cnYUIRichTextEditor eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIRichTextEditor: {
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIDOM, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/element.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/container.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/simpleeditor.js'></script>" + sCRLF +

                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/menu.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/button.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/editor.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + sPath + "yui/editor-core.css' />"


                //#### If this is a .cnYUI eJavaScriptFile request, reset the sReturn value accordingly
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUI: {
                    sReturn = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/yahoo.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnYUICalendar eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUICalendar: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnYUI and .cnYUIEvent (as they are required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    //####     NOTE: Since .cnYUIEvent also requires .cnYUI, it is not included below (as the .cnYUIEvent call will pick it up)
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/calendar.js'></script>" + sCRLF +
                              "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + sPath + "yui/calendar.css' />"

                //#### If this is a .cnYUIEvent eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIEvent: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnYUI (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUI, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/event.js'></script>" + sCRLF;

                //#### If this is a .cnYUIDOM eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUIDOM: {
                    //#### Recurse to collect the JavaScript for .cnYUI (as it is required for this eJavaScriptFile) before appending the script tag
                    sReturn = DoGetScriptReferences(enumJavaScriptFiles.cnYUI, ref iRenderedJavaScriptFiles, sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode, sPath, sCRLF, bDebug) +
                              "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "yui/dom.js'></script>" + sCRLF;


                //#### If this is a .cnRenderAllJavaScript eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnRenderAllJavaScript: {
                    //#### If no other JavaScript has been previously rendered
                    if (iRenderedJavaScriptFiles == 0)
                        //#### Reset the value of the sPath to ensure that we are not looking at the /Debug path
                        sPath = Settings.Value(Settings.enumSettingValues.cnUIDirectory) + g_cJavaScriptDirectory;

                        //#### Set the sReturn value to the required all/ .js oFiles
                        //####     NOTE: Since there is no Debug/ version of the all/ .js oFiles, the value of sPath is not utilized below
                        //####     NOTE: SystemName and LanguageCode are passed in via the QueryString because they are used by the server-side script
//! neek - debug hard coded!!
//								"<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "JS.aspx?Mode=Cn&Debug=" + bDebug + "&LanguageCode=" + sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode + "'></script>" + sCRLF +

                        sReturn = "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "JS.aspx?Mode=YUI&Debug=true'></script>" + sCRLF +
                                  "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "JS.aspx?Mode=Cn&Debug=true&LanguageCode=" + sEndUserMessagesLanguageCode + "'></script>" + sCRLF +
                                  "<script type='text/javascript' src='" + sPath + "JS.aspx?Mode=CSS&Debug=true'></script>"

                        //#### Set the .RenderedJavaScriptFiles to .cnDisableJavaScriptRendering (as no further JavaScript is to be rendered and .cnDisableJavaScriptRendering gives us this effect)
                        iRenderedJavaScriptFiles = (int)enumJavaScriptFiles.cnDisableJavaScriptRendering;
                    //#### Else some JavaScript oFiles have been previously rendered, so raise the error
                        Internationalization.RaiseDefaultError(g_cClassName + "JavaScript", Internationalization.enumInternationalizationValues.cnDeveloperMessages_Renderer_RenderedJavaScript, "", "");

                //#### If this is a .cnDisableJavaScriptRendering eJavaScriptFile request
                case enumJavaScriptFiles.cnDisableJavaScriptRendering: {
                    iRenderedJavaScriptFiles = (int)enumJavaScriptFiles.cnDisableJavaScriptRendering;

                //#### Else the eJavaScriptFile was unreconized, so raise the error
                default: {
                    Internationalization.RaiseDefaultError(g_cClassName + "JavaScript", Internationalization.enumInternationalizationValues.cnDeveloperMessages_General_UnknownValue, "eJavaScriptFile", Data.Tools.MakeString(eJavaScriptFile, ""));

                //#### If the .RenderedJavaScriptFiles is not set to .cnDisableJavaScriptRendering
                if (iRenderedJavaScriptFiles != (int)enumJavaScriptFiles.cnDisableJavaScriptRendering)
                    //#### Flip the eJavaScriptFile bit within the .RenderedJavaScriptFiles
                    iRenderedJavaScriptFiles = (iRenderedJavaScriptFiles | (int)eJavaScriptFile);

            //#### Return the above determined sReturn value to the caller