コード例 #1
    public void EnemyKilled(int count)
        _currentCount -= count;

        if (_currentCount <= 0)
            if (_lastShouldFlip == false || _lastFlipped == true)

            // PASS OVER!!

            mysource.pitch = 1.5f;
            mysource.pitch = 1.0f;

            eSpawnSide oppositePos = _lastWavePosition;
            if (oppositePos == eSpawnSide.LEFT)
                oppositePos = eSpawnSide.RIGHT;
            else if (oppositePos == eSpawnSide.RIGHT)
                oppositePos = eSpawnSide.LEFT;

            owner.SpawnWave(_lastWaveQuantity, _lastWaveSpawnPos, oppositePos, _lastAIWaveName, true, true);


            //Debug.Log("Spawn Wave of " + _lastWaveQuantity  + " enemies at the " + AIWave.eSpawnPosition.BOTTOM.ToString() + " to side " + !_lastWavePosition);
コード例 #2
    public void Spawn(int quantity, AIWave.eSpawnPosition spawnPos, eSpawnSide side, GameObject aiPrefab, bool flipped, bool shouldFlip)
        _lastWaveQuantity = quantity;
        _lastWavePosition = side;
        _lastAIWaveName   = aiPrefab.name;
        _lastWaveSpawnPos = spawnPos;
        _lastShouldFlip   = shouldFlip;
        _lastFlipped      = flipped;

        // end stephen

        // Spawn

        newEnemies = new GameObject[quantity];
        for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
            //newEnemies[i] = Instantiate(aiPrefab, Vector3.zero, aiPrefab.transform.rotation, this.transform) as GameObject;
            newEnemies[i] = ObjectPool.Instance.InstantiateObject(aiPrefab.name, Vector3.zero);
            newEnemies[i].name = aiPrefab.name;

            if (newEnemies[i].GetComponent <AIHealth>() != null)
                newEnemies[i].GetComponent <AIHealth>().owner = this.GetComponent <AIWave>();
                newEnemies[i].GetComponentInChildren <AIHealth>().owner = this.GetComponent <AIWave>();

            if (side == eSpawnSide.LEFT)
                newEnemies[i].GetComponent <AIDynamicStats>().side = false;
            else if (side == eSpawnSide.RIGHT)
                newEnemies[i].GetComponent <AIDynamicStats>().side = true;


        if (flipped == true)
            for (int i = 0; i < newEnemies.Length; i++)
                // Buff stats
                newEnemies [i].GetComponent <AIHealth> ().Flip();
                newEnemies [i].GetComponent <AIScoreGabriel> ().Flip();

        // Buff stats depending on Level
        if (_StageManager == null)
            _StageManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <StageManager> ();
        for (int i = 0; i < newEnemies.Length; i++)
            // Buff stats
            int healthBuffValue = 0;

            if (_StageManager.currentStage < 3)
                healthBuffValue = -2;
            else if (_StageManager.currentStage >= 7 && _StageManager.currentStage <= 12)
                if (_AISimpleMove != null)
                healthBuffValue = 1;
            else if (_StageManager.currentStage > 12 && _StageManager.currentStage <= 18)
                if (_AISimpleMove != null)
                healthBuffValue = 2;
            else if (_StageManager.currentStage >= 20)
                if (_AISimpleMove != null)
                healthBuffValue = 3;

            if (healthBuffValue > 3)
                healthBuffValue = 3;

            if (newEnemies[i].GetComponent <AIHealth>() != null)
                newEnemies [i].GetComponent <AIHealth> ().IncreaseHealth(healthBuffValue);
            //   else
            //     newEnemies[i].GetComponentInChildren<AIHealth>().IncreaseHealth(healthBuffValue);

        this.GetComponent <AISimpleMove> ().speed = GetSmallestMovementSpeed(newEnemies);

        Vector3 mostLeftPosition = Vector3.zero;

        mostLeftPosition.x -= Mathf.Floor((float)quantity / 2.0f) * (_xOffset + _space);

        switch (spawnPos)
        case eSpawnPosition.BOTTOM:

            for (int i = 0; i < newEnemies.Length; i++)
                Vector3 newPosition = mostLeftPosition;
                newPosition.x += i * (_xOffset + _space);

                newEnemies[i].transform.localPosition = newPosition;


        case eSpawnPosition.MIDDLE:

            for (int i = 0; i < newEnemies.Length; i++)
                Vector3 newPosition = mostLeftPosition;
                newPosition.x += i * (_xOffset + _space);
                newPosition.y  = 2f;

                newEnemies[i].transform.localPosition = newPosition;

        case eSpawnPosition.TOP:

            for (int i = 0; i < newEnemies.Length; i++)
                Vector3 newPosition = mostLeftPosition;
                newPosition.x += i * (_xOffset + _space);
                newPosition.y  = 4.0f;

                newEnemies[i].transform.localPosition = newPosition;
