コード例 #1
        internal void ToDynamoToolKitMeshData(sSystem ssys, eColorMode colorMode, out List <List <Dyn.Point> > vpts, out List <List <int> > findice, out List <List <int> > colorsR, out List <List <int> > colorsG, out List <List <int> > colorsB, double du = 0.0, sRange th = null)
            List <sMesh> sms = new List <sMesh>();
            sRange       dataRange;

            ssys.ConstructBeamResultMesh(colorMode, ref sms, out dataRange, th, du);

            List <List <Dyn.Point> > ppp = new List <List <Dyn.Point> >();
            List <List <int> >       iii = new List <List <int> >();
            List <List <int> >       rrr = new List <List <int> >();
            List <List <int> >       ggg = new List <List <int> >();
            List <List <int> >       bbb = new List <List <int> >();

            foreach (sMesh sm in sms)
                List <int>       ii = new List <int>();
                List <int>       rr = new List <int>();
                List <int>       gg = new List <int>();
                List <int>       bb = new List <int>();
                List <Dyn.Point> pp = new List <Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point>();

                ToDynamoToolKitMeshData(sm, ref pp, ref ii, ref rr, ref gg, ref bb);

            vpts    = ppp;
            findice = iii;
            colorsR = rrr;
            colorsG = ggg;
            colorsB = bbb;
コード例 #2
        public void ConstructBeamResultMesh(eColorMode colorMode, ref List <sMesh> meshes, out sRange dataRange, sRange threshold = null, double du = 0.0)
            if (colorMode != eColorMode.NONE)
                sRange resultRange = GetSystemBeamResultRange(colorMode);

                foreach (IFrameSet bs in this.frameSets)
                    foreach (sFrame b in bs.frames)
                        sMesh sm = b.ConstructBeamColorMesh(resultRange, colorMode, threshold, du);

                dataRange = resultRange;
                foreach (IFrameSet bs in this.frameSets)
                    foreach (sFrame b in bs.frames)
                        sMesh sm = b.ConstructBeamColorMesh(new sRange(0.0, 0.0), colorMode, new sRange(0.0, 0.0), 0.0);
                dataRange = null;
コード例 #3
        public double GetForceDataByMode(eColorMode colorMode)
            double data = 0.0;

            if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
                data = this.force.X;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
                data = this.force.Y;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
                data = this.force.Z;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
                data = this.moment.X;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
                data = this.moment.Y;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
                data = this.moment.Z;
コード例 #4
        public double GetFrameSetDemand(eColorMode forceType, int round = -2)
            double maxDemand = 0.0;
            sRange dataRange = this.GetFrameSetResultRange(forceType);

            maxDemand = Math.Max(Math.Abs(dataRange.min), Math.Abs(dataRange.max));
            //Here everything should be SI Unit!!!

            //if ((int)forceType > 6)
            //    if (forceType.ToString().Contains("Moment"))
            //    {
            //        //N.m > kip.in
            //        maxDemand *= 0.28476439306;
            //    }
            //    else if (forceType.ToString().Contains("Force"))
            //    {
            //    }
            //    else if (forceType.ToString().Contains("Deflection"))
            //    {
            //        //mm to in
            //        maxDemand *= 0.0393701;
            //    }

            if (round > -1)
                maxDemand = Math.Round(maxDemand, round);

コード例 #5
        public double GetStressDataByMode(eColorMode colorMode)
            double data = 0.0;

            if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
                data = Math.Abs(this.stress_Combined);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X)
                data = this.stress_Axial_X;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y)
                data = this.stress_Moment_Y;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z)
                data = this.stress_Moment_Z;
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
                data = this.deflection_mm.GetLength();
        public double GetFlexuralStrength_Vertical(sCrossSection section, eColorMode forceType, IFrameSet fs)
            sKodeStructConverter kcon = new sKodeStructConverter();
            SteelMaterial        mat  = kcon.ToKodeStructMaterial_Steel(section);

            string Code   = "AISC360-10";
            double phiM_n = 0;

            double b_eff  = this.GetBeamEffectiveSlabWidth(fs);
            double SumQ_n = this.GetSumOfStudsStrength(fs);
            // assuming,
            // Shear Stud Anchor
            // Light Weight Concrete : 4ksi
            // solid concrete thickness = 2.5"
            // rib thickness = 3"
            double h_solid  = 2.5;
            double h_rib    = 3.0;
            double F_y      = mat.YieldStress; //?? unit ?? F_y of what??
            double fc_prime = 4.0;             //?? unit ??

            MomentAxis Axis = kcon.ToKodeStructMomentAxis(forceType);

            //?? just this for composite?
            ISection shape = kcon.ToKodeStructCrossSection(section);

            if (shape is ISliceableShapeProvider)
                ISliceableShapeProvider prov = shape as ISliceableShapeProvider;
                ISliceableSection       sec  = prov.GetSliceableShape();
                CompositeBeamSection    cs   = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime);
                phiM_n = cs.GetFlexuralStrength(SumQ_n);
                if (shape is ISliceableSection)
                    ISliceableSection    sec = shape as ISliceableSection;
                    CompositeBeamSection cs  = new CompositeBeamSection(sec, b_eff, h_solid, h_rib, F_y, fc_prime);
                    phiM_n = cs.GetFlexuralStrength(SumQ_n);
                    throw new Exception("Shape type not supported. Please provide a shape object of standard geometry");
コード例 #7
        internal List <Dyn.Mesh> ToDynamoMesh(sSystem ssys, eColorMode colorMode, out List <List <Color> > verticeColor, double du = 0.0, sRange th = null)
            List <sMesh> sms = new List <sMesh>();
            sRange       dataRange;

            ssys.ConstructBeamResultMesh(colorMode, ref sms, out dataRange, th, du);

            List <List <Color> > allcols = new List <List <Color> >();
            List <Dyn.Mesh>      dms     = new List <Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Mesh>();

            foreach (sMesh sm in sms)
                List <Color> cols;
                dms.Add(ToDynamoMesh(sm, out cols));
            verticeColor = allcols;
コード例 #8
        public sRange GetSystemBeamResultRange(eColorMode colorMode)
            double minV = double.MaxValue;
            double maxV = double.MinValue;

            foreach (IFrameSet bs in this.frameSets)
                foreach (sFrame b in bs.frames)
                    sRange bRange = b.GetBeamResultRange(colorMode);
                    if (bRange.min < minV)
                        minV = bRange.min;
                    if (bRange.max > maxV)
                        maxV = bRange.max;
            return(new sRange(minV, maxV));
        public double GetFlexuralStrength_Vertical(sCrossSection section, eColorMode forceType)
            sKodeStructConverter kcon = new sKodeStructConverter();
            SteelMaterial        mat  = kcon.ToKodeStructMaterial_Steel(section);

            string flexuralCompressional = "Top";
            string Code           = "AISC360-10";
            bool   IsRolledMember = true;
            double phiM_n         = 0;

            MomentAxis Axis = kcon.ToKodeStructMomentAxis(forceType);

            FlexuralCompressionFiberPosition FlexuralCompression;
            bool IsValidStringCompressionLoc = Enum.TryParse(flexuralCompressional, true, out FlexuralCompression);

            if (IsValidStringCompressionLoc == false)
                throw new Exception("Flexural compression location selection not recognized. Check input string.");

            ISection shape = kcon.ToKodeStructCrossSection(section);

            FlexuralMemberFactory factory = new FlexuralMemberFactory();
            ISteelBeamFlexure     beam    = factory.GetBeam(shape, mat, null, Axis, FlexuralCompression, IsRolledMember);

            SteelLimitStateValue Y = beam.GetFlexuralYieldingStrength(FlexuralCompression);

            phiM_n = Y.Value;

            if (Y.IsApplicable)
        public MomentAxis ToKodeStructMomentAxis(eColorMode dataType)
            string ax = "";

            if (dataType.ToString().Contains("_Y"))
                ax = "XAxis";
            else if (dataType.ToString().Contains("_Z"))
                ax = "YAxis";

            MomentAxis Axis;
            bool       IsValidStringAxis = Enum.TryParse(ax, true, out Axis);

            if (IsValidStringAxis == false)
                throw new Exception("Axis selection not recognized. Check input string.");

コード例 #11
        void SetColorMode(eColorMode cmode)
            colMode = cmode;
            if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(MPa|Ksi)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(mm|in)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N|lbs)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N|lbs)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N|lbs)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N.m|lb.ft)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N.m|lb.ft)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(N.m|lb.ft)";
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X)
            //    paramName = "colorThreshold(N.m|lb.ft)";
            // else if (colMode == "Stress_Axial_Y")
            // {
            //     colMode = eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Y;
            // }
            // else if (colMode == "Stress_Axial_Z")
            // {
            //     colMode = eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Z;
            // }
            // else if (colMode == "Stress_Moment_X")
            // {
            //     colMode = eColorMode.Stress_Moment_X;
            // }
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(MPa|Ksi)";
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z)
                paramName = "colorThreshold(MPa|Ksi)";

            Params.Input[2].NickName = paramName;
            Params.Input[2].Name     = paramName;
コード例 #12
        public Interval EnsureUnit_DataRange(Interval ran, eColorMode colMode, bool MPaConvert = false)
            Interval urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit(ran.Min, colMode, MPaConvert), EnsureUnit(ran.Max, colMode, MPaConvert));

            //if(colMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Deflection(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Deflection(ran.Max));
            //else if(colMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Force(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Moment(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Y)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Z)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_X)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
            //else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
            //    urn = new Interval(EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Min), EnsureUnit_Stress(ran.Max));
コード例 #13
        public double EnsureUnit(double val, eColorMode dataType, bool MPaConvert = false)
            double valEnsured = val;

            switch (dataType)
            case eColorMode.Deflection:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Deflection(val);

            case eColorMode.Force_X:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Force(val);

            case eColorMode.Force_Y:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Force(val);

            case eColorMode.Force_Z:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Force(val);

            case eColorMode.Moment_X:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Moment(val);

            case eColorMode.Moment_Y:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Moment(val);

            case eColorMode.Moment_Z:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Moment(val);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Y:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Axial_Z:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Moment_X:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

            case eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute:
                valEnsured = EnsureUnit_Stress(val, MPaConvert);

 void SetColorMode(eColorMode cmode)
     colMode = cmode;
コード例 #15
        public sRange GetFrameSetResultRange(eColorMode colMode)
            // Deflection_Local is Z only??????????????
            sRange ran = new sRange();

            if (colMode == eColorMode.Deflection_Local)
                ran.min = 0.0;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.deflectionLocalMax_Abs_mm.Z;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
                ran.min = 0.0;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.deflectionMax_Abs_mm.GetLength();
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.forceMax_Negative.X;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.forceMax_Positive.X;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.forceMax_Negative.Y;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.forceMax_Positive.Y;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.forceMax_Negative.Z;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.forceMax_Positive.Z;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.momentMax_Negative.X;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.momentMax_Positive.X;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.momentMax_Negative.Y;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.momentMax_Positive.Y;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
                ran.min = this.results_Max.momentMax_Negative.Z;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.momentMax_Positive.Z;
            else if (colMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
                ran.min = 0.0;
                ran.max = this.results_Max.stressCombinedAbs;
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (ran.min == double.MaxValue)
                ran.min = 0.0;
            if (ran.max == double.MinValue)
                ran.max = 0.0;

コード例 #16
        public sColor GetBeamResultColor(sRange dataRange, eColorMode colorMode, int resultIndex, int sectionIndex, int alpha, sRange threshold = null)
            sColor         col = new sColor();
            sColorGradient cg  = null;

            if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].force.X;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].force.Y;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].force.Z;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].moment.X;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].moment.Y;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].moment.Z;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].sectionResults[sectionIndex].stress_Combined;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetRainbowLikeGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetNormalizedAt(valThis);//dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);

                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X)
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].sectionResults[sectionIndex].stress_Moment_Y;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                //double remapped = dataRange.GetNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].sectionResults[sectionIndex].stress_Moment_Z;
                cg = sColorGradient.GetCyanRedGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);
                //double remapped = dataRange.GetNormalizedAt(valThis);
                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
                double valThis = this.results[resultIndex].sectionResults[sectionIndex].deflection_mm.GetLength();
                cg = sColorGradient.GetRainbowLikeGradient(dataRange, threshold);
                double remapped = dataRange.GetNormalizedAt(valThis);//dataRange.GetOriginBasedNormalizedAt(valThis);

                col = cg.ColorAt(remapped);
            else if (colorMode == eColorMode.NONE)
                col = new sColor(200, 200, 200);
コード例 #17
        public sRange GetBeamResultRange(eColorMode colorMode)
            double minV = double.MaxValue;
            double maxV = double.MinValue;

            foreach (sFrameResult br in this.results)
                if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_X)
                    if (br.force.X < minV)
                        minV = br.force.X;
                    if (br.force.X > maxV)
                        maxV = br.force.X;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Y)
                    if (br.force.Y < minV)
                        minV = br.force.Y;
                    if (br.force.Y > maxV)
                        maxV = br.force.Y;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Force_Z)
                    if (br.force.Z < minV)
                        minV = br.force.Z;
                    if (br.force.Z > maxV)
                        maxV = br.force.Z;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_X)
                    if (br.moment.X < minV)
                        minV = br.moment.X;
                    if (br.moment.X > maxV)
                        maxV = br.moment.X;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Y)
                    if (br.moment.Y < minV)
                        minV = br.moment.Y;
                    if (br.moment.Y > maxV)
                        maxV = br.moment.Y;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Moment_Z)
                    if (br.moment.Z < minV)
                        minV = br.moment.Z;
                    if (br.moment.Z > maxV)
                        maxV = br.moment.Z;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Combined_Absolute)
                    foreach (sFrameSectionResult secRe in br.sectionResults)
                        double absStress = Math.Abs(secRe.stress_Combined);
                        if (absStress < minV)
                            minV = absStress;
                        if (absStress > maxV)
                            maxV = absStress;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Axial_X)
                    foreach (sFrameSectionResult secRe in br.sectionResults)
                        if (secRe.stress_Axial_X < minV)
                            minV = secRe.stress_Axial_X;
                        if (secRe.stress_Axial_X > maxV)
                            maxV = secRe.stress_Axial_X;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Y)
                    foreach (sFrameSectionResult secRe in br.sectionResults)
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Y < minV)
                            minV = secRe.stress_Moment_Y;
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Y > maxV)
                            maxV = secRe.stress_Moment_Y;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Stress_Moment_Z)
                    foreach (sFrameSectionResult secRe in br.sectionResults)
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Z < minV)
                            minV = secRe.stress_Moment_Z;
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Z > maxV)
                            maxV = secRe.stress_Moment_Z;
                else if (colorMode == eColorMode.Deflection)
                    foreach (sFrameSectionResult secRe in br.sectionResults)
                        double def = secRe.deflection_mm.GetLength();
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Z < minV)
                            minV = def;
                        if (secRe.stress_Moment_Z > maxV)
                            maxV = def;
            sRange ran = new sRange(minV, maxV);

コード例 #18
        public sMesh ConstructBeamColorMesh(sRange dataRange, eColorMode colorMode, sRange threshold, double du)
            sMesh sm = new sMesh();

            int vertexID = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.results.Count; ++i)
                sFrameResult br = this.results[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < br.sectionResults.Count; ++j)
                    sFrameSectionResult sr = br.sectionResults[j];
                    sColor vcol            = this.GetBeamResultColor(dataRange, colorMode, i, j, 255, threshold);
                    sXYZ   deflectionVec   = du * (sr.deflection_mm * 0.001);
                    sXYZ   deflectedPt     = sr.location + deflectionVec;
                    sm.SetVertex(vertexID, deflectedPt, vcol);
                    //sm.SetVertex(vertexID, sr.point, vcol);

                    sr.ID = vertexID;


            int vertexCountPerFace = this.results[0].sectionResults.Count;
            int faceIndex          = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.results.Count - 1; ++i)
                sFrameResult br_this = this.results[i];
                sFrameResult br_next = this.results[i + 1];

                for (int j = 0; j < br_this.sectionResults.Count; ++j)
                    int id0 = 0;
                    int id1 = 0;
                    int id2 = 0;
                    int id3 = 0;
                    if (j < br_this.sectionResults.Count - 1)
                        id0 = br_this.sectionResults[j].ID;
                        id1 = br_next.sectionResults[j].ID;
                        id2 = br_next.sectionResults[j + 1].ID;
                        id3 = br_this.sectionResults[j + 1].ID;
                        id0 = br_this.sectionResults[j].ID;
                        id1 = br_next.sectionResults[j].ID;
                        id2 = br_next.sectionResults[0].ID;
                        id3 = br_this.sectionResults[0].ID;

                    sm.SetFace(faceIndex, faceIndex + 1, id0, id1, id2, id3);
                    faceIndex += 2;
