コード例 #1
        public void CreateSuggestedPurchaseOrder(int vendorID, int employeeID)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                //creating the newPurchaseOrder that will be added to PurchaseOrders
                PurchaseOrder newPurchaseOrder = context.PurchaseOrders.Add(new PurchaseOrder());

                //setting up information in the new purchase order
                newPurchaseOrder.Closed     = false;
                newPurchaseOrder.EmployeeID = employeeID;
                newPurchaseOrder.VendorID   = vendorID;

                //grabbing the inventory items for the vendor selected and selecting the parts that are good to order
                var inventoryItems = from inventory in context.Parts
                                     where inventory.VendorID == vendorID && (inventory.QuantityOnHand + inventory.QuantityOnOrder) - inventory.ReorderLevel < 0
                                     select inventory;
                foreach (var item in inventoryItems.ToList())
                    //create a new PODetail to add to the new PO
                    var newDetail = new PurchaseOrderDetail
                        //Take information from the inventoryItems and add it to the new PODetail
                        PartID        = item.PartID,
                        Quantity      = item.ReorderLevel - (item.QuantityOnHand + item.QuantityOnOrder),
                        PurchasePrice = item.PurchasePrice

                    //add the newDetail to the new purchase order

                //Get the subtotal and tax amount
                newPurchaseOrder.SubTotal  = newPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderDetails.Sum(x => x.PurchasePrice * x.Quantity);
                newPurchaseOrder.TaxAmount = (0.05m * newPurchaseOrder.SubTotal);

                //commit the transaction
コード例 #2
ファイル: SalesController.cs プロジェクト: yzheng16/C-project
        public void UpdateCartItem(int cartItemId, int quantity)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                var existingCartItem = context.ShoppingCartItems.Find(cartItemId);
                var part             = context.Parts.Find(existingCartItem.PartID);
                //customers can add as many items as they want
                //if(part.QuantityOnHand >= quantity)
                existingCartItem.Quantity = quantity;
                //throw new Exception("We don't have enough quantity on hand");

                var existingShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Find(existingCartItem.ShoppingCartID);
                existingShoppingCart.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Today;

コード例 #3

        public void Remove_CartItem(string username, int partid)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                int customerid = (from x in context.OnlineCustomers
                                  where x.UserName.Equals(username)
                                  select x.OnlineCustomerID).FirstOrDefault();

                int shoppingcartid = (from x in context.ShoppingCarts
                                      where x.OnlineCustomerID.Equals(customerid)
                                      select x.ShoppingCartID).FirstOrDefault();

                int shoppingcartitemid = (from x in context.ShoppingCartItems
                                          where x.ShoppingCartID.Equals(shoppingcartid) && x.PartID.Equals(partid)
                                          select x.ShoppingCartItemID).FirstOrDefault();

                var existingItem = context.ShoppingCartItems.Find(shoppingcartitemid);


コード例 #4
        public void ForceCloser_Update(PurchaseOrder closePOData, List <PurchaseOrderDetailsPOCO> closingPODetailsData)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                var result = context.PurchaseOrders.SingleOrDefault(po => po.PurchaseOrderID == closePOData.PurchaseOrderID);

                if (result != null)
                    result.Notes  = closePOData.Notes;
                    result.Closed = closePOData.Closed;
                    //get data from listing for future update
                    foreach (PurchaseOrderDetailsPOCO item in closingPODetailsData)
                        var checkPartExists = (from p in context.Parts
                                               where p.PartID == item.PartID
                                               select p).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (checkPartExists != null)
                        {   //make sure that qnt on order is not negative number
                            if (checkPartExists.QuantityOnOrder >= item.QuantityOutstanding)
                                checkPartExists.QuantityOnHand -= item.QuantityOutstanding;
                                throw new Exception("The quantity on order is less than outstanding quantity.");
                            throw new Exception("Sorry there is no such part number in database.");
コード例 #5
        public void Update_PurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseorder, List <PurchaseOrderDetail> purchaseorderdetails)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                var activeorder = (from x in context.PurchaseOrderDetails
                                   where x.PurchaseOrder.VendorID == purchaseorder.VendorID && x.PurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderNumber == null && x.PurchaseOrder.OrderDate == null
                                   select x.PurchaseOrderID).FirstOrDefault();

                List <PurchaseOrderPartsPOCO> existing = (from x in context.PurchaseOrderDetails
                                                          where x.PurchaseOrderID == activeorder
                                                          select new PurchaseOrderPartsPOCO
                    PurchaseOrderDetailID = x.PurchaseOrderDetailID,
                    PartID = x.PartID,
                    Description = x.Part.Description,
                    QuantityOnHand = x.Part.QuantityOnHand,
                    QuantityOnOrder = x.Part.ReorderLevel,
                    ReorderLevel = x.Part.QuantityOnOrder,
                    Quantity = x.Quantity,
                    PurchasePrice = x.PurchasePrice

                var insertdata = purchaseorderdetails.Where(x => !existing.Any(y => y.PartID == x.PartID));

                var updatedata = purchaseorderdetails.Where(x => existing.Any(y => y.PartID == x.PartID));

                PurchaseOrderDetail detail = new PurchaseOrderDetail();

                foreach (var insert in insertdata)
                    detail                 = new PurchaseOrderDetail();
                    detail.PartID          = insert.PartID;
                    detail.PurchasePrice   = insert.PurchasePrice;
                    detail.Quantity        = insert.Quantity;
                    detail.PurchaseOrderID = activeorder;

                    if (detail.Quantity < 1)
                        throw new Exception("You must have at least 1 quantity for each item in the current purchase order.");


                var purchaseorderdetailpartid = (from x in purchaseorderdetails
                                                 select x.PartID).ToList();

                var existingpartsid = (from x in existing
                                       select x.PartID).ToList();

                // get the different part ID's between the two lists
                var partIdToRemove = existingpartsid.Except(purchaseorderdetailpartid).ToList();

                // convert the partID to the purchaseorderdetailID for that row on the entity
                var removedata = (from x in context.PurchaseOrderDetails
                                  where x.PurchaseOrderID == activeorder && partIdToRemove.Contains(x.PartID)
                                  select x.PurchaseOrderDetailID).ToList();

                foreach (var remove in removedata)
                    detail = new PurchaseOrderDetail();
                    detail.PurchaseOrderDetailID = remove;
                    var existingdetailorderid = context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Find(detail.PurchaseOrderDetailID);

                foreach (var update in updatedata)
                    int detailid = (from x in context.PurchaseOrderDetails
                                    where x.PurchaseOrderID == activeorder && x.PartID == update.PartID
                                    select x.PurchaseOrderDetailID).Single();

                    PurchaseOrderDetail updateDetails = context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Find(detailid);

                    updateDetails.PurchasePrice = update.PurchasePrice;
                    updateDetails.Quantity      = update.Quantity;

                    if (update.Quantity < 1)
                        throw new Exception("You must have at least 1 quantity for each item in the current purchase order.");

                    var newlyadded = context.PurchaseOrderDetails.Attach(updateDetails);
                    var updated    = context.Entry(newlyadded);

                    updated.State = EntityState.Modified;

                // save the changes to database and end transaction
コード例 #6
ファイル: SalesController.cs プロジェクト: yzheng16/C-project
        public void AddToCart(string userName, int productId, int quantity)
            //create a new shopping cart with item
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                var shoppingCartId = GetShoppingCartId(userName);
                var customerId     = GetCustomerId(userName);
                var qOH            = GetQOH(productId);
                //0 means this customer don't have shoppingCart,
                //-1 means this userName is not a online customer

                //this user is not onlineCustomer
                if (customerId == 0)
                    //create a new onlineCustomer
                    var newOnlineCustomer = new OnlineCustomer();
                    newOnlineCustomer.UserName  = userName;
                    newOnlineCustomer.CreatedOn = DateTime.Today;

                    var newShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Add(new ShoppingCart());
                    newShoppingCart.OnlineCustomerID = GetCustomerId(userName);
                    newShoppingCart.CreatedOn        = DateTime.Today;
                    newShoppingCart.UpdatedOn        = DateTime.Today;

                    //customer can add as many items as they want
                    //if (qOH >= quantity)
                    var newCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem();
                    newCartItem.PartID   = productId;
                    newCartItem.Quantity = quantity;
                    //throw new Exception("We don't have enough quantity on hand");
                    //this online customer doesn't have shopping cart
                    if (shoppingCartId == 0)
                        var newShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Add(new ShoppingCart());
                        newShoppingCart.OnlineCustomerID = GetCustomerId(userName);
                        newShoppingCart.CreatedOn        = DateTime.Now;
                        newShoppingCart.UpdatedOn        = DateTime.Today;

                        //customer can add as many items as they want
                        //if (qOH >= quantity) {
                        var newCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem();
                        newCartItem.PartID   = productId;
                        newCartItem.Quantity = quantity;
                        //throw new Exception("We don't have enough quantity on hand");
                    else if (shoppingCartId != 0 && shoppingCartId != -1)//this online customer have a shopping cart
                        var existingShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Find(GetShoppingCartId(userName));
                        existingShoppingCart.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Today;

                        var cartItemId = GetCartItemId(shoppingCartId, productId);
                        if (cartItemId == 0)//in the shopping cart, customer doesn't have this part
                            //customer can add as many items as they want
                            //if (qOH >= quantity)
                            //create new cartItem
                            var newCartItem = new ShoppingCartItem();
                            newCartItem.PartID   = productId;
                            newCartItem.Quantity = quantity;
                            //throw new Exception("We don't have enough quantity on hand");
                        else//customer have this part
                            var exsitingCartItem = context.ShoppingCartItems.Find(cartItemId);
                            //customer can add as many items as they want
                            //if(qOH >= exsitingCartItem.Quantity + quantity)
                            exsitingCartItem.Quantity = exsitingCartItem.Quantity + quantity;
                            //throw new Exception("We don't have enough quantity on hand");
コード例 #7
ファイル: SalesController.cs プロジェクト: yzheng16/C-project
        public void PlaceOrder(string name, string paymentType, int couponId)
            //coupon == 0 means didn't select a coupon
            var shoppingCartId = GetShoppingCartId(name);
            var cartItemIds    = GetCartItemIdsByShoppingCartId(shoppingCartId);

            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                var coupon = context.Coupons.Find(couponId);

                var saleDetailPoco = (from cartItem in context.ShoppingCartItems
                                      where cartItem.ShoppingCartID == shoppingCartId
                                      select new SaleDetailPoco
                    PartID = cartItem.PartID,
                    Quantity = cartItem.Quantity,
                    SellingPrice = cartItem.Part.SellingPrice,
                    //ShippedDate = cartItem.Part.QuantityOnHand >= cartItem.Quantity?DateTime.Today:null,
                    Backordered = cartItem.Part.QuantityOnHand >= cartItem.Quantity?false:true
                var subTotal = (from shoppingCart in context.ShoppingCarts
                                where shoppingCart.ShoppingCartID == shoppingCartId
                                select shoppingCart.ShoppingCartItems.Sum(x => (x.Part.QuantityOnHand >= x.Quantity)?x.Quantity * x.Part.SellingPrice:0)).Single();

                var newSale = context.Sales.Add(new Sale());
                newSale.SaleDate     = DateTime.Today;
                newSale.UserName     = name;
                newSale.EmployeeID   = 1;
                newSale.SubTotal     = subTotal;
                newSale.TaxAmount    = subTotal * (decimal)0.05;
                newSale.PaymentToken = Guid.NewGuid();
                if (coupon != null)
                    newSale.CouponID = coupon.CouponID;
                newSale.PaymentType = paymentType;
                foreach (var saleDetail in saleDetailPoco)
                    var newSaleDetail = new SaleDetail();
                    newSaleDetail.PartID       = saleDetail.PartID;
                    newSaleDetail.Quantity     = saleDetail.Quantity;
                    newSaleDetail.SellingPrice = saleDetail.SellingPrice;
                    newSaleDetail.Backordered  = saleDetail.Backordered;
                    //if it is not out of stock, assign the day to today. Otherwise is null
                    if (!saleDetail.Backordered)
                        newSaleDetail.ShippedDate = DateTime.Today;

                //delete shoppingCart and shoppingCartItem
                foreach (var cartItemId in cartItemIds)
                    var existingCartItem = context.ShoppingCartItems.Find(cartItemId);
                    //update part table's QuantityOnHand attrabute
                    var part = context.Parts.Find(existingCartItem.PartID);
                    if (part.QuantityOnHand >= existingCartItem.Quantity)
                        part.QuantityOnHand = part.QuantityOnHand - existingCartItem.Quantity;
                    //remove existing Cart Item record
                //remove existing ShoppingCart
                var existingShoppingCart = context.ShoppingCarts.Find(shoppingCartId);

コード例 #8

        public List <Part> Place_Order(string username, int couponid, FinalTotalPOCO totals, string paymethod)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                //Get the customers id
                int customerid = (from x in context.OnlineCustomers
                                  where x.UserName.Equals(username)
                                  select x.OnlineCustomerID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (customerid == 0)
                    throw new Exception("You do not have a shopping cart, please add items to place an order");
                    //Create and populate a new Sale
                    Sale newsale = new Sale();
                    newsale.SaleDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    newsale.UserName   = username;
                    newsale.EmployeeID = 301;
                    newsale.TaxAmount  = totals.GST;
                    newsale.SubTotal   = totals.SubTotal;
                    //Check if a coupon has been selected (FK constraint)
                    if (couponid == 0)
                        newsale.CouponID = null;
                        newsale.CouponID = couponid;
                    newsale.PaymentType  = paymethod;
                    newsale.PaymentToken = Guid.NewGuid();

                    //Add the new Sale to database
                    newsale = context.Sales.Add(newsale);

                    //Get the customers shopping cart id
                    int shoppingcartid = (from x in context.ShoppingCarts
                                          where x.OnlineCustomerID.Equals(customerid)
                                          select x.ShoppingCartID).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Get a list of all items in the customers shopping cart
                    List <ShoppingCartItem> useritems = (from x in context.ShoppingCartItems
                                                         where x.ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartID.Equals(shoppingcartid)
                                                         select x).ToList();

                    //Create a list of parts to be filled with backordered parts
                    List <Part> backorderedparts = new List <Part>();

                    //Create a Sale Detail for each item
                    foreach (ShoppingCartItem item in useritems)
                        //Get the corresponding part info
                        Part part = (from x in context.Parts
                                     where x.PartID.Equals(item.PartID)
                                     select x).FirstOrDefault();

                        //Check the remaining quantity of the part
                        if (item.Quantity > part.QuantityOnHand)
                            //Create a backordered sale detail
                            SaleDetail boitem = new SaleDetail();
                            boitem.SaleID       = newsale.SaleID;
                            boitem.PartID       = part.PartID;
                            boitem.Quantity     = item.Quantity;
                            boitem.SellingPrice = part.SellingPrice;
                            boitem.Backordered  = true;
                            boitem.ShippedDate  = null;

                            //Add the backordered part to return list

                            //Add the backordered sale detail to database
                            //Create a regular sale detail
                            SaleDetail saleitem = new SaleDetail();
                            saleitem.SaleID       = newsale.SaleID;
                            saleitem.PartID       = part.PartID;
                            saleitem.Quantity     = item.Quantity;
                            saleitem.SellingPrice = part.SellingPrice;
                            saleitem.Backordered  = false;
                            saleitem.ShippedDate  = DateTime.Now;

                            //Update QuantityOnHand for the part
                            part.QuantityOnHand = part.QuantityOnHand - item.Quantity;

                            //Make change to QOH in the database
                            context.Entry(part).Property(y => y.QuantityOnHand).IsModified = true;

                            //Add the new sale detail

                        //Delete the ShoppingCartItem from users ShoppingCart
                    }//foreach item in useritems

                    //Find and delete the users ShoppingCart
                    var existingItem = context.ShoppingCarts.Find(shoppingcartid);

                    //Save changes

                    //Return any backordered parts for display to user
コード例 #9
        public void Add_ReceivedOrders(List <NewReceiveOrderPOCO> receiveNewOrders)
            using (var context = new eBikeContext())
                int                 id = 0; //this int will hold future PK for update;
                ReceiveOrder        receivedOrdersData        = new ReceiveOrder();
                ReceiveOrderDetail  receivedOrdersDetailsData = null;
                ReturnedOrderDetail returnOrdersDetailsData   = null;

                receivedOrdersData.PurchaseOrderID = receiveNewOrders[0].PurchaseOrderID;
                receivedOrdersData.ReceiveDate     = DateTime.Now;
                receivedOrdersData = context.ReceiveOrders.Add(receivedOrdersData);
                id = receivedOrdersData.ReceiveOrderDetails.Count() + 1;

                foreach (NewReceiveOrderPOCO item in receiveNewOrders)
                    if (item.QuantityReceived != 0)
                    {   //Part table
                        if (item.QuantityReceived <= item.Outstanding)
                            receivedOrdersDetailsData = new ReceiveOrderDetail();
                            receivedOrdersDetailsData.PurchaseOrderDetailID = item.PurchaseOrderDetailID;
                            receivedOrdersDetailsData.ReceiveOrderID        = id;
                            receivedOrdersDetailsData.QuantityReceived      = item.QuantityReceived;


                            var checkPartExists = (from p in context.Parts
                                                   where p.PartID == item.PartID
                                                   select p).SingleOrDefault();
                            if (checkPartExists != null)
                                if (checkPartExists.QuantityOnOrder >= item.Outstanding)
                                    checkPartExists.QuantityOnHand  += item.QuantityReceived;
                                    checkPartExists.QuantityOnOrder -= item.QuantityReceived;
                                    throw new Exception("The quantity on order is less than outstanding quantity.");
                                throw new Exception("Sorry there is no such part number in database.");
                            throw new Exception("The received quantity can't be more than outstanding.");
                    //ReturnOrderDetails Table
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.QuantityReturned.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Notes))
                        returnOrdersDetailsData = new ReturnedOrderDetail();
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.ReceiveOrderID        = id;
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.PurchaseOrderDetailID = item.PurchaseOrderDetailID;
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.ItemDescription       = item.PartDescription;
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.Quantity         = item.QuantityReturned;
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.Reason           = item.Notes;
                        returnOrdersDetailsData.VendorPartNumber = item.PartID.ToString();

                int outstanding = receiveNewOrders.Sum(item => item.Outstanding);
                int received    = receiveNewOrders.Sum(item => item.QuantityReceived);

                if ((outstanding - received) == 0)
                    PurchaseOrder poData = context.PurchaseOrders.Find(receiveNewOrders[0].PurchaseOrderID);

                    if (poData != null)
                        poData.Closed = true;