コード例 #1
        private static void DumpFields(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable)
            // Run over all fields
            bool first = true;

            foreach (TTableField field in ATable.grpTableField)
                ASw.Write(WriteField(ATargetDatabase, ATable, field, first, true));
                first = false;
コード例 #2
        private static Boolean WriteTable(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable, bool AWriteConstraintsAndIndexes = false)
            // Show the table info
            ASw.WriteLine("-- {0}", ATable.strDescription.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " "));
            ASw.WriteLine("-- GROUP: {0}", ATable.strGroup);
            ASw.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE {0} (", ATable.strName);

            // Dump fields
            DumpFields(ATargetDatabase, ASw, ATable);

            if (AWriteConstraintsAndIndexes)
                if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                    DumpConstraints(ASw, ATable, eInclude.eOnlyLocal, true);
                    DumpConstraints(ASw, ATable, eInclude.eInCreateTable, true);
                    DumpIndexes(ATargetDatabase, ASw, ATable, eInclude.eInCreateTable, true);
                // always add the primary key
                DumpConstraints(ASw, ATable, eInclude.eOnlyLocal, true);


            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                // use InnoDB, otherwise there are no constraints
                ASw.WriteLine(" ENGINE=InnoDB");
                // make sure we are using the character set for UTF8
                ASw.WriteLine(" CHARACTER SET UTF8");


            if (AWriteConstraintsAndIndexes && (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL))
                DumpIndexes(ATargetDatabase, ASw, ATable, eInclude.eIncludeSeparate, true);

コード例 #3
        private static Boolean WriteSequences(StreamWriter ASw,
                                              eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase,
                                              TDataDefinitionStore AStore,
                                              bool AWithSequenceInitialisation)
            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                // see http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg05123.html
                // see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q1
                // no sequences in sqlite
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                // also no sequences in Mysql
                // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html for a workaround
                // look for CREATE TABLE sequence and LAST_INSERT_ID
                List <TSequence> Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

                foreach (TSequence seq in Sequences)
                    string createStmt = "CREATE TABLE " + seq.strName + " (sequence INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, dummy INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(sequence));";

                    if (AWithSequenceInitialisation)
                        // the following line would cause trouble later when loading the demo/base data
                        createStmt = "INSERT INTO " + seq.strName + " VALUES(NULL, -1);";
                List <TSequence> Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

                foreach (TSequence Sequence in Sequences)
                    if (!WriteSequence(ASw, Sequence))

コード例 #4
        private static Boolean WriteTable(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable)
            // Show the table info
            ASw.WriteLine("-- {0}", ATable.strDescription.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " "));
            ASw.WriteLine("-- GROUP: {0}", ATable.strGroup);
            ASw.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE {0} (", ATable.strName);

            // Dump fields
            DumpFields(ATargetDatabase, ASw, ATable);
            DumpConstraints(ASw, ATable, false, true);

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                // use InnoDB, otherwise there are no constraints
                ASw.WriteLine(" ENGINE=InnoDB");

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// create a database file or the scripts for creating a database.
        /// for SQLite that is directly the file,
        /// for the other database systems the sql create table scripts etc are written
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AStore"></param>
        /// <param name="ATargetDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="AOutputFile"></param>
        public static void WriteSQL(TDataDefinitionStore AStore, eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, String AOutputFile)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Writing file to {0}...", AOutputFile);

            FileStream   outPutFileStream = new FileStream(AOutputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;");
                sw.WriteLine("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;");

            List <TTable> Tables = AStore.GetTables();

            Tables = TTableSort.TopologicalSort(AStore, Tables);

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table, true))

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                    DumpConstraints(sw, Table, eInclude.eOnlyForeign, true);

            WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, true);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", AOutputFile);

            string createTablesWithoutConstraints =
                Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AOutputFile) + "_withoutConstraints.sql";

            outPutFileStream = new FileStream(
                FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;");
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;");
                sw.WriteLine("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;");

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table))

            WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, true);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", createTablesWithoutConstraints);

            string removeAllTablesFile =
                Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AOutputFile) + "_remove.sql";

            outPutFileStream = new FileStream(
                FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            Tables = TTableSort.TopologicalSort(AStore, Tables);

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET foreign_key_checks = 0;");

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                sw.WriteLine("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Table.strName + " CASCADE;");

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                // see http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg05123.html
                // see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q1
                // no sequences in sqlite
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                // also no sequences in Mysql
                // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html for a workaround
                // look for CREATE TABLE sequence and LAST_INSERT_ID
                List <TSequence> Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

                foreach (TSequence Sequence in Sequences)
                    sw.WriteLine("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Sequence.strName + ";");
                List <TSequence> Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

                foreach (TSequence Sequence in Sequences)
                    sw.WriteLine("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS " + Sequence.strName + ";");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", removeAllTablesFile);

            WriteDBClean(AStore, Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AOutputFile) + "_clean.sql");

            string LoadDataFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                                  System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +

            outPutFileStream = new FileStream(LoadDataFile,
                                              FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load tables\"; psql petra < petra0203_tables.sql");
            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                // Dump indexes
                sw.WriteLine("echo " + Table.strName + "; psql petra < " + Table.strName + ".sql");

            // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load constraints\"; psql petra < petra0203_constraints.sql");
            // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load indexes\"; psql petra < petra0203_indexes.sql");
            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", LoadDataFile);

            string CreateTablesFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                                      System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                      "createtables-" + ATargetDatabase.ToString() + ".sql";

            outPutFileStream = new FileStream(CreateTablesFile,
                                              FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;");
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                sw.WriteLine("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;");
                sw.WriteLine("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;");

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table))

            WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, false);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", CreateTablesFile);

            string CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                                                     System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                                     "createconstraints-" + ATargetDatabase.ToString() + ".sql";

            outPutFileStream = new FileStream(CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile,
                                              FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
            sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                    // see http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html:
                    // sqlite does not support Alter table add constraint
                    DumpConstraints(sw, Table, eInclude.eOnlyForeign, true);

            foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
                // Dump indexes
                DumpIndexes(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table, eInclude.eIncludeSeparate, true);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile);
コード例 #6
        private static void DumpIndexes(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable, eInclude includeIndexes, Boolean AAdd)
            for (System.Int32 implicit_ = 0; implicit_ <= 1; implicit_ += 1)
                countGeneratedIndex = 0;

                foreach (TIndex index in ATable.grpIndex)
                    // first the automatically generated Indexes
                    if (index.bImplicit == (implicit_ != 1))
                        string indexName = index.strName;

                        if ((indexName.IndexOf("_fkcr_key") != 0) ||
                            (indexName.IndexOf("_fkmd_key") != 0) ||
                            (indexName.IndexOf("inx_s_group_gift") != 0))
                            indexName += countGeneratedIndex++;

                        if (AAdd)
                            if (includeIndexes == eInclude.eInCreateTable)
                                ASw.Write("CREATE ");

                            if (index.bUnique)
                                ASw.Write("UNIQUE ");

                            if (includeIndexes == eInclude.eInCreateTable)
                                ASw.WriteLine("KEY {0} ", indexName);
                                ASw.WriteLine("INDEX {0} ", indexName);
                                ASw.WriteLine("   ON {0}", ATable.strName);

                            string fields = "";

                            foreach (TIndexField indfield in index.grpIndexField)
                                if (fields.Length > 0)
                                    fields += ",";

                                fields += indfield.strName;

                                foreach (TTableField field in ATable.grpTableField)
                                    if ((ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL) && (field.strName == indfield.strName && field.iLength >= 1000))
                                        // avoid keys that are too long (Mysql on 32 bit)
                                        // ERROR 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
                                        fields += "(50)";

                            if (includeIndexes == eInclude.eInCreateTable)
                                ASw.Write("   ({0})", fields);
                                ASw.WriteLine("   ({0});", fields);
                            ASw.WriteLine("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {0} CASCADE;", indexName);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// write the part of the sql creation script for a specific column
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ATargetDatabase"></param>
        /// <param name="ATable"></param>
        /// <param name="field"></param>
        /// <param name="first"></param>
        /// <param name="AWithComments"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string WriteField(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, TTable ATable, TTableField field, bool first, bool AWithComments)
            string result = "";

            if (!first)
                result += ",";

            if (AWithComments)
                result += Environment.NewLine;

                if (field.strDescription.Length != 0)
                    result += String.Format("    -- {0}", field.strDescription.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ")) + Environment.NewLine;

            if ((field.strType == "datetime") && (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL))
                // PostgreSQL does not have type datetime
                field.strType = "timestamp";

            if ((field.strType == "varchar") && (field.iLength >= 10000))
                field.strType = "text";

            if (field.strType == "bit")
                result += String.Format("  {0} boolean", field.strName);
            else if ((field.strType == "number") && (field.iLength == 10) && (field.iDecimals == -1))
                result += String.Format("  {0} bigint", field.strName);
            else if (field.strType == "number")
                result += String.Format("  {0} numeric", field.strName);
            else if (field.bAutoIncrement)
                if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                    result += String.Format("  {0} SERIAL", field.strName);
                else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                    result += String.Format("  {0} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ", field.strName);
                else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                    result += String.Format("  {0} INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE ", field.strName);
                result += String.Format("  {0} {1}", field.strName, field.strType);

            // According to the type we will add parameters
            if ((field.strType == "number") && (field.iLength == 10) && (field.iDecimals == -1))
                // no parameter for bigints
            else if ((field.strType == "varchar") || (field.strType == "number"))
                if (field.iLength >= 0)
                    result += String.Format("({0}", field.iLength.ToString());

                if (field.strType == "number")
                    result += String.Format(", {0}", (field.iDecimals > 0 ? field.iDecimals.ToString() : "0"));

                result += String.Format(")");

            if (field.strDefault.Length > 0)
                if (field.strDefault == "NULL")
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);
                else if ((field.strType == "varchar") || (field.strType == "text"))
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT '{0}'", field.strDefault);
                else if (field.strType == "bit")
                    if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                        result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);
                        result += String.Format(" DEFAULT '{0}'", field.strDefault);
                else if (field.strDefault == "SYSDATE")
                    // MySql cannot have a function for the default value
                    // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/data-type-defaults.html
                    if (ATargetDatabase != eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                        result += String.Format(" DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE");
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);

            if (field.bNotNull)
                result += String.Format(" NOT NULL");

            if ((field.strCheck != null) && (field.strCheck.Length != 0))
                result += String.Format(" CHECK {0}", field.strCheck);

コード例 #8
ファイル: writesql.cs プロジェクト: js1987/openpetragit
    /// <summary>
    /// create a database file or the scripts for creating a database.
    /// for SQLite that is directly the file,
    /// for the other database systems the sql create table scripts etc are written
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="AStore"></param>
    /// <param name="ATargetDatabase"></param>
    /// <param name="AOutputFile"></param>
    public static void WriteSQL(TDataDefinitionStore AStore, eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, String AOutputFile)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Writing file to {0}...", AOutputFile);

        FileStream outPutFileStream = new FileStream(AOutputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);
        List <TTable>Tables = AStore.GetTables();

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table))

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                // see http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html:
                // sqlite does not support Alter table add constraint
                DumpConstraints(sw, Table, true, true);

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            // Dump indexes
            DumpIndexes(sw, Table, true);

        WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, true);

        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", AOutputFile);

        string createTablesWithoutConstraints =
            Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AOutputFile) + "_withoutConstraints.sql";
        outPutFileStream = new FileStream(
            FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

        if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
            sw.WriteLine("SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;");

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table))

        WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, true);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", createTablesWithoutConstraints);

        string removeAllTablesFile =
            Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
            Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AOutputFile) + "_remove.sql";
        outPutFileStream = new FileStream(
            FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

        Tables = TTableSort.TopologicalSort(AStore, Tables);

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            sw.WriteLine("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Table.strName + " CASCADE;");

        if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
            // see http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg05123.html
            // see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q1
            // no sequences in sqlite
        else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
            // also no sequences in Mysql
            // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html for a workaround
            // look for CREATE TABLE sequence and LAST_INSERT_ID
            List <TSequence>Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

            foreach (TSequence Sequence in Sequences)
                sw.WriteLine("DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS " + Sequence.strName + ";");

        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", removeAllTablesFile);

        string LoadDataFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                              System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
        outPutFileStream = new FileStream(LoadDataFile,
            FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

        // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load tables\"; psql petra < petra0203_tables.sql");
        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            // Dump indexes
            sw.WriteLine("echo " + Table.strName + "; psql petra < " + Table.strName + ".sql");

        // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load constraints\"; psql petra < petra0203_constraints.sql");
        // todo: sw.WriteLine("echo \"load indexes\"; psql petra < petra0203_indexes.sql");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", LoadDataFile);

        string CreateTablesFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                                  System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                  "createtables-" + ATargetDatabase.ToString() + ".sql";
        outPutFileStream = new FileStream(CreateTablesFile,
            FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

        if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
            sw.WriteLine("SET client_min_messages TO WARNING;");

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            if (!WriteTable(ATargetDatabase, sw, Table))

        WriteSequences(sw, ATargetDatabase, AStore, false);

        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", CreateTablesFile);

        string CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AOutputFile) +
                                                 System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                                                 "createconstraints-" + ATargetDatabase.ToString() + ".sql";
        outPutFileStream = new FileStream(CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile,
            FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        sw = new StreamWriter(outPutFileStream);

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                // see http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html:
                // sqlite does not support Alter table add constraint
                DumpConstraints(sw, Table, true, true);

        foreach (TTable Table in Tables)
            // Dump indexes
            DumpIndexes(sw, Table, true);

        System.Console.WriteLine("Success: file written: {0}", CreateConstraintsAndIndexesFile);
コード例 #9
ファイル: writesql.cs プロジェクト: js1987/openpetragit
    /// <summary>
    /// write the part of the sql creation script for a specific column
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ATargetDatabase"></param>
    /// <param name="ATable"></param>
    /// <param name="field"></param>
    /// <param name="first"></param>
    /// <param name="AWithComments"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string WriteField(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, TTable ATable, TTableField field, bool first, bool AWithComments)
        string result = "";

        if (!first)
            result += ",";

        if (AWithComments)
            result += Environment.NewLine;

            if (field.strDescription.Length != 0)
                result += String.Format("    -- {0}", field.strDescription.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ")) + Environment.NewLine;

        // this is useful when converting from legacy database, with columns that contain too long strings
        if ((field.strType == "varchar") && (field.iLength >= 20) && (!field.strName.Contains("_code_")))
            field.strType = "text";

        if (field.strType == "bit")
            result += String.Format("  {0} boolean", field.strName);
        else if ((field.strType == "number") && (field.iLength == 10) && (field.iDecimals == -1))
            result += String.Format("  {0} bigint", field.strName);
        else if (field.strType == "number")
            result += String.Format("  {0} numeric", field.strName);
        else if (field.bAutoIncrement)
            if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.PostgreSQL)
                result += String.Format("  {0} SERIAL", field.strName);
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
                result += String.Format("  {0} INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ", field.strName);
            else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                result += String.Format("  {0} INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE ", field.strName);
            result += String.Format("  {0} {1}", field.strName, field.strType);

        // According to the type we will add parameters
        if ((field.strType == "number") && (field.iLength == 10) && (field.iDecimals == -1))
            // no parameter for bigints
        else if ((field.strType == "varchar") || (field.strType == "number"))
            if (field.iLength >= 0)
                result += String.Format("({0}", field.iLength.ToString());

            if (field.strType == "number")
                result += String.Format(", {0}", (field.iDecimals > 0 ? field.iDecimals.ToString() : "0"));

            result += String.Format(")");

        if (field.strDefault.Length > 0)
            if (field.strDefault == "NULL")
                result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);
            else if ((field.strType == "varchar") || (field.strType == "text"))
                result += String.Format(" DEFAULT '{0}'", field.strDefault);
            else if (field.strType == "bit")
                if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT '{0}'", field.strDefault);
            else if (field.strDefault == "SYSDATE")
                // MySql cannot have a function for the default value
                // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/data-type-defaults.html
                if (ATargetDatabase != eDatabaseType.MySQL)
                    result += String.Format(" DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE");
                result += String.Format(" DEFAULT {0}", field.strDefault);

        if (field.bNotNull)
            result += String.Format(" NOT NULL");

        if ((field.strCheck != null) && (field.strCheck.Length != 0))
            result += String.Format(" CHECK {0}", field.strCheck);

        return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: writesql.cs プロジェクト: js1987/openpetragit
    private static void DumpFields(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable)
        // Run over all fields
        bool first = true;

        foreach (TTableField field in ATable.grpTableField)
            ASw.Write(WriteField(ATargetDatabase, ATable, field, first, true));
            first = false;
コード例 #11
ファイル: writesql.cs プロジェクト: js1987/openpetragit
    private static Boolean WriteTable(eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase, StreamWriter ASw, TTable ATable)
        // Show the table info
        ASw.WriteLine("-- {0}", ATable.strDescription.Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " "));
        ASw.WriteLine("-- GROUP: {0}", ATable.strGroup);
        ASw.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE {0} (", ATable.strName);

        // Dump fields
        DumpFields(ATargetDatabase, ASw, ATable);
        DumpConstraints(ASw, ATable, false, true);

        if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
            // use InnoDB, otherwise there are no constraints
            ASw.WriteLine(" ENGINE=InnoDB");

        return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: writesql.cs プロジェクト: js1987/openpetragit
    private static Boolean WriteSequences(StreamWriter ASw,
        eDatabaseType ATargetDatabase,
        TDataDefinitionStore AStore,
        bool AWithSequenceInitialisation)
        if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.Sqlite)
            // see http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg05123.html
            // see http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q1
            // no sequences in sqlite
        else if (ATargetDatabase == eDatabaseType.MySQL)
            // also no sequences in Mysql
            // see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html for a workaround
            // look for CREATE TABLE sequence and LAST_INSERT_ID
            List <TSequence>Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

            foreach (TSequence seq in Sequences)
                string createStmt = "CREATE TABLE " + seq.strName + " (sequence INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, dummy INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(sequence));";

                if (AWithSequenceInitialisation)
                    // the following line would cause trouble later when loading the demo/base data
                    createStmt = "INSERT INTO " + seq.strName + " VALUES(NULL, -1);";
            List <TSequence>Sequences = AStore.GetSequences();

            foreach (TSequence Sequence in Sequences)
                if (!WriteSequence(ASw, Sequence))

        return true;